Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal (EGCDJ) (E ISSN 2614-8358) (P ISSN 2615-3661) merupakan wadah untuk menampung berbagai artikel penelitian dan konsep pemikiran mutakhir tentang bimbingan konseling. Jurnal ini menjadi wadah bagi semua Tenaga Kependidikan, Ahli, Praktisi, dan Peneliti di bidang bimbingan konseling untuk berkomunikasi secara ilmiah. muatan dalam jurnal ini adalah segala sesuatu yang terkait dengan dunia bimbingan konseling, dibahas melalui berbagai perspektif terutama dalam perspektif islam. Jurnal EGCDJ diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Konsentrasi Bimbingan Konseling Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau bekerja sama dengan Ikatan Konselor Indonesia (IKI) PD Riau. Jurnal ini diterbitkan 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun, yaitu Bulan April dan November
64 Documents
Relationships between Attachment Style and Depression Level among Undergraduate Students
Amalia Madihie 1;
Azlan Bin Andika;
Fiona anak Kunang;
Diyana Syazana Binti Omar;
Debra Bte Simar;
Chan Wei Sian
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i1.4949
This study was conducted to identify the depression level of university student in Sarawak based on four types of attachment style. Therefore, undergraduate (UG) students from a university as sample for this study. Three hundred and sixty UG students were randomly chosen to be the respondents for this study since the population was 2200 UG students in a faculty. Questionnaire was employed in the study to collect required information or data. Questionnaire consists of three parts which are Section A: Demographic of respondents, Section B: Experience in Close Relationship Test (ECR), and Section C: Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). ECR applied to determine the attachment style of students and CES-D used to identify the level of depression of students. As for the data analysis, Pearson Correlation Analysis was carried out. Finding showed there was significant relationship between attachment style and depression level among the UG students where the p-value (0.000) is smaller than alpha value (0.005). Expertise could utilize the findings of study to develop some suitable module of intervention to help client suffer from depression due to relationship problem.
Amirah Diniaty
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i1.4826
Perbedaan budaya antara klien dan konselor akan menjadi penghambat tercapainya konseling yang efektif jika konselor tidak mewaspadai miskonsepsi dan terjadinya kesalahpahaman terhadap nilai budaya klien. Miskonsepsi tersebut dapat berupa culturally encalsulated, overculturalizing, rasisme dan proses akulturasi klien. Konselor perlu memahami dan memiliki wawasan budaya yang cukup dan mempelajari keterkaitanya dengan perilaku klien. Salah satu model perspektif lintas budaya yang dapat dipakai konselor dalam mencegah terjadinya miskonsepsi nilai budaya adalah model McFadden. Model ini menekankan perlunya konselor menguasai pengetahuan akan budaya klien, memahami etnik, ras, performa, percakapan, tingkah laku kelompok sosial dari klien agar bisa memiliki komunikasi yang bermakna, dan penggunaan pendekatan konseling yang tepat.
Kelekatan Orangtua untuk Pembentukan untuk Pembentukan Karakter Anak
Suci Lia Sari1;
Rika Devianti;
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i1.4947
Pendidikan berperan penting dalam mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, jika potensi peserta didik dapat berkembang dengan optimal maka peserta didik akan memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan. Peserta didik mampu mengendalikan diri sesuai dengan ketakwaan kepada Tuhan, cerdas sesuai dengan potensi yang dimilikinya, mempunyai keterampilan yang harus sesuai dengan ketentuan nilai dan norma yang berlaku, serta mempunyai perilaku yang baik. Pada saat ini sering terjadi masalah-masalah di institusi pendidikan, terutama sekali peserta didik banyak yang melakukan kekerasan dan kejahatan-kejahatan, hal seperti ini sangat bertentangan dengan tujuan pendidikan yang membentuk karakter cerdas pada penerus bangsa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh kelekatan orangtua terhadap pembentukan karakter anak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan atau library Research, penelitian yang dilakukan melalui pengumpulan data atau karya tulis ilmiah. Sumber data primer adalah hasil-hasil Penelitian atau tulisan-tulisan karya ilmiah beserta buku buku yang berkaitan dengan kelekatan orangtua dan pembentukan karakter anak. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kelekatan merupakan ikatan kasih sayang dan sikap orangtua dalam mengasuh anak, orangtua mampu merespon, dan memenuhi kebutuhan anak, hubungan ini akan membentuk suatu ikatan emosional antara anak dengan orangtua dan terjalin kedekatan anak dengan orangtua, dari hubungan tersebut tercipta rasa aman. Hubungan ini akan berlangsung dalam jangka waktu yang lama bahkan usia lanjut dan akan terbentuk pola-pola kelekatan pada anak. Kelekatan yang dijalin orang tua terhadap anaknya mampu meminimalisir tindakan kriminal, kekerasan, dan perilaku-perilaku negatif yangsekarang banyak terjadi di masyarakat dan di sekolah, tidak lepas dari pengasuhan orangtua.
