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Geomatika (can be called Jurnal Ilmiah Geomatika-JIG) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Geospatial Information Agency (Badan Informasi Geospasial-BIG). All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two experts before accepted for publication. Geomatika will publish in two times issues: Mei and November.
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GEOMATIKA Vol 19, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2013.19-2.211


Pembelajaran Geografi di SMA selama ini dilakukan dengan cara konvensional yaitu ceramah dengan materi dari buku teks yang ada, tanpa alat peraga. Peraga yang digunakan seringkali hanya berupa ilustrasi di papan tulis. Padahal alat peraga merupakan sarana untuk menjelaskan fenomena geografi yang menjelaskan lokasi suatu daerah, fenomena bentang alam dan lainnya, sehingga tujuan pembelajaran tercapai dan terpenuhi. Ketiadaan alat peraga ini menjadikan pelajaran Geografi menjadi tidak efektif dan cenderung membosankan. Alat peraga untuk pembelajaran Geografi yang efektif adalah berupa peta yang akan memudahkan siswa dalam memahami pembelajaran, karena di dalam peta ditunjukkan berbagai informasi yang menunjang pembelajaran Geografi sesuai dengan Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar (KI dan KD). KI dan KD dalam Pelajaran Geografi SMA mulai dari Kelas X hingga Kelas XII, semuanya memerlukan peraga peta sebagai alat bantu pembelajarannya. Dari SK dan KD tersebut, alat peraga peta sangatlah diperlukan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk menyampaikan pokok-pokok bahasan sehingga penyampaian menjadi menarik dan lebih efektif.Kata Kunci: peta interaktif, SIG, perangkat lunak Quantum, geografiABSTRACTLearning Geography in high school has been done conventionally by lectures with contents from textbooks without props or demonstration unit. Illustrations on white boards are most often used as the only props. Whereas props could be used as means to better explained geographical phenomenon such as region‟s locations, landscape phemonenon, and others, thereby learning purposes could be met and fulfilled. The absence of props makes geography learning process ineffective, hence it tends to be boring. A prop that could be effective for geography learning is in forms of map that could make students easy to understand during the learning process, because maps could show various informations that could support geography learning according to Core Competency (KI) and Basic Competency (KD). KI and KD in high school geography student from class X to class XII, that all needs map demonstration unit for its auxiliary learning tools. From its SK and KD, map props is crucial as a learning module to better convey the lessons contents so that the learning process could be more interesting and more effective.Keywords: interactive map, GIS, Quantum software, geography
GEOMATIKA Vol 20, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2014.20-2.151


