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Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
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EEconomica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam is a scientific journal in the field of Islamic economics studies published twice a year by the Institute of Islamic Economic Research and Development (LP2EI), Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business UIN Walisongo Semarang. The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual script or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Islamic Economics themes which cover Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking, Islamic Accounting, Islamic Marketing, also Behavioral Economics, Management, and Human Resources in Islamic perspective.
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Articles 279 Documents
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2016.7.1.1032


The more advanced information technology, the more frequently for banking institutions including BRI Syariah to follow and to use it as a part of service system, that is called as electronic banking. The growth of technology will change banking transaction system radically that eventually will change banking culture. The transaction through electronic banking will ease the customers in doing transaction therefore they are able to opt various services related to their need. Tabungan Faedah BRISyariah delivers affordable and easy service by using electronic banking in which all the transactions are free of charge. It starts from cash withdrawal, money transfer to BRISyariah ATM network, BRI Bank, Prima and Bersama. However, since May 6 2015, there was a transaction charge change especially for transaction in Issuer ATM that is BRI ATM, Prima and Bersama. Since the regulation was applied, the number of transactions also changed. According to the data of BRISyariah Issuer ATM transaction from January to December 2015, the total transaction declined. This research is aimed to discover the influence of transaction charge change of ATM card in faedah banking account to the costumers’ proclivity in BRISyariah KC Semarang.The transaction charge change of ATM card having positive influence and significance towards the costumer’s proclivity. The transaction charge such as cash withdrawal, money transfer, and balance check which is very expensive makes the customer’s proclivity declined. It is proved by the value of t-count is 2.878 > t-table which is 2.024 by the degree od significance is 0.000 below 0.05.
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2014.5.1.766


Perbankan syariah di Indonesia merupakan refleksi kebutuhan atas sistem perbankan yang dapat memberikan kontribusi stabilitas kepada sistem keuangan nasional. Industri perbankan syariah juga mencerminkan permintaan masyarakat yang membutuhkan suatu sistem perbankan alternatif yang menyediakan jasa perbankan yang memenuhi prinsip-prinsip syariah. Dalam kegiatan Perbankan Syariah diajarkan prinsip-prinsip ajaran Islam, dimana dalam melaksanakan kegiatan ekonomi harus  dilandasi oleh Al-Quran dan as-Sunnah sebagai referensi utamanya. Perbankan syariah juga harus dapat mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai syariah dengan sebaik-baiknya agar dapat menggerakkan demand masyarakat melalui produk, dan layanan perbankan syariah (perspektif mikro) serta dapat menciptakan perilaku investasi yang konsisten (perspektif makro).
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 2, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2012.2.2.848


In order to improve the performance of cooperative boarding lodge, then it can be done with meningkatkann participation and commitment of members, because of the participation and commitment affect the performance of the company. whereas innovation-oriented company providing a positive impact on company performance. Therefore, this study is a replication of research Johanis W dominoes is applied to the cooperative boarding lodge. While the purpose of the research goal is to determine the effect of participation and ability to innovate komimen effect on the performance of cooperative boarding lodge. Based on the results show Ahwa: Turnout santri the ability to innovate cooperative commitment of the boarding lodge is still low as well as the performance cooperative boarding lodge  is still low, this is indicated by a decline in business, number of members and the rest of the results of cooperative efforts boarding lodge per year. The goodness of fit indices and regression weights can be accepted research model means that the participation of santri, commitment and ability to innovate affect the performance of cooperative boarding lodge. So it can be concluded that the low performance of cooperatives that santri affected by the lack of participation, commitment and ability to innovate cooperative boarding lodge.
Analisis Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah di Indonesia Sudarsono, Heri
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 8, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2017.8.2.1702


