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Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
ISSN : 20873123     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasii adalah jurnal yang memuat makalah ilmiah bidang penelitian informatika dan informasi. Jurnal ini di terbitkan oleh Puslitbang Aptika dan IKP, Badan Litbang SDM, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI. Volume pertama Vol.1 No.1 Jurnal Masyarakat Telematia dan Informasi ini terbit pada tahun 2010. sampai dengan sekarang setiap terbitan memuat enam makalah ilmiah dari bidang Informatika dan Ilmu Komunikasi Sosial . Pada Edisi tahun 2016 Jurnal Masyarakat Telematika dan Informasi memfokuskan penerbitan pada naskah ilmiah di bidang teknologi informatika. Meskipun fokus jurnal Masyarakat Telematika dan Informasi mengedepankan bidang keilmuan teknik informatika , pembaca mungkin akan tetap menemukan beberapa naskah ilmiah yang terdiri dari bidang ilmu komunikasi dan sosial pada halaman back issue mulai edisi vol.1 no.1 tahun 2010 sampai dengan vol.6 no.2 tahun 2015.
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Articles 135 Documents
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

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Implementasion of intranet portal has been running, including in BPPKI Jakarta but has yet to be evaluated , which is actually necessary, especially in the presence of new technologies by users. This study aimed to assess the acceptance of intranet portal in BPPKI Jakarta using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach, so as to know the factors that influence the acceptance of intranet portals BPPKI Kominfo in Jakarta. This research is a quantitative research through a questionnaire with Likert scale made to all employees who have an identity on intranet portal. The results showed that only 35% ofrespondents who use intranet portal, and based on hypothesis testing found that the interest in the use of an intranet portal has a significant positive effect on the use of intranet portals.
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

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Service employees is an activity that is essential for any company. The larger the company would have more and more employees. Therefore the company is required to perform the service employees in a fast, accurate and on target. Companies that have employees many of course have large amounts of data. Such data require good organization to generate maximum performance. Office Automation System with the use of the Internet (web-based) can support the provision of information and processing data quickly and accurately. This technology is a solution for the employee to perform services specifically leave application and submission of funding without having to come directly to the company. With the leave application module that employees can perform leave application anytime and anywhere. While the funding submission module can control submitted for the employees often make companies lose. Back end system built using CodeIgniter PHP framework and frontend using Bootstrap CSS framework for the system to be accessed in a variety of platforms while using MySQL database. System testing is done using the Black-box testing methods, ie functional testing system to ensure that the system created in line with expectations and the company’s business processes. From the results of tests performed, it can be concluded that the system has been running in accordance with the business processes and the company’s expectations. Use of office automation systems can handle the existing problems, especially in the leave application modules and submission of funding.
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2016): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

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Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi di tingkat Kementerian didasarkan pada Inpres No. 3 tahun 2003 dan pembangunan situs-situs pemerintah merupakan salah satu prioritasnya. Dalam tulisan ini akan dilihat tingkat popularitas website dengan menggunakan banyaknya kunjungan website tingkat kementerian, kemudian dilihat apakah ada hubungan antara dimensi aplikasi pada PeGI dengan banyaknya kunjungan dan peringkat website Kementerian yang dicapai. Penelitian ini melakukan studi literatur dan menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari untuk mengetahui banyaknya kunjungan website dan peringkatnya. Hasilnya adalah website Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Kementerian Keuangan dan Kementerian Pertanian merupakan website yang paling banyak dikunjungi. Dari segi peringkat di seluruh Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa website Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan  menduduki peringkat 1 dan pada peringkat kedua adalah Kementerian Agama serta Kementerian Keuangan diperingkat ketiga. Dimensi aplikasi pada PeGI tidak berhubungan dengan banyaknya kunjungan website di Kementerian dan tidak ada hubungan juga dengan rangking website Kementerian. Sedangkan untuk banyaknya kunjungan berhubungan dengan rangking pada suatu website.
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 8, No 2 (2017): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (605.892 KB) | DOI: 10.17933/mti.v8i2.109


