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PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi
ISSN : 22523758     EISSN : 25283618     DOI : -
Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
Purbawidya is a journal aims to be a peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information. We publish original research articles, review articles and case studies focused on Archaeological research and development. First published since 2012. Purbawidya is managed to be issued twice in every volume, in June and November. Purbawidya has been certificated as a Scientific Journal by The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) since 15 July 2015. Accreditation Number: 695/Akred-LIPI/P2MI/07/2015 Valid thru: August 2018.Our Indeks: DOAJ, Google Schoolar, ISJD,, Indonesia One Search, SINTA.
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Articles 146 Documents
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 5 No. 2 (2016): November 2016

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (765.784 KB) | DOI: 10.24164/pw.v5i2.115


Inscriptions that were discovered in West Java and Banten were not as many as the in- scriptions discovered in Central and East Java. From 39 inscriptions discovered in West Java, nine of which were found in Ciamis Regency. Although there are many publica- tions about the inscriptions, there were no publications that specifically study its pale- ography and the shape of the text characters. When studying inscriptions, paleography is crucial in finding out which type of characters were used. Characters and its shapes in the inscriptions could help to determine from which period it was originated, espe- cially if there was no date mark in the inscription. Therefore the objective of this paper is to read all the inscriptions found in the area, and study the inscriptions paleography, so we can find out more about the date they were made or from which period they were originated. The methodology that will be used in this study is a single text edition, as well as external and internal textual criticism. We will also used comparative method, to compare inscriptions found in Ciamis regency with inscriptions found in other areas. The result of this study would show the diversity of characters and languages found in Ciamis. In addition, based on palaeography, we know that the inscriptions were originated from the-12-16th Century CE. 
TINGGALAN LUMPANG BATU DI TEPIAN DANAU RANAU : Refleksi Subsistensi Masyarakat Pendukung Stone Mortar In Ranau Area: A Reflection In Subsistence Of Ranau Community Nurul Laili
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2014): Juni 2014

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24164/pw.v3i1.6


AbstractOn the shoreline of Lake Ranau there are some megalithic sites with various types of remains. One of the remains is stone mortar. This paper will discuss issues on what are the functions and roles of the stone mortar in the communities around Lake Ranau in the past. The goal of this paper is to know what are the functions and roles of stone mortar in the communities that use it around Lake Ranau. To answer all the issues, an approach on material culture will be used to analogize with same data around Lake Ranau. Its turn out that stone mortar in the area is use as implement to ground and pound grains,  and the mortar are used for daily use.Keywords: Megalithic, Religion, subsistence  AbstrakTepian Danau Ranau di Kabupaten Lampung Barat terdapat beberapa situs megalitik dengan beragam tinggalan. Salah satu bentuk tinggalan budaya megalitik adalah lumpang batu. Permasalahan yang dikemukakan dalam makalah ini adalah apa fungsi dan peranan lumpang batu pada masyarakat Danau Ranau masa lampau. Tujuan dari permasalahan ini adalah untuk mengetahui fungsi dan peranan lumpang batu pada masyarakat pendukung di tepian Ranau. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dikedepankan maka tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kebudayaan materi kemudian akan dianalogikan dengan data sejenis di lokasi lain sehingga akan diketahui fungsi dan peranan lumpang batu pada masyarakat tepian Danau Ranau masa lampau. Lumpang batu di sekitar Ranau berfungsi sebagai piranti untuk menumbuk bahan pangan hasil bercocok tanam. Adapun peranan lumpang batu berkait dengan kepentingan praktis yaitu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Kata kunci: Megalitik, Religi, Subsistensi 
NISAN KUNA DI GARAWANGI, KUNINGAN: Hubungannya dengan Islamisasi Ancient Gravestones of Garawangi in Kuningan: Its Connection with Islamization Effie Latifundia
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 3 No. 2 (2014): November 2014

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7625.738 KB) | DOI: 10.24164/pw.v3i2.39


AbstractThe purpose of this paper was to reveal the past culture of Garawangi community in Kuningan and its connection with Islamization through a headstone and grave ornaments in ancient tombs in the region. Data obtained based on the results of archaeological research in the area of Islamic Garawangi - Kuningan in 2014 which is used a survey method that is equipped with literature studies and interviews. From this research, shape of the gravestone on ancient tombs in the region was an upright stone, no ornate on flat headstones, and decorated flat headstone. Kinds of ornament headstone were geometric such as circle (medallion), floristic tendrils. Based on the distribution of the type of gravestones, tombs in the Garawangi Region were included in the distribution of types of Demak-Troloyo headstone. Type of Demak-Troloyo headstone used by Muslim religious leaders in the past as a headstone on their grave, as shown in the tomb area of Sunan Gunung Jati Cirebon, Raden Patah in Demak, and some ancient tombs in Troloyo. Through the tombstone shape, it can be concluded that the public of Garawangi in the past were influenced by Javanese culture, along with the entry and development of Islam in these regions.  Keywords: Islam, tomb, sepulcher, gravestone AbstrakTujuan tulisan ini adalah ingin mengungkap budaya masa lalu masyarakat Garawangi Kabupaten Kuningan hubungannya dengan islamisasi melalui bentuk nisan dan ragam hias  nisan pada makam-makam kuna di kawasan tersebut. Data diperoleh berdasarkan hasil penelitian  arkeologis Islam di kawasan Garawangi - Kuningan pada tahun 2014 dengan metode survei yang dilengkapi studi kepustakaan, dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian  bentuk nisan pada makam-makam kuna di kawasan tersebut berupa batu tegak, nisan pipih tidak berhias, dan nisan pipih berhias. Ragam hias nisan berornamen geometris berupa lingkaran (mendalion), sulur-sulur floraistis. Berdasarkan dari pembagian tipe nisan maka nisan-nisan makam di kawasan Garawangi termasuk dalam persebaran nisan tipe Demak-Troloyo. Tipe nisan Demak-Troloyo dipakai oleh para tokoh agama Islam pada masa lampau sebagai nisan pada makam mereka, seperti yang tampak pada kompleks makam Sunan Gunung Jati di Cirebon, Raden Patah di Demak, dan beberapa makam kuna di Troloyo. Melalui bentuk nisan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat Garawangi masa lalu mendapat pengaruh budaya Jawa seiring dengan masuk dan berkembangnya Islam di kawasan tersebut. Kata Kunci: Islam, makam, jirat, nisan
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 4 No. 2 (2015): November 2015

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AbstractMass Transportation had become a problem encountered by the Dutch colonial government in their colonies, this includes Banten. These conditions encouraged the development of railway as a solution. The Dutch government successfully opened the railway between Batavia to Anyerkidul, Staatsspoorwegen expanded the line by opening railway from Rangkasbitung to Labuan. The problem discussed in this paper concerned with the placement of a train shelter on the railway line accross Rangkasbitung to  Labuan. This paper is descriptive by using spatial approach data analysis. Builders of the railway line in Banten, including Rangkasbitung - Labuan crossing, aimed to open the inclosure of Banten regions, the exploitation of natural resources, and to reduce security threats that often occurred in the area. The placement of train stops at Rangkasbitung to Labuan traffic was done with the consideration on residential areas, passenger destinations, locations of railway crossing, refueling, and government businesses.  
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013): Juni 2013

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ABSTRACTAnyer is a small port town at the west of Java Island. In the period of Netherland Indie government under governor general H. W. Deandels, the Anyer region received a special attention. The strategic value of this region is shows by some archaeological remains. Based on the research by the description of the remains, there are some buildings that can be grouped into the building that is related to infrastructure of transportation, a semi-sacred building, and a sacred building. Through the archaeological study of the building and the research of the historical explanation, it is discovered that the Anyer region has a strategic value including sailing and trading as well as defense sector Keywords:transportation,shipping, roads, trade ABSTRAKAnyer merupakan kota pelabuhan kecil di ujung barat Pulau Jawa. Pada masa pemerintah kolonial Belanda di bawah Gubernur Jenderal H.W. Daendels, kawasan Anyer mendapat perhatian. Nilai strategis kawasan ini terlihat dari adanya beberapa tinggalan arkeologis. Berdasarkan penelitian lapangan melalui pendeskripsian tinggalan yang ada, terdapat beberapa bangunan yang dapat dikelompokkan menjadi bangunan yang berkaitan dengan prasarana transportasi, bangunan semisakral, dan bangunan sakral. Melalui kajian arkeologis terhadap objek bangunan dan dicari penjelasan secara historisdapat diketahui bahwa kawasan Anyer mempunyai nilai strategis menyangkut bidang pelayaran dan perdagangan serta pertahanan. Kata kunci: transportasi, pelayaran, jalan raya, perdagangan
FUNGSI BAK AIR CIGAROKROK DAN PASIRGOMBONG KAITANNYA DENGAN TAMBANG EMAS COKOTOK ABAD XX The Function of Cigarokrok and Pasirgombong Water Tubs and Its Relation with the History of Cikotok Gold Mining in 20th Century Effie Latifundia
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2015): Juni 2015

