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International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies
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International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies (pISSN: 2550-0600 eISSN: 2549-6530 is an international journal that has coverage on Education Social Sciences which have relevance to science education, sociology, politics, history, economics, geography, anthropology, history of contributing to the formation of good citizens within the framework of Education Social Sciences.
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Articles 183 Documents
Improving ecological intelligence of students through the Utilization of inorganic waste in making flipchart as a Learning media of social science (classroom action research At smpn 3 lembang kab. Bandung barat class viii-b) Aziizah, Nur Rohiimatullah
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Method For Learning
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v2i1.8659


Environmental disrespectful behavior such as the habit of littering, indifferent aboutthe consumption of the environmentally friendly products, then the lack of knowledge ofstudents about environment, also low ability of students in utilizing waste reflect that theecological intelligence of class VIII-B SMPN 3 lembang is still lacking. Therefore it isnecessary to take ways to improve the ecological intelligence of students. The effortsmade for that is by utilizing inorganic waste in making flipchart as a learning media ofsocial science. The expected objective of the research is improving the ecologicalintelligence of students in utilizing inorganic waste by describing started from planning,implementation, constraints and result of the improvement of the ecological intelligence ofstudents. The classroom action research uses model of Elliot. The result of the research,first, the planning process is conducted to determine SK/KD, preparing RPP includesapplying the flipchart media and preparing research instrument. Second, theimplementation process is implementing learning aligned with the planning of theresearch. Third, the constraints in the research is, the students are puzzled yet to determinethe theme of the flipchart which is made constraints, furthermore, make studentsconsciously keeping the environment around them. Fourth, the result in the research showsthe increasing in each cycle. Cycle I ecological intelligence of students in utilizinginorganic waste reached the category of “enough” that is 66.6%. Cycle II reached the“good” category that is 80.3%, and cycle III reached the “good” category that is 82.8%.Therefore it can be concluded that the utilization of inorganic waste made as a media oflearning in the form of flipchart includes Including planning, implementation, andconstraints and results obtained could improve the ecological intelligence of students.
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Research Social Studies
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v2i2.10166


Abstract-This research related to the development of the potential of ecopreneurship students through project-based learning. The purposeof this research is caused by unrest demonstrated by students either in the process of learning which is very flat as well as assessment of the student's active role in the learning or suggested the practice as a form of character development. Researchers take a character-based entrepreneurial environment because the research location close to traditional and modern market. Problem formulated which examined is, related how the design, implementation, as well as the obstacles that occur in this research. The research method used is the classroom action research method using designs from Lewin according to Elliot. The design research of Lewin according to Elliot in each cycle begins with planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques used are observation, field note, and documentation study. The instrument used is the observation sheet and rubric. Based on the research that has been done shows that project-based learning model can be an alternative model which could develop the potential of ecopreneurship grade VII-A MTS. Ar-Rohmah Bandung. This can be seen from the increase in the indicators of research after two cycles with a total of eight actions. The increase occurred on the indicators create, explore, creative, innovative, and confident. The results of this research can be an alternative to developing the social studies study that allows students to explore his creativity by doing a practice jump, so that learning becomes more meaningful for teachers as a student or as a character-forming the subject of the creation of the character.Keywords: project-based learning, the potential ecoprenership.
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Learning Social Science Education
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v1i2.4711


This article was written to analysed (1) Implementation of Adiwiyata Programme in SMPN 3 Sukabumi that is the policy with vision of environmental, curriculum execution based of environmental, environmental activity based of partisipation, equipment management supported of environmental friendliness and resistance execution of Adiwiyata Programme (2) Behavioral of school citizen into management school environmental. This research to use descriptive cualitatif method. The selection of research subject with purpossive method. Data were collected by using interview, square observation, and documentation. The finding of the research showed that (1) Implementation of Adiwiyata Programme in SMPN 3 Sukabumi to pass the policy will vision of environmental like a visi, misi and school purpose ready inserted in the protection and management environmental policy. Curiculum execution based of environmental like a monolitic and integration, environmental activity based of partisipation like a “Gerebek Sampah” and “Sampah Balad Kuring” programme, equipment management supported of environmental friendliness like to use the school area to like chemists, green house, fishpond, and bank sampah. Resistance execution of Adiwiyata Programme was not yet to prepare laboratory and equipment supported to PLH study, school area still narrow, and canteen still to use plastical stuff to food packing. Citizen of SMPN 3 Sukabumi was behavioral is mind in environmental management like is planting and take care of croop, to select and throwing away garbage, to using economize water, electric and paper. Key words: Adiwiyata programme, behaviour, environmental management.
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Research Social Studies
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v2i2.10157


