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Jurnal SOLMA
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Jurnal SOLMA merupakan jurnal di bawah naungan Lembaga Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LPPM) dan dipublikasikan oleh Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. Jurnal terdaftar dengan E-ISSN: 2614-1531 & P-ISSN: 2252-584x. Jurnal SOLMA mempublikasikan naskah-naskah artikel ilmiah dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM) dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Jurnal SOLMA dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh LPPM UHAMKA.
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Articles 502 Documents
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1228.628 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.2957


The phenomenon of bullying is currently a serious problem, especially in groups of school-age children because the incidence has increased from year to year. The results of interviews with fourth and 5th-grade students at Bangunjiwo Elementary School showed that 80% of students had been involved in the incidence of bullying. The results of interviews with teachers indicate that teachers have not known much about the problem of bullying. So far there is no school policy in the effort to prevent and overcome bullying. The data shows that the teacher's perception of bullying in school-age children is still not right. This community service program aims to improve the knowledge, awareness, and ability of the school community in efforts to prevent bullying in school-age children by increasing the participation of the school community. This program is carried out through tiered education for students, teachers, employees, student principals regarding bullying in school-age children, counseling training and mentoring for teachers, policy advocacy efforts related to bullying and the creation of health promotion media related to bullying. The resulting output in the form of increased knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of partners related to bullying in school-age children and the initiation of school policies in the prevention of bullying.
Agribisnis Ayam Potong Berbasis Probio Fm Plus Di Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang Helda, Helda; Nalle, Catootjie L; Badewi, Bachtarudin
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (776.935 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.2570


Broilers are meat type chickens which are having tender meat and can be harvested in aerly stage of age (28 d) so that can recoup quickly.  Broiler agribusines has been conducted since 2005 in polytechnic of Agricuture Kupang, started with very small scale. It has been well known that chicken excreta is one of the contributors in environmental polution due to the emisión of ammonia (NH3). Ammonia arena lokasi kandang verada di lingkungan kampus. Ammonia is the result of nitrogent decomposition in chicken excreta, such as uric acid undigested protein and non protein nitrogent. Thus, the effort to reduce the ammonia polution in by using probiotics. In PPUPIK activity, Probio FMplus, which is a modification product of In Probio-FM in Jambi University, is used for boiler rearing. The main comodity of PPUPIK in Polytechnic of Agriculture is broiler chickens. Type of housing used is floor pens with the capacity 1,000 birds and 7,000 birds in two different location. Additional products from PPUPIK are probiotics (Probio Fmplus), processing products (ie. nuggets), and organic fertilizer which is fermented using Probio FMplus. The positive impacts of PPUPIK activities are the improvement of student competency, supporting tri dharma activities, and as a place for competent test for senior vocational students. 
Sosialisasi dan Penyuluhan Tentang Dagusibu dan Gema Cermat di Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Jakarta Timur Yati, Kori; Prisiska, Fahjar; Sulistyaningsih, Endang
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.932 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.1058


Upaya peningkatan kesehatan bagi masyarakat sangat penting. Hal ini diperkuat dengan dicanangkannya DAGUSIBU (Dapatkan, Gunakan, Simpan dan Buang Obat dengan benar) oleh Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia dan GEMA CERMAT (Gerakan Masyarakat Cerdas Akan Obat) oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia, agar masyarakat mampu memahami dan dapat melaksanakannya dalam upaya peningkatan kesehatan di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan sosialisasi, informasi, edukasi dan penyuluhan dilingkungan Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah 08 Plus dan 09 Plus Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur. Target yang ingin dicapai yaitu para wali murid dan civitas akademika SD Muhammadiyah 08 Plus dan 09 Plus Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur. Metode yang dilakukan beberapa tahap meliputi : pre test, penyampaian materi pengabdian, simulasi dengan alat peraga, diskusi dan tanya jawab, diakhiri dengan post test. Hasil Pre Test dan Post Test yang diperoleh dianalisa secara statistik menggunakan Uji T-test dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05). Berdasarkan hasil analisa diperoleh hasil yang sangat signifikan yaitu 0,000. Pengolahan data dengan pendekatan secara teoritis dan analisa secara statistik dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua peserta belum mengetahui, memahami dan mengenal DAGUSIBU dan GEMA CERMAT, tetapi dengan adanya kegiatan sosialisasi ini peserta memahami akan pentingnya kesehatan.
Pembuatan Sirup Jahe Merah dan Pemafaatannya dalam Kesehatan Dwita, Lusi Putri; Maifitrianti, Maifitrianti; Viviandhari, Daniek
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (740.831 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.3080


