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Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education
ISSN : 25412418     EISSN : 25412434     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education (IJIECE), Print ISSN: 2541-2434; Online ISSN: 2541-2418 is an international journal published twice a year in June and December by Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program (Perkumpulan Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Raudlatul Athfal Indonesia). Correspondence concerning the journal should be addressed to the Chief Editor. Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education welcomes authoritative, original, ably illustrated, and well-written manuscripts on any topic and scope of Islamic Early Childhood Education that relevant and related to Indonesian cases as well as others areas in the world. The Journal publishes Articles, Opinion Papers, Comments/Responses and Corrections.
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Articles 84 Documents
Skill-Based Curriculum Development to Prevent the Violence Against Children Komalasari, Elis
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum berbasiss keterampilan perlindungan diri terhadap kekerasan seksual pada anak usia dini. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kasus kekerasan pada anak (child abuse) mengalami peningkatan. Komisi Nasional Perlindungan Anak mencatat bahwa sejak tahun 2010, jumlah kekerasan pada anak baik secara fisik maupun psikis mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya, terutama dalam bentuk kejahatan seksual pada anak. Pendidikan anak usia dini sebagai bagian makro dari perkembangan anak dan bagian dari masyarakat memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mencegah terjadinya tindak kekerasan pada anak. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengembangkan kurikulum berbasis keterampilan perlindungan diri pada anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian tindakan kolaboratif dengan objek penelitian terdiri dari 5 lembaga PAUD yang mewakili setiap kecamatan di kabupaten Tanah Datar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 3 dari 5 lembaga PAUD di Kabupaten Tanah Datar tidak memiliki kurikulum dan panduan pembelajaran mengenai pencegahan kekerasan seksual pada anak usia dini. 2 lembaga memiliki pedoman pembelajaran dengan mengacu pada kurikulum 2013. Dari hasil penelitian ini maka dikembangkan kurikulum berbasis keterampilan perlindungan diri untuk anak usia dini dengan mengacu pada kurikulum 2013 dengan penetapan tujuan khusus yaitu standar tingkat pencapaian perkembangan, kompetenssi inti dan kompetensi dasar. Hasil penelitian ini berupa rancangan kurikulum berbasis keterampilan perlindungan diri dan diharapkan dapat diujicoba pada penelitian selanjutnya.
Stop! Push-Parenting: Shoot Parent’s Ambition as Kind of Psychological Abuse in Parenting Hidayati, Laily
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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Menyiapkan masa depan terbaik untuk anak adalah hal yang sangat wajar dilakukan oleh orangtua manapun. Memastikan kebutuhan dasar anak terpenuhi, memastikan pendidikannya, fasilitas-fasilitas, bahkan dana, merupakan hal-hal umum yang dilakukan oleh orangtua dalam rangka itu. Pada prosesnya, tidak bisa tidak, orangtua menerapkan cara-cara yang secara tipikal mereka gunakan—meskipun seringkali tidak disadari—dalam mengasuh dan mendidik anak mereka. Cara-cara yang secara khas digunakan oleh orangtua dalam mengasuh dan mendidik anaknya disebut dengan pola asuh (parenting), yang mana telah dikenal terdapat beberapa pola asuh yang lazim diterapkan oleh orangtua.Push-parenting adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut suatu pola asuh yang terlalu menekan hak anak, cenderung menetapkan target-target, tuntutan-tuntutan, standar-standar yang sangat mungkin melewati batas kemampuan fisik maupun psikologis anak. Yang terjadi kemudian adalah terancamnya kesehatan mental anak karena anak berubah menjadi miniatur serta korban pemaksaan ambisi orangtua. Anak dapat menjadi rendah diri, konsep dirinya negatif, terganggu aspek perkembangan sosial-emosionalnya, dan lebih-lebih, anak kehilangan kesempatan untuk berkembang jiwa kemandirian serta kemampuannya menyelesaikan masalah (problem solving). Artikel ini mendalami kajian-kajian teoritis kepustakaan, menganalisisnya untuk menemukan titik kritis penerapan model pengasuhan push-parenting, sehingga dengannya, orangtua diharapkan dapat mengevaluasi pola asuh yang diterapkannya,sehingga anak dapat tumbuh-berkembang secara unik sesuai bakat, minat, serta kepribadiannya. Kata Kunci: Parenting, push-parenting, kekerasan psikologis. Preparing for the best children’s future is a very reasonable thing to do by any parent. Ensure the basic needs of children are met, ensure their education, facilities, and even funding, are the general things are done by parents in order that. In the process, we all know and sure that parents implement ways that typically they use—although often they do not realized—in caring for and educating their children. Ways that are typically used by parents in caring for and educating children is called parenting (parenting), which has been known there are some common parenting applied by parents. Push-parenting is a term used to describe a parenting that in there too much pressure on childrens rights, tend to set targets, demands, standards that are likely over the limit of physical and psychological abilities of children. What happens then is the threat to childrens mental health because children turn into a miniature as well as victims of coercion parental ambition. Children can going to be a low self-esteem, negative self-concept, disturbed aspects of social-emotional development, and more, children maybe lose the opportunity to develop spirit of independence and ability to solve problems (problem solving). This paper scrutinizes the theoretical literature studies, analyzes it to find a critical point of care model application push-parenting, so with that, parents are expected to evaluate the implementation of parenting, so that the child can grow-evolved uniquely suited their talents, interests, and personality. Keywords: Parenting, push-parenting, psychological abuse.
Pengaruh Gadget terhadap Kesehatan Mental Anak Hasanah, Muhimmatul
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 2 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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Mental health of children is a mental condition of children who do not experience mental illness, and the ability to think clearly, control emotions, and socialize with children his age. Mental health is less good in childhood can lead to more serious behavior disorders due to mental imbalance and emotional, and social life of children who are less good. One reason could be due to excessive use of gadgets. It can not be denied that the gadget has a positive or negative impact on the childs development. The positive effects such as gadgets can stimulate the senses of sight and hearing. Negative effects of gadgets on children include the brain growth is too fast, developmental obstacles, obesity, sleep disorders, mental illness, aggressive, dementia digital, addiction, radiation and not sustainable.
Implementasi Hak Anak dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam di Raudhatul Athfal Fanreza, Robie; Harfiani, Rizka
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of childrens rights in the perspective of Islamic law in Raudhatul Athfal. The research was conducted at Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Ar-Rashid located at Suka Maju Indah Estate, GG Block No. 1, Suka Maju, Sunggal, Deli Serdang, North Sumatera. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive method. Technique of collecting data sourced from result of observation, interview and documentation. Research subjects were teachers, parents and children (students) in RA. Ar-Rashid. Data analysis using descriptive technique. The results of the research that are: (1) Rights of the Child in the perspective of Islamic Law, (2) Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and (3) Implementation of childrens rights in early childhood Islamic education institutions Raudhatul Athfal, at a good implementing, manifest in the curriculum applied in Raudhatul Athfal. Starting from the right to get affection, domisile, education, health, all of which are included in the structure of early childhood education curriculum.
The Influence of Games and Intelligences to Ability in Mathematics for TK-B’s Children Huliyah, Muhiyatul
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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This article reported the result of research for the influence of games and intelligences to ability in mathematics for TK-B’s children. The research was held in TK/RA Daarul Muqimien of Buaranjati village, Sukadiri subdistrict, Tangerang regency. The amount of sample are 40 TK-B’s children. The method used was experimental with 2x2 factorial design. The results of this research are : (1) there was non significant difference to ability in mathematics for TK-B’s children who given by Monopoly game and TK-B’s children who given by Snakes-Ladders game; (2) there was non significant difference to ability in mathematics for TK-B’s children with high intelligence who given by monopoly game and Snakes-Ladders game; (3) ability in mathematics for TK-B’s children with low intelligence who given by Monopoly game lower than children who given by Snakes-Ladders game; (4) there was significant influence of interaction between games and intelligence to ability in mathematics for TK-B’s children. Both monopoly game and Snakes-Ladders game could improve the ability in mathematics for TK-B’s children.
Anti-Violence Education Against Children Yulianingsih, Yuyun
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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This article aimed to analyze the anti-violence education to early childhood in Islamic perspective. Documentation is used as data collection method in this research. And critical analysis is used as data analysis technique. By this method, the research finds that: (1) violence against children occurs because of lack of understanding about what is exactly the characteristic of early chilhood. (2) Islam has explained the rights and protection of children (3) understanding the characteristic of the children is one of the core of anti-violence education against children. Keywords: Education, Violence, Child, Islam. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendidikan anti kekerasan terhadap anak usia dini dalam perspektif Islam. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan ialah analisis kritis. Berdasarkan metode tersebut, diperoleh temuan penelitian bahwa: (1) kekerasan terhadap anak terjadi akibat rendahnya pemahaman tentang anak sejak usia dini. (2) Islam telah menjelaskan hak dan perlindungan terhadap anak (3) pemahaman mengenai kondisi anak merupakan salah satu inti pendidikan anti kekerasan teradap anak. Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Kekerasan, Anak, Islam.
Pengembangan Screening Assessment untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru dalam Mengidentifikasi Perkembangan Bahasa Anak Usia Dini Irayana, Ika
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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This research aimed to: (1) produce the feasible screening assesment to increase PAUD teachers competition in identifiying language development of early childhood (2) know the effectiveness of screening assesment to increase PAUD teachers competition in identifiying language development of early childhood. This research is a research and development which is used Borg and Gall (2007) adapted from Dick and Carey. Stages included in this research and development are (1) Identification Instructional Goal, (2) Conduct Instructional Analysis, (3) Analyze Learners and Contexts, (4) Write Performance Objective, (5) Develop Assessment Instrument, (6) Develop Instructional Strategy, (7) Develop and Select Instructional Materials, (8) Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation of Instruction, (9) Resive Instruction, and (10) Design and Conduct Summative Evaluation. Feasiblity determination of screening assesment level was based on the experts validation test, individual trial and small group trial. Effectiveness determination of screening assesment level was based on the field trial. The reaserch performed on 30 teachers in Gugus of Kecamatan Banjarmasin Timur.Validation product result showed that screening assesment feasibled to increase the PAUD teachers competention in identifying language development. Wilcoxon test result that significance value was 0.000, which was smaller than 0.05 as the significance level used in this research, than H0 rejected and H1 accepted. Thus, concluded that the developed screening assesment product was increased PAUD teacher’s competence in identifying language development of early childhood.
Fenomena Gadget dan Perkembangan Sosial bagi Anak Usia Dini Pangastuti, Ratna
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 2 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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This paper seeks to explain the picture of the gadget phenomenon that develops in early childhood in some areas, analyze the impact of gadgets for early childhood social development, analyze the social development of early childhood gadget users. By using the method of document study, the author then collects various documents of research to be analyzed by meta synthesis to produce final conclusions. Of the nine documents that researchers collect randomly from various sources, then got the end result that the phenomenon of gadgets has penetrated the area in Indonesia both urban and rural areas and at an early age (± 1 year to 6 years) have known and used gadgets. The social impacts raised from the children of this gadget user show positive data, meaning that gadgets greatly affect the behavioral development and social interaction. The social development of children using gadgets even to addiction is mostly they look passive in the association with peers, they prefer to be alone and comfotr with their gadget, their motor activity was very minimal. So that the optimization of a childs self-potential is required the participation of parents, which becomes the most important element in the formation and development of the childs personality.
Layanan Informasi Bimbingan Konseling untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pedagogik Pendidik Paud di Kota Pontianak Binti Murni M Saleh, Hesty Nurrahmi
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi pada beragamnya latar belakang pendidikan guru; kurangnya kemampuan guru dalam memberikan bimbingan psikologis dan fisik untuk mengembangkan potensi dan perkembangan anak usia dini; kemampuan guru dalam mengelola dan melakukan evaluasi pembelajaran (hasil pra penelitian). Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan eksperimen pre and post test desain, alat pegumpulan data berupa angket penilaian diri kompetensi guru PAUD. subyek penelitian guru PAUD yang terhimpun dalam HIMPAUDI Kota Pontianak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan non signifikant dengan kategori bervariasi pada masing-masing sub aspek kompetensi pedagogik; bentuk layanan informasi bimbingan dan konseling yang diberikan pada guru PAUD yaitu: perencanaan,  pelaksanaan,  evaluasi, analisis hasil evaluasi, tindak lanjut, dan pelaporan.
Early Childhood Anti-Violence Education in The Perspective of Psychology Syarbaini, Eni Rosda
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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Early age children is nation next generation. Government gives serious attention toward early childhood education which is pointed out by PP No. 60 th. 2013 about the integrative and holistic service of early childhood development. Children violence might be occurred everywhere, it could be in the family, on the street and children trafficking. Children violence is a social problem that has a big impact toward psychological, physical, mental, and the growth of children. To prevent this violence, government, society, teachers and parents must involve intensively. Government has issued the law no. 35 th. 2014 about children care. Early childhood must be protected from any kinds of violence. Education for early childhood must be done using learning approach through play games, interactive, children centered, and in joyful atmosphere. Keywords: fun education for early childhood, anti violence, psychology. Anak usia dini adalah generasi penerus bangsa. Pemerintah memberikan perhatian yang serius terhadap pendidikan anak usia dini yang ditunjukkan dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 60 tahun 2013 tentang Pelayanan Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini Holistik Integratif. Kekerasan terhadap Anak dapat terjadi dimana-mana, seperti dalam lingkungan keluarga, di jalanan, dan perdaganagan anak. Kekerasan terhadap anak merupakan masalah sosial memiliki dampak besar terhadap psikologis, fisik, mental, dan tumbuh kembang anak. Untuk pencegahan kekerasan terhadap anak, dituntut peran aktif orang tua, pendidik, masyarakat, dan Pemerintah. Pemerintah menerbitkan Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Anak. Anak usia dini harus dilindungi dari segala bentuk kekerasan. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dilakukan dengan pendekatan belajar melalui bermain, interaktif, berpusat pada anak, dan dalam suasana yang menyenangkan. Kata Kunci: PAUD Menyenangkan, Anti Kekerasan, Psikologi.