Motivasi Belajar Siswa yang Berlatar Belakang Budaya Melayu dan Jawa
Hasgimianti 1;
Ramtia Darma Putri;
Raja Rahima MRA
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i1.4948
Education is a process that students can use to develop their own potential.This was a descriptive comparative research which applied quantitative method. The essence of education is learning. There is no education without learning activities. Student learning motivation is influenced by the cultural background. By Slovin formula followed by simple random sampling technique, 200 students were choosen as the sample at SMP Negeri 1 Siak Hulu Kabupaten Kampar in Academic Year 2015/2016. The data gathered were analyzed by using descriptive statistic and MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance). The result of the research indicated that: The students' learning motivation with Malaynese cultural backgrounds are in the high category; The students' learning motivation with Javanese cultural backgrounds are are in very high category; and There is no significance different attention of parents between with Malaynese and Javanese cultural backgrounds, while there are siginificant differences in learning motivation. Learning motivation among students who Malaynese cultural backgrounds and Javanese cultural backgrounds. between the students' cultural backgrounds Malaynese and Javanese
Eko Sujadi
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i1.4808
Achievement motivation needs to be possessed by every individual. The aims of this research are to find out the effect of self concept and locus of control to achievement motivation in Islamic Guidance and Counseling Students of IAIN Kerinci. This research was descriptive & correlation research by using quantitative approach. Data were collected by using the Tennessee Self Concept Scale by William H. Fitts modified by Julia Raymod Lorenz, inventory Rotters Internal-External Locus of Control (I-E Scale), and achievement motivation scale. The data were analyzed by percentage technique, simple linear regression technique, and multiple linear regression technique. The finding of research are: 1) the general level of self concept is in middle category, 2) locus of control is in the middle range between internal locus of control and external locus of control with an average as big as 11.46, 3) the general level of achievement motivation is in middle category, 4) there is an effect self concept to achievement motivation, 5) there is an effect locus of control to achievement motivation, and 6) there is an effect self concept and locus of control to achievement motivation.
The exploration classical music contribution to improve children's memory abilities
Zadrian Ardi;
Siti Azizi Fauziyyah
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i2.5609
Memory is a part of the brain that will be used until the old later. Today a great many children who have low memory. However, it is not a possibility many ways to develop your child's memory. Even the music was also influential in the power of memory. However, not all types of music can have a great impact against the child's memory. There are some kids who don't like the music even while being given or learn something. Therefore, this paper will discuss on the influence of music in improving memory or memory. Especially the kind of classical music. Some studies experts suggest that classical music is indeed influential in increasing memory. Because classical music has a quiet and relaxed tones that mostly used to study because it can lower the stress level when working as a matter of practice. In this case, the memory and the music are a collaboration that fit when working on the problem. Because it can improve memory and decrease stress.