Kawasan Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang (PIER) mempengaruhi pesatnya laju pertumbuhan pembangunan di Kabupaten Pasuruan sehingga mengakibatkan perubahan lahan atau bentang alam menjadi kawasan terbangun. Hal tersebut membuat keberadaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) yang sering dianggap sebagai lahan cadangan tidak diperhatikan, padahal keberadaan RTH harus sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada bahwa proporsi ruang terbuka hijau pada wilayah kota paling sedikit 30 % dari luas wilayah kota (UU No.26 Tahun 2007). Dalam penelitian ini, pemantauan RTH dilakukan pada tahun 1993 dan 2009 yang dipetakan menggunakan metode penginderaan jauh. Data dasar yang digunakan adalah peta RBI digital dan citra satelit ALOS AVNIR-2. Selain itu juga digunakan algoritma NDVI untuk mendapatkan nilai kerapatan vegetasi dan klasifikasi terselia berdasarkan maximum likelihood (kemiripan maksimum) untuk mengidentifikasi kelas RTH beserta luasannya di Wilayah Barat Kabupaten Pasuruan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa luas ruang terbuka hijau Wilayah Barat Kabupaten Pasuruan pada tahun 1993 sebesar 26346,299 Ha dan pada tahun 2009 sebesar 15987,021 Ha. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi penyusutan luas ruang terbuka hijau sebesar 10359,278 Ha. Meski mengalami penyusutan, Wilayah Barat Kabupaten Pasuruan telah memenuhi persyaratan luas ideal wilayah perkotaan dengan jumlah persentase sebesar 46,846 persen. Selain itu, kawasan PIER juga memenuhi persyaratan kawasan industri dengan jumlah persentase sebesar 74,601 persen.Kata Kunci: ALOS AVNIR-2, NDVI, Peta RBI Digital, PIER, Ruang Terbuka HijauABSTRACTRegions Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang (PIER) affect the rapid rate of growth on development in Pasuruan District resulting land change or nature be becoming a region woke. It is making existence Green Space that is often regarded as land-backup not payed, whereas existence of Green Space must be in accordance with existing regulations as listed in Law-Act No. 26 Year 2007 About Structuring The Space stating that the proportion green space on the region most city slightly 30 percent of the wide city. In this research, monitoring green space is performed in 1993 and 2009 with mapped using remote sensing methods. RBI digital map and satellite imagery ALOS AVNIR-2 are used as base data. Besides that, this research uses NDVI algorithm to get the vegetation density value and supervised classification based maximum likelihood to identify a class green space with that wide in Western Region Pasuruan District. Results of this research indicate us that extensive green space of the Western Region Pasuruan District in 1993 amounted to 26346.299 Ha and in the year 2009 amounted to 15987.021 Ha. Based on these results can be concluded that green space decrease amounted to 10359.278 Ha. Despite decrease, the Western Region Pasuruan District has been appropriate the requirements of widely ideal urbanized area by the number of percentage amounting to 46.846 percent. Besides it, PIER area is also appropriate the requirements industrial area by the number of percentage amounting to 74,601 percent.Keywords: ALOS AVNIR-2, NDVI, RBI digital map, PIER, Green Space
GEOMATIKA Vol 16, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (872.004 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2010.16-2.241


Earthquakes are natural events that are difficult to predict and are always causing casualties or major damage. The concept of mitigation associated with the earthquake hazard requires a hazard map that can be used as the basis of land use regulation in order to avoid casualties in case of disaster. Map of the earthquake hazard have been prepared based on a combination of geologic map information; lithology (rock structure) map, earthquake intensity map, slope map, and a map of fault lines. GIS Method of multi-criteria analysis is used as a means of model simulation. The result of the disaster analysis map shows 13% of the area categorized as low or very prone to stability in case of earthquakes, with the main factor is the existence of fault lines. The result of comparison with previous studies showing there is a similarity level of damage and disaster map analysis, with notes need to increase the level of detail map geological information to improve the accuracy of maps of disaster.Keywords: earthquake, hazard, GIS, multi-criteria analysisABSTRAKGempa adalah kejadian alam yang sulit diprediksi dan selalu menimbulkan korban jiwa maupun kerusakan yang besar. Konsep mitigasi terkait dengan bencana gempa bumi memerlukan sebuah peta bahaya yang bisa dijadikan dasar pengaturan penggunaan lahan dengan tujuan menghindari korban jika terjadi bencana. Peta bencana gempa bumi disusun berdasarkan kombinasi peta informasi geologi yaitu peta litologi (struktur batuan), peta intensitas gempa, peta kelerengan, dan peta jalur patahan. Metode GIS multi-kriteria analisis digunakan sebagai alat simulasi model . Hasil peta analisis bencana menunjukan 13% area masuk kategori stabilitas rendah atau sangat rawan jika terjadi gempa bumi, dengan faktor utama yaitu keberadaan jalur patahan. Hasil komparasi dengan studi-studi sebelumnya menunjukan ada kesamaan tingkat kerusakan dan peta bencana hasil analisis, dengan catatan perlu adanya peningkatan tingkat kedetailan peta informasi geologi untuk meningkatkan akurasi peta bencana.Kata kunci: gempa bumi, rawan, SIG, analisa multi kriteria
GEOMATIKA Vol 20, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (975.509 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2014.20-2.157


Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan memiliki banyak teluk. Teluk sebagai suatu estuaria tertutup memiliki peran strategis sebagai salah satu sumber daya ekologi dan layanan lingkungan. Paper ini mencoba menyajikan kriteria penentuan teluk menurut UNCLOS, dengan aplikasi langsung untuk wilayah Teluk Ekas - Pulau Lombok. Menurut UNCLOS, definisi teluk adalah bentukan laut yang menjorok ke arah daratan dengan luas area yang lebih besar daripada luasan setengah lingkaran berdiameter mulut lekukan di teluk tersebut. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa peta RBI produk dari Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) belum sepenuhnya mengacu pada kriteria teluk yang disyaratkan oleh UNCLOS.Kata Kunci: Kriteria Teluk, UNCLOS, Teluk EkasABSTRACT       Indonesia as an archipelagic country has many bays. As an enclosed estuary, bay area has a strategic role as source of ecological resources and other environmental services. This paper will present a criterion to determine the bay area under UNCLOS, with direct application to Ekas Bay-Lombok Island. According to the UNCLOS definition, the bay area is a marine formation which protrudes toward the mainland with an area larger than the area of the semi-circle had a diameter of curvature at the bay mouth. The results showed that the bay area in Topographic Maps from Agency of Geospatial Information (BIG) had not been fully refers to the criteria required by UNCLOS.Keywords: Bay criteria, UNCLOS, Ekas Bay
COASTAL MORPHODYNAMIC STUDY USING MULTI TEMPORAL DATA IN BANTEN BAY, INDONESIA Kesumajaya, I Nyoman S; Sutikno, Sutikno; Poniman, Aris; Wijanarto, Antonius
GEOMATIKA Vol 15, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.134 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2009.15-2.248


Banten Bay and its surrounding area has been indicated as the coastal areas that serious the environmental problems due to poor management of the natural marine resources that has been going for a long time. This study was carried out focusing on the coastal morphodynamic processes, using the multi temporal satellite images as the main sources of the information. The topographic data of year 1923 has been used for the baseline data for research carried out supported by others thematic data that can be collected for the area of study. The multi temporal images used were aerial photographs at 1:30.000 scale acquired in 1981/1982 and at 1:50.000 scale acquired in 1994; SPOT XS images dated 1990 and 1997 as well as LANDSAT MSS of 1976; LANDSAT TM of 1996 & 2000. Geomorphological map for the study area has been prepared on 1:50,000 scale and the coastal morphodynamic were studied in detail using remote sensing approach completed with the ground-truthing using stratified random sampling techniques. Physical aspect related to coastal changes can be treated throughout vector data gatherred from topographic and the thematic data. The results indicate that there were coastal changes has been found in some where Eastern part of the coast line segment close to Pulau Dua (Dua Islands) as tombolo formation. To the east, Ciujung Delta has been growing with typical bird foot delta. On the other hand, abrasion process took place in Tanjung Pontang (old Ciujung Delta) and also within the coast line segment at Lontar Village. The rate of abration processes within the study area has been 0,0436 mm/yr for the coral islands distributed within shallow coastal sea in the study area, 0,0316 mm/yr along the adesitic volcanic coast line at the western part of the study area, and 0,503mm/yr in soft sediment rock area. Deposition processes were also active in the coastal area between Bojonegoro up to Kamanjungan that is indicated by the bathymetry changes from 2.5 m in the year 1923 to < 1.25 m at present condition in the Karanghantu harbor at a distance of 100 m from the present coast line.Keywords: morphology, dynamics, coastal zone, remote sensing, coastline change.
GEOMATIKA Vol 20, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (981.725 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2014.20-2.162


