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Reaktor invites contributions of original and novel fundamental research. Reaktor publishes scientific study/ research papers, industrial problem solving related to Chemical Engineering field as well as review papers. The journal presents paper dealing with the topic related to Chemical Engineering including: Transport Phenomena and Chemical Engineering Operating Unit Chemical Reaction Technique, Chemical Kinetics, and Catalysis Designing, Modeling, and Process Optimization Energy and Conversion Technology Thermodynamics Process System Engineering and products Particulate and emulsion technologies Membrane Technology Material Development Food Technology and Bioprocess Waste Treatment Technology
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Kajian Eksperimental Pengaruh Micromixing Terhadap Reaksi Parallel Kompetitif Di Dalam Sistem Reaktor Alir Tangki Teraduk A. Altway; S. Winardi; M. Rachimoellah
Reaktor Volume 08 No.1 Juni 2004
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3658.904 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.8.1.12-17


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh letak atau posisi feed masuk, kecepatan pengadukan, waktu tinggal rata-rata dan tipe impeller terhadap tingkat micromixing dan yield reaksi parallel di dalam tangki pengaduk secara kontinyu. Sistem yang digunakan adalah tangki silindris beralas datar yang dilengkapi dengan 4 buah baffle dengan diameter T= 0,2 m dan H= T. Impeler yang digunakan adalah inclined fan turbine, fan turbin, atau Rushton disc turbin 6 blade dengan diameter 6 cm, dengan jarak 1/3H dari dasar tangki. Reaksi parallel kompetitif yang dipelajari adalah reaksi netralisasi NaH2BO3 dengan H2SO4 dan reaksi oksidasi reduksi iodide-iodate yang menghasilkan iodine. Sedangkan variabel percobaan adalah  waktu tinggal yang divariasi dengan cara variasi laju alir inlet campuran NaH2BO3, KI dan KIO3 sebesar 1 liter/menit; 1,5 liter/ menit dan 2 liter/menit. Konsentrasi NaH2BO3, KI dan KIO3 di dalam campuran adalah : 0,0909 M; 0,0117 M; dan 0,0023 M. Laju alir larutan yang mengandung 0,3 M H2SO4 adalah 0,045 liter/menit; 0,068 liter/menit dan 0,09 liter/menit. Kecepatan putar impeller divariasi 100,150, 200, 250, dan 300 rpm. Posisi pemasukan larutan divariasi H2SO4 yaitu : di dekat impeler, di daerah bawah impeler, dan di dekat permukaan. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan, bahwa semakin besar kecepatan putar impeler dan semakin lama waktu tinggal dalam reaktor yield iodine yang dihasilkan semakin kecil. Posisi feed yang terbaik adalah terletak di dekat impeler dengan koordinat z` = 0,33 dan r` = 1,4. Penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa impeller inclined fan turbine memberikan kinerja pencampuran yang lebih baik dibandingkan jenis impeller Rusthon turbine dan fan turbine.Kata kunci : micromixing, yield iodine, bilangan segregasi, reaktor alir tangki teraduk
Reaktor Volume 14, Nomor 1, April 2012
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.241 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.14.1.17-24


THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MEMBRANE-FOULANT AND FOULANT-FOULANT INTERACTIONS AS THE BASