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Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Budaya
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Jurnal Ilmu Budaya (Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Budaya) merupakan jurnal yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Ilmu Budaya sebagai media publikasi ilmiah hasil penelitian dalam bidang bahasa, sastra, seni, dan budaya, termasuk pengajarannya. Terbit sebanyak empat kali setahun, yaitu pada bulan Januari, April, Juli, dan Oktober, dan diterbitkan hanya dalam format elektronik.
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Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Edisi April 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (503.062 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v1i2.675


AbstractIn this research, the researcher focused to find the psychological conflict and its influence toward the main character’s character development in Frozen film. The researcher used two theories to answer the two research problems. For the first question, the researcher used the theory of psychological conflict by Kurt Lewin to find the kinds of psychological conflict expressed by the main character in Frozen film. To answer the second question, the researcher used the theory of personality development by Elizabeth B. Hurlock to explain the influence of psychological conflict toward the character development of the main character. In this research, the method that the researcher used was qualitative research method. The result of the analysis showed that Elsa expressed two kinds of psychological conflict which were approach-avoidance conflict and avoidance-avoidance conflict. And those two kinds of psychological conflict influence Elsa’s character development in five determinants they are intellectual, emotional, social, aspiration & achievement, and family. Key words: character, character development, Frozen film, psychological conflict AbstrakDalam penelitian ini, peneliti fokus untuk mengetahui konflik psikologi dan pengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan karakter dari karakter utama dalam film Frozen. Peneliti menggunakan dua teori untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah tersebut. Untuk pertanyaan pertama, peneliti menggunakan teori konflik psikologi dari Kurt Lewin untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis konflik psikologi diekspresikan oleh karakter utama dalam film Frozen. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan kedua, peneliti menggunakan teori perkembangan kepribadian dari Elizabeth B. Hurlock untuk menjelaskan pengaruh konflik psikologi terhadap perkembangan karakter dari karakter utama. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan Elsa mengekspresikan dua jenis konflik psikologi, yaitu approach-avoidance conflict dan avoidance-avoidance conflict. Dua jenis konflik psikologi tersebut mempengaruhi perkembangan karakter Elsa dalam lima determinan, yaitu intelektual, emosional, sosial, aspirasi dan prestasi, dan keluarga. Kata kunci: karakter, perkembangan karakter, film Frozen, konflik psikologi
African American Vernacular English in Shrek Movie Devi Indah Anggreeni; M. Bahri Arifin; Ririn Setyowati
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Edisi April 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.668 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v2i2.904


Abstract Language is influenced by social differences that appear in society, such as age, gender, religion, power, economic status, and ethnicity. Those social factors produce different kinds of language which is called as variety. Ethnicity as one of the social factors influences the emergence of variety that comes from African American people who lives in United States of America. The variety is called as African American Vernacular English (AAVE). AAVE is often used in literary works to represent African American ethnicity as occurred in Shrek movie through the character of Donkey.This research focused on analyzing the grammatical characteristics of Donkey’s AAVE utterances and the factors underlying them through descriptive qualitative research. The result of this research showed that Donkey’s AAVE utterances have three AAVE’s grammatical features which are verb phrase, negation, and nominal and all four factors which consist of social class, gender, age, and linguistic environment underlying those grammatical characteristics. AAVE grammatical characteristics that appeared in Donkey’s utterances are Copula/Auxiliary Absence, Invariant be, Subject-Verb-Agreement, Other Verb Phrase Structure, ain’t, multiple negation, ain’t with but, and second person plural y’all. Those grammatical characteristics are influenced by Donkey’s working class status, his male gender, teenage age, and his mood when the utterances were taking place whether he was comfortable or not. AAVE grammatical characteristics indicate that Donkey’s character represents African American ethnicity through his utterances and the factors underlying them show that Donkey’s variety is influenced by the social factors that appear in society.Key words: Language, Sociolinguistics, Ethnicity, AAVE, Shrek Movie AbstrakBahasa dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan sosial yang timbul di masyarakat, seperti umur, gender, agama, kekuasaan, status ekonomi, dan etnis. Faktor-faktor sosial tersebut menghasilkan berbagai tipe dari bahasa yang disebut dengan variasi. Etnis sebagai salah satu sosial faktor tersebut mempengaruhi kemunculan sebuah variasi yang berasal dari orang Afrika Amerika yang tinggal di Amerika. Variasi tersebut dinamakan bahasa Inggris Vernakular Afrika Amerika atau AAVE dalam istilah bahasa Inggris. AAVE sering digunakan di karya sastra untuk merepresentasikan etnis Afrika Amerika seperti yang terjadi di film Shrek melalui karakter Donkey.Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisa karakteristik gramatikal dari ujaran AAVE oleh Donkey dan faktor yang mempengaruhi melalui penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ujaran AAVE Donkey terdiri dari tiga fitur gramatikal, yaitu frasa kata kerja, negasi, dan nominal, dan keempat faktor yang mempengaruhinya, yaitu kelas sosial, gender, umur, dan lingkungan linguistik. Karakteristik gramatikal yang muncul pada ujaran Donkey adalah Ketiadaan Copula/Auxiliary, Invariant be, Subjek-Predikat-Object, Frasa Kata Kerja yang Lain, ain’t, negasi ganda, ain’t dengan but, dan orang kedua jamak y’all. Karakteristik gramatikal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kelas sosial Donkey yang adalah kelas bawah, gender laki-lakinya, umur remaja, dan suasana hatinya apakah dia merasa nyaman atau tidak ketika sedang berdialog. Karakteristik gramatikal AAVE dalam ujaran Donkey mengindikasikan bahwa karakter Donkey merepresentasikan etnis Afrika Amerika melalui ujarannya dan faktor yang mendasarinya menunjukkan bahwa variasi bahasa Donkey dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosial yang muncul dalam masyarakat. Kata kunci: Bahasa, Sosiolinguistik, Etnis, AAVE, Film Shrek
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Edisi Januari 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.603 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v2i1.849