Abstract-The globalization causes Indonesian people prefer to choose foreign cultures compared with preserve their local culture. Beside the local cultured that begin to be threatened, the globalization also affects the decreasing of peoples’ social attitudes and social behavior, this will certainly vulnerable with the cause of social conflicts. In other aspect. The problems also arise in the social studies education learning which is considered boring, where the material taught does not relate with phenomena of local social and cultural that develop around students. This fact must be sought solution, one of the solutions developed in this research is exploring the values of tahlilan tradition in the social environment of Gintung Ranjeng village, and expected can be used as learning sources that are integrated in the social interaction topic in the social studies education subjects. The findings of this research are : One, the people of Gintung Ranjeng village still hold the tradition of tahlilan with the purpose as one way of their worship to Allah SWT, give console and empathy to abandoned families, efforts to strengthen social relations among society, and  prevent the conflict in the community. Two, the interaction pattern of Gintung Ranjeng society is found in the tradition of tahlilan, it can be seen in the activity of “atur-atur” and “ngobeng” activities in tahlilan tradition. Three, tahlilan tradition that has a noble value in the social relations, can be used as learning sources in social studies especially on the subject matter social interaction. Keywords : Tahlilan Tradition, Social Interaction, and Social Studies
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Classroom Action Research
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v1i1.2089


Background of this research is about issue that exist in VIII-C class of Junior High School Kartika XIX-2 Bandung there are less of participations students in questions and answer in social science learnings. This is because social science learnings has less involve of students. Based on the issue, it needs to be done some repraration which can make students get involved directly in social science learnings. Researcher choose clas act research (CAR) with model design investigation Kemmis Mc. Taggart (1998) that consist of planning, implementation, observation and reflections that consent in three cycle. Researcher try to improve students participation with probing and prompting learning technique in social science learnings. The successful of this research of this research can be seen from the improvement of learning participations which are showed through the development from some indicators; one of them is students emotional and mental involvement. Students willingness give contribution to reach the purpose and enthuasiasm in learning which can give advantages for students. In the research, the biggest obstacle was the difficults in escalating students ,otivations to read various information regarding materials. The result of the research proves that the application of the learning technique probing and prompting learning is definitely effective in improving students participation in questions and answer of social science learning. 
The Implementation Of Outdoor Study Method In Improving Students Critical Thinking Skills In Social Study Syahril, Agam Muhamad
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Method For Learning
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v2i1.8665


The background of this research was defined based on the issue that the researcher found in the process of social study which showed students with low critical thinking skills. The research aims to address the problem through the implementation of the outdoor study. The implementation of outdoor study was believed could be a proper learning method in developing students’ critical thinking. The method used in this study was classroom action research. Indicators of critical thinking listed in this study were give simple descriptions with sub indicators of identifying or formulating questions, identifying the answers, arguments, and opinion by using their own ideas, commenting on the problem and appreciating others’ opinion. Analyzing by using sub indicators of comprehending the findings, connected the findings with the materials, and identifying the problems. The conclusion was established by using sub indicators of giving solution to the existed problems, giving the conclusion based on the materials and the problem emerged during the research. According to the findings, it was denoted that all aspects of the critical thinking indicators were successfully done. It could be seen from the improvement showed by the students in every cycle through the implementation of outdoor study. The connection between outdoor study and the improvement of students’ critical thinking skills was the implementation of outdoor study method introduced the students to the contexts whilst in usual, students only learn through the books, so the outdoor study makes the learning more contextual and meaningful. Also, it could train students’ critical thinking. The general conclusion was the implementation of outdoor study method could improve students’ critical thinking skills in social study at class 8J in SMPN 4 Cimahi.
Penggunaan Lagu-Lagu Kritik Sosial Untuk Mengembangkan Rasa Empati Siswa Terhadap Kelompok Marginal Perkotaan Dalam Pembelajaran IPS (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Siswa Kelas VIII-A SMP Negeri 29 Bandung) Assidiq, Muhammad Irfan
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Classroom Action Research
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v1i1.1904


Penelitian ini dilakukan atas keresahan penulis terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi di kelas  8 SMPN 29 Bandung terkait sikap empati siswa saat observasi yang dilakukan dalam beberapa kali pertemuan dalam rentang waktu bulan Februari 2015. Indikator permasalahan yang dijumpai adalah  antusiasme belajar  yang rendah, rendahnya  tanggung jawab  siswa  dalam pembelajaran,  serta rendanya tingkat empati siswa antar sesama. Meninjau permasalahan yang akan diteliti berkaitan dengan proses pembelajaran, maka peneliti memilih Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan desain penelitian Kemmis dan McTaggart  dalam 3 siklus. Alternatif pemecahan masalah yang dipilih yaitu penerapan media lagu-lagu kritik sosial. Pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar menggunakan  media lagu-lagu kritik sosial  sebagai alternatif  mengembangkan sikap empati siswa terhadap kaum marjinal perkotaan dapat dikatakan berhasil. Adapun  pengembangan sikap empati siswa dapat dilihat dari perkembangan indikator empati siswa yaitu siswa  mampu mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan dan kebutuhan masyarakat marjinal, siswa memahami hal yang terkait kehidupan kaum miskin yang termarjinalkan, siswa sudah mulai terdapat kesadaran aspek-aspek kecil yang berhubungan secara tidak langsung dengan kelompok masyarakat marjinal, siswa sudah mulai memiliki kesadaran mengenai dampak kondisi kehidupan kaum marjinal, memahami secara utuh kondisi kehidupan kaum marjinal karena sudah merasakan apa yang dirasakan kaum marjinal, siswa memiliki pemikiran untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan bagi kaum marjinal.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUTAINMENT LEARNING MODEL IN SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATION/IPS Research and Development Study on IPS education at elementary level in Bandung and Cimahi Kusmarni, Yani
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Learning Social Science Education
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v1i2.4771


