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Qanun Medika - Medical Journal Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah Surabaya
ISSN : 25412272     EISSN : 25489526     DOI : -
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Articles 214 Documents
The Relationship Between Glucosamine Supplementation and Increased Intraocular Pressure in Patients With Open Angle Glaucoma (at Dr. Wahidin Soediro Husodo Hospital) Rini Kusumawardhany
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 02 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (88.164 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/qm.v1i02.405


Introduction and Objective Researchers postulate that excessive deposits of GAG in the trabecular meshwork restrict outflow. Another theory suggests that increased release of GAG into the aqueous causes an osmotic effect, drawing more water into the anterior chamber, thus causing swelling, a decrease in pore size, and eventually increased resistance to outflow.Either of these proposed mechanisms could lead to an increased thickness of the pore lining and/or decreased outflow, resulting in increased intraocular pressure (IOP). Methods A total of 13 patients (26 eyes) 6 men, 7 women, with average age 62 years were included in this experimental study. IOP was measured before, on 7th day after they began glucosamine supplementation and after discontinuation. Patients had been selected who established the diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma, willingness to using glucosamine, IOP measurements at least 3 times within 2 years, and no associated changes in glaucoma medications or eye surgery.Result  Based on the parametric repeat measure general linear model test, the IOP decreased significantly from during glucosamine supplementation to discontinuation of glucosamine.(P= 0,013, or P< 0,05).  The IOP was increased during glucosamine supplementation compared with before glucosamine supplementation, but the difference statistically not significant. (P= 0,527).The IOP decreased after discontinuation compared with before supplementation, but the difference also statistically not significant. (P=1). There was no significant difference between the left and right eyes in each patient.      
Laporan Kasus Operasi Transeksual pada Kelainan Sex Ambigua dan Hukumnya dalam Agama Islam Nova Primadina
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 01 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.125 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/qm.v1i01.381


Sex Ambigua adalah suatu kelainan yang ditandai dengan adanya kelainan bentuk genitalia eksterna / fenotip yang tidak jelas laki atau perempuan yang disebabkan oleh segala hal yang dapat mengganggu proses perkembangan/ differensiasi sel-sel organ seksual intrauterin. Penatalaksanaannya melibatkan multidisiplin ilmu dan pada tahan akhir dilakukan operasi transeksual. Melaporkan suatu kasus Sex Ambigua pada satu keluarga, dimana terdapat kelainan sex ambigua pada setiap generasi keluarga tersebut ,dan diambil satu kasus penanganan Sex Ambigua ini pada salah satu anggota keluarga mereka, Laki-laki, 29 tahun diikuti hingga selesai melaksanakan operasi transeksual (operasi ganti kelamin) menjadi seorang wanita, serta akan dibahas bagaimana pandangan hukum Islam terhadap operasi ganti kelamin (transeksual) ini. (QM 2017;01:36-43)
Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana Tromboemboli pada Kehamilan Muhammad Perdana Airlangga
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 02 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.789 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/qm.v1i02.633


Venous thromboembolism is both more common and more complex to diagnose in patients who are pregnant than in those who are not pregnant. Pulmonary embolism and deep-vein thrombosis are the two components of a single disease called venous thromboembolism. Pulmonary embolism is the leading cause of maternal death in the developed world. Delayed diagnosis, delayed or inadequate treatment, and inadequate thromboprophylaxis account for many of the deaths due to venous thromboembolism. Successful strategies for the management of venous thromboembolism in nonpregnant patients have been established. However, many of the recommendations for the treatment of pregnant patients who have venous thromboembolism are not based on high-quality data; rather, they are derived from observational studies and extrapolation from studies involving nonpregnant patients. The purpose of this review is to provide a practical approach to the diagnosis, management, and prevention of venous thromboembolism in pregnant patients.
Stroke Lakunar Laily Irfana
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 01 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (130.545 KB)