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1899.986 KB) | DOI: 10.24164/pw.v4i1.64


The purpose of this paper is seeking to uncover and document Cigarokrok and Gombong water tubs which were built during the colonial period which is associated with the history of Cikotok Gold Mine. The data obtained based on the results of archaeological research on the pattern of distribution of the sites in Cibeber District, Lebak, Banten Province in 2007 with a survey method incorporated with literature studies and interviews. Based on the results, two tanks and dispenser of this water were built during the Dutch period in conjunction with the construction of Cikotok Gold Mine factories. Both the tank and the water dispenser have a value of history and archeology which are still functioning and utilized by the public until now. The functions of Cigarokrok Tubs building are as a container of  water and as a clean water divider for the daily water used by the residents in the Department of Housing Complex of Cikotok Gold Mining Company, Cikotok Gold Mine Offices, and surrounding communities. While the function of Gombong Sand Tubs are as water tub or pool reservoir to circulate water into the water engine (turbine) power plant (hydropower), and then the power is channeled to drive the machines in Cikotok Gold Mine Plant. In addition, the electricity is used to torch Cikotok houses and the surrounding community. Cigarokrok Tubs and Pasirgombong tubs are the physical evidence of building in Cikotok Gold Mine’s heyday which were built during the colonial period with the form and function of surviving and continuing until today as a cultural heritage that should be preserved to be maintained and protected.   Keywords: water, tubs, mining gold, Cikotok area AbstrakTujuan tulisan ini berupaya mengungkap dan mendokumentasikan bak air Cigarokrok dan bak air Pasirgombong yang dibangun pada masa kolonial dikaitkan dengan sejarah tambang emas Cikotok. Data diperoleh berdasarkan hasil penelitian  arkeologis tentang  pola persebaran situs-situs di kawasan Kecamatan Cibeber, Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten pada tahun 2007 dengan metode survei yang dilengkapi studi kepustakaan dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dua bak penampung dan pembagi air ini dibangun zaman Belanda bersamaan dengan pembangunan pabrik tambang emas Cikotok. Kedua bak air memiliki nilai sejarah dan arkeologi yang masih terus berfungsi dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sampai saat ini. Fungsi bangunan bak air Cigarokrok adalah tempat atau wadah penampung dan pembagi air untuk kebutuhan air bersih sehari-hari bagi warga yang ada di kompleks perumahan dinas perusahaan tambang emas Cikotok, perkantoran tambang emas Cikotok, dan masyarakat sekitar. Sedang fungsi bak air Pasirgombong merupakan bak atau kolam penampung air untuk dialirkan ke mesin (turbin) pembangkit listrik tenaga air (PLTA), dan kemudian aliran listrik tersebut disalurkan untuk penggerak mesin-mesin yang terdapat di pabrik tambang emas Cikotok. Selain itu, listrik tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk penerang rumah-rumah penduduk masyarakat Cikotok dan sekitarnya. Bak air Cigarokrok dan bak air Pasirgombong menjadi bukti fisik bangunan masa kejayaan tambang emas Cikotok yang dibangun masa kolonial dengan bentuk dan fungsi masih bertahan dan berlanjut hingga sekarang ini sebagai warisan budaya yang perlu dilestarikan untuk dipelihara dan dilindungi. Kata Kunci: air, bak air, tambang emas, kawasan Cikotok
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 6 No. 2 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1073.261 KB) | DOI: 10.24164/pw.v6i2.205


The findings of three Homo sapiens skeletons in Kidang Cave could provide new informations in treating corpse of prehistoric human. The three skeletals were found in different stratigraphic position, and all of them have different skeletal positions, and different association findings. It provides new insight of the burial, which is known by the human inhabitants of Kidang Cave in treating corpses. The question arises as to whether these three skeletons were from different communities which inhabit the cave of different time periods, or the Kidang Cave is populated by some communities or races. The answer to this research question will be elaborated in paleoanthropological and geo-archaeological studies as well as archaeological findings. The method used is descriptive analytical, so it is expected to contribute to the prehistoric burial system. The results of geo-archaeological and paleoanthropological studies show the existence of two stages of the shelter based on the findings of three skeletons with different identification and pathology.  
Perkembangan Awal Islam di Pamijahan Tasikmalaya: Kajian Makam-Makam Kuno Effie Latifundia
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2012): Oktober 2012