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP dan LKS dengan model Example Non Example pada materi menulis pantun untuk siswa SMA kelas X yang berorientasi pada kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Kualitas produk yang dikembangkan dinilai berdasarkan aspek kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Prosedur pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran mengacu pada model pengembangan 4-D, yaitu Define (Pendefinisian), Design (Perancangan), Develop (Pengembangan), dan Disseminate (Penyebaran). Karena keterbatasan peneliti, penelitian dilakukan hingga tahap develop. Subjek Penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X-1 SMA Negeri 12 Samarinda. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah lembar penilaian RPP dan LKS untuk mengukur kevalidan, angket respon siswa dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mengukur kepraktisan, tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah untuk mengukur keefektifan. Kualitas kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran memenuhi kriteria valid berdasarkan skor rata-rata RPP yaitu 4,41 dari skor maksimal 5,00 dengan kriteria sangat baik dan skor rata-rata LKS, yaitu 4,20 dari skor maksimal 5,00 dengan kriteria baik. Kualitas kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran memenuhi kriteria praktis berdasarkan skor rata-rata angket respon siswa 4,21 dari maksimal 5,00 dengan kriteria sangat baik dan persentase rata-rata lembar observasi keterlaksanaan kegiataan pembelajaran yaitu 95% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Kualitas keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran memenuhi kriteria efektif berdasarkan hasil pretest dan post-test dengan peningkatan persentase ketuntasan dari 3% menjadi 84% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Perangkat pembelajarn berbasis Example Non Example yang dikembangkan memiliki kualitas valid, praktis, dan efektif dan dapat membatu siswa mencapai kompetensi yang harus dimilikinya Kata kunci: pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, model Example Non Example   ABSTRACT This research was intended to develop learning tools with RPP and LKS with Example Non Example Model on pantun writing material for students of SMA in class X that was oriented on the ability. Product quality that was developed based on aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Learning device development procedure referred to the 4-D development modelwhich were Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. Due to the researcher's limitations, the research was conducted until the developing stage. Then, the subjects of this research were X-1 students of SMA Negeri 12 Samarinda. Instrumentswere also used to measure the quality of instructional devices that were developed which were the piece of assessment paper of the RPP and LKS to measure the validity, student response questionnaires, observation sheets of the implementation of learning activities to measure the practicality, and the test of solving problem ability to measure the effectiveness. Furthermore, the validity quality of learning tools met the valid criterion based on the average score of RPP that was 4.41 from the maximum score of 5.00 with a very good criterion, and the average score of LKS was 4.20 from the maximum score of 5.00 with a good criterion. The quality of the practicality of instructional tools also met the practical criteria based on the average score of students' response questionnaire that was 4.21 out of the maximum of 5.00 with a very good criterion, and the average percentage of observation sheets of learning activity implementation was 95% with a very good criterion. The quality of the effectiveness of the learning tools met the effective criteria based on pretest and post-test results with the percentage improvement from 3% to 84% with a very good criterion, too. Learning devices based on Example Non Example developed have valid quality, practical, and effective and can help students achieve the competence they have to have. Keywords: learning device development, model Example Non Example
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Edisi Januari 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (285.619 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v1i1.666


In this study the researcher analyzed the oppression from female character toward other female characters. The researcher only discussed two female characters, Milo’s mother and Gribble’s mother who gained the oppression from Supervisor as another female character because the researcher wanted to prove that oppression could also happen from female to female (same sex). There are two objectifies of the study in this research, to show the forms of oppression which occur toward female characters in Mars Need Mom movie and to analyze how the female characters, experience the oppression that are shaped by another female character in Mars Need Mom movie. The five faces of oppression is a theory that is explained by Irish Marion Young. The theory is related toward the form of oppression which usually occur in the society. This form of oppression somehow called as injustice action that adhere toward people or group because of several reasons, such as class, race and gender. The five faces of oppression are marginalization, exploitation, powerlessness, cultural imperialism and violence. The result of this study are, Milo’s mother got three faces oppression from Supervisor, those three oppression are marginalization, powerlessness and violence. Whereas Gribble’s mother got four faces oppression. The four faces of oppression are exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and violence. And the process of oppression that was gained by two mothers firstly which was done by Supervisor (female) was, Supervisor observed them, abducted them and extracted them using solar extraction machine. The different process from both of them is Martians succeed to extract Gribble’s mother, whereas Milo’s mother, the extraction is failed because Milo was successful in saving his mother.Based on those analysis, the researcher concludes that the oppression toward women can be done by women. Therefore, the researcher believes that the oppression toward women is not always caused by gender assumption that male is superior rather than women, but the oppression can be happened due to the power which is had by the perpetrators (men and women) of oppression. Key words: female, oppression, feminism, gender roles
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 1, No 4 (2017): Edisi Oktober 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.397 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v1i4.714


ABSTRACT Politeness is one of important thing in doing conversation to avoid misunderstanding between speaker and hearer during the conversation to make the social interaction running more harmony. The purposes of this research were to find out types of politeness strategies, factors influencing the characters in using politeness strategies and the dominant politeness strategy used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. The research method in this research was descriptive qualitative research, the theory of politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson (1987) was used to analyze the four types of politeness strategy. The result of this research showed that there were fifty eight utterances represented four politeness strategies used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. Fourteen utterances represented of bald on record strategy, twenty seven utterances represented of positive politeness strategy, sixteen utterances represented of negative politeness strategy and oneutterance represented bald off record strategy. There are 2 factors influencing the choice of politeness strategies used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. They are intrinsic payoff and relevant circumstances. Fifty eight utterances categorized as politeness strategies, twenty seven of them belong to positive politeness strategy, so that positive politeness strategy is the most dominantly used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. Keywords: pragmatics, context, politeness strategies, movie  ABSTRAK Kesantunan merupakan satu hal penting dalam melakukan suatu percakapan untuk menghindari kesalahpaham antara pembicara dan pendengar dalam melakukan percakapan agar interaksi sosial berjalan lebih harmonis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe - tipe strategy kesantunan, factor - faktor yang mempengaruhi karakter dalam menggunakan strategi kesantunan dan juga strategi kesantunan yang paling dominan digunakan oleh karakter dalam film Finding Neverland. Metode penelitian ini adalah bersifat deskripsi kualiatif dengan menggunakan teori strategi kesantunan oleh Brown dan Levinson (1987) yang digunakan untuk menganalisa tipe strategi kesantunan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima puluh delapan ujaran yang mewakili keempat strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh karakter dalam film Finding Neverland. Empat belas ujaran mewakili strategi kesantunan langsung (tanpa basa basi), dua puluh tujuh ujaran mewakili strategi kesantunan positif, enam belas ujaran mewakili strategi kesantunan negatif, dan satu ujaran mewakili strategi kesantunan tak langsung (basa basi). Terdapat dua faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh karakter dalam film Finding Neverland. Faktor tersebut adalah faktor payoff dan faktor keadaan. Lima puluh delapan ucapan yang dikategorikan kedalam strategi kesantunan, dua puluh tujuh diantaranya merupakan startegi kesantunan positif, oleh karena itu strategi kesantunan positif adalah strategi yang paling dominan digunakan oleh karakter dalam film Finding Neverland. Kata Kunci: pragmatik, konteks, strategi kesantunan, film
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Edisi April 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.189 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v1i2.680