Stroke merupakan penyebab kematian terbesar keempat di Amerika setelah penyakit jantung, kanker, dan penyakit pernafasan kronis. Angka kematian penderita stroke mencapai 55 %. Dari seluruh kasus stroke, angka kejadian stroke iskemik mencapai 87 % dibandingkan dengan stroke perdarahan. Diantara kasus stroke iskemik tersebut, Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project (OCSP) menyebutkan 25% adalah stroke lakunar. Stroke lakunar cukup penting mengingat sekitar satu dari empat pasien iskemia otak adalah stroke lakunar. Subtipe ini disebabkan oleh adanya oklusi arteri perforator yang didasari oleh adanya proses patologis pada pembuluh darah kecil, dengan faktor resiko utama adalah hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus. (QM 2017;01:78-87)
Pengaruh Pemberian Alga Coklat (Sargassum sp.) Terhadap Enzim Katalase Kelenjar Submandibularis Tikus Rattus Norvegicus Strain Wistar Akibat Iradiasi Linear Energy Transfer (LET) Rendah sariano ferni
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 02 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.023 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/qm.v1i02.490


Background: Background: Intraoral radiography use some lower LET (Linear Energy Transfer) and could penetrate submandibular salivary gland. Radiography have negative impact which is decrease catalase enzyme of human body. Brown algae (Sargassum sp.) has a flavonoid antioxidant, polysaccharides as Fucoidan and alginat (Na-alginat) can be used for immunomodulator, antioxidative and activation modulation of immune. Purpose: To knowing effectiveness of brown algae (Sargassum sp.) on activity catalase enzyme submandibular salivary gland Rattus Novergicus strain Wistar with irradiation low LET. Material and Methods: 28 samples of Rattus Novergicus strain Wistar, weight 200gr, age 2-3months, gender male, sample divide into 4 groups, K1 (control with brown algae dosage 0,018mg/kgbw) K2 (use brown algae and irradiation 4 times), K3 (use brown algae and irradiation 8 times), K4 (use brown algae and irradiation 14 times). Brown algae been given 7days before apply irradiotion on day 8, then did euthanasia and took submandibular salivary gland. After that did measurement activity of catalase enzyme and counted by spectrophotometer with 240 λ. Result: Data were analyze by Shapiro-wilk, One Way ANOVA and Bonferroni. The activity of catalase enzyme have increased; 0,2586 ± 0,1050 (K1), 0,2595 ± 0,0630 (K2), 0,3252 ± 0,1663 (K3), 0,3668 ± 0,0852 (K4) but theres no significant differences  activity of catalase enzyme between one group to other group. Conclusion: Brown algae dosage 0,018mg/kgbw can’t increase activity of catalase enzyme on Rattus Novergicus strain Wistar.
Tinjauan Anatomi Klinik dan Manajemen Bell's Palsy Nur Mujaddidah
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 02 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.544 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/qm.v1i02.634


Bell's Palsy is a peripheral facial nerve weakness (facial nerve) with acute onset on one side of the face. This condition causes the inability of the patient to move half of his face consciously (volunter) on the affected side. The Bell's Palsy incidence is 20-30 cases out of 100.000 people and accounts for 60-70% of all cases of unilateral facial paralysis. The disease is self-limited, but causes great suffering for patients who are not treated properly. Controversy in the management is still debated, and the cause is still unknown. The underlying hypothesis is ischemic, vascular, viral, bacterial, hereditary, and immunologic. Therapy done so far is to improve facial nerve function and healing process. The management of the therapy used will be closely related to the structure of the anatomy and its functions and associated abnormalities. The modalities of Bell's Palsy therapy are with corticosteroids and antivirals, facial exercises, electrostimulation, physiotherapy and decompression operations. Approximately 80-90% of patients with Bell's palsy recover completely within 6 months, even in 50-60% of cases improved within 3 weeks. Approximately 10% experienced persistent facial muscle asymmetry, and 5% experienced severe sequelae, and 8% of cases were recurrent.
Histopathology of Left Ventricular Mice Presented with Electrical Cigarettes (ENDS) and Conventional Yanuarita Tursinawati Tursinawati; Noor Yazid Yazid; Findi Wira Purnawati
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 02 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.75 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/qm.v1i02.516


