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Al-MARSHAD: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan
ISSN : 24425729     EISSN : 25982559     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan, published by the Observatorium Ilmu Falak, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Medan, Indonesia, which includes articles on the scientific research field of Islamic astronomy observatory and others. Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan accepts manuscripts in the field of research includes scientific fields relevant to: Islamic astronomy observatory and others. Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan published Twice a year in June and December.
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Articles 113 Documents
Spirit Moderasi dalam Kajian Ilmu Falak Muhammad Qorib; Muhammad Hidayat
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v8i2.11690


There are several different views and decisions on the issue of Astrology, including first, the difference in the start of the morning prayer, second, the difference in determining the beginning of the month, and third, regarding the Qibla direction. In responding to these differences, in the matter of Astrology one must be able to put forward the spirit of Moderation which aims to maintain harmony, peace and unity in order to be able to deal with other, more complex problems. This study uses a quantitative approach which originates from OIF UMSU field data and is qualitative which originates from various literature. The results of this study show that the Spirit of Moderation is the key in responding to different views and decisions on the issue of Astrology in Indonesia.
Uji Sahih Observasi Hilal Siang Hari dengan Hisab Hakiki Kontemporer Sistem Ephemeris Al-Falakiyah Isroqunnajah Isroqunnajah; M Hadi Masruri; Muhammad Syamsu Alam Darajat
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v8i2.10703


In Indonesia, there are many experts in astronomy, one of which is Sriyatin Shodiq Al-Falaky with his scientific work Ephemeris Al-Falakiyah. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach and the type of research is a field study. The research source is the calculation of the beginning of the month of Ramadan and Shawwal with the Ephemeris-Al-Falakiyah system and astrophotography as the primary source. The secondary source is the calculation of the beginning of the month of Ramadan and Shawwal from various reckoning systems in Indonesia. Data collection was carried out by interviewing the main character Sriyatin Shodiq Al-Falaky. The results of the study found that the Ephemeris Al-Falakiyah system of scientific work by Sriyatin Shodiq Al-Falaky used the contemporary essential method of reckoning. The results of the calculation of the beginning of Ramadan and Shawwal as the determinants of the beginning of the Hijri month are very accurate and can be compared with various reckoning systems in Indonesia and there are no significant differences with other contemporary methods of reckoning.
Preferensi Perubahan Awal Waktu Subuh pada Komunitas Masjid Firdaus FIrdaus; Fitra Nelli; Desminar Desminar; Bakhtiar Bakhtiar; Hasanuddin Hasanuddin
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v8i2.11954


The Qur'an and Sunnah do not provide digital time specifications other than providing natural signs such as sunset as the beginning of the Maghrib prayer time and sunrise as the beginning of the Fajr prayer time. In modern times, the determination of prayer has used a digital system, so that prayer times are determined based on the rotation of time in a 24-hour circle. For example, the Fajr time for the Padang City area as of January 2021 and the previous year, the majority is at 05.00 WIB. Meanwhile, the results of the latest research found that at 05.00 it was not yet dawn so that Muslims prayed Fajr outside the specified time. This study uses the Falakiah approach, which aims to explore the response of the community and mosque community in the city of Padang to the change in the dawn time which has been going on since March 2021. The research data will be analyzed through reduction, display, and verification techniques. The results of the study show that there are those who accept that there is a fatwa from MUI and the government and there are still doubts because they follow the Muhammadiyah calendar of West Sumatra.
Diferensiasi Hisab Waktu Salat (Studi Kitab al-Khulashah al-Wafiyyah dan Kontemporer) Ahmad Fadholi
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v8i2.10845