ABSTRACT Racism, discrimination and rebellion are three issues which still exist in the world we live these days. Racism is a belief that some groups are superior while some other groups are inferior. Discrimination is the unequal or unfair and violence actions toward others, basically based on their race, skin color and belief. Rebellion is an action or a movement against the pressures which comes from the outside. Those three issues can be found in the movies Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The purposes of this study are to identify and analyze the kinds of racism action from Humans which then emerged the resistance or rebellion from the Apes, and how do the Apes rebel to the Humans. The primary data of this study were collected from Mat Reeves’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) movies. The theory of racism by Henry and Tator, discrimination theories by Theodorson and Theodorson and Larry Willmore and theory of rebellion by Karl Marx and D. E. H. Russel were used as the theoretical framework to find out and analyzed the kinds of racism that the Humans had done to the Apes and the way the Apes do the rebellion action in the movies Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes movies. The result of this study showed that the rebellion action from Apes toward Humans is appropriated with the rebellion theories from Karl Marx and D. E. H. Russel. The Apes did the rebellion actions toward the Humans because of the unfair treatments, racism and discrimination treatments from the Humans. Furthermore, the result of Ape’s rebellion towards Human in the movies is only the destruction. Key words: individual racism, interpersonal racism, systemic racism, institutional racism, discrimination. ABSTRAK Rasisme, diskriminasi dan pemberontakan adalah tiga persoalan yang masih eksis didunia sampai saat ini. Rasisme adalah sebuah paham bahwa ada sebagian kelompok yang unggul dan sebagian tidak. Diskriminasi adalah perlakuan yang tidak adil atau pembedaan perlakuan dan kekerasan terhadap orang lain, biasanya berdasarkan ras, warna kulit dan kepercayaan. Pemberontakan adalah sebuah tindakan atau sebuah pergerakan melawan ancaman yang datang dari luar. Ketiga persoalan tersebut dapat dijumpai didalam film Rise of the Planet of the Apes dan Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Adapun tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menidentifikasi dan menganalisa jenis-jenis tindakan rasismme yang dilakukan oleh kelompok manusia yang menyebabkan terjadinya perlawanan atau pemberontakan dari kelompok kera dan bagaimana cara kelompok kera memberontak kepada kelompok manusia. Data utama dari studi ini diambil dari karyanya Matt Reeves, yaitu film Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) dan Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014). Adapun teori rasisme menggunakan teori dari Henry and Tator, teori diskriminasi dari Theodorson and Theodorsondan Larry Willmore dan teori pemberontakan dari Karl Marx dan D. E. H. Russel. Teori-teori tersebut merupakan teori utama yang digunakan untuk menganalisa macam-macam rasisme yang dilakukan oleh kelompok manusia terhadap kelompok kera, dan bentuk atau cara dari aksi pemberontakan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok kera didalam film Rise of the Planet of the Apes dan Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Hasil yang didapatkan dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa aksi pemberontakan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok kera selaras dengan teori dari Karl Marx dan D. E. H. Russel. Kelompok kera melakukan aksi pemberontakan karena perlakuan yang tidak adil, tindakan diskriminasi dan rasisme dari kelompok manusia. Ironisnya, hasil dari pada aksi pemberontakan yang dilakukan kelompok kera terhadap kelompok manusia hanyalah mendatangkan kehancuran. Kata kunci: rasismeindividu, rasisme interpersonal, rasisme sistemik, rasisme institusional, diskriminasi
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Edisi April 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.197 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v2i2.1047


