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Georafflesia : Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi
ISSN : 2541125X     EISSN : 26154781     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Social,
Journal Of Georafflesia: Scientific Article Education This Geography focuses on the problems that exist in the realm of education, physical geography, and social geography. The educational domain is all articles that illustrate the problem of education in all science clusters and Applied Models of Educational Sciences. Physical Geography is an entire article with geo-studies Geography, Geology, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Regional / Space Arrangement Planning, GIS and Remote Sensing. Social Geography publishes articles relating to social issues, Human Geography, Demography, Anthropology, Social Sciences.
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Articles 165 Documents
Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Siswa Antara Yang Menggunakan Media Power Point Dengan Yang Tidak menggunakan Media Power Point Di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 31 Seluma Partiyah Partiyah; Dedi Guntar; Warsa Sugandi
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/georaf.v1i1.139


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan hasil belajjar IPS siswa antara yang menggunakan dengan yang tidak menggunakan media power point di kelas VIII SMP Negeri 31 Seluma. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bentuk quasi eksperimen. Berdasarkan analisis data, maka diperoleh data: (1) Hasil belajar kelas Eksperimen yang menggunakan media Power Point memperoleh skor rata-rata 60,62 pada awal tes (pretes) dan memperoleh skor rata-rata 80,41 pada akhir tes(postest) kategori sangat baik, dengan rata-rata gain (peningkatan) 19,79. (2) Hasil belajar pada kelas Kontrol Tanpa media Power Point dengan skor rata-rata 65,20 pada awal test (pretes) dan skor rata-rata 74,79 pada akhir tes (postes) kategori baik, dengan rata-rata gain skor (peningkatan) 9,58. (3) Berdasarkan analisis data uji hipotesis melaui uji-t yang dilakukan, diperoleh data t hitung 5,95 dan t tabel 2,01, dengan demikian t hitung > t tabel, itu berarti Ha diterima dan HO ditolak, dengan kata lain terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar IPS Siswa antara yang menggunakan media Power Point dengan yang tidak menggunakan Media Power Point.
Analisis Spasial Perubahan Bentuk Fisik Sungai Melalui Integrasi Citra Landsat Dan GIS Di Sub DAS Hilir Sungai Bengkulu Supriyono Supriyono; Yanmesli Yanmesli
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/georaf.v1i1.160


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan bentuk fisik sungai di Sub DAS Hilir Sungai Bengkulu. Analisis perubahan bentuk fisik sungai dengan interpretasi Citra Landsat dari tahun 1990, 2003 dan 2014. Perubahan bentuk fisik sungai dibagi dalam 3 segmen Sungai yaitu bagian Hulu, Tengah dan Hilir, sehingga kenampakan perubahan spasial lebih detail. Basis data spasial dibangun berdasarkan hasil interpretasi citra dan digitasi citra dengan model penggabungan band 543, ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh data perbedaan batas air dan daratan lebih kontras dan jelas. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah hasil analisis basis data bentuk fisik sungai di overlay dengan Sitem Informasi Geografis untuk memperoleh data perubahan bentuk fisik sungai yaitu pola aliran, luas dan menader sungai. Hasil penelitian (1). Pola aliran sungai relatif tetap dengan pola aliran sungai didominasi oleh pola aliran dentritik yaitu sungai dan anak sungai utama saling tegak lurus bermuara pada sungai-sungai utama atau langsung bermuara ke laut, (2). Perubahan luas sungai yang paling dominan terjadi antara tahun 2003-2014 yang terlihat dari penambahan luasan sungai sebesar 37,88 ha. (.3). Meander sungai di pengaruhi oleh faktor Sedimen yang dibawa oleh anak sungai yang bermuara ke sungai utama aliran sungai. Tingginya sedimentasi diakibatkan erosi yang cukup tinggi dan faktor manusia dapat berupa rekayasa alur sungai dan perubahan penggunaan tanah.
Perubahan Morfologi Pantai Dengan Integrasi Citra Di Wilayah Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara Nofirman Nofirman
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 2 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1122.112 KB)


