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RELE: Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi Jurnal Teknik Elektro
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RELE: Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi Jurnal Teknik Elektro, diterbitkan oleh Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Medan, Indonesia, yang memuat artikel tentang bidang penelitian ilmiah Teknik Elektro, termasuk hasil penelitian ilmiah asli , Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro menerima naskah di bidang penelitian termasuk bidang keilmuan Energi Terbarukan, Instrumentasi, Tegangan Tinggi, Sistem Kendali.
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Articles 103 Documents
Analisis Perbaikan Thd Tegangan Listrik Dengan Filter Pasif Studi Kasus Di Finish Mill Tuban IV PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk luqman assaffat
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1698.579 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i1.2272


The effect of Harmonic impact on electric power system is very wide, one of which is can cause mulfunction on power system operation. One of the factors that can generate harmonics is the use of linear loads, among others, induction motors and the use of power electronics equipment. To Lower THD Voltage On Electric Power System In Electric Room 27 On Finish Mill Tuban IV PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk uses passive filter with sigle tuned and high pass type. This rearch concludes that the use of passive filters on electric room 27 can reduce THD Volume by an average of 1.14% for Group Expenses 547 and an average of 1.15% for Group Expenses 548 and an average of 0.41% for Group Packer Expense. However, the decrease of THD voltage is less effective, because there is THD above 5% in group 547 an 548.
Rancang Bangun Alternator Mobil Sebagai Pembangkit Energi Listrik Alternatif sudirman lubis
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (560.271 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i2.3003


Abstrak — Alternator salah satu komponen yang sangat penting pada kendaraan. Alternator mobil ini mengeluarkan tenaga listrik AC dengan memanfaatkan putaran tenaga angin kemudian diubah menjadi tenaga listrik DC sebelum disuplay ke akumulator. Oleh karena itu tidak diperlukan tenaga operator untuk mengoperasikan kerja dari alternator tersebut. Tegangan yang di hasilkan sel pada sebuah accu biasa adalah 2V/sel. Tetapi sebetulnya tegangan kerjanya adalah lebih tinggi. Seperti diketahui, guna mengalirkan arus melalui sebuah accu, tegangan alternatornya harus lebih tinggi dari tegangan accu itu sendiri. Dipihak lain harus dijaga supaya tegangan itu tidak terlalu tinggi guna mencegah mendidihnya (gas) dari accu. Sebagai tegangan pengatur yang aman pada 200 C harus dipertahankan 2,35 V/sel sampai 2,4 V/sel. Bagi accu 12V hal itu berarti tegangan kerja sebesar 14,1 V-14,4 V.Kata kunci: Valve Alternator, Accu, TeganganAbstract — Alternator is a very important component. The car alternator issued AC electric power by utilizing wind power rotation is then converted into DC electrical power supplied to the accumulator before. Therefore, it is not required of operators to operate the working of the alternator. The voltage generated cells in a normal battery is 2V / cell. But actually working voltage is higher. As is known, in order to drain current through a battery, alternator voltage should be higher than the voltage of the batteries themselves. On the other hand must be maintained so that the voltage is not too high to prevent boiling of (gas) from the batteries. As the voltage regulator safe at 200 ° C should be maintained to 2.35 V / cell until 2.4 V / cell. For 12V battery it means that the working voltage of 14.1 V-14,Keywords: Alternator, accumulator, Voltage
Pengaruh Pemakaian Beban Tidak Seimbang Terhadap Umur Peralatan Listrik zuraidah tharo; Amani Darma Tarigan; Rahmadsyah Pulungan
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.448 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i1.2256


The unbalanced loads used is common to electricity consumers, and common at  the field. Many of its 20 KV Distribution Depots are installed to serve users of electrical energy, and the lack of management of kWH Meter setup settings based on profiles of each customer is different from each other, as well as the use of varying electrical energy in each customer causing uneven distribution of the Distribution Tray. This raises another problem, namely the loss of electrical energy due to imbalance Electrical load in each phasa. Therefore, the authors analyze the effect of load imbalance on the age of electrical equipment. Furthermore, applying appropriate measures to balance the load of the transformer, so that consumers are expected to better understand the consequences of Electrical Load imbalance.
Sistem Monitoring Tempat parkir Berbasis Arduino Mega Dengan modul Komunikasi XBee Pro S2c morlan pardede; Elferida Hutajulu; Bakti Viyata Sundawa
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1240.581 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i2.3012