ABSTRAK Penulis tertarik mengajikan Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio’ Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo’ Tau karena Upacara Ladung Bio’ adalah upcara Adat Dayak Kenyah yang sangat penting. Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio’  Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo’ Tau adalah tuturan yang wajib dilakukan oleh Dayak Kenyah Lepo’ Tau pada saat upacara Ladung Bio’. Jenis penelitian ini mengunakan deskriptif dan kualitatif, yang dimana peneliti berusaha mengambarkan dan menjelaskan tentang Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio’ Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo’ Tau. Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio’ Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo’ Tau mengunakan sumber data penelitian adalah Narasumber atas nama Lutang Imang. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data mengunakan Reduksi data, Teknik transkripsi, Penyajian data dan Penarik simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Analisis Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio’ Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepo’ Tau di Desa Nawang Baru Kecamatan Kayan Hulu Kabupaten Malinau:Kajian Folklor. Adalah Tuturan Tradisi yang ada sejak zaman dulu. Yakni pada saat peperangan antar suku. Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio’ ini hanya dimiliki oleh Dayak Kenyah Lepo’ Tau, yang dipandang sebagai sakral, karena didalam upacara Ladung Bio’ ini berbagi petua-petua fungsi melindungi masyarakat Dayak Kenyah Lepo’ Tau dari ancaman sakit penyakit dan dari serangan musuh (ngayau). Kata kunci : Analisis Tuturan Tradisi Upacara Ladung Bio’                                                               ABSTRACT The authors are interested in presenting the Tradition Ceremony of Ladung Bio’ 'Tribe Dayak Kenyah Lepo' Tau because Ladung Bio’ Ceremony is a very important Indigenous Dayak Kenyah. Tutorial Tradition of Ladung Bio’ Ceremony 'Dayak Tribe Kenyah Lepo' Tau is a must-do speech by Dayak KenyahLepo 'Tau at the ceremony of Ladung Bio’. This type of research uses descriptive and qualitative, which is where the researcher tried to describe and explain about the Tradition Tutorial Ladung Bio’ 'Tribe Dayak Kenyah  Lepo' Tau. Tutorial Tradition Ceremony Ladung Bio’ 'Dayak tribe Kenyah Lepo' Tau using the source of research data is a resource on behalf of Lutang Imang. Data collection techniques using observation methods, interviews, documentation. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, transcription technique, Data presentation and Conclusion puller. The result of the research shows that Analysis of Tradition Ladung Bio’ 'Tribe Dayak KenyahLepo' Tau in NawangBaru Village Kayan Hulu Sub-district Malinau District: Folklor Study. Is a Traditional Tutorial that existed since ancient times. That is during the war between tribes. This is only owned by Dayak Kenyah Lepo' Tau, which is seen as sacred, because in the Ladung Bio’ ceremony it shares the functions of protecting the Dayak Kenyah Lepo' Tau from the threat of illness and from enemy attack (ngayau). Keywords: Analysis of Tradition Tutorial Ladung Bio'
THE PORTRAYAL OF HEROISM IN THE ORSON SCOTT CARD’S NOVEL ENDER’S GAME Rosianah Rosianah; Singgih Daru Kuncara; Nita Maya Valiantien
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Edisi Januari 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.047 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v2i1.876


ABSTRACT This research discussed about the portrayal of heroism in the Orson Scott Card’s novel Ender's Game, based on Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey. This research has two objectives, the first is to reveal the journey of Ender to become a hero and the second is to reveal hero traits in Ender’s character that appear during his journey. This study used qualitative approach. The subject of this study is novel by Orson Scott Card entitle Ender’s Game. The data were some sentences and utterances showing the hero’s Journey and hero traits. To obtain trustworthiness, the writer used triangulation technique. The writer found that the hero in his journey passed thirteen stages among seventeen stages of hero’s Journey, namely Call to adventure, Refusal of the call, Supernatural aid, Crossing the first threshold, Belly of the whale, Road of trials, Meeting with the goddess, Atonement with Father, Apotheosis, Ultimate boon, Refusal of the call, Crossing the threshold, Master of the two worlds, and Freedom to live. Three stages were absent, Woman temptress, Magic flight, and Rescue from within. In every phase Ender as the main character showed traits that indicate he is a hero. He showed twelve hero traits, there are; Courage, Virtuosity, Sacrifice, Determination, Focus, Compassion, Perseverance, Dedicate, Honesty, Loyalty, Conviction, and Wisdom. Keywords: hero, hero’s journey, traits  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang penggambaran kepahlawanan dalam novel Ender’s Game karya Orson Scott Card. Terdapat dua objek penelitian, pertama mengungkapkan perjalanan Ender untuk menjadi seorang pahlawan, dan objek kedua mengungkapan ciri-ciri pahlawan yang muncul pada karakter Ender dalam perjalannya . Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah novel karya Orson Scott Card yang berjudul Ender’s Game. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kalimat-kalimat dan ucapan yang menunjukkan “hero’s Journey” dan ciri-ciri pahlawan. Untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan, penulis menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Penulis menemukan bahwa Ender sebagai pahlawan dalam perjalanannya melewati tiga belas tahap di antara tujuh belas tahap perjalanan pahlawan, yaitu Call to adventure, Refusal of the call, Supernatural aid, Crossing the first threshold, Belly of the whale, Road of trials, Meeting with the goddess, Atonement with Father, Apotheosis, Ultimate boon, Refusal of the call, Crossing the threshold, Master of the two worlds, and Freedom to live. Terdapat tiga tahap yang tidak muncul dalam novel, yaitu, Woman as temptress, Magic flight, and Rescue from within. Di setiap tahap Ender sebagai karakter utama menunjukkan ciri-ciri yang menunjukkan bahwa dia adalah pahlawan. Dia menunjukkan dua belas ciri-ciri pahlawan, yaitu; Courage, Virtuosity, Sacrifice, Determination, Focus, Compassion, Perseverance, Dedicate, Honesty, Loyalty, Conviction, dan Wisdom. Kata kunci: pahlawan, perjalanan pahlawan, ciri-ciri
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 1, No 3 (2017): Edisi Juli 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (653.518 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v1i3.671


