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Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi
Published by Universitas Terbuka
ISSN : 14111934     EISSN : 24429147     DOI : -
Merupakan media informasi dan komunikasi para praktisi, peneliti, dan akademisi yang berkecimpung dan menaruh minat serta perhatian pada pengembangan Matematika, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Terbuka.
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Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 2 (2012)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Traditionally refined coconut oil processed by farmers is less durable than the factory processed. Addition of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) in the coconut oil was known to decrease its rancidity due to prolong storage and to increase its durability. With a variety of treatments it was expected that coconut oil processed by farmers can be stored up to 3 months. The purpose of this study is to recommend the use of BHT in precise concentration by farmers to inhibit rancidity of the refined coconut oil. The study was consisted of three treatments, namely control, addition of BHT 0.01%, and 0.02%. Analysis of the three treatments showed significant difference in the degree of rancidity for the addition of 0.01% and 0.02% BHT compared to the control. Therefore, addition of 0.01% BHT treatment can be recommended to farmers to extend the storage life of the refined coconut oil. Minyak kelapa olahan petani lebih pendek masa simpannya dibandingkan minyak hasil olahan pabrik. Penambahan Butil Hidroksi Toluen (BHT) pada minyak kelapa diketahui dapat mengurangi ketengikan dan memperpanjang masa simpan minyak. Dengan berbagai perlakuan diharapkan minyak kelapa hasil olahan petani dapat disimpan hingga 3 bulan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merekomendasikan penggunaan BHT dengan konsentrasi yang tepat bagi para petani untuk menghambat ketengikan minyak kelapa. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga perlakuan yaitu kontrol, penambahan BHT 0,01%, dan 0,02%. Hasil analisis ketiga perlakuan menunjukkan beda nyata pada derajat ketengikan untuk penambahan BHT 0,01% dan 0,02% dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Dengan demikian, perlakuan penambahan BHT 0,01% dapat direkomendasikan kepada petani untuk memperpanjang masa simpan minyak.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 19 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Option is a financial instrument where price depends on the underlying stock price. The pricing of options, both selling options and purchase options, may use the CRR (Cox-Ross-Rubinstein) binomial model. Only two possible parameters were used that is u if the stock price rises and d when the stock price down. One of the elements that determine option prices is volatility. In the binomial model CRR volatility is constant. In fact, the financial market price of stocks fluctuates so that volatility also fluctuates. This article discusses volatility of fluctuating stock price movements by modeling it using binomial fuzzy with triangular curve representation. The analysis is carried out in relation to the existence of three interpretations of the triangular curve representation resulting in different degrees of membership. In addition to volatility, this study added the size or risk level ρ. As an illustration, this study used stock price movement data from PT. Antam (Persero) from August 2015 until July 2016. The results of one period obtained from the purchase price option for August 2016 with the largest volatility, medium and smallest respectively were Rp.143,43, Rp.95,49, and Rp.79,00. There was calculated at the risk level of  ρ = 90%. The degree of membership for each option price varies depending on the interpretation of the triangle curve representation. Opsi merupakan instrumen keuangan yang harganya tergantung pada harga saham yang mendasarinya. Penentuan harga opsi, baik opsi jual maupun opsi beli dapat menggunakan model binomial CRR (Cox-Ross-Rubinstein). Dalam model ini hanya dimungkinkan adanya dua parameter yaitu u apabila harga saham naik dan d pada saat harga saham turun. Salah satu unsur yang menentukan harga opsi adalah volatilitas. Dalam model binomial CRR digunakan volatilitas yang bersifat konstan. Padahal, pada pasar keuangan pergerakan harga saham mengalami fluktuasi sehingga volatilitas juga menjadi fluktuatif. Artikel ini membahas volatilitas pergerakan harga saham yang fluktuatif dengan memodelkannya menggunakan binomial fuzzy dengan