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Journal of Human Capital
Published by Universitas Bakrie
ISSN : 19798180     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
JHC diniatkan menjadi wadah penting untuk interaksi dan pengembangan wawasan bagi para akademisi, praktisi dan konsultan di bidang pengembangan SDM di Indonesia. Kami merasa peran ini penting karena faktanya belum ada jurnal akademik dengan fokus yang sama saat ini di Indonesia- setidak-tidaknya yang terakreditasi oleh DIKTI.
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Articles 6 Documents
The Role of Knowledge Management in Organization: A Survey of Banking and Insurance Companies in Central Java Kusumadmo, E.
Journal of Human Capital Vol 1, No 01 (2008): Oktober
Publisher : Journal of Human Capital

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The knowledge management is a major strategic imperative that supports financial organizations in a competitive environment. The importance of know/edge management is reflected in the fact that most of the managers saw their organizations as know/edge-based organizations that recognized the importance of knowledge, knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination and responsiveness to knowledge. Although various processes have been linked to knowledge management, it is clear that financial organizations realize that these processes must be supported by organizational culture and ICT usage. The first objective is to examine the causal relationship between internal organizational variables and knowledge management in the banking and insurance companies. The second objective is to determine the causal relationship between knowledge managementand competitive intensity in centrallavanese banking and insurance industry. The third objective of this study is to examine the conceptual models of knowledge management by testing the goodness of fit of the mode/s. This study surveyed the financial industrial environment by choosing the banking and insurance companies in three major cities in Centra/lava andlogjakarta Special Provnce as the research population (total sample, N-201). The research subjects were the branch managers ofthe bankingandinsurance companies who were considered to have a sound understanding of knowledge management in their respective companies Result found that knowledge management process shapedandsharedby the organization andderived from behaviors determining practices within the organization.Keywords : Knowledge Management, Organization Culture, /CT Usage, Business performance
Journal of Human Capital Vol 1, No 01 (2008): Oktober
Publisher : Journal of Human Capital

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In employment selection test, use of inventory-type personality testis common in many companies in Indonesia. One of the limitations of inventory-type personality tests is the opportunity for job applicants to provide response in socially desirable manner While test users may question the validity of the test results, it may not be appropriate to jump to conclusion that social desirability is a "bad" thing. Using sample of 142 real job applicants, this study investigates the relationship between social desirability with four ability-personality variables, i.e. cognitive intelligence quotient (/Q), adversity quotient (AQ), achievement motivation (nAch), andmental health (MH). The result shows that /Q, AQ, and MH, influence social desirability at 5% level of significance. Keywords: employment, personality, relationship, ability, desirability
Spirituality, Spiritual Values Treatment, and Firm Performance Uno, Indra
Journal of Human Capital Vol 1, No 01 (2008): Oktober
Publisher : Journal of Human Capital

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The purpose of this research paper is to explore the understanding and definition of spiritualityandspiritual values treatment to wards individual within an organization context. There have been researches that established positive correlation between workplace spiritualityand firm performance. However, many researches have been focused just on the concept and the correlation with firm performance rather than its implementation. As an intervention to an organization, spiritual values treatment has shown, at least anecdotally, to be a promising tool to improve firm performance. Perhaps such intervention as spiritual values treatment need to be furtherresearched in to and empirically tested to establish a positive correlation with firm performance. Keywords: Workplace Spirituality, Spiritual Values Treatment, Organizational Development
Aplikabilitas Kepemimpinan Paternalistik di Indonesia Irawanto M.Com. PG.Cert.HRM, Dodi Wirawan
Journal of Human Capital Vol 1, No 01 (2008): Oktober
Publisher : Journal of Human Capital

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Organisational leadership play a vital role on the organizational effectiveness. A number of leadership theories thatreflectto Western model may inappropriate to Indonesian culture. Paternalistic leadership is a leadership model that originates from Eastern culture (Taiwan). Looking at the culture similarities between Taiwan and Indonesia culture, itis predicted that paternalistic leadership will workeffectively in Indonesian context. A combination of benevolent leadership, moral leadership and authoritarianism leadership may be applicable to Indonesian culture in which emphasizing high degree of social harmony. This study done at East lava province on 50 respondents and can be concluded that paternalistic leadership concept is applicable to Indonesians' and having moral leadership as a preferable leadership style by subordinates. Key words : Paternalistic, Leadership, Benevolent. Moral, Authoritarianism, Culture, Organization
The Knowledge Characteristics Work Design; Analysis of Job Fit Influence on Role Performance Indartono, Setyabudi; Chiou, Hawjeng; Chen, Chun-Hsi Vivian
Journal of Human Capital Vol 1, No 01 (2008): Oktober
Publisher : Journal of Human Capital

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This paperinvestigates how work design predicted Performance mediated by personal job Fit. This Study also explored difference of servant Leadership style moderate the model. 407 teachers from several schools in Indonesia were examined. The result indicates personal job fit mediate information processes ofknowledge characteristics related to /n role performance. Servant leadership moderate the relationship between knowledge characteristics and personal job fit, and moderate the relationship between personal job fit and in role performance. Servant leadership also found moderate these two relationships, differently. Implication of the findings for organizations and suggestions for future research are discussed. Keywords: Knowledge characteristics, personal Fit, intra Role Performance, Servant Leadership
INTERVIEW INNOVASTRA; Bagaimana PT Astra International Tbk mengelola budaya inovasi Goestiandi, Ekuslie; Rahman, Doris; Amir, M. Taufiq
Journal of Human Capital Vol 1, No 01 (2008): Oktober
Publisher : Journal of Human Capital

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Sudah banyak studi yang mengungkapkan bahwa inovasi merupakan sumber yang penting bagi keunggulan organisasi. Perusahaan, mulal dari yang kecil hingga besar, banyak yang mengklaim bahwa mereka menjalankan inovasi sebagai bagian dari strateginya. Studi Boston Consulting Group (2007) misalnya, menyebutkan dari 2,468 eksekutif senior di 58 negara, 66 persen diantaranya mengatakan bahwa Inovasi merupakan tiga besar strategi utama. Di Indonesia, perusahaan yang mengaku menjalankan inovasijuga banyak. Meskipun demikian, sebagian besar lebih sering merupakan retorika saja. Hanya sedikit yang benar-benar by design menjalankannya dengan balk. Salah satu diantara yang sedikit itu adalah PTAstra International Tbk (Al). Kelompok perusahaan in dengan sengaja merancang sistem yang mendorong dan menggalakkan budaya inovasi pads unit-unit bisnis yang dimilikinya. Guna memahami bagaimana Al mengelola budaya inovasi organisasi, Pemimpin redaksi Journal of Human Capital, M. Taufiq Amir mewawancarai Ekuslie Goestiandi dan Doris Rahman yang masing-masing merupakan Head dan Team Leader di Astra Management Development Institute. AMDI unit dalam sistem Human Capital Management di PT Astra yang paling berperan dalam menyiapkan polo dan infrastruktur keinovasian di ASTRA. Ria Setyawati, Faculty MemberAMDI turut serta menemani dalam wawancara ini.

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