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Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal)
ISSN : 20865554     EISSN : 26140470     DOI : -
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Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) is published by the Faculty of Social and Political Science of the University of Pelita Harapan. The journal aims to facilitate the exchange and deployment of scientific ideas by academics and practitioners in the field of International Relations. The topics in Verity consist of International Political Economy, Security Studies, Poverty and Social Gap, International Development, Regional and International Cooperation, International Organized Crime, Human Rights, Nationalism and Conflict, Global Governance, Gender, Globalization, Diplomatic Relations, and Economic Development. Verity has been published since 2009 and it is a bi-annual publication with an issue in January-June and another in July–December.
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Articles 73 Documents
Pergeseran Standar Feminisme Dalam Pemilu AS: Studi Terhadap Postfeminisme di Kalangan Muda [The Shifting Feminist Standard in U.S. Elections: Studies on Postfeminism in Youth] Tri Indah Oktavianti; Muhammad Nur Hasan
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 9, No 18 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v9i18.770


Feminism firmly stands in the front line when it comes to the confrontation against injustice and oppression. Yet, feminism has become too exclusive for the subject of women and privileged for sub-groups like whites and middle-class, who stand as a whole category. By then, feminism is stuck in a time warp as it is unable to diminish the oppression of binary gender and its exclusive category. Under the framework of post-structuralist feminism theory, post-feminism is defined as a positive development of feminism that offers more comprehensive thinking. This research aims to identify the ideas of post-feminism and analyze how the shifting values of feminism towards post-feminism occur. Through interpretive methods, the researcher identified that post-feminism was about the deconstruction of the subject 'women' and inter-sectionalism. The millennial paradigm shifts in the United States allowed the creation of preferences that was diverse and unlimited to a specific gender perspective. Thus, the political preferences of feminists were not only limited to the assumption of women that should choose a female president. Therefore, supporters of the millennial wave phenomena of Bernie Sanders in the primary caucus of Democratic Party of US elections in 2016 became one of the reflections of the millennial post-feminism ideas.
Exploring Intersection of Migration and Urban Space in Jakarta Kilim Park
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 9, No 17 (2017): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v9i17.575


Stories of migration tend to mark monumental moments in people's lives. In Indonesia, the experiences of labour migrants, in particular, female overseas domestic workers (usually referred to as TKW: Tenega Kerja Wanita), continue to make the news and has made its way into the Indonesian popular culture as well. In this conceptual paper, I offer a brief observation on the discussion of labour migration in Indonesia, and propose new ways to explore migration and urban space. In particular, with a focus on intersectionality of the two with respect to migrant women returnee's experience, I propose an approach that considers the details in their everyday lives and reflections upon them intertwined with formal and informal aspects of urban citizenship. Finally, by using Jakarta as a case study of urban space where migrant returnees live in, and influence and change, I suggest a research direction that centralizes migrant women as a storyteller and keyplayer in our understanding of urban, social, and cultural change in Indonesia and broadly, Southeast Asia. 
Peran dan Strategi Indonesia bersama ASEAN Dalam Upaya Meredakan Konflik Laut China Selatan [The Role and Strategy of Indonesia with ASEAN to Reduce Conflict in the South China Sea] Aditya Haryo Wahyudi
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 8, No 16 (2016): July - December
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v8i16.723


The conflict in the South China Sea which took place from 1992 until July 2016 needs to be immediately resolved. The Government of Indonesia has seen many stakeholders strive to alleviate the conflict in a peaceful manner. ASEAN as a regional forum for countries in the region has recognized that Indonesia would need group support to confront China's increasingly unstoppable influence.It can be seen that in the South China Sea conflict, Indonesia has played a part in the formation of Declaration of Conduct between ASEAN and China and has also established a trust building workshop with the participants. It is extremely important to note that efforts made by the Government of Indonesia in carrying out its role of leadership is absolutely necessary to building mutual trust among the ASEAN countries. Moreover, together with ASEAN, Indonesia will need to be able to continue working together in the face of pressure and influence coming from China.
Pemahaman Kompetensi Lintas Budaya bagi UNTSO (United Nations Truce Supervision Organization) untuk Memecah Kebuntuan dalam Penyelesaian Konflik Palestina-Israel [UNTSO Competence in Cross-Cultural Understanding to Break the Deadlock in the Settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict] Raden Mas Jerry Indrawan
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 9, No 18 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v9i18.771


UNTSO was the first peacekeeping mission created by the United Nations. They have been in the Middle East since June 1948 with the task of overseeing the implementation of the ceasefire between Israel and Arab countries, including seeking resolution of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. One of the reasons many UN peace missions fail, including UNTSO, was because the peacekeepers do not have the ability to understand the local culture in which they are placed. One of the main difficulties faced by peacekeepers in a conflict involving two groups with two different cultures is uncertainty about cultural values. UNTSO personnel very rarely received training as such and like the usual army, their tendency is to use violence to solve conflicts. There should be a special cultural training focused on developing an understanding of the cultural context, such as background orientation, origin, conflict parties, history, religion, customs, and local community language. This paper tries to provide an analysis through an understanding of cross-cultural competency, which is expected to provide recommendations for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The Making of China's Foreign Policy Towards Vietnam in the South China Sea Dispute: The Analysis of the Idiosyncratic Factors of Xi Jinping in Considering China's Strategic Environment (2012-2016) Agung Banyu Perwita; Marella Putri
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 9, No 17 (2017): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v9i17.576


The South China Sea dispute has its roots decades ago, but tensions have been increasing among the six claimants in recent years, based on each claimants own foreign policy claiming overlapping territory with each other and claimants conducting military activities in the area. Xi Jinping, the leader of the People’s Republic of China, takes a major role in making China’s foreign policy, including the territorial dispute in the South China Sea. Since his leadership, reportedly, more assertive measures had been taken by China, especially with Vietnam as one of the most vocal claimants. This paper explains China’s strategic environment focusing on China's foreign policy planks and U.S. Rebalance Policy in the Asia-Pacific, China’s foreign policy purpose in the South China Sea dispute, and finally analyzes how they are processed by Xi Jinping’s idiosyncratic factors in making the most rational decision of foreign policy towards Vietnam regarding the South China Sea dispute (2012–2016). This research finds that the influence of external parties in the region has resulted in Xi Jinping resorting to making foreign policy – from being assertive to more cooperative – which has the purpose of maintaining its bilateral relations with Vietnam as it is a rational decision to maintain China’s status quo in the dispute.Bahasa Abstrak: Perselisihan di Laut Tiongkok Selatan telah berakar sejak beberapa dekade yang lalu, namun ketegangan telah semakin meningkat  dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, dimana masing negara ‘claimants’ memiliki kebijakan luar negerinya sendiri untuk mengklaim wilayah yang saling tumpang tindih dan di saat bersamaan juga melakukan aktivitas  militer di daerah tersebut. Xi Jinping, Presiden RRT, memiliki peran yang sangat  besar dalam pembuatan kebijakan luar negeri Tiongkok, termasuk dalam perselisihan teritorial di Laut Tiongkok Selatan. Sejak kepemimpinannya, tindakan yang lebih tegas telah dilakukan oleh Tiongkok, terutama terhadap Vietnam sebagai salah satu penggugat yang paling vokal. Tulisan ini menjelaskan lingkungan strategis Tiongkok yang memfokuskan pada  kebijakan luar negeri Tiongkok dan Kebijakan “Rebalance” AS di Asia Pasifik, tujuan kebijakan luar negeri Tiongkok dalam perselisihan Laut Tiongkok Selatan, dan akhirnya menganalisis bagaimana faktor-faktor tersebut dipertimbangkan oleh Xi Jinping dalam pembuatan rasionalitas kebijakan luar negerinya terhadap Vietnam dalam perselisihan Laut Tiongkok Selatan (2012 - 2016). Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengaruh pihak luar di wilayah tersebut telah mengakibatkan Xi Jinping beralih untuk membuat kebijakan luar negeri - dari bersikap asertif hingga lebih kooperatif - yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan hubungan bilateralnya dengan Vietnam yang menjadi keputusan paling rasional untuk mempertahankan status quo Tiongkok dalam perselisihan tersebut. 
The Rise of Inequality in Indonesia: The Effects of Globalization in the Labor Markets Roy Andy Panjaitan
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 8, No 16 (2016): July - December
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v8i16.724