representasi kurva segitiga. Analisis dilakukan terkait dengan adanya tiga interpretasi terhadap representasi kurva segitiga tersebut yang menghasilkan derajat keanggotaan yang berbeda. Selain volatilitas, dalam penelitian ini ditambahkan ukuran atau tingkat risiko ρ. Sebagai ilustrasi, digunakan data pergerakan harga saham PT. Antam (Persero) dari Agustus 2015 hingga Juli 2016. Hasil penelitian dengan perhitungan satu periode diperoleh hasil harga opsi beli untuk bulan Agustus 2016 dengan volatilitas terbesar, menengah, dan terkecil masing-masing adalah Rp.143,43, Rp.95,49, dan Rp.79,00 yang dihitung pada tingkat risiko ρ = 90%. Derajat keanggotaan untuk masing-masing harga opsi berbeda-beda tergantung pada interpretasi dari representasi kurva segitiga.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 13 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Taro flour can be used as a wheat flour substitution in cookies making, although its quality is still relatively low, especially in terms of taste and nutritional composition. An alternative way to improve its nutritional composition is by the addition of green beans, as a protein source. This study was aimed to obtain the cookies formulation that use Lampung Taro flour enriched with green beans flour as a wheat flour substitution. The cookies were tested organoleptically by panelists using hedonic scale including color, aroma, taste, texture and general appearance. The acceptable cookies were analyzed their chemical characteristics. The results showed that Taro flour cookies with the content of 30%, 50%, and 60% Lampung Taro flour have received the best judgment from panelists. From the nutritional point these cookies were considered meet the nutritional value specified by SNI 1992 but the protein content was still below standard. The addition of 10% green beans flour was not able to improve the nutritional value of protein in the cookies. Taro flour can be used as a wheat flour substitution in cookies making, although its quality is still relatively low, especially in terms of taste and nutritional composition. An alternative way to improve its nutritional composition is by the addition of green beans, as a protein source. This study was aimed to obtain the cookies formulation that use Lampung Taro flour enriched with green beans flour as a wheat flour substitution. The cookies were tested organoleptically by panelists using hedonic scale including color, aroma, taste, texture and general appearance. The acceptable cookies were analyzed their chemical characteristics. The results showed that Taro flour cookies with the content of 30%, 50%, and 60% Lampung Taro flour have received the best judgment from panelists. From the nutritional point these cookies were considered meet the nutritional value specified by SNI 1992 but the protein content was still below standard. The addition of 10% green beans flour was not able to improve the nutritional value of protein in the cookies.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 12 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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In line with the spirit of decentralization and national development, the demands on agricultural extension agents is focused on farmer empowerment so they can improve their quality of life independently. These efforts need to be supported by a professional agricultural extension agent. This study aimed to determine the competency of agricultural extension agents in empowering farmers. The research was conducted through a survey on government employee who work as agricultural extension agents in paddy farming area in Karawang district and in vegetable farming area in Garut district of West Java. Samples were taken randomly. The results demonstrated that the competency of agricultural extension agents were low, especially in the dimensions of entrepreneurial management, renewal management, and network system guiding. Competency dimensions in fair category were understanding the potential of the region, training management, learning management, communication management, and innovation. The t-test showed that there was no significant difference between the competency of agricultural extension agents who served in the rice agricultural area and those who served in the vegetables farming. There was also no significant difference between agricultural extension agents who continued their formal education in public universities and those who continued there formal education in private universities. The low competency of agricultural extension agents became a challenge to all parties, especially the government (central and local), education institutions, colleges that prepare extension workers and extension staff concerned.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 15 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Kota Semarang selain sebagai ibukota propinsi Jawa Tengah, kotanya berfungsi sebagai pusat pemerintahan, industri, perdagangan, transportasi, pendidikan, pariwisata, dan lingkungan serta permukiman, sehingga pemanfaatan air tanahnya selalu meningkat setiap tahun. Pada tahun 2004 volume air tanah yang diambil sebesar 6,3 x 106 m3, dan tahun 2008 sebesar 9,6 x 106 m3. Ada tiga sektor dalam pemanfaatan air tanah yaitu domestik, industri, serta hotel dan restoran. Kebutuhan air domestik melalui air tanah dangkal sebesar 80%, dan air tanah dalam sebesar 20% yang dilayani oleh PDAM Tirta Moedal dengan jangkauan layanan sebesar 56,1%. Sementara kebutuhan air untuk industri serta hotel dan restoran dengan memanfaatkan air tanah sebesar 90%. Kebutuhan air tanah dari tiga sektor tersebut pada tahun 2010 sebesar 13.53 x 106 m3, dan tersediaannya tinggal 5.26 x 106 m3, dan pada tahun 2030 akan mengalami defisit air tanah. Untuk mengantisipasi defisit air tanah, dibuat 6 (enam) model konservasi pemanfaatan air tanah, yaitu (a) membatasi tingkat pertumbuhan hotel dari 2% menjadi 1% per tahun dan mengurangi konsumsi air tamu hotel dari 150 L/orang/hari menjadi 120 L/orang/hari, (b) membatasi penggunaan air untuk semua jenis industri yaitu sebesar 20%, (c) mengurangi konsumsi unit air domestik dengan membatasi pertumbuhan penduduk dari 1.67% per tahun diturunkan menjadi 1% per tahun dan mengurangi konsumsi air menjadi dari 150 L/orang/hari menjadi 120 L/orang/hari, (d) meningkatkan kapasitas produksi PDAM yaitu dengan meningkatkan pelayanan kepada penduduk dari 56.1% menjadi 70% dan pengambilan air tanah dibatasi sampai 15%, (e) kombinasi dari model/skenario a, b, c, dan d, serta (f) moratorium pemanfaatan air tanah. Dari enam model tersebut, terdapat dua model yang memenuhi keberlanjutan konservasi pemanfaatan, yaitu: (1) Model kombinasi antara model a, b, c, dan d. Hasilnya adalah ketersediaan air tanah pada tahun 2050 diprediksi sebesar 0,89 x 106 m3 dan tidak mengalami defisit air tanah, dan (2) moratorium penggunaan air tanah, hasilnya adalah sejak tahun 2020 ketersediaan air tanah diprediksi akan meningkat, dan pada tahun 2025 telah mencapai kestabilan. Ketersediaan air tanah pada tahun 2050 diprediksi akan sebesar 13,88 x 106 m3 dan muka air tanah (MAT) telah mencapai 9,5 meter.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 8 No 2 (2007)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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The development of reclamation land of Mutiara Coast for settlement could impact to environment especially soil, groundwater, and organisms. The aim of this study is to examine soil and water qualities which were observed from physical and chemical properties, plants and birds varieties in the reclamation land of Mutiara Coast, North Jakarta. Soil sample is taken in 0-30 cm deep. Groundwater is taken in artessian well which has been built by the developer. Plants specimens is reconded and taken for further identification. All of those data have been analyzed descriptively. The results show that average of physical and chemical of soil parameter vary, on the other hand condition of groundwater in the reclamation land of Mutiara coast is not qualified as clean water. Plants varieties based on Simpson index is relatively low (C=0.1072), and also birds varieties (C=0.521). It was only 4 species found in those area.
Tingkat Efisiensi Metode Regresi Robust dalam Menaksir Koefisien Garis Regresi Jika Ragam Galat Tidak Homogen Sugiarti, Harmi; Megawarni, Andi
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 6 No 1 (2005)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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This paper aims to compare the relative efficiency of weighted least square (WLS), ordinary least square (OLS) and robust regression method in regression coefficient estimation when the error term is not homogen. The assumption of homegeneous error variance underlying the ordinary least square (OLS) is very important to get the best linear unbiased estimation of the regression coefficients. The investigation compares the methods in calculating efficiency of booth simulation and experimental data. In conclusion, the WLS method is relatively more efficient than OLS and Robust Regression methods.