The discussion on the reckoning of prayer times contained in the Khulashah book has its own characteristics. The initial calculation process for prayer times has referred to the triangular ball algorithm system. Besides, there are also daqoiqut tamkin corrections presented through tables, and calculation methods using calculators. This study uses a library research paradigm with a qualitative theory verification approach using an arithmetic approach and the results are presented descriptively, then compared with similar methods. The results show that the coordinate transformation has referred to the modern astronomical system and the calculation system has used spherical trigonometry (spherical triangle). The calculation results have differences ranging from 0 to 3 minutes with contemporary methods. It is caused by differences in data and methods. If the calculation using the contemporary method there is a difference of 0 seconds to 12 seconds, this indicates that when the calculation is made modifications to the contemporary calculation system will produce a more accurate calculation
Khazanah Tradisi Astronomi dan Astrologi Masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan Fatmawati Fatmawati; Andi Muhammad Akmal; Fathur Rahman Basir
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v8i2.11902


Ethnoastronomy is one of the oldest studies that is closely related to myths, way of life, heritage objects in the form of temples/statues, and traditional/religious ceremonies of a community that has its own style and values. This then gave birth to a variety of traditions including ethnoastronomy which are connected with Astronomy which are interpreted by the people of South Sulawesi in various aspects, such as religion, socio-culture, science, and community dynamics. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative using socio-historical, ethnological, and iconographic approaches. Data collection was obtained from a textual study. The results of this study conclude that ethnoastronomy and astrology are mutually affiliated with Astrology. However, what distinguishes it is that the source of Astrology does not conflict with the Qur'an and hadith, also that astronomy includes hablum minallah, hablum minannas, and hablum minal alam, namely the relationship between Allah, humans, and nature.
Menyoal Akurasi Arah Kiblat Masjid Agung (Studi Kasus Masjid Agung Parepare dalam Tinjauan Trigonometri Arah Kiblat) ABD Karim Faiz; Budiman Budiman Budiman; Muh Rasywan Syarif
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v8i2.11129


Eksistensi Ilmu Falak dan menyebarnya Ilmu Falak menjadi sebab kalibrasi arah kiblat masjid menjadi wajib, begitu juga Masjid Agung A.G.K.H. Abdul Rahman Ambo Dalle Kota Parepare. Kesimpulan awal peneliti berdasarkan pengukuran berbasis Google Earth arah kiblat Masjid Agung A.G.K.H. Abdul Rahman Ambo Dalle Kota Parepare melenceng ke arah selatan. Tujuan Penelitian ini yang pertama mendeskripsikan penggunaan metode arah kiblat Masjid Agung A.G. KH. Abdul Rahman Ambo Dalle Kota Parepare. Kedua, analisis historis dan kalibrasi arah kiblat dengan hisab kontemporer menggunakan alat aplikasi Google Earth, tongkat istiwa dan theodholite. Hasil penelitian ini yang petama bahwa metode pengukuran arah kiblat Masjid Agung Kota Parepare menggunakan metode Kompas. Kedua, Kalibrasi arah kiblat berdasarkan metode Google Earth ditemukan kemelencengan arah kiblat. Adapun hasil kalibrasi dengan metode Tongkat Istiwa ditemukan kemelencengan arah kiblat sebesar 5o 30. Hasil Kalibrasi Arah Kiblat dengan metode theodholite ialah 6o. Berdasarkan tiga metodologi tersebut disimpulkan bahwa arah kiblat masjid agung kota parepare tidak akurat.
Fiqh and Astronomical Rashdul Qibla; Determining the Direction of the Qibla by Using a Stellarium Sayehu Sayehu; Aspandi Aspandi
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v9i1.14554