Abstrak — Sistem parkir manual pada lokasi parkir yang luas dan banyak kenderaan dapat menjadi kendala bagi pengendara untuk mencari lokasi parkir yang kosong, untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan  sebuah alat bantu untuk kelancaran pencarian lokasi parkir.Pada penelitian ini lokasi parkir dibagi duazona dan setiap zona terdiri empat buah slot parkir dan pusat pemantau. Setiap zona dikendalikan mikrokontroler Arduino Mega dan dilengkapi dengan sensor ultrasonik, lampu indikator dan modul komunikasi XBee Pro S2C, sedangkan pada pusat pematau ditambahkan sebuah komputer pemantau. Keberadaan kenderaan dideteksi dengan sensor ultrasonik dimana untuk mendeteksi slot parkir sensor ditempatkan di atas slot parkir dan untuk mendeteksi kenderaan masuk dan keluar ditempatkan di atas pintu masuk dan pintu keluar. Mikrokontroler menghitung kenderaaan yang masuk dan  keluardari  zona parkir dan  selanjutnya menghidupkan lampu merah jika jumlah kenderaan pada zona sama atau lebih besar dari kapasitas zona.  Informasi parkir dari setiap zona dikirimkan ke pusat pemantau dengan modul XBee Pro S2C. Mikrokontroler pusat akan menerima informasi parkir dari setiap zona melalui modul XBee Pro S2C dan selanjutnya diberikan ke komputer pusat untuk diproses dan hasilnya ditampilkan pada monitor komputer. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah prototype sistem monitoring tempat parkir yang dapat memberikan informasi lokasi parkir dan dapat membantu pengendara mencari tempat parkir pada lokasi yang luas dan banyak kenderaan.Kata kunci: Sensor ultrasonik, Slot parkir,Arduino Mega,XBee-Pro S2C,Abstract — A manual parking system at the parking location and many vehicles can be an problem for driver find an empty location. For this case, we need a tool for the search for parking locations is needed. In this study the parking location is divided into two zones and each zone consists of four slots parking and monitoring center. Each zone is controlled by the Arduino Mega microcontroller and is equipped with ultrasonic sensors, indicator lights and XBee Pro S2C communication modules, while a monitoring center is added to the monitoring center. The presence of vehicles is detected by an ultrasonic sensor where to detect the parking slot the sensor is placed above the parking slot and to detect the entry and exit vehicles placed above the entrance and exit. The microcontroller closes the incoming and outgoing parking zone and then turns on the red light if the number of vehicles in the zone equal to or greater than zone capacity. Parking information from each zone is sent to the monitoring center with the XBee Pro S2C module. The central microcontroller will receive parking information from each zone through the XBee Pro S2C module and then it is given to the central computer for processing and the results are displayed on a computer monitor. This study produced a parking lot monitoring system prototype that can provide parking location information and can help motorists look for parking spaces in large locations and many vehicles.Keywords: Ultrasonic sensors, parking slots, Arduino Mega, XBee-Pro S2C
Perancangan Prototype Troli Pengangkut Barang Otomatis Mengikuti Pergerakan Manusia faisal irsan pasaribu; Suthes Yogen
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1477.902 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i2.3011


Abstrak —Prototipe dari troli otomatis yang mengikuti pergerakan manusia adalah robot yang berfungsi sebagai troli untuk membawa barang belanjaan yang mengikuti manusia secara otomatis, tanpa perlu didorong atau ditarik, sehingga gerakan ini dapat memudahkan manusia untuk berbelanja. Prototipe troli memiliki kemampuan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan pengguna dan mengikuti arah gerakan pengguna. Kontrol prototipe troli menggunakan sistem minimum mikrokontroler Arduino Uno, dengan mendeteksi posisi pengguna menggunakan sensor Ultrasonik. Prototip troli ini ditenagai oleh 4 motor DC dan sumber daya baterai yang memiliki daya 9V DC. Muatan maksimum dari daya dukung prototipe ini adalah 1 Kg. Kemampuan prototipe troli mendeteksi arah gerakan pengguna terbatas pada jarak 200 cm. Kontrol prototipe ini dapat menyesuaikan gerakan dan dapat berhenti, berputar mengikuti arah pengguna, mundur dan maju yang tergantung pada jarak antara prototipe troli dan pengguna.Kata kunci:  troli prototipe, sensor ultrasonikAbstract — The Prototype of an automatic trolley that follows the movement of human is a robot that serves as a trolley to bring shopping goods that follow humans automatically, without the need to be pushed or pulled, so this movement can ease humans for shopping. The trolley prototype has the ability to detect the presence of users and follow the direction of user movement. The trolley prototype control uses the Arduino Uno microcontroller minimum system, by detecting the user's position using the Ultrasonic sensor. The trolley prototype is powered by 4 DC motors and the power source of a battery that has 9V DC power. The maximum load of this prototype carrying capacity is 1 Kg. The trolley prototype capability detects the user's motion direction is limited to a distance of 200 cm. This prototype control is able to adjust the movement and can stop, turn following the direction of the user, backward and forward which depends on the distance between the prototype of the trolley and the user.Keywords: prototype trolley, ultrasonic sensor
Analisa Gangguan Arus Lebih Terhadap Kondisi Netral Grounding Resistance Aplikasi PT PLN (Persero) Gardu Induk Lamhotma yusniati yusniati
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.069 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i1.2257