PENGOLAHAN LINDI SEBAGAI PUPUK CAIR UNTUK MENDUKUNG PENGEMBANGAN TPA SAMPAH LESTARI Nurhasanah Nurhasanah; Latifah K Darusman; Surjono Hadi Sutjahjo; Bibiana Widiati Lay
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 11 No. 1 (2010)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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A laboratory scale research to obtain environmentally safe effluent and liquid fertilizer from leachate from Final Waste Disposal Site in Galuga owned by Regional Government of Bogor City was conducted from July 2006 through to April 2007. The experiment was initiated by aerating the leachate in 4 difference aeration rates (0, 10, 30 and 70 liters/minute) followed by processing the sediment to product the liquid fertilizer. The experiment of production liquid fertilizer was carried out by adding lime with different dosage into sediment generated from processing by aerating at 70 liters/minute followed by centrifugation process or secher. Further, the liquid fertilizer generated from such experiment was applied to chilis planting (Capsicum annum). The research found that the processing conducted by aerating at the rate 70 liters/minute was the most effective in reducing pollutant from leachate. The addition of 1000 ppm CaO or Ca(OH)2 limes in sediment from aeration is the most effective in depositing the dissolved material compared to the addition of limes in other dosage. Liquid fertilizer generated through the addition of 1000 ppm CaO have the content of N = 375,83 ppm, P = 121,44 ppm, K = 948,11 ppm, Ca = 827,20 ppm, Mg = 959,50 ppm, S = 48,53 ppm, Cu = 8,23 ppm, Zn = 30,02 ppm, Mn = 230,57 ppm, Fe = 320,95 ppm, Pb = 10,34 ppm, Cd = 7,46 ppm and Cr = 2,05 ppm. The use of liquid fertilizer generated by adding 1000 ppm CaO was the most effective in enhancing vegetation growth and production of chili. The non essential elements (Pb, Cd and Cr) in fruits from vegetation given liquid fertilizer produced from such treatment did not exceed tolerable threshold.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 13 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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The research was to build the simple electrical impedance tomography system as a nondestructive test equipment. It was carried out experimentally by developing two instrument as main systems. They were phantom and alternating current source. Phantom was built from PVC in 25 cm diameter and 16 electrodes in 6 cm x 2,45 cm rectangle, in which electrodes are placed on the interior boundary of the phantom. The alternating current source was built based on OpAm LM4562. Scanning was conducted by injecting an electrical current through a pair of electrodes and measure the electrical potential between the electrodes by adjacent method collecting data. The output were 256 complete data. The data were reconstructed by Newton Raphson method. Analysis of the results was done visually by comparing between reconstruction image and the reference object. The results showed that the system could generate sufficient reconstruction image, therefore it is promising to be used as a nondestructive test instrument and as instructional tool to understand the basic principles and mechanisms of electrical impedance tomography system. Telah dilakukan penelitian rancang bangun sistem tomografi impedansi listrik sederhana sebagai sarana uji tak rusak. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara membangun peralatan dan sistem instrumentasi yang diperlukan, yaitu phantom dan instrumen sumber arus bolak balik. Phantom terbuat dari silinder dari PVC yang memiliki diameter 25 cm dan tinggi 6 cm dengan 16 elektroda berbentuk persegi panjang dengan lebar 2,45 cm dan tinggi 6 cm yang terpasang pada permukaan dalam phantom. Sistem instrumen sumber arus listrik bolak-balik dibangun berbasis OpAm LM4562. Proses pemindaian dilakukan dengan cara menginjeksikan arus listrik pada sepasang elektroda dan mengukur potensial listrik antar elektroda dengan metode koleksi data berpasangan, sehingga diperoleh 256 data lengkap. Data hasil pemindaian kemudian direkonstruksi dengan metode Newton Raphson. Analisis hasil dilakukan secara visual dengan cara membandingkan antara citra rekonstruksi terhadap objek uji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem tomografi dapat menghasilkan citra rekonstruksi yang cukup baik sehingga menjanjikan untuk digunakan sebagai media uji tak rusak dan digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dalam rangka memahami prinsip dasar dan mekanisme sistem tomografi impedansi listrik.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 4 No 1 (2003)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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One of the estimating of density function which has been recognized is histogram. Histogram has some weaknesses, i.e. the different starting points and the width of class intervals. Different starting points or different class intervals result different histogram forms. This article is about the estimating of the density function by using kernel function. This method does not require the determination starting points and the interval class width. The obtained curve has a smooth density function, a small sampling variance, and the important information from data are still kept.

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