UU No. 23/2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah telah ditetapkan pada tanggal 29 September 2014, dan menggantikan UU No. 32/2004. Berbeda dengan UU No. 32/2004, pada UU No. 23/2014 dengan jelas dan tegas diperkenalkan dua macam (kelompok) daerah provinsi, yaitu provinsi pada umumnya dan provinsi yang berciri kepulauan. Pertanyaannya adalah mana-mana saja yang dapat disebut provinsi kepulauan dan mana yang bukan berciri kepulauan menurut ketentuan Pasal 1 butir 19 UU No. 23/2014. Diperlukan metode perhitungan yang cermat dan akurat dimana data geospasial yang andal dan memadai sangat menentukan sehingga data geospasial “seamless” peta NKRI Edisi 2014 yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Metode perhitungan luas wilayah (darat dan laut) dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak pendukung analisis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Input data berupa koordinat geografis titik-titik poligon batas wilayah termasuk poligon batas wilayah laut yang dikonstruksi berdasarkan definisi alokasi batas laut provinsi menurut ketentuan Pasal 14 dan 17 UU No. 23/2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 16 provinsi dinyatakan secara geospasial memenuhi kriteria definisi provinsi kepulauan sesuasi Pasal 1 butir 19 UU No. 23/2014. Sedangkan 18 provinsi lainnya dinyatakan tidak memenuhi kriteria definisi sebagai provinsi kepulauan.Kata Kunci: uji geospasial, provinsi kepulauan, UU No. 23/2014, Pemerintahan Daerah, IndonesiaABSTRACTThe provision of the Republic Act Nr. 23/2014 (UU-RI No. 23/2014) concerning Local Government enacted since 29 September 2014 is replacing the UU No. 32/2004. One of interested geospatial aspect in the revision is that the UU No. 23/2014 differenciating two types of provinces, i.e province in common type and archipelagic province in character type. The question addressed in this research is which provinces are regarded as archipelagic province in character and how to test its suitable geospatially in acordance to Point 19 of Article 1 UU No. 23/2014.. This research requires accurate geospatial data and computation method in testing and analysis it, so that the seamless NKRI Map 2014th edition of Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) data are used in this research. A computation method for calculating the land and marine areas of a province were carried out using the GIS software. Input data for area calculation is geographical coordinates of polygon points of a province boundaries include the marine boundary polygon of province which had been constructed first based on marine alocation definition in accordance to Articles 14 and 17 of UU No. 23/2014. The outcome of this research show that 16 provinces are geospatially fulfill the definition of archipelagic province criteria as stipulated in Article 1 point 19 UU No. 23/2014. While the other 18 provinces failed the geospatial test criteria. Keywords: geospatial test, archipelagic province, UU No. 23/2014, Local Governance, Indonesia
GEOMATIKA Vol 15, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (654.143 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2009.15-2.253


Bungus Bay has potential natural resources such as white and moderately sloped sandy beach, from north to south with strategic position near the capital of West Sumatra Province. The study aims to define coastal characteristic using GIS technique. The methods used in this study is spatial analysis using GIS. The result shows that coastal characteristic at Bungus Bay area can be divided into four types, these are: (1) sandy beach with area of 76,26 hectare, (2) rocky beach with area of 4,84 hectare, (3) mangrove beach with area of 19,10 hectare and (4) cliff beach with area of 32,98 hectare.Keywords: Geographic Information System (GIS), coastal characteristic, Bungus Bay.ABSTRAKTeluk Bungus memiliki sumberdaya alam yang sangat potensial dengan pantainya yang landai dan berpasir putih, membujur dari utara ke selatan dan posisinya sangat strategis dekat dengan ibukota provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakteristik pantai dengan menggunakan SIG. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis spasial. Berdasarkan hasil analisis secara spasial, diperoleh bahwa untuk karakteristik pantai pada daerah penelitian dapat dibagi menjadi empat tipe, yaitu: (1) pantai berpasir dengan areal seluas 76,26 hektar, (2) pantai berkerakal dengan areal seluas 4,84 hektar, (3) pantai berbakau dengan areal seluas 19,10 hektar dan (4) pantai bertebing dengan areal seluas 32,98 hektar.Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG), karakteristik pantai, Teluk Bungus.
GEOMATIKA Vol 19, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2013.19-1.167