The existence of celestial bodies has many functions, such as worship interests as a guide to prayer time. When praying, it is necessary to face the Qibla, the Kaaba. Finding the direction of the Qibla is facilitated by Rashdul Kibla, which is based on observations of celestial bodies, including the Sun and constellations. The Stellarium application is one of the technological developments that can be used as a medium in determining the Qibla direction. This study aims to describe the concept of fiqh and astronomy rashdul qibla and the use of stellarium application as a medium for determining the qibla direction. Through a qualitative approach with descriptive-analytical method, this research describes the fiqh of rashdul qibla, astronomy of rashdul qibla and how to use the stellarium application as a medium for determining the qibla direction. The data source of this research is obtained through documentation of written works of fiqh and astronomy concepts that provide explanations related to rashdul qibla and the stellarium application. The results showed that the determination of the Qibla direction through rashdul qibla will be easier and measurable. The astronomical Qibla direction is part of the form of measuring, comparing and finding the Qibla direction whose accuracy is not in doubt. Stellarium is part of an IT-based application that can be used as a means of determining the Qibla direction whose calculation accuracy can be adjusted to the place where the Qibla direction is sought.
Astronomical Aspects of the Early Determination of Subuh Sheabi Astiya; Gandhung Fajar Panjalu; Andi Sitti Mariyam
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v9i1.14796


Differences are a natural thing, but differences of opinion in determining the initial time of dawn need to be reconsidered, because this concerns the human obligation to worship. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of discussing various kinds of differences regarding the initial determination of dawn and finding the right conclusions. The research method used is qualitative, by applying library research that uses various kinds of literature to become basic research guidelines. The results of this study indicate that at -20o the light cannot be seen because it is still too far below the horizon, so if at that point the light is seen then it is necessary to ask whether the light comes from dawn or is the light of the zodiac or what is known as the kadzib dawn (dawn false).
Method of Determining the Beginning of the Lunar Month (Scientific Study of the Syattariyah and Naqsyabandiyah Orders in Indonesia) Riza Afrian Mustaqim
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v9i1.11976


The problem of very significant differences is present in the determination of the beginning of the Kamariah month of the Shattariyah and Naqsyabandiyah communities in Indonesia. The difference is motivated by the use of conventional methods in determining the beginning of the Kamariah (Lunar) month. This research explores how the method of determining the beginning of the Kamariah month of the Shattariyah and Naqsyabandiyah congregations. how is the scientific verification of the method of determining the beginning of the Kamariah month of the Shattariyah and Naqsyabandiyah congregations. This research is a scientific research. The analysis used in this research is component analysis. The results of this research show that First, the method of determining the beginning of the Kamariah month applied by these two communities, the Shattariyah and Naqsyabandiyah communities, is a conventional method, especially in the hisab that is applied. In addition, there is Rukyatul Hilal, which is also classified as conventional in its application. Secondly, the method of determining the beginning of the month of Kamariah in the Shattariyah and Naqsyabandiyah orders cannot be scientifically proven in the Scientific Review. There are many errors in determining the beginning of the Kamariah month according to this order. The irrelevant Hisab method is the main cause. On the other hand, Rukyatul Hilal, which is considered as a determinant, has shortcomings in its application so that it is not able to detect the presence of Hilal accurately and precisely.
Using the Central Mosque Coordinates of the Regency or City for Calculations of Prayer Times in the Province of Jambi Tasnim Rahman Fitra
Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Al-Marshad
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jam.v9i1.12748


This article describes the application of the coordinates of the district/city central mosque in determining the prayer time schedule in Jambi Province. The use of the coordinates of the central mosque in determining the prayer time schedule raises indications of problems if applied to areas with large stretches of territory.  This research is a field research with analytical descriptive analysis method. The data obtained is processed through a comparison of prayer time schedules in 11 districts / cities in Jambi province between the calculation base of the central mosque and the calculation base of the westernmost point of the area concerned. The results of this study indicate that the coordinates of the central mosque of the regency / city are used as the basis for calculating the prayer time schedule on the grounds that these mosques are considered representative and represent their respective regions. However, the application of the coordinates of the central mosque has an impact on not covering some areas with a maximum value of 1 minute 52 seconds. This is convincing evidence (qarinah) with the implication of having to make corrections to the use of the markaz of the central mosque of the district/city in the calculation of the prayer time schedule in Jambi province.

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