ABSTRACTElectric Cigarette (ENDS) and conventional contains carbon monoxide (CO) which is a major cause of cardiovascular disease. CO is a dangerous substance since as free radicals it have high affinity for hemoglobin. Thus affinity could lead to tissue hypoxia resulting in cell death (necrosis) started by the cell nucleus pyknosis. In order to further study about the effect, this experiment is conducted to identify the histopathological appearence  of the left ventricle rat against exposure to electric cigarette (ENDS) and conventional. This study was conducted with a post test only control group design method. Samples contained 18 Rattus novergicus rat which was divided in 3 groups: control group (K) as a negative control,  P1 group were exposed by conventional cigarretes, and P2 group were exposed by ENDS. The treatment had been maintained for 30 days, followed by termination to perform the heart organ dissection and HE staining in order to made preparat. Preparat was observed by 400x lens of microscope to identify the pyknosis of the nuclei in 5 field of view. Data were analyzed with oneway ANOVA test with p<0,05 and  CI=95%. This study proved that there was a significant differences of pycnotic nuclei amount among the group (p-value=0,008). There was significant difference between group K with P1 (p=0,004), group K with group P2 (p=0,012). There was no significant difference between group P1 and P2 (p=0,567).It can be conluded that exposure to either electric cigarette (ENDS) or conventional cigarette gives significant effect to cell nucleus pycnosis. Meanwhile, the effect comes from exposure of electric cigarette smoke (ENDS) has no significant difference with conventional cigarette. Keywords:  histopathological appearance of  left ventricle, electrical cigarette, ENDS, conventional cigarette ABSTRAKRokok elektrik (ENDS) dan konvensional mengandung karbonmonoksida (CO) yang diduga berperan utama menyebabkan penyakit kardiovaskuler.CO merupakan zat yang berbahaya karena sebagai radikal bebas dan sifatnya yang memiliki afinitas yang tinggi terhadap Hemoglobin. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan hipoksia jaringan yang mengakibatkan kematian sel (nekrosis) ditandai dengan inti sel yang piknosis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi gambaran histopatologi ventrikel kiri tikus terhadap paparan rokok elektrik (ENDS) dan konvensional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan post test only control group design. Sampel adalah tikus Rattus norvegicus dengan jumlah 18 ekor dibagi dalam 3 kelompok, yakni kelompok K sebagai kontrol negatif, kelompok P1 diberikan paparan Rokok Konvensional dan kelompok P2 diberikan paparan rokok elektrik (ENDS). Sampel diperlakukan selama 30 hari, kemudian diterminasi untuk pengambilan organ jantung dan dibuat preparat dengan pengecatan HE. Pembacaan preparat dengan mikroskop perbesaran 400x untuk melihat inti sel piknotik pada 5 lapang pandang. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Oneway ANOVA dengan p<0,05 dan CI=95%. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna jumlah inti sel piknotik pada ketiga kelompok (p-value=0,008). Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok K dan P1 (p=0,004), kelompok K dan P2 (p=0,012). Namun antar kelompok P1 dan P2 tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p=0,567).Paparan rokok elektrik dan konvensional memiliki efek yang signifikan dibanding kontrol terhadap jumlah inti piknotik. Namun, Jumlah inti sel piknotik ventrikel kiri tikus tidak mengalami perbedaan bermakna antara paparan asap rokok elektrik (ENDS) dan konvensional. Kata kunci: Histopatologi ventrikel kiri, rokok elektrik,ENDS, rokok konvensional.  
Potential of Anti Breast Cancer Black Ethanol Rice Extract (Oryza sativa L). indica) In Decreasing Levels of CA 15-3 Serum in the White Mice Sprague dawley in Induction 7.12-Dimethylbenz (α) Antracene (DMBA) and Estrogen Zanuar Abidin
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 01 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (65.547 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/qm.v1i01.378