ABSTRAKPermasalahan yang timbul pada citra satelit optik di negara-negara tropis adalah liputan awan. Tingginya liputan awan menyebabkan pemanfaatan data citra satelit optik menjadi kurang optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan metode cloud removaluntuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Metode yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan nilai maksimum indek vegetasi dan data multitemporal. Nilai indek vegetasi dari awan dan bayangan awan adalah ekstrim rendah. Sehingga untuk menghilangkan awan dan bayangan, strategi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah memilih nilai maksimum indek vegetasi dari data multitemporal. Hasil cloud removal dari percobaan dengan menggunakan indek vegetasi dan data multitemporal menunjukkan bahwa citra satelit bebas dari awan dan bayangan awan dan penampakan citra meningkat secara visual. Secara kuantitatif, kelebihan dari metode cloud removal dengan menggunakan indek vegetasi dan data multitemporal ini dapat menghilangkan awan secara keseluruhan. Secara teknis, metode ini mempunyai kelebihan yaitu handal, mudah diterapkan dan memperoleh hasil yang optimal.  Kata Kunci: Cloud Removal, SPOT-4, NDVI, Data Multitemporal. ABSTRACTProblem arises in optical satellite imagery in tropical countries is cloud coverage. Utilization of optical satellite image data is not optimum due to the high cloud coverage. The purpose of this research is to develop a cloud-removal method to overcome the problem. This study developed a method using maximum vegetation index and multi-temporal data. Vegetation index values of cloud and cloud shadow is extremely low. Therefore, a strategy used in this study was to select the maximum of vegetation index value from multitemporal data to remove cloud and cloud shadow. The cloud removal resulted from the implementation of vegetation index and multitemporal data shows that the satellite imagery became clear and the visual effect was also enhanced. Quantitatively, the advantage of cloud removal method using vegetation index and multitemporal data is that it can eliminate the cloud as a whole. Technically speaking, this method has several advantages to be reliable, easy to apply and obtain optimum results. Keywords: Cloud Removal, SPOT-4, NDVI, Multitemporal Data. 
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (610.023 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2015.21-1.469


Seperti kota-kota lain di dunia, perkembangan pembangunan di Kota Semarang sangat pesat. Pemantauan dan analisis kondisi fisik suatu wilayah sangat penting untuk dilakukan terhadap wilayah dengan tingkat dinamika yang cukup tinggi. Terjadinya pembangunan berpengaruh pada perubahan morfologi aliran permukaan dan kondisi tutupan lahan di sekitarnya, sehingga perlu adanya monitoring secara berkala. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan model spasial aliran permukaan yang nantinya digunakan untuk monitoring tutupan lahan yang ada di Kota Semarang. Hal ini perlu didukung dengan analisis klasifikasi tutupan lahan sehingga menjadi rujukan dalam konservasi daerah pengaliran sungai baik di daerah hulu (recharge area), daerah tengah sebagai penyangga dan daerah hilir sebagai tempat berkumpulnya aliran permukaan yang merasakan dampak paling besar dalam kerusakan. Monitoring aliran permukaan dan kondisi tutupan lahan dapat dilakukan secara cepat dan tepat menggunakan analisis spasial dengan memanfaatkan data DEM (Digital Elevation Model) dan citra satelit. Pemodelan hidrologi aliran permukaan dan kondisi tutupan lahan di atasnya dapat dianalisis secara bersamaan berbasis spasial dengan teknologi Remote Sensing dan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Didapat hasil luas vegetasi yang lebih dari 30% tidak sampai di separuh jumlah DAS (Daerah Aliran Sungai) yang ada, tepatnya hanya 5 (lima) DAS dari keseluruhan 12 (dua belas). Luas terbesar ada di DAS Blorong 62,41%. Dari analisis NDVI lahan bervegetasi dan vegetasi jarang mendominasi sampai 60%. Konservasi dan perlindungan kawasan bervegetasi pada DAS harus dilakukan untuk menghindari efek yang ditimbulkannya seperti bencana banjir.Kata kunci:  aliran permukaan, daerah aliran sungai, tutupan lahan, kerapatan vegetasi, Remote Sensing, Sistem Informasi GeografisABSTRACTLike other cities in this world, the development in Semarang is very rapidly. Monitoring and analysis of the physical condition is very important to a region with a high level dynamic. The development give effect to the morphological changes in surface runoff and land cover conditions in the vicinity, so periodic monitoring is needed. The purpose of this study is to generate a spatial model of runoff that will be used for monitoring land cover in the city of Semarang. This should be supported by the analysis of land cover classification so that makes reference to the conservation of the drainage area of the river both upstream (recharge area), central area as a buffer, and downstream areas as a gathering place for runoff that is the part that felt the most impact in damages. Monitoring the flow of surface and condition of land cover can be done quickly and accurately using spatial analysis of data utilizing DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and satellite imagery. Hydrological modelling runoff and land cover conditions on it can be analyzed simultaneously with technology spatial using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems. Technology obtained results of extensive vegetation of more than 30% less than in half the number of existing watershed, rather only 5 (five) watershed on the whole 12 (twelve). The largest area is in the Blorong watershed 62.41%. From the analysis of NDVI vegetated land and sparse vegetation rarely indomination up to 60%. Conservation and protection of vegetation in the watershed region must be taken to avoid its effects such as floods.Keywords: runoff, watershed, land cover, vegetation density, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems
GEOMATIKA Vol 19, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.025 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2013.19-1.172