Citra Imelda
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i2.6141
This research was motivated by the conditions encountered in the field that: 1)there were still parents who lacked knowledge about what facilities orinfrastructure were given to basic children, 2) still not creating a good learningatmosphere at home. So the purpose of this study is to describe: 1) The role ofparents in creating a good atmosphere at home. 2) The role of parents in providingfacilities and infrastructure in providing child learning facilities. This research isquantitative descriptive. The population of this study were all parents of grade 1elementary school students in RW 01 RT 01 and 02 in Binuang Village, PauhSub-District, Padang City, as many as 32 people. The technique used in samplingis total sampling. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire, while fortechnical data analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the role ofparents in providing learning facilities for grade 1 children in good aspects, and 2)in the aspects of learning facilities and infrastructure at home are also in goodcategory. Based on the results of this study the researchers can develop more rolesin providing learning facilities for grade 1 elementary school children.
Nur'aini Safitri;
Despha Dendi Irawan
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i2.6053
Indonesia adalah Negara yang rawan dengan bencana alam. Bencana alam yang terjadi tidak hanya menyebabkan kerusakan dan menelan korban jiwa, tetapi juga meninggalkan bekas luka yang sangat mendalam bagi korban bencana baik secara fisik maupun psikis (trauma). Konselor adalah salah satu profesi yang bertugas untuk melaksanakan layanan konseling untuk korban bencana yang mengalami trauma atau situasi krisis. Konselor memiliki peran penting untuk membantu pengentasan kondisi trauma yang dialami oleh korban melalui layanan konseling bencana (disaster counseling), yaitu (1) play therapy, (2) penenangan (relaksasi dan disensitisasi), (3) layanan pendalaman (eklektik). Dalam upaya untuk dapat membantu pemulihan trauma yang dialami oleh korban bencana alam yang selamat, konselor perlu memahami kompleksitas permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh klien sebelum memilih metode, teknik, jenis layanan dan pendekatan konseling agar pelayanan konseling bencana yang diberikan dapat bermanfaat
Penanaman Pemahaman Seks Pranikah Bagi Siswa Melalui Layanan Informasi di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Telkom Pekanbaru
Fitra Herlinda
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i2.6054
This research aimed at knowing whether there was aninfluence of joining Informational Service on Personal Guidance toward student pre-marriage sex comprehension. It was a Correlation that the subjects of this research were the eleventh-grade students of Accounting and Hospitality Department. The object was theinfluence of joining Informational Service on Personal Guidance toward student pre-marriage sex comprehension. The population of this research was all students of Accounting and Hospitality Department amount 116 students. Considering the large number of population, Purposive sampling technique was used. It was obtained 35 students as samples. The technique of analyzing the data was Simple linear regression formula. Based on the research findings, it could be known thatrobserved was 0.988 with 0.000 probability level. It was obtained that robserved was higher than rtable at 5% and 1% significant levels (0.3338<0.988>0.4296). Based on the testing, it could be concluded that Ha was accepted, and Ho was rejected. It meant that there was a significantinfluence of joining Informational Service on Personal Guidance toward student pre-marriage sex comprehensionatTelecomVocational High School Pekanbaru.
Riswani Riswani
Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2018): EGCDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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DOI: 10.24014/egcdj.v1i2.6142
Guidance and Counseling teachers always required understanding the conditions and situation of students with a vengeance and so that required intense emotional involvement. Intense emotional involvement can lead to job stress and stress is ignored if the condition will potentially lead to burnout in the works. This study tries to find out the burnout of the picture and the factors that affect the burnout of the BK teachers, 23 respondents who have a lot of student guidance. Determination of the respondents using the technique of "snowball". The method used is a qualitative method with the phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews. The credibility of the research done by triangulation of the data sources. Based on the results of the study concluded that depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and unwillingness in the achievement experienced by BK teachers. The Free school system, the weak role of the leader, the conditions are not the conducive working environment, workload, unclear professional status, educational qualifications, moral crisis of the students, the indifference of parents, lack of social support coworkers lead to burnout at BK teachers. Spirituality becomes a reference in the BK teachers cope with stress and burnout experienced. So the central phenomenon in this study is the burnout as a result of the stress experienced by BK teachers.