The coastal area has become an area of ​​high and complex dynamics. Changes that occur tend to the beach being built. The coastal ecosystem contains a rich diversity of fauna (biological) and mutually synergic floran.The purpose of this research is to know: (1) shoreline movement with the integration of Landsat image, (2) coastal morphology change with the integration of high-resolution image quality.The location of the research is in North Bengkulu Regency where the determination of the unit of analysis is based on the abscissa, namely; (1) the area along the coast of Cipta Mulya (Putri Hijau), (2) the area along the Air Petai Beach (Putri Hijau), (3) the area along the coast of Urai (Ketahun), (4) the area along the coast of Sengarai (Ketahun), (5) ) area along the shores of the Seaside (Air Napal). Image data used is Landsat Image downloaded from the website with path 125 and row 63. The image used was acquired in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2017. Data processing (image) remote sensing is done by step- ; (c) the manufacture of color composites, (d) digitization on screen, (e) overlay analysis, and (f) analysis and displacement of the morphology beach.The research findings from Landsat image data processing in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2017 in 5 areas of abscissa indicate different shoreline displacement conditions and for each year of the image. The similarities that occur in the 5 areas of absorption is the occurrence of abrasion and accretion events. Based on the use of image data with a distance of 5 years, there was an unobserved coastline shift to show the abrasion activity that occurred. Changes in coastal morphology occur in bumpy terrain, bumpy hills, terrain, and river estuaries overlooking the sea. The condition of the beach has long been interrupted by abrasion activity, resulting in the coastal morphology of steep cliffs, poles (stack), while on steep cliffs also formed coastal caves, as symptoms of wave erosion or ocean currents.
Sebaran Bukit Karst Di Wilayah Kabupaten Sijunjung Nofirman Nofirman
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

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Phenomenon of Hill karst have the characteristic with the characteristic predominated by limestone contain the calcite and dolomit. This rock have a lot of usefulness and its benefit. Strive to identify the swampy forest of hill karst conducted by using image from application SAS.PLANET.RELEASE.160707. Visible of Area of hill karst and its dale can be perceived better at image, so that earn the confirmation with the field condition. Area of Hill karst in Region of Regency of Sijunjung visible enough vary to start from there are; permanent wellspring, dolin, uvala, polje, lake, underground river, speleotem, and aquifer, up to area karst which visiblelity have been closed by thick sediment coat. Phenomenon of resident Life in region Sijunjung which still predominate by primary sector. Needed approach empowermant to be they interaction can environmentally ecosystem functionally.Phenomenon of Hill karst have the characteristic with the characteristic predominated by limestone contain the calcite and dolomit. This rock have a lot of usefulness and its benefit. Strive to identify the swampy forest of hill karst conducted by using image from application SAS.PLANET.RELEASE.160707. Visible of Area of hill karst and its dale can be perceived better at image, so that earn the confirmation with the field condition. Area of Hill karst in Region of Regency of Sijunjung visible enough vary to start from there are; permanent wellspring, dolin, uvala, polje, lake, underground river, speleotem, and aquifer, up to area karst which visiblelity have been closed by thick sediment coat. Phenomenon of resident Life in region Sijunjung which still predominate by primary sector. Needed approach empowermant to be they interaction can environmentally ecosystem functionally.
Studi Tingkat Kesadahan Pada Air Minum Di Nagari Muaro Pingai Kecamatan Junjung Sirih Kabupaten Solok (Studi Kasus Pengelolaan Air Minum Oleh Nagari) Hana Pertiwi
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 1 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.184 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi dan menganalisis tentang: Kondisi kimia Kalsium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Mangan (Mn2+), Besi (Fe2+) dan Kesadahan Total pada air minum yang dikelola Nagari, di Nagari Muaro Pingai Kecamatan Junjung Sirih Kabupaten Solok.Metode Analisa kualitas air secara kimia dengan parameter Ca++, Mg++, Fe++, Mn++ dan Kesadahan Total dilakukan dengan analisis labor. Hasil Penelitian adalah berdasarkan data dan hasil pengamatan langsung di lapangan maka suhu, rasa, bau dan warna air minum yang dikelola oleh nagari pada kualitas fisik, kedua sampel memenuhi syarat kualitas air minum. Unsur kimia yang diteliti yaitu Ca, Mg, Mn,Fe dan kesadahan total ,dari hasil penelitian pada sampel I dan sampel II ,4 unsur ( Mg, Mn, fe dan kesadahan total) tidak memenuhi syarat kualitas air minum. Sedangkan Unsur Ca memenuhi syarat kualitas air minum.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Miskin Melalui Pendidikan Kewirausahan Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Di Kecamatan Koto Tangah Kota Padang Khairani Khairani; Rahmanelli Rahmanelli
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 2 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

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Research conducted in Subdistrict Koto Tengah of Padang Cityis based on the number of people who have a weak economy with unemployment rate and the number of productive age is still high. The solution offered to overcome the high rate of poverty and improve the quality of life in Subdistrict Koto Tengah of Padang City is through entrepreneurship education based on information technology. In this case, research and dedication is done through workshops, skills training and business assistance. Based on the results of research and devotion, it can be known the ability of participants in making skills for entrepreneurship, that is by doing workshops and training, the ability of participants who viewed from the work of interesting experience increased, the change of paradigm thinking participants become more logical and analytical, which seen from the attitude of increasing enthusiasm for self-employment (independent), and the formation of new business groups that have high competitiveness and realible business. The next stage plan to be implemented is business assistance. Once the business group is established, each group that has been provided materials and tools will be accompanied by research and devotion teams, especially in marketing the products produced. Activities planned for the fourth week of October 2017 to market the training participants 'products are expected to help increase revenue from participants' work and reduce unemployment in Kecamatan Koto Tangah. Thus, participants whose activities have a high spirit and motivation in entrepreneurship can be helped.
Upaya Meningkatkan Disiplin Guru Dalam Kehadiran Mengajar Di Kelas Melalui Penerapan Reward And Punishment Di SDN 06 Arga Makmur Kamat Kamat
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