Breast cancer is cancer that has the high incidence in Indonesia. Black rice (Oryza sativa L. indica) is a plant that has an anticancer potency. This research aim is to prove black rice as a potential anticancer by using experimental animals, 20 Sprague Dawley female rats aged 7-8 weeks induced breast cancer by using the combination of 7,12-dimethylbenz (α) anthracene (DMBA) and estrogen. Rats were divided into two groups, namely the K-induced breast cancer and a group of P-induced cancer and treated with black rice. Black rice is given in the form of ethanol extract at a dose of 75 mg / kg / day for six weeks. Levels of CA 15-3 serum are used as a parameter. The result showed that the differences in levels of serum CA 15-3 are significant (p <0.05). Serum CA 15-3 level in P group is lower than in K group. This study proved that the ethanol extract of black rice (Oryza sativa L. indica) has potential as an anticancer breast as indicated by decreased level of serum CA 15-3
Femur Pathological Fracture Caused by Metastatic Bone Disease Derived from Foot Squamous Cell Carcinoma Ferdiansyah .; Mouli Edward; Muhammad Hardian Basuki; Deny Mory Aryawan
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 02 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.059 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/qm.v1i02.550


Background : Bone is an organ and the most common site that prone to metastatic cancer and cause serious morbidity. Besides, metastatic cancer to bone will limit skeletal function so that decrease quality of life and even death that most of them caused by its complication.Objective : Reporting a rare case about Squamous Cell Carcinoma that cause femur pathological fracture caused by Metastatic Bone Disease.Material and Method : Case report in women patients 55 years old with femur close fracture one-third middle caused by Metastatic Bone Disease in RSUD Soetomo Surabaya, period May 2015-March 2016.Data is taken retrospectively from medical record through interview, physical examination, radiological examination, and laboratory.Result and Discussion : Patients are treated in hospital because of femur close fracture one-third middle caused by Metastatic Bone Disease.  Based on physical and radiological examination, it is decided being done by skin traction first. The next plan is surgery. Patients are treated with interlocking nail left femur. Evaluation after surgery is done with medical rehabilitation, that is ROM exercise. Until now, 9 months after surgery, patients still control routinely to be done chemotherapy and there is improvement in patient’s condition.Conclusion : Metastatic process in bone often cause pathological fracture. Bone Metastatic is common from Breast, Lung, Prostate and Kideney Cancer. There was no publication before about Bone Metastatic Disease come from Squamous Cell Cancer. Mirel’s score is used as guiding in fixation prior to the next treatment. Decision of surgery is considered through patient’s objective and subjective appraisal that can be calculated in Abdurrahman score system.
Laporan Kasus Cutaneus Discoid Lupus Erythematosus Sarah Yunara; Diah Rahmawati
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 1, No 01 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.432 KB)


Cutaneus Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (CDLE) merupakan penyakit autoimun sistemik dengan penyebab multifaktor, yang ditandai keterlibatan beberapa organ dan sistem oleh karena kelainan imunologi. Manifestasi klinis CDLE bervariasi dan melibatkan banyak organ baik beberapa organ berbeda maupun berkaitan selama periode penyakit berlangsung. Tujuan penulisan laporan kasus ini adalah untuk mengetahui gejala, tatalaksana terapi dan prognosa dari penyakit ini. Penatalaksanaan CDLE bertujuan untuk mencegah terbentuknya lesi baru dan progresivitas dari lesi yang sudah ada melalui edukasi terhadap pasien dan terapi lokal serta sistemik. Penderita dengan CDLE umumnya bersifat lebih jinak dibanding subtipe CLE lainnya. Laporan kasus ini membahas seorang pasien laki-laki, 41 tahun, dengan keluhan bercak merah yang awalnya di belakang telinga menjalar ke wajah dan menyebar ke kulit kepala, dada, punggung, dan sebagian lengan, serta perjalanan penyakitnya hingga pasien rawat jalan. (QM 2017;01:48-59)

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