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LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (48.918 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v2i1.2847


The aim of this research is to know,(1) The control of the high court in East Kalimantan province  on the multy years Contract projects with the sum Rp.2.38 trylion (2)  The team of the court is surely controlling the MYC projects  (3) If any difficulty the team will give legal opinion,(4) The team will involve the Inspectorate   here,(5) Both will meet once a month.The suggestions are (1)The team has to control in the field,(2) The meeting for both has to be reaalized , (3) Both are truly working together,(3) To do any way to avoid the corruption , (4) If any corruption has to be sentenced whoever ,(5) Both have to keep neutral anyway.
Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Di Kecamatan Kaliorang Kabupaten Kutai Timur Provinsi Kalimantan Timur (Suatu Studi Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan Di Kecamatan Kaliorang) Pujiastuti, Nanik
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.315 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v1i1.2419


Quality of service is a State-related capability meets the desires of customers so the gap between the expectations with the reality of the case. Quality should be started from the need of customers and end on customer perception. Dotted with decline in the explanation above, the authors are interested in conducting research with the title "quality of public services in district of East Kutai Regency Kaliorang, East Kalimantan province (a Study Population in district administrative service Kaliorang)" In line with the needs of the community will be a quality service from the Government, then as a public servant who gained the trust of the community, the Government should always refer to the satisfaction of the community which is the purpose of a staple in the granting of Ministry. One form of government services is a service of the administration of the settlement, particularly the service ID CARD. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that in general the quality of public services in district hasn't fulfilled Kaliorang properly. It can be seen from the five dimensions of service quality, namely: Tangibles, Reability, Responsivess, Assurance and Empathy.
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.126 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v2i2.3383


This research is held in Samarinda in 2017 either observation, spreading questionairs or reading the TribunKaltim Daily newspaper.The method is qualitative research.The population is the local goverments of East Kalimantan which consists of 10 (ten) places of courtsnamelyBerau, East Kutai,Bontang, Balikpapan, Paser, Panajam Paser Utara,Samarinda,Kutai Kartanegara, Kutai Barat and Mahulu.The samples are Samarinda,Bontang and Kutai Barat about 30 %.The results of the research are (1). Almost in November 2017,the supervisons of the corruption extraordinary crimes listed 46 data,(2).The state money have been saved in 2017 reaching  Rp.13 billion rupiahs,(3).Corruption in Bontang on the project of saving beach at Beras Basah in the budget of 2013 to 2015,(4).Landown Bank of Samarinda local government 2004-2006,(5).The budget of health tools,(5).The social fund for the Cendana Skill Course Service,(6).The education aid and healths tools funds in Kutai Barat.The suggestions given by the researher are (1).The society has to be brave to report to the officer concerned if there is any corruption crime deed, (2).It is better to prevent it rather than to sentence the corruptors,(3).The internal and external control have to be accomplished,(4).The managements of the funds of the project and state have to be transparant,(5).The persons who report it have to be appreciated,(6).The apparatus and contractors those who are honest to do  the projects have to be appreciated, (7).The corruptors have to be sentenced heavily.
Upaya Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Anak Melalui Pembentukan Karakter Laili, Umi
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (99.652 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v1i2.2858


Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia menjamin kesejahteraan tiap-tiap warga negaranya, termasuk perlindungan terhadap hak anak yang merupakan hak asasi manusia.Anak adalah amanah sekaligus karunia Tuhan yang Maha Esa, yang dari sisi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, anak adalah masa  depan bangsa dan generasi penerus cita-cita bangsa, sehingga setiap anak berhak atas kelangsungan hidup, tumbuh, dan berkembang, berpartisipasi serta berhak atas perlindungan dari tindak kekerasan dan diskriminasi.Generasi yang berkarakter adalah generasi yang berkualitas serta memiliki peran yang baik di setiap lapisan masyarakat, dapat memberi pengaruh baik dan dapat menjadi suri tauladan bagi generasi lainnya. Karakter diartikan sebagai nilai-nilai yang baik yang terpatri dalam diri dan terjawantahkan dalam perilaku. Membentuk anak yang berkarakter dilakukan sebagai salah satu alternatif perlindungan anak.Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode sosio-legal. Metode sosio-legal digunakan dengan mengacu pada ilmu-ilmu sosial dan berbagai disiplin yang memberikan perhatian pada hukum. Metode sosio-legal digunakan dengan membandingkan prilaku yang terjadi pada masyarakat dengan data literatur. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber pada data primer dan data sukunder.Pembentukan karakter harus dilakukan sejak dini. Dalam membentuk karakter anak diperlukan peran serta dari seluruh komponen bangsa, secara bersama-sama, terus- menerus sehingga mewujudkan generasi Indonesia yang berkompeten, berdaya saing, dan berakhlak mulia.Lingkungan sebagai pendidik terdepan bagi anak, interaksi dengan lingkungan selayaknya orang tua, guru maupun masyarakat memberikan tauladan yang baik dengan terus menerus membina dan mengawasi pergaulan anak, jangan sampai terjebak dalam lingkungan pergaulan yang salah, sehingga anak pun menteladani hal-hal positif yang telah dilakukan dan dicontohkan oleh lingkungan. 
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (81.142 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v2i1.2843


This research is willing to know about the role of the political party to the general election of the governor as the head of the province in East Kalimantan 2018 based on the regulation No.10,2016 about the general election of the heads of the regional either the couple governor, mayor or regent in Indonesia. The method of the research is qualitative by library research.The essential content of the general election regulation is democratic mechanism. The result of the research is that one of the political party in here Indonesia Struggle Democratic Party (PDI Perjuangan) announced by the chairman of the winning team, Verdiana, that (1).Who will register to be the candidate through this party has to register himself or herself by paying such an amount of money to show the seriousness to the candidate but she does not determine how much money to pay  and the requirements to fill out, (2).Besides the register payment there are some other requirements which are not yet explained.The suggestions are (1).The sum of the money to pay of te registeration has to be determined before , (2).The other requiements has to be declared soon
Ratusan IUP Mati Menimbulkan Masalah Legalitas (Studi Kasus Di Kalimantan Timur) Munif, Abdul
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (160.22 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v1i1.2413


This research will know the illegal mining action in some local government in East Government in 2014. The method of it is qualitative one and the data are taken from the newspaper and observation as well as interview. The results of this research are (1). The are many mining company have no legal permit, (2). There are many inspired permit, (3). There are many companies have complains because the coal robbing in the tugboat in the river Mahakam, (4). There are many illegal funding in the business, (5). The lead officers in Samarinda based on the regulation No. 23 in the year 2014 about Local government there is no technical and realization handbook, (6). The officers concerned are afraid to take an action to capture the robbers becuase no instruction. The suggestions are: (1). Samarinda local government has to proactive, (2). Good Governance has to be practised, (3). The officers have to burn down the crime, (4). The one who will urged the wants must be taken an action strictly to capture or sentence, (5). The society has to anticipate to create order and safe.
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.129 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v2i2.3394


The purpose of this study is to know and examine matters as follows: Factors that affect the employee job satisfaction in Sub Division Treasury Finance Division Regional Secretariat Kutai Kartanegara and know the most dominant factors affect employee job satisfactionTo analyze the data obtained by researchers using multiple regression analysis tools and SPSS application (Statistic Product and Service Solution) Based on the results of data analysis using SPSS and discussion then the conclusions can be put forward are:The resulting regression equation is Y = 2.779 + 0.030X1 + 0.136 X2. The resulting value is marked positive which means having a direct relationship. The constant value (a) of 2.779 states that if X1 and X2 are equal to zero. Then the satisfaction of cooperation with 2.779 or can be said if there is no variable of employee factor (X1) and job factor (X2) then job satisfaction (Y) equal to 2,779.Result of F test calculation, Fcount value is 4,303 with significance level 0,000. Since probability (0,000) is less than 0.05, regression model can be used to predict job satisfaction, or it can be said that the variable of employee factor and work factor that applied together have an effect on job satisfaction.The value of R Square (Determination R or R2) shows the number of 0.806 from 8982, thus it can be said that the independent variables of employee and occupational factors have an influence of 0.806 or 8.06% have the level of variable relations factor employee and job factors against job satisfaction is very strong. Based on the above description, the first hypothesis has been presented.Result of t test calculation between employee with job satisfaction, it can be seen that thitung> ttable or 2,815> 2,021 with significance level 0,000 <0,005, indicate that tcount> ttable or 2,743> 2,021 with significance level 0,001 <0,005 meaning work variable variable partially significantly indicating its effect on job satisfaction. So variable of employee factor have the most dominant influence influence job satisfaction compare of work factor variable. Thus the second hypothesis that the researcher submitted was accepted.
Studi Beberapa Kasus Korupsi Di Indonesia (Some Cases Of Corruption In Indonesia) Ekawati, Ekawati
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (57.821 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v1i2.2862