Pengurus Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) of Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta, was attended by members ranging in age from 30 to 70 years. There had been training on ginger planting by other parties in Pondok Bambu's RPTRA, but there was no follow-up to this activity so that the ginger plants were not well maintained. These PKK members are used to using traditional ginger medicines to maintain health, but the processing is only limited to hereditary knowledge. As educators and practitioners in the pharmaceutical field, we feel that we have an obligation to provide additional knowledge related to the proper way of treating and utilizing ginger for health. This community service activity aimed to increase the knowledge of PKK members about ginger, improve skills in processing ginger into syrup products in the hope of improving the health as well as using this knowledge to run a business in order to increase the economy of the residents. This activity was held at RPTRA Pondok Bambu Berseri using interactive and demonstration methods. The evaluation results showed an increase in knowledge of PKK members of processing ginger syrup and got the benefits of ginger for the health.
Penguatan Peran Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPQ) Sebagai Pendidikan Karakter Religius Retnasari, Lisa; Suyitno, Suyitno; Hidayah, Yayuk
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1128.786 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.2968


Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini di latar belakangi oleh kurangnya peran TPQ dalam penanaman pendidikan karakter (religius). Tujuan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah adanya pembaharuan kurikulum yang di terapkan di TPQ, penguatan peran TPQ dalam pendidikan karakter religius . pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Konsultasi, yaitu berupa  diskusi interaktif ,Mediasi, tim pengabdian sebagai mediator terkait penyelesaian masalah, Pendampingan, yaitu tim pengabdian melakukan pengabdian terhadap santri di TPQ Silastra dan terhadap pengajar TPQ Silastra.  Adapun hasil dan temuan dalam pengabdian ini adalah 1). Terdapat penguatan karakter religious (Islam) pada santri TPQ Salastra, 2) pengajar dapat mengembangkan pembelajaran dengan memasukan unsur karakter, 3) habituasi yang di laksanakan di TPQ Silastra, merupakan salah satu alternatif dalam usaha penguatan pendidikan karakter religious (Islam) kepada santri.
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Augmented Reality Untuk Media Pengenalan Huruf Alfabet Pada Anak Usia Dini Sinduningrum, Estu; Rosalina, Rosalina; Hilda, Atiqah Meutia
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (861.776 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.3151


USAGE OF AUGMENTED REALITY TECHNOLOGY AS AN INTRODUCTION MEDIA OF ALPHABET LETTERS FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD Today, many parents begin to teach their children to early read at home or to educate them at kindergarten school that teaching them to read. The appropriate method of early childhood education are learning while playing. There is no overload and force in this method. Implementation of augmented reality as an introduction media can help children to read happily by scanning the marker that contain of letter or syllables use camera in android software. Animation video, pronunciation audio and 3D animal will appear later in accordance with the letter or syllables and picture in scanned marker. This design then is implemented in an application of android system.  The test of this application was done with both of mitra from Lab School Permata UHAMKA and Baitul Ulum Al Isfahani Manfaluthi attended by teachers and the parents of student guardians. The participant tried to use the application directly and give the feedback how far the application could help the process of learning. Based on evaluation result, this application could help teacher and the parents of guardian student to practice the alphabet learning model fun and happily for student and children.
Program Agrofood Technopreneur Sebagai Wadah Membangun Jiwa Wirausaha Berbasis IPTEK di Mahasiswa Faperta UMUS Brebes Hasdar, Muhamad; Fera, Melly; Syaifulloh, Muhammad
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.318 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.3206


Program agrofood technopreneur merupakan salah satu bentuk program pengabdian masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi semua kreatifitas mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhadi Setiabudi (UMUS) Brebes yang bisa bernilai ekonomis. Metode pelaksanaan program ini dibagi menjadi tiga fase yaitu fase penyadaran kewirausahaan, fase peningkatan kapasitas dan fase pembinaan. Program agrofood technopreneur ini juga membuka pola pikir mahasiswa untuk dapat memanfaatkan waktu luang yang dimiliki untuk lebih produktif dengan memulai bisnis termasuk bisnis pengolahan pangan atau bidang agribisnis yang dapat dilakukan di rumah dengan konsep Small Office Home Office (SOHO). Program agrofood Technopreneur juga bekerja sama dengan laboratorium teknologi pangan UMUS untuk memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan dengan produk unggulan nata de coco dan nata de soya. Program ini juga melaukan pelatihan pemasaran secara ofline dengan mengikuti banyak event serta pemasaran secara online dengan aktif memasarkan produk di bukalapak, shoope, tokopedia, dan google bisnisku.
Pembuatan Obat Kumur Alami Daun Sirih Bagi Anggota Aisyiyah di PRA Cabang Perumnas I dan Jakasampurna Rahmi, Hanifah; Rachmania, Rizky Arcinthya; Wardani, Elly
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (738.731 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.3102