The most pressing issue in the world today is the worsening inequality of income and widespread inequality. Globalization has had a significant impact on the labor market caused by the decisions of global companies to relocate activities centered on physical manpower and relying less on foreign expertise. At the same time, global companies continue to rely on domestic work expertise. This has resulted in increased demand for skilled and higher education workers in various sectors, while at the same time a decreased demand for less skilled workers and special skills. This global issue also occurs in Indonesia which causes inequality of income between labor. This paper elaborates on theories of economic inequality as well as issues of income inequality in Indonesia according to a recent World Bank study. The authors conclude that the imbalanced incomes of labor income require a solution from  various actors such as government, private sector, non-governmental institutions, and academic institutions.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: Permasalahan nomor satu yang sangat mendesak di dunia saat ini adalah ketimpangan pendapatan yang semakin memburuk dan berdampak luas. Globalisasi telah menghasilkan dampak signifikan terhadap pasar tenaga kerja yang disebabkan karena adanya keputusan perusahan–perusahan global untuk merelokasi aktivitas yang berpusat pada tenaga fisik manusia dan kurang mengandalkan keahlian ke luar negeri. Disaat yang sama, perusahaan-perusahaan global tetap melakukan aktivitas yang mengandalkan keahlian kerja dalam negeri. Hal ini telah mengakibatkan meningkatnya permintaan tenaga kerja yang memiliki keahlian dan pendidikan tinggi di berbagai sektor, disaat yang sama menurunnya permintaan tenaga kerja yang kurang memiliki keahlian dan ketrampilan khusus. Isu global ini juga terjadi di Indonesia yang menyebabkan terjadinya ketimpangan pendapatan antar tenaga kerja. Tulisan ini mengelaborasi teori tentang ketimpangan ekonomi serta isu ketimpangan pendapatan di Indonesia sesuai studi terakhir Bank Dunia. Penulis sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa ketimpangan pendapatan tenaga kerja yang terus berlangsung memerlukan solusi berbagai aktor seperti pemerintah, sektor swasta, aktor/lembaga non pemerintah serta akademisi.
The Neo-Mercantilist Model of Development for Indonesia - Jasmanto
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 9, No 18 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v9i18.772


Seventy-two years after gaining independence from the Netherlands, the Indonesian economy remains that of a developing country. Under the New Order, the country attained significant economic growth but failed to sustain it. Its neighboring countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea have reached sensational economic growth and in a much shorter time were upgraded into developed country status. This article explains the economic model used in their economies that accelerated their economic standing. It finds that Neo-Merchantilist practice has successfully propelled economic growth in certain countries. Asian Tigers also demonstrate economic success with the same model. Learning from success and experience, this article recommends Indonesia to adopt a Neo-Merchantilist economic model for development in order to become a developed country.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: Sudah 72 tahun Indonesia merdeka dari Belanda namun perekonomian Indonesia masih digolongkan sebagai negara berkembang. Indonesia mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi luar biasa di bawah Orde Baru, sayangnya pertumbuhan itu tidak berlangsung lama. Sebaliknya, tetangga Indonesia seperti Singapura, Hong Kong, Korea Selatan dan Taiwan telah mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sensasional dan telah berpindah dari negara berkembang ke negara maju dalam waktu singkat. Bagaimana mereka melakukan ini? Model ekonomi manakah yang mereka terapkan pada ekonomi mereka? Apakah ada faktor pemicu lain diluar fokus ekonomi Investasi Asing Langsung (Foreign Direct Investmen/FDI) dan berorientasi kepada ekspor dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi? Artikel ini menemukan bahwa praktek ekonomi Neo-Mercantilist berhasil mendorong pembangunan pesat perekonomian Tiongkok. Macan-macan Asia juga menunjukkan perkembangan mengejar ekonomi maju seperti Dunia Barat dan Jepang dengan model yang sama. Haruskah Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang menggunakan model pembangunan ekonomi yang sama? Dengan melihat pengalaman dan keberhasilan ekonomi negara-negara tersebut, artikel ini merekomendasikan agar Indonesia juga menggunakan model pembangunan ekonomi Neo-Mercantilist untuk menjadi negara maju.
Perubahan Politik dan Rent Seeking Activities [Changes in Political and Rent-Seeking Activities] Ignatius Ismanto
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 9, No 17 (2017): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v9i17.577