This study aimed to analyze the factors affecting the amount of profitability (ROA) provided by Islamic banking in Indonesia. The data which is used is taken from the financial report of the Shari’a Bank during the 2011-2016 periods by using montly financial statement This study uses a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to see the long-term effect and response to shock that occur in the studied variables. The result shows that in the long run, the percentage Financing (FIN) and BOPO give a positive siqnifikant effect on the ROA, while third party funds (DPK), percentage profit and loss sharing (TBH), financial to deposit ratio (FDR) has negative and siqnificant effect on the ROA. Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS) and non performing finance (NPF) have no significant effect on the ROA. In short run, ROA give a negatif and siqnificant effect on the ROA and FDR give a positif and siqnificant effect, while DPK, FIN, SBIS, TBH, NPF and BOPO have no sinificant effect on the ROA. Therfore, shocks that occur in the ROA, FIN, FDR , NPF dan BOPO positively responded by ROA and will be stable in the long term. While the shocks that occur in the percentage of FDR, SBIS and TBH responded negatively by financing and will be stable in the long term.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi profitabilitas (ROA) perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan data bulanan dari laporan keuangan bank syariah periode 2010-2015. Penelitian ini mengunakan Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) untuk melihat dampak jangka panjang dan respon terhadap dampak shock pada setiap variabel terhadap pembiayaan. Hasil olah data menunjukkan bahwa FIN dan BOPO berhubungan positif terhadap ROA, sedangkan DPK, TBH, FDR berhubungan negatif terhadap dan ROA SBIS dan NPF tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat ROA. Dalam jangka pendek, ROA berhubungan negatif, tetapi FDR terhadap ROA berhubungan positif. Sedangkan DPK, FIN, SBIS, TBH, NPF and BOPO tidak berhubungan dengan pembiayaan. Di lain pihak, respon pembiayan terhadap goncangan yang terjadi terjadi pada ROA, FIN, FDR, NPF dan BOPO direspon positif oleh ROA. Sedangkan respon ROA terhadap goncangan yang terjadi pada FDR, SBIS dan TBH adalah negatif.
KAPITALISME RUNTUH EKONOMI SYARIAH BERKAH (Napaktilas Constitutum Menuju Constituendum) Mashudi, Mashudi
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2013.4.1.687


Constitutum means discuss, evaluate and assess the role of the law that had been in force in the community, whether in accordance with the needs of society or is precisely the opposite. While constituendum interpreted efforts to create a progressive law, the law is deemed effective welfare society. To develop and promote Islamic banks are at least teen pillars that must be considered, namely: improving service and professionalism, product innovation, human resources, expansion of branch network, which supports the legislation, Shariah compliance, continuous education, synergy, the results competitive, and reorientation to the real sector. If the government carry out its role effectively, it will be a positive contribution to the development of the community because of the need will be met, they will be motivated through the hard work of careful and efficient. However, if it is not done, then there is destruction. The resources needed for the countrys interests, acquired through the tax system fair and efficient. Similarly, if the world economy has been restless uneasy with capitalism and socialism, then ekomoni sharia in Indonesia should seriously empowered to oversee the welfare of the people.
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2015.6.1.789


Salah satu produk fiqh muamalah yang turut berkembang bersamaan dengan perkembangan ekonomi syari’ah adalah akad wadi’ah. Lembaga keuangan syari’ah, khususnya bank syari’ah mencoba memodifikasi dan menerapkan akad-akad al musamma termasuk wadi’ah sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh kitab-kitab fiqh, namun aplikasinya telah mengalami perubahan bentuk yang sebaliknya dari pengertian semula.  Permasalahan yang akan dikaji adalah mengapa dan bagaimana perubahan tersebut bisa terjadi? Tulisan ini dari hasil pengkajian kitab-kitab fiqh (muamalah) klasik dalam berbagai madzhab, kitab-kitab fiqh modern (kontemporer) dan buku-buku tentang perbankan syari’ah termasuk fatwa DSN-MUI tentang wadi’ah dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Perubahan bentuk akad wadi’ah dari fiqh ke bank syari’ah, setidaknya dalam 4 hal, yaitu 1), sifat wadi’ah yang semula adalah non profit (tabarru’) menjadi profit. 2) barang titipan semula adalah milik penitip dan tidak boleh dimanfaatkan oleh penerima titipan, di bank syari’ah barang titipan beralih menjadi milik bank dan bank bebas memanfaatkannya. 3) barang titipan yang semula adalah barang, dalam bank syari’ah berubah menjadi uang. Dan 4) akad wadi’ah semula obyeknya adalah jasa penitipan dimana penitiplah yang harus membayar jasa penitipan, tetapi di bank syari’ah berubah menjadi titipan investasi.
Faktor Dominan pada Indeks Inklusi Perbankan Syariah Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia Cahyono, Eko Fajar; Mardianto, M. Faris Fadillah; Rusmita, Sylva Alif
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2017.8.1.1826