Penelitian ini dilakukan di Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur dengan metodeperpustakaan. Tujuan dari itu bersedia untuk mengetahui donor korupsi oleh AnasUrbaningrum, mantan ketua partai Demokrat. Hal ini diambil pada tahun 2014 dariKaltimpost. Hasilnya bahwa ada beberapa proyek di Indonesia rusak oleh Anas danteman-temannya di antara adalah: proyek Hamblang Youth Centre, e-KTP, pesawatMerpati, bangunan pajak, East Kaltim listrik, pendidikan dan pelatihan dengan anggarantryliun. Proyek-proyek melibatkan beberapa petugas. (1). Beberapa suara dari korupsipenerimaan ilegal uang dan materi, (2). Untuk memenangkan pengadilan adalahkesempatan kecil (3). suatu akuntabilitas dedikasi untuk negara, kelompok atau individuluar biasa (4). bersalah akan terbukti di pengadilan. (5). Jika terbukti benar itu adalahtindakan yang buruk dari Anas. Saran-saran (1). The komisi korupsi harus memecahkanbenar-benar dengan mengambil bersalah dengan aktor, (2). Uang rusak harus diberikankembali ke negara tersebut, (3). Lembaga kontrol harus bekerja keras, (4). Para aktorharus dikirim ke penjara dan dihukum sekeras mungkin. (5). Jika ada bukti ia harusdirehabilitasi.
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (43.172 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v2i1.2848


The aim of this research is willing to know the proof of the corruption action at theDepartment of Health.  The location is at department concerned almost in Indonesia in2016  by  taking  news  from  the  newspapers  such  as  television,  radio  and  daily newspapers local and national as well.  The results of it are (1).The corruption at the health service is very cruel and unhuman because the ill persons were being the object of it,(2). The corruptors are all any levels of the officers,(3).The way of corruption is very complicated and creative,(4). Fortunately the staffs   f the corruption staff are intelligent,(5).The officers who corrupt  cleverly are in the regional areas,(6). The sum of the corruption is fantastic.The suggestions are (1). To give the staffs in the health departments more welfare,(2).To control the projects seriously,(3).To limit the occasion for corrupting ,(4).To give tauziah to the officers. 
Dinamika Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah Kalimantan Timur Sudiran, Florentinus
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.219 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v1i1.2420


The aim of this research is to know the general election of  the mayor of Samarinda city in 2014.The location of it is in Samarinda.The research had been carried out in the year.The method of it is a discriptive kualitative and library one.The data is taken from the daily newspaper here.The result of it is that the general election mentioned above  (1).It had been running well, (2).It was still any handicap, (3).The former mayor and regents (incombent/petahana) got the winners:among are Saharie Jaang in Samarinda city,Razal Effendi in Balikpapan city and Rita Widyasari in Tenggarong Regency.The new comers among are are Ismunandar from East Kutai regency, Geh from Mahulu, from West Kutai,Muharam From Berau,Mardikansyah from Paser,Neny from Bontang city, (4).Some are not fair play especially done by the succes-team (5).The former (incombent/petahana) got the majority. The suggestions are (1).The socialization of the election concerned has to prepare perfectly,(2).The execution of the election has to be direct, general, free, honest, justice and secret, (3).The supremacy of law concerned has to be taken seriously.