Betel leaf is a traditional medicinal plant that is closely related to dental and oral health. Betel leaf is known as one of the natural ingredients that has the ability as a mouthwash because its activity as an antibacterial cause of dental plaque. Although it has been widely known, the use and produce of betel leaf as a mouthwash for the community needs to be socialized to maintain oral health. Community service is carried out with the aim of increasing knowledge about prevention of bad breath with natural mouthwash and simple methods of making it to the community so that they can improve their health status independently and increase economic income. The partner chosen as the location for community service is based on consideration based on the propriety of sources of data and information collected through visits and discussions. The target achieved is housewives belonging to the middle to lower economic community. The profile of the community in some residents is right to get additional knowledge and skills that are useful for improving quality of life. Community service is divided into 2 days, the first day in the form of material presentation and the second day in the form of training on making mouthwash. The results obtained were the mouthwash formula that was in accordance with the evaluation of taste, color, and odor from the orientation of the formula. The selected formula is using betel leaves and mint leaves (1:1). From this training, it is expected that members of Aisyiyah of Perumnas I Branch, as stake holders, can disseminate information on simple and affordable prices for making mouthwash to other community members.   Keywords: Mouthwash, Betel leaf, Aisyiyah, Perumnas I
Penerapan Dapur Sehat Dan Penggunaan Laru Alami Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Gula Kelapa Tarjoko, Tarjoko; Suyono, Suyono; Yulia, Yulia; Anjasari, Lilia Nawang
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.864 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.2967


Desa rangkah merupakan salah satu sentra penghasil gula di Kabupaten Kebumen. Terdapat sekitar 51 unit industri gula kelapa dalam skala rumah tangga. Gula kelapa masih diproduksi secara tradisional, menggunakan dapur yang kurang bersih dan laru sintetis (“Sodium metabisulfida”) yang turut andil dalam menghasilkan gula yang tidak sehat. Salah satu program kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah pembenahan dapur dan penggunakaan laru alami untuk memperbaiki kualitas gula kelapa menjadi lebih sehat. Kegiatan KKN dapat meningkatkan kualitas dapur sehat sebesar 33,60% dan dengan gula menggunakan laru alami menampilkan warna, tekstur, rasa dan flavor yang lebih disukai daripada gula dengan menggunakan laru sintetis “Sodium metabisulfida”.
Communication skill: A Challenge For Vocational High School Students in the 21st century Fitriani, Somariah; Ilyas, Hamzah Puadi
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SOLMA
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (609.037 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i1.3097


For vocational high school graduates to be accepted in business and industry, increasing the ability to use international languages, one of which is English is one of the main goals. Thus, the purpose of this community service is to train the students in understanding presentations appropriately. While the particular objectives are: 1) Improve the knowledge of strategies of writing and presentations in English well; 2) Enrich English vocabulary; 3) Improve writing and speaking skill; 4) Increase self-confidence, and 5) Prepare them to become professional graduates in terms of mastering English. There are thirty students of 12th grade of SMKN 56 North Jakarta participating in this training. The training was conducted within 12 hours, which was divided into three sessions for two days. At each meeting, students were monitored and practiced under the trainers’ guidance. The trainers also showed two examples of good presentations on YouTube. The training techniques are the lecture, discussion, brainstorming, and demonstration / direct practice that train students to understand every step by step in presentation and writing. The results show that students’ self-confidence developed, and vocabulary mastery, writing, and presentation skills increased as well. Out of 30 students, 5 participants delivered a presentation without reading the text. Although the results were not significant, the students had active participation in the discussion and practiced in groups and gave the speech in public. The evaluation result was 38.79 of a 1-4 scale with an excellent category. It is concluded that this training is highly needed and useful for vocational students.

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