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Abstrak  Pamijahan adalah salah satu desa yang ada di Kecamatan Bantarkalong Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan permukiman berada di pinggir aliran Sungai Cipamijahan. Permukiman dipcrkirakan sudah ada sejak masa prasejarah, religi yang melatarbelakanginya adalah tradisi megalitik dan berlanjut ke masa Islam, dengan ditemukannya persebaran makam-makam kuno bercorak Islam. Unsur Islam di kawasaii tersebut mcndapai pcnganih dari Demak, Bantcn, dan Cirebon. Ha! tersebut dibuktikan dengan bentuk nisan pada makam-makam tokoh penyebar Islam yang tersebar di wilayah Pamijahan mcnunjukkan tipe Demak. Pamijahan Tasikmalaya merupakan salah satu dari tempat berziarah yang terkenal di Jawa Barat yang mengundang kumpulan umat cukup bcsar pada hari-hari besar Islam selain Cirebon, Subang, dan Karawang. Awal Islam di kawasan Pamijahan di bawa dan disebarkan oleh seorang tokoh yang hidup pada abad ke- 17 M, bcliau adalah Syekh Haji Abdu! MuhyiKata Kunci: makam kuno, nisan, keramat, ziarah Abstrack, Pamijahan is one of the villages in the district of Bantarkalong Tasikmalaya regency. West Java Province with a settlement located on the River Cipamijahan. Settlement is estimated to have existed since prehistoric times, religion is megalithic tradition behind it and continue to the Islamic period, with the discovery of ancient tombs spread of Islamic-style. Islamic elements in the region under the influence of Demak, Banten and Cirebon. this is attested by the form of tombstones on the graves of leaders spread Islam spreader in the region indicate the type Demak Pamijahan. Pamijahan Tasikmalaya is one of the famous pilgrimage places in West Java which is large enough to invite a collection of people on the holy days of Islam as well as Cirebon, Subang and Karawang. The early development of Islam in the region and spread Pamijahan brought by a man who lived in the I7th century AD, he is Sheikh Haji Abdul MuhyiKeywords: ancient tombs, gravestones, sacred pilgrimage
Analisis Pseudo Prasasti dari Sukabumi Titi Surti Nastiti; Endang Widyastuti
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012): April 2012

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Abstract. On August 2011, the Pikiran Rakyat Daily Newspaper reported about some inscription which is predicted as an ancient object. Those objects are trust­ed as a material remains from Pajajaran period.Based on observation, according to the substance those inscription are grouped become 3 there are stone, animal skin, and palm. However, based on reading and analysis to those inscription there arc no characteristic which is shows it's an ancient object. Based on alphabet estimation it show that the alphabet on the inscriptions arc inclined almost the same with a faded Roman alphabet letter. So, it summarized that the inscriptions from Sukabumi City is not a remained from pajajaran period.Kata kunci: analisis, epigrafi, kerajaan pajajaran, prasasti
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013): November 2013

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3067.15 KB) | DOI: 10.24164/pw.v2i2.44


ABSTRACTAs we know that the oldest kingdom in West Java is the Kingdom Tarumanegara. Authentic evidence of the existence of such is the kingdom of seven inscriptions, of which five were found in the upstream region is now administratively Cisadane including Bogor regency. Three of the five inscriptions indicate the possession of territory by Tarumanegara kingdom. This indicates that the upstream region Cisadane is an area that is quite important and has the potential to be controlled by Tarumanegara. Key words:upstream of Ci Sadane, Tarumanegara kingdom, control area ABSTRAKSebagaimana diketahui bahwa kerajaan tertua di Jawa Barat adalah Kerajaan Tarumanegara. Bukti otentik mengenai keberadaan kerajaan tersebut adalah adanya tujuh prasasti, yang lima diantaranya ditemukan di kawasan Hulu Cisadane yang sekarang secara administratif termasuk wilayah Kabupaten Bogor. Tiga diantara kelima prasasti tersebut menunjukkan penguasaan wilayah tersebut oleh Kerajaan Tarumanegara. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa kawasan hulu cisadane merupakan kawasan yang cukup penting dan mempunyai potensi yang harus dikuasai oleh Tarumanegara. Kata Kunci:hulu Ci Sadane, Kerajaan Tarumanegara, penguasaan wilayah.

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