ABSTRACT The objectives of this research was to find the expression of flouting and violating towards maxim of quality in My Sister’s Keeper novel through major characters’ utterances and also to find the purposes of using flouting and violating toward maxim of quality. This analysis includes to descriptive qualitative method. This researcher used My Sister’s Keeper novel as the source of data. The data derived from the utterances of major characters containing the elements of flouting and violating towards maxim of quality. From the finding of this analysis, the elements of flouting and violating towards maxim of quality were found in major characters’ utterances through five strategies. They are hyperbole strategy, metaphor strategy, irony strategy, banter strategy, and lie strategy. Metaphor strategy was often used by major characters in this novel. It occurred because through metaphor strategy the characters can emphasize the point of talk to express their opinion clearly. From the analysis of five strategies, it found that there are seven purposes of using flouting and violating towards maxim of quality. Key words:    Flouting the maxim of quality, violating towards maxim of quality, purpose, My Sister’s Keeper ABSTRAK  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan ucapan dari penyimpangan dan pelanggaran terhadap maksim kualitas dalam novel My Sister's Keeper melalui ujaran karakter utama dan juga menemukan tujuan dari penggunaan penyimpangan dan pelanggaran terhadap maksim kualitas. Analisis ini termasuk dalam metode deskriptif kualitatif. Peneliti ini menggunakan novel My Sister's Keeper sebagai sumber data. Data berasal dari ujaran karakter utama yang mengandung unsur-unsur penyimpangan dan pelanggaran terhadap maksim kualitas. Dari analisis ini, unsur-unsur penyimpangan dan pelanggaran terhadap maksim kualitas ditemukan dalam ujaran karakter utama melalui lima strategi. Diantaranya adalah strategi hiperbola, strategi metafora, strategi ironi, strategi banter, dan strategi kebohongan. Strategi metafora sering digunakan oleh tokoh utama dalam novel ini. Itu terjadi karena melalui strategi metafora para tokoh dapat menekankan poin pembicaraan untuk mengekspresikan pendapat mereka dengan jelas. Dari analisis lima strategi tersebut, ditemukan bahwa terdapat tujuh tujuan dalam penggunaan penyimpangan dan pelanggaran terhadap maksim kualitas.Kata kunci:     Penyimpangan maksim kualitas, Pelanggaran maksim kualitas, Tujuan, My Sister’s Keeper
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya Vol 1, No 4 (2017): Edisi Oktober 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.37 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jbssb.v1i4.770


ABSTRACT This research was conducted with the aim of: (1) designing mobile learning media in writing description text learning, (2) making plan and implement learning by using mobile learning, and (3) knowing the effectiveness of mobile learning media in learning Indonesian class X SMK. The method used is a research and development model adapted from Sugiono with 10 stages starting with identifying potentials and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, trial usage, product revision and mass production. The location of the research is SMKN 3 Samarinda from April to May 2017. Based on data analysis, mobile learning media is feasible and effective in learning to write description for students of class X SMK.  Keywords: learning media, mobile learning, writing description  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan: (1) mendesain media mobile learning dalam pembelajaran menulis teks deskripsi, (2) membuat perencanaan dan melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan mobile learning, dan (3) mengetahui efektivitas media mobile learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia kelas X SMK. Metode yang digunakan adalah model penelitian dan pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari Sugiono dengan 10 tahapan yang diawali dengan mengidentifikasi potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk, uji coba pemakaian, revisi produk, dan produksi masal. Lokasi penelitian adalah SMKN 3 Samarinda pada bulan April sampai dengan Mei 2017. Berdasarkan analisis data, media mobile learning layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran menulis deskripsi bagi siswa kelas X SMK. Kata kunci: media pembelajaran, mobile learning, menulis deskripsi

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