The economic crisis that hit Indonesia both in mid-1980s and 1997 has allowed Indonesia to liberalize its economy. Economic liberalization has promoted a deeping of Indonesia’s economic integration into the global capitalist economy. The economic crisis in 1997 not only challanged the economy. The crisis also caused a flourishing of political change: the delegitimizing of an authoritarian regime, the spreading of political liberalization, and the burgeoning of democratization. Decentralization has been adopted as a deepening instrument in promoting democracy. Political pressure for curbing rent seeking activities has been articulated along with the country’s changing economy. Ironically, political liberalization that overhauled the authoritarian structure and power has failed to keep rent seeing activities in check. Rent seeking activities have institutionalized following the country’s changing economy and, therefore, they have been vulnerable to corruption.
Digital Diaspora China dan Upaya Mempertahankan Eksistensi Identitas Dalam Politik Internasional [The Digital Diaspora of China and Attempts to Maintain the Existence of Identity in International Politics] Tiara Dianti; Muhammad Yamin
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 8, No 16 (2016): July - December
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v8i16.725


Discussions on digital diaspora are relatively new in international relations studies. The birth of digital diaspora was driven by globalization and the increasing use of information and communications technology. The importance of digital diaspora recently has been recognized by some countries; this paper will discuss the digital diaspora of China. The emergence of digital diaspora was started by the Beijing Strategy in the Deng Xiaoping era. It has developed since the third generation of Chinese diaspora are better educated and skilled, so it is not surprising that it is easier for them to access the virtual world.Chinese Digital diaspora can be seen as a great opportunity for the country with the capacity to make use of it and include it as part of the country’s public diplomacy. The possible role of digital diaspora can be manifested through their actions in community development and political movement committed in cyberspace. Chinese Digital diaspora action is based on their strong sense of belonging to the country of origin (homeland) and a sense of nationalism.
Russia Sovereignty and Regional Security: The Asymmetric Conflict of the Russian Federation Military in Ukraine (2014) Hendra Manurung
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 9, No 18 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v9i18.773


The Russia Federation is global actor in applying strict policies against the Ukraine. In pursuing the state’s political goals from Moscow, the escalation of military operations in 2014 defined the way the state behaves. Through a combination of military and non-military operations, Russia is now slowly regaining its power through the annexation of the Crimea. The effectiveness of this method is used to determine Russia’s contemporary warfare strategy. It thus explains how Russia's foreign policy and defense policy from 2000 to 2013 has dependence on Ukraine's strategic environment on Russia, and Russia's national interest in Ukraine. The main focus of this paper is on the achievement of Russia’s political objectives in its military operation in Ukraine and analysis on Russia’s national security components that significantly influence the interaction of this asymmetric conflict. BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: Federasi Rusia merupakan aktor global yang menerapkan kebijakan tegas terhadap Ukraina. Guna mencapai tujuan politik nasional Rusia yang dikendalikan dari Moskwa, melalui operasi militer di tahun 2014, didefinisikan bagaimana negara tersebut berperilaku. Melalui kombinasi operasi militer dan non-militer, Rusia secara perlahan memperoleh kekuasaan melalui aneksasi Krimea. Efektivitas metoda ini dipergunakan untuk menentukan strategi perang Rusia saat ini. Dengan demikian menjelaskan bagaimana kebijakan luar negeri dan kebijakan pertahanan Rusia dari tahun 2000 hingga 2013 yang memiliki ketergantungan pada lingkungan strategis Ukraina terhadap Rusia, dan kepentingan nasional Rusia pada Ukraina. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah pencapaian tujuan politik Rusia dalam operasi militer yang dilaksanakan di Ukraina dan menganalisa komponen keamanan nasional Rusia yang signifikan mempengaruhi interaksi konflik asimetrik.