Gempa bumi Padang 2009 (Mw=7,6) adalah salah satu gempa bumi kuat di Sumatera setelah gempa bumi kuat Aceh 2004 dan Nias 2005. Gempa tersebut sangat menarik untuk diteliti karena memiliki magnitudo gempa (Mw = ~7), dengan jarak hyposenter gempa bumi yaitu RPadang = 140 km (< 200 km). Azimuth episenter stasiun geomagnet Kototabang (KTB) memiliki arah 2050 UT (Utara-Timur) terhadap posisi episenter. Analisis emisi ULF (Ultra Low Frequency, f < 0,1 Hz) yang terekam pada magnetogram, telah dilakukan dengan menganalisis spektrum frekuensi pada saat sebelum – saat kejadian (pre-seismic) guna mengetahui seberapa besar jangkauan frekuensi yang muncul akibat aktifitas seismogenik. Dalam penelitian ini metode polarisasi power rasio telah digunakan untuk mendapatkan waktu mula (onset time) untuk prekursor gempa. Selanjutnya, dengan Fungsi Transfer Stasiun Tunggal (Transfer Function Single Station) azimuth dari anomali konduktivitas akibat aktivitas seismogenik dapat diketahui. Hasilnya adalah ditemukan waktu mula (Onset Time) dan azimuth dari anomali konduktivitas dimana anomali emisi ULF diketahui selama 26 hari sebelum kejadian dengan arah azimuth dari perhitungan fungsi tranfer adalah 2050. Dengan demikian informasi anomali emisi ULF dengan menggunakan data geomagnet dapat menentukan prekursor gempa bumi dengan jangka pendek (short -time). Kata Kunci: Gempa Sumatera, Emisi ULF, Prekursor Gempa Bumi, Jangka Pendek.  ABSTRACT The 2009 Mw=7.6 Padang earthquake is among strong earthquakes in Sumatra after the Aceh 2004 and Nias 2005 strong earthquakes. Research on this earthquake is very interesting because it has a high magnitude (Mw=~ 7), with distance to hypocenter was RPadang = 140 km or (< 200 km). Azimuth epicenter from Kototabang Geomagnetic Station (KTB) has directions to 2050 NE to the position of the epicenter. Analysis of Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) emissions ( f < 0.1 Hz), that was recorded on the magnetogram, was analyzed by using the frequency spectrum at the time prior to the event (pre-seismic) to determine how large was the range of frequencies that arise from the seismogenic activity. Furthermore, by using polarization power ratio method, the first time (onset time) for earthquake precursors was obtained. The azimuth of anomalous conductivity due seismogenic activity can be known by using a Transfer Function Single Station. The result shows that the Onset Time and azimuth were found from which the conductivity anomaly known anomaly ULF emissions during the 26 days prior to the event with the azimuth direction of the transfer function calculation is 2050. Thus the anomalous information of ULF emissions with geomagnetic data can be used to determine earthquake precursors in relatively short-time.  Keywords: Sumatra Earthquake, ULF emission, Earthquake Precursor, And Short Term.

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