The power transformer at the substation serves to deliver power from high voltage to low voltage or vice versa. In the transformer section there is a neutral grounding resistance mounted serially with the secondary neutral on the transformer before connecting to ground / ground that serves to minimize the fault current. One of the disadvantages of the NGR grounding system is when there is a short-circuit one-phase interruption to the ground, the soil disturbance current may be larger than the NGR value limit used. This can cause damage to NGR and other equipment. This study discusses more current fl ows in NGR under normal circumstances with cable channel length 28,215,244 feet and at a 20 kV voltage of ground capacitance with manual calculations obtained Ico = 1.167 A and in case of one-phase disturbance to the ground the greater the current Ig = 4.61 A. To prevent the enlargement of short circuit current one phase of this phase, then the measurement of neutral grounding resistance.
Prakiraan Kebutuhan Energi Listrik Kota Subulussalam Sampai Tahun 2020 Menggunakan Metode Analisis Regresi arnawan hasibuan; Widyana Verawaty Siregar
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.893 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i2.3013


Abstrak — Sejalan dengan perkembangan sosial ekonomi di kota Sebulussalam, maka kebutuhan akan energi listrik dari waktu ke waktu cendrung semakin meningkat. Hal ini semakin dirasakan dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk, pemukiman baru pertokoan, industri-industri, penerangan jalan, lampu hias di taman kota dan lain sebagainya. Seiring bertambahnya kebutuhan energi listrik setiap tahun sangat signifikan maka perlu membuat peramalan untuk mengatasi jumlah kebutuhan energi listrik yang semakin meningkat. Peramalan ini menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan analisisi yang di lakukan penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa jumlah kebutuhan energi listrik di PT PLN (PERSERO) Kota Sebulussalam untuk tahun 2016 sampai dengan 2020 mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan yaitu pada kisaran 3.470.887,446 Kwh untuk tahun 2020.Kata kunci: peramalan, regresi, kebutuhan energi listrikAbstract — Between the socio-economic development at the city of Sebulussalam, for electricity from time tends to increase. This is increasingly felt with the increasing number of residents, new residential shops, industries, street lighting, decorative lights in city parks and so on. As the need for electricity increases every year is very significant, it is necessary to make a forecast to overcome the increasing number of electrical energy needs. This forecasting uses multiple linear regression methods. Based on the analysis carried out this study concluded that the amount of electrical energy demand in PT PLN (PERSERO) Sebulussalam City for 2016 up to 2020 has increased significantly, namely in the range of 3,470,887,446 Kwh for 2020.Keywords: forecasting, regression, electrical energy requirements
Analisa Penurunan Tingkat Penurunan Iluminasi Sistem Penerangan Terhadap Lifetime Lampu abdul azis hutasuhut; rimbawati rimbawati; Rifqi Fathullah Qayyim; faisal lubis
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (814.168 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i2.3015


Abstrak —Sistem penerangan merupakan beban yang paling besar pada kategori pelanggan rumah tangga. Lampu dipasaran terdapat banyak jenis dengan berbagai merk yang masing-masing meiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan masing-masing tiga jenis lampu yang beredar dipasaran yaitu lampu pijar,lampu hemat energi dan lampu LED selanjutnya pengujian pada sampel merk yang berbeda dengan voltase yang sama dan tingkat iluminasi yang mendekati. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengukur tingkat penurunan iluminasi saat 0 jam dihidupkan sampai dengan 168 jam dihidupkan. Hasil yang diperoleh pada masing-masing pengujian adalah Pada lampu LED merk Kawachi memiliki tingkat penurunan iluminasi yang terbesar yaitu dari 0 jam bernilai 108.4 Lux menjadi 37.2 Lux. Pada lampu hemat energi merk Hanochs memiliki tingkat penurunan iluminasi yang terbesar yaitu dari 0 jam bernilai 58.9 Lux menjadi 6.5 Lux. Selanjutnya pada lampu pijar merk Chiyoda memiliki tingkat penurunan iluminasi yang terbesar yaitu dari 0 jam bernilai 74.7 Lux menjadi 25.3 Lux.Kata kunci: Lampu Pijar, Lampu Hemat Emergi, LED, iIluminasi,Abstract —lighting system is the biggest burden in the household customer category. Lights in the market there are many types with various brands, each of which has different characteristics. This research was conducted by comparing each of the three types of lamps that were circulating in the market, namely incandescent lamps, energy saving lamps and LED lights then testing on different brands of samples with the same voltage and the level of illumination approaching. Testing is done by measuring the level of reduction in illumination when 0 hours are turned on until 168 hours are turned on. The results obtained in each test are that the Kawachi brand LED lights have the greatest reduction in illumination, ie from 0 hours worth 108.4 Lux to 37.2 Lux. The energy-saving lamps of the Hanochs brand have the greatest reduction in illumination, which is from 0 hours worth 58.9 Lux to 6.5 Lux. Furthermore, the Chiyoda brand incandescent lamp has the largest reduction in illumination, which is from 0 hours worth 74.7 Lux to 25.3 Lux.Keywords: Incandescent Lights, Energy Saving Lamps, LEDs, Illumination,
Analisa Pembangkit Pengatur Tegangan Pada Penyulang 20 kV (Aplikasi Gardu Induk PT.PLN (Persero) Sei Rotan) indra roza
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1073.86 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i1.2258