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Improving the quality of learning in schools is highly dependent on several factors. Critical factors include the application of school culture towards quality improvement. School culture is a positive thing that must be maintained and implemented by all citizens of the school without feeling compelled. School culture that must be maintained one of them is the discipline, including the discipline of teachers in the classroom presence in the learning process. To improve the discipline of teachers can be pursued through a variety of ways. In the School Action Research (SAR), attempted action in the form of application of Reward and Punishment for teachers at SD Negeri 06 Arga Makmur, North Bengkulu Regency. This study was conducted in two cycles, teacher discipline in the presence of the classroom in the learning process increased and meet the predefined indicator of 75%. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that to improve teacher discipline in attendance in the classroom on teaching and learning activities can be done with the application of Eward and Punisment to the teacher.
Analisis Perubahan Struktur Tanah Dari Lahan Kopi Menjadi Lahan Sawit Di Desa Sukarami Kecamatan Lintang Kanan Indri Puspika; Warsa Sugandi; Fevi Wira Citra
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/georaf.v1i1.141


Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tentang: (1) Bagaimana struktur tanah pada hutan di Desa Sukarami Kecamatan Lintang Kanan(2)Bagaimana struktur tanah pada lahan kopi dan lahan sawit di Desa Sukarami Kecamatan Lintang Kanan (3). Bagaimana perubahan struktur tanah dari lahan kopi menjadi lahan sawit di Desa Sukarami Kecamatan Lintang kanan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Laboratorium. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua lahan hutan, lahan kopi dan lahan sawit di Desa Sukarami Kecamatan Lintang Kanan. Sampel dalam penelitian diambil dari tiga janis tanah yaitu tanah hutan dilakukan pengambilan 3 titik sampel, tanah kopi dilakukan pengambilan 3 titik sampel, tanah sawit dilakukan pengambilan 3 titik sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan observasi terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah hasil Laboratorium. Hasil penelitian laboratorium ditarik kesimpulan bahwa dari tiga sampel penelitian yaitu sampel hutan lindung, sampel kopi,dan sampel sawit menunjukan adanya perbedaan, yaitu kenaikan dan penurunan unsur yang diteliti, tanah tanah yang terbaik adalah tanah hutan lindung
Budaya Daur Hidup (Siklus Kehidupan) Suku Serawai Di Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan Dihamri Dihamri
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 2 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

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In South Bengkulu district of Bengkulu province, the majority of indigenous people are Serawai tribe. Serawai tribe is rich in culture, one of Serawai's cultural treasures is the culture of life cycle. Culture is due to the development of the eroded began to exist even disappeared. General research is to preserve the culture of Serawai tribe. The specific purpose of this research is to describe the life cycle culture of Serawai tribe that still exist in the life of the Serawai people. The research method is qualitative. Research location of South Bengkulu district. Primary data sources are informants and also use secondary data. Data collection techniques are: in-depth interviews, documentation and observation. Analyze data from beginning to end. The result of research is found culture of life cycle are: culture of birthing, beterang (circumcision of woman), male circumcision, association of youth, marriage and death. The culture has started to change and some tend to disappear. The government and society are still working to preserve it.
Pengentasan Kemiskinan Berbasis Jasa Ekosistem Zairin Zairin
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.862 KB)


Poverty is a matter of concern to the world, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. This is evidenced by the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the United Nations, which is one of its objectives is to eradicate poverty and hunger. There are many things that governments can do about reducing poverty, because the government basically has the ability to access and manage natural resources, such as forests. Providing compensation for environmental services in the form of land management rights to poor farmers is believed to be able to reduce poverty and income distribution. In addition, other forms of increasing public incomes can also be made by strengthening roles in managing natural resources sustainably. Government policies to support the development of "Payments for environmental services" mechanisms and "Collaborative Management" mechanisms are essential to realize the benefits of conservation areas for the surrounding communities. In collaborative management mechanisms, local communities and all stakeholders collaborate and share roles in managing each conservation area. So that the water catchment area for the water supply of PDAM or bottled water can be fulfilled and they have to pay for the services of nature and forest farming efforts in the catchment area of ​​the source water.

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