AbstractEvery human action is culturally charged, as are all human activities related to the use of the internet. Netizens exchanged ideas that works in cyberspace. Ethnography is a research method devoted to understanding the cultural aspects of society. The use of ethnographic methods is considered relevant to assess the culture of users and society in cyberspace. In addition to the internet commonly used by the general public, the Internet also has a part known as Dark Web, where this area is used to search for things that tend to be sensitive, confidential and even illegal. In this study, using the Systematic Literature Review technique, the authors aimed to review what topics were raised in ethnographic studies on Dark Web and how ethnographic studies were carried out by earlier researchers in searching for activities on the Dark Web. The study shows that ethnographic studies on Dark Web are mostly done on illegal drug sales activity. Engagement with active participation with discussions and interviews is done to get a comprehensive overview of the communities and users of Dark Web studied. However, research ethics related to anonymity, research approval of illegal, covert and dangerous activity need to be considered by researchers who will conduct in-depth research on Dark Web. AbstrakSetiap tindakan manusia bermuatan kultural, begitu juga seluruh aktivitas manusia yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan internet. Bersama para pengguna internet lainnya, netizen mempertukarkan gagasan yang kemudian menghasilkan baik karya cipta maupun karsa di dunia maya. Etnografi merupakan metode penelitian yang dikhususkan untuk memahami aspek kultural dalam masyarakat. Penggunaan metode etnografi ini dinilai relevan untuk mengkaji kultur pengguna dan masyarakat dalam dunia maya. Selain internet yang biasa digunakan oleh masyarakat umum, internet juga memiliki bagian yang dikenal dengan Dark Web, dimana bagian ini biasa digunakan untuk mencari hal-hal yang cenderung bersifat sensitif, rahasia bahkan ilegal. Dalam studi ini, dengan menggunakan teknik Systematic Literature Review, penulis bertujuan untuk meninjau mengenai topik apa yang diangkat pada studi etnografi pada Dark Web dan bagaimana studi etnografi dilakukan oleh para peneliti sebelumnya dalam menelusuri aktivitas pada Dark Web tersebut. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa studi etnografi pada Dark Web banyak dilakukan pada aktivitas jual beli obat-obatan terlarang. Keterlibatan dengan partisipasi aktif dengan diskusi dan wawancara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran menyeluruh pada komunitas dan pengguna Dark Web yang diteliti. Namun begitu, etika penelitian terkait anonimitas, persetujuan riset terhadap aktivitas ilegal, terselubung dan cenderung berbahaya perlu dipertimbangkan oleh peneliti yang akan melakukan riset mendalam pada Dark Web.
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 1, No 2 (2010): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

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"Hybrid learning is an effort made by the experts of learning in order to anticipate the phenomenon of JCT development in the community. Where is the growing trend of online learning while on the other hand learning experts also argue that human touch in a process of learning I instruction cannot be separated. Because of the psychological aspects of human needs a certain form of guidance .from the people whom he considers competent. Hybrid learning activities designed to integrate online learning and face to face so that between each other can be mutually reinforcing, complementary, and support and do not treat online methods as duplication of learning in the classroom as well as an additional course (adds-on)"
KONSTRUKSI MEDIA DAN ISU NEGARA ISLAM INDONESIA Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Koran Tempo tentang Isu Negara Islam Indonesia Karman, Karman
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

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Abstract The existence of NII (Negara Islam Indonesia) is an issue drawing a public attention since its declaration till present time. On April 2011, issue of NII came to fore and drew attention of mass media, including Koran Tempo. This research dealt with news of that daily regarding NII. Paradigm of this research is constructivism. Method of analysis is framing with model Robert M. Entmant. The results shows that there are themes emphasized by Tempo, id est: NII Recruitment Method; Target of area and Target of NII prospective member; NII Victims; Campus alertness due to NII existence; Relationship NII member and book-bomb case; Coersive & Anticipative action of government against NII. Resource persons quoted are from various circle, but their voice is same -the danger of NII socially, ideologically, and NII must be wiped out. From element of Define Problem, Tempo identified that the problem is NII as the organization which swindle peoples on behalf of faith, and its will to establish islamic state in Indonesia classified as subversive action. In element of Diagnose Causes, the problem of NII is caused by slugishness in taking an action, and inertia or powerlessness in uncovering NII network. Moral Judgement harnessed is that NII is a danger, its penetrated into campuses and bureaucracy, and brought about panic. In element of Treatment Recommendation, Tempo proposes that activities of NII be uncovered completely.
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