The importance of financial inclusion in Islamic Bank is not only affordable for business level, but also agricultural sector. Indonesian Islamic banking as one of the providers of financial services continued to grow, but its market share is still small compared with conventional banking. Therefore financial inclusion Islamic banking, especially in reaching out to the agriculture sector, need to be improved. This study aims to measure the value of financial inclusion Islamic banks in Indonesia province in reaching the agricultural sector, both provincial and district or city. Indexing method factor analysis (Principal Component Analysis) using 14 indicators that have been adapted to the concept of Financial Inclusion Index (FII). Data correlated with Islamic Financial Institution availability can be divided into two factors which are of Islamic banking (including Islamic windows of the conventional bank) and Islamic Rural Bank. The result of the analysis is indicating that the most dominant factor provided by Islamic banking (including Islamic windows of conventional Bank). The result also present the highest index score reached by West Java Province and East Java, while the lowest index score reached by East Nusa Tenggara and West Papua Province.Keuangan inklusi bagi bank syariah sangatlah penting, bukan hanya memberikan pembiayaan pada sektor bisnis namun juga untuk sektor pertanian. Bank syariah di Indonesia sebagai salah satu lembaga keuangan yang terus berkembang memiliki potensi untuk mengembangkan keuangan inklusi walaupun pangsa pasar dari bank syariah masih lebih kecil dibandingkan konvensional. Keberadaan keuangan inklusi di bank syariah khususnya pada sektor pertanian masih perlu ditingkatkan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur nilai keuangan inklusi di bank syariah pada sektor pertanian di seluruh provinsi yang ada di Indonesia, baik pada level provinsi, kabupaten dan kota. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode index faktor analisis (analisis komponen prinsip) dengan 14 indikator yang diadaptasi dari konsep Indeks Inklusi Keuangan. Data-data berkenaan dengan lembaga keuangan Islam yang tersedia dapat dibagi menjadi dua factor, yaitu faktor yang berkaitan dengan bank syariah (termasuk unit usaha syariah) dan Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling dominan adalah faktor yang berkaitan dengan bank syariah dan unit usaha syariah. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa angka indeks tertinggi diraih oleh provinsi Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur, sedangkan angka indeks terendah diraih oleh provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan Papua Barat.
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2013.4.2.780


The revenue sources of Country  in the early days of Islam, such as zakat and taxes they are jizyah, kharaj, max (customs), and usyr (export-import customs) and also ghanimah and fai (spoils of war and confiscated items). For Muslims in Indonesia,in addition they have to pay taxes to the state that include property tax,commercial goods tax, goods consumption tax, fiscal when traveling abroad, income tax, etc., they also have to pay zakat that include zakat fitrah and zakat property. Thus, Indonesian Muslims have to bear double taxs, they are taxation and zakat. This academic anxiety felt by one of the Indonesian Muslim intellectual, Masdar Farid Masudi. Departing from that academic anxiety Masdar then pour his fresh ideas and even controversial, especially on the issue of double taxs.
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2016.7.2.1153


Several theories about the development strategy formulated by the most conventional neo-classical economists much criticized. Fahim Khan including contemporary Islamic economic thinkers who criticize conventional economic development strategy with alternative bids from the Islamic economics perspective. Their thinking is exciting to examined substance and its correlation with the economic development of contemporary Islamic discourse that dominated the development of financial institutions/syariah banking. The creation of entrepreneurial opportunities made Fahim Khan as a keyword in the concept of criticizing conventional strategy and supporting the Islamic economic development strategy. Strategy opened and graced this productive creative independent businesses are deemed appropriate and supported by the Islamic economic system based on profit and loss sharing partnership (profit-loss sharing). The idea is to promote excellence banking system of sharing based on the conventional interest-based banking system in spurring economic development suplus to enliven the entrepreneurial workforce.
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/economica.2014.5.2.771


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang keadilan sosial dan altruisme dalam implementasi sistem perbankan syariah. Bank syariah menempatkan perannya dalam memobilisasi dana dan menyalurkannya kepada masyarakat dalam beragam bentuk produk berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip syariah. Pencapaian ekonomi dan sosial merupakan tujuan pokok didirikannya bank syariah. Keadilan sosial tercapai bilamana pendapatan masyarakat dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya dan setiap anggota masyarakat mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam meningkatkan taraf hidupnya. Sedangkan altruisme merupakan bentuk kebaikan hati dalam memberikan bantuan pada pihak lain tanpa meminta imbalan. Implementasi keadilan sosial dan altruisme dalam perbankan syariah diwujudkan dalam fungsi zakat dan qardhul hasan.

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