This research is Entitled “The Development of Edutainment Learning Model in Social Science Education/IPS (Research and Development Study on IPS education at elementary level in Bandung and Cimahi)”is created to gain a model based on developing learning process in the classroom. This research is also based on the importance of teachers’ creativity in making a fun learning yet still accommodating for the achievement of compentences. Various innovation on IPS education in contextual study have been grown in school and varsity level, it makes various methods have been created by the teachers. However, those innovation still lacks in the accommodating students to reach the competence expected to them. This research will analyze, process, and describe various innovation in IPS learning which are based on Edutainment, which will be conducted in Elementary School (SD/SMP) in Bandung and Cimahi. The focus will be on describing the competences achievement based on the Edutainment learning model. The Competence of Passing Students (Kompetensi Pencapaian Lulusan) is not based on Cognitive aspect only. It needs applicable development of skills. This research uses Research and Development Study which has been begun on this first step which is Descriptive Study which trying to develop critical thinking through Edutainment. t\Through this research, hopefully there will be a product which is an education model for elementary level which is able to develop an innovation in IPS learning to help studetns develop their critical thinking. Key Words : Edutainment model, Elementary level of IPS education,Critical Thinking 
Mind Mapping Methods Using to Improve Student Learning Outcomes of Social Studies Learning in Class VII-F 7 Bandung Junior High School (Classroom Action Research at Class VII-F 7 Bandung Junior High School) Faisal, Budi Nur
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Research Social Studies
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v2i2.10162


Abstract-This research is motivated by the problems that researchers find in the learning process of social studies related to the low student learning outcomes. The issues raised in this study about improving student learning outcomes through the use of mind mapping method in social studies learning. Learning outcomes are characterized by changes in behavior. While Mind Mapping is a way of recording a creative and effective, easy way to enter and release information in the brain that suits the workings of the brain. So mind mapping can be an alternative method to improve student learning outcomes. This study aims to describe how planning, implementation, results, and efforts to overcome obstacles in an effort to improve student learning outcomes through mind mapping method in social studies learning in class VII-F 7 Bandung Junior High School. The research method used is classroom action research with Kemmis Taggart design. The source of this research data is the improvement of learning outcomes through the use of mind mapping method in social studies learning. Indicator of learning outcomes in this study is to remember, understand, apply, create, and Attitudes. In the indicators of understand and remember there is an increase in each cycle. In addition to the improvement of the post test results in each cycle. The general conclusion is the use of mind mapping method can improve students' learning outcomes in social studies learning at class VII-FKeywords: Learning Outcomes in Social Studies, Mind Mapping.
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Learning Social Science Education
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v1i2.4707


Penerapan berpikir kritis dapat diaplikasikan ke dalam pokok-pokok bahasan yang digali dari permasalahan sehari-hari yang dihadapi oleh peserta didik atau secara kontekstual yang langsung berhubungan dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh peserta didik. Berdasarkan pemikiran ini, maka saya dapat mengambarkan sumber belajar peserta didik dapat saya ambil dari kerajinan sarung Tenun Goyor yang lokasi kerajinan ini tidak jauh dari sekolah peserta didik. Adapun permasalahan yang langsung dihadapi oleh peserta didik berdasarkan analisa yang saya peroleh dapat diajarkan dengan menggunakan metode inkuiri melalui pembelajaran fieldtrip. Persepsi peserta didik terhadap kerajinan Sarung Goyor yang keberadaanya dekat dengan sekolah mereka, belum diketahui dengan baik oleh para peserta didik. Hal ini dikarenakan guru belum mengkaitkan sumber belajar ini pada materi dikelasnya. Padahal, sumber belajar ini sangat menarik peserta didik untuk dapat lebih mengenali lingkungan sosial disekitar kehidupan mereka. Pembelajaran ini yang akan penulis angkat menjadi isu sosial, dimana pembelajaran sebelumnya belum bermakna sehingga dapat membentuk siswa yang mampu memahami dan memanfaatkan potensi lingkungan sekitar hidupnya. Persoalan-persoalan dapat dibahas peserta didik dibawah bimbingan guru untuk mengungkapkan penyebab, akibat dan bagaimana pemecahannya. Secara kritis dan tajam, peserta didik dilatih mengidentifikasikan masalahnya, membuat perkiraan tentang relasi berbagai aspek sosial yang merupakan sebab-akibat masalah, mencoba mengumpulkan atau menggali informasi berkenaan dengan masalah tadi, dan akhirnya mereka dilatih menyusun alternatif solusi atau pemecahan masalah tadi. 

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