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Puslitbang Aptika IKP have 8 researchers, and 3 candidate researchers. In conducting the study, there were a lot of knowledge needed to support the research being conducted. This is why, importance to manage knowledge in Puslitbang Aptika IKP. To manage knowledge, Puslitbang Aptika IKP can build a Knowledge Management System as a means to develop knowledge among researchers in the Puslitbang Aptika IKP which is based on the application of web 2.0. Web 2.0 itself is aimed so that the researchers can manage each of the knowledge they have to share with other researchers. The methodology used in this study are based on the methods used by Amrit Tiwana, which in this study was only done just the second stage, that stage is Analysis, Design and Development of Knowledge Management Systems. Methods of data collection using observation and Literature. The final results of this study showed that the use case consists of 4 main activities, namely search, management, knowledge management and user management, and there are 2 actors are researchers and IT staff. In class diagram there are 17 classes that are connected between the one with the other
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 5, No 2 (2014): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

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CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a marketing strategy to create and maintain a good relationship with the customer and reduce the likelihood of customers switching to a competitors product. this study aims to analyzes the requirements of design based on CRM in Griya Gaya using PHP as programming language and MySQL data base for storing data. The results obtained are e-Commerce applications based CRM to manag ecustomer data, product promotion, product demand data, and management of discussion forums that are used to accommodate customer inquiries and complaints in order to create a good relationship with the customer. The implementation of these applications are expected to maintain good relationships with customers and gain new customers, which ultimately brings benefits for the company.
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 7, No 1 (2016): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

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The success rate of rehabilitation of the watershed is still not maximum, one reason is the lack of information that could help in the rehabilitation of the watershed. From the above problems, we need a study to provide a reference or any other alternative in determining priority watersheds to be rehabilitated, one through data mining technology. In this study watershed will be clustered using K-means clustering algorithm based on parameter characteristics. Trial in Tondano watershed found that the watershed in cluster 1 and 3 are critical watershed compared to the other groups. The trial results also showed that the process is not much different clustering or 90.64% when compared to the same watershed calculations manually so that it can be used as a reference stau other alternatives in policy and planning for watershed rehabilitation.
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 8, No 2 (2017): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1213.431 KB) | DOI: 10.17933/mti.v8i2.104


AbstractMedia Monitoring became one of the tasks and functions of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 9/2015. The process should be done in short time while maintaining or even improving the accuracy of analysis of the media. Therefore Big Data technology becoming a promising solution, related abilities of Big Data to process variety of data in a large scale, also provide accurate reports for stakeholders. This study adopted the Modified Waterfall method that commonly used in manufacture of software. This method is expected to explores and creates an appropriate recommendation. Big Data Implementation process will require time, cost, and human resources, so that stakeholders and related user is expected to prepare the implementation process properly in order to be effective. AbstrakMonitoring media menjadi salah satu tugas dan fungsi Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, sesuai dengan Instruksi Presiden No. 9 Tahun 2015. Proses dalam monitoring media tersebut harus dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu cepat tanpa mengurangi akurasi dari analisis terhadap media tersebut. Oleh karena itu teknologi Big Data menjadi salah satu solusi yang menjanjikan, terkait sifatnya yang mampu mengolah data dalam skala yang sangat besar dan variatif serta menyajikan laporan yang akurat untuk digunakan oleh pemangku kebijakan. Penelitian ini mengadopsi metode Modified Waterfall yang biasa digunakan dalam pembuatan software. Metode ini diharapkan dapat mendalami, mengeksplorasi dan menghasilkan alternatif rekomendasi yang sesuai. Proses pengimplementasian Big Data akan membutuhkan biaya, SDM, dan waktu yang tidak sedikit, sehingga pemangku kebijakan dan user terkait diharapkan dapat lebih mempersiapkan dengan baik agar proses pengimplementasian dapat berjalan efektif dan maksimal.

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