With the rapid power needs of the people living in urban and rural areas will not affect either the quality of the voltage in the value of PLN service under specified standards. Factors affecting namely the existence of the impedance on the channel, there will be a voltage drop, which is the product of current voltage with an impedance of electrical power distribution equipment. The greater the resistance of the conductor of the price, the greater the voltage drop across the electric power system. It is necessary to repair the voltage drop at the end of the received voltage can be done by raising the voltage of the tip tell .. To solve the voltage drop voltage regulator can be used on condition that the nominal voltage of 20 kV medium voltage distribution (phases) or 11.57 kV (-phase neutral) phase-neutral .Batas minimal service = -10% of nominal voltage = 10.41 kV or at 18 kV (phases). Limit the maximum phase-neutral service = + 5% of nominal voltage = 12.15 kV or at 21 kV (phases). The voltage phases of minimal services selected as the basis for calculation was 18.5 KV (= - 7.5% x the nominal voltage). The ability of raising and lowering the voltage regulator at the point of = ± 10% (10% raise and a 10% lower). From the research data is the output voltage at the feeder each - each 10.4 to 27.25% that do not meet the delivery via a substation. After passing through the generator voltage regulator's voltage fall below 5% eligible for dispply from substations to consumers
Analisa Penambahan Trafo Sisip Sisi Distribusi 20 Kv Mengurangi Beban Overload Dan Jutah Tegangan Pada Trafo Bl 11 Rayon Tanah Jawa Dengan Simulasi Etab 12.6.0 partaonan harahap; Muhammad Adam; Agus Prabowo
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1138.458 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v1i2.3002


Abstrak — Pemasangan trafo sisip merupakan salah satu parameter untuk menetuan keandalan sistem tenaga listrik. Sebagai perusahaan yang menjajankan bisnis dibidang kelistrikan. PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Tanah Jawa berupaya untuk mengurangi trafo yang mengalami beban lebih. Beban lebih pada trafo akan menyebabkan kerusakan trafo. Dengan demikian, diperlukan upaya untuk pemasangan trafo sisip untuk meminimalisir terjadinya beban lebih. Berkurangan tegangan jatuh dari pangkal ke ujung merupaka suatu dampak positif pemasangan trafo sisip dikarenakan panjang jaringan menjadi berkurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase beban dan jatuh tegangan pada saat trafo sebelum adanya penyisipan dengan sesudah adanya penyisipan. Data yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk melakukan penyisipan trafo adalah pengukuran beban trafo dan pengukuran tegangan pangkal dengan ujung. Dari hasil perhitungan di peroleh bahwa nilai beban trafo berukurang dari yang 95,99% menjadi 64,54% sedang kan untuk jatuh tegangan pada ujung jaringan dari 190,5 Volt menjadi 206,8 Volt.Kata kunci: Transformator Sisip, Beban Lebih, Jatuh TeganganAbstract — Installation of insert transformers is one of the parameters to determine the reliability of electric power systems. As a company that promises business in the field of electricity. PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Tanah Jawa strives to reduce the transformer that is experiencing more burden. Overload on the transformer will cause damage to the transformer. Therefore, efforts are needed to install a fixed transformer to minimize the occurrence of overload. Reduced voltage falling from base to end is a positive impact on the installation of a transformer because the length of the network decreases. This research aims to determine the percentage of load and voltage drop during the transformer before insertion with after insertion. Data that needs to be considered for conducting transformer insertion is the measurement of transformer load and base voltage measurement with the tip. From the calculation results obtained that the transformer load value measured from 95.99% to 64.54% while the voltage drop at the end of the network from 190.5 Volt to 206.8 Volt.Keywords: Insert Transformer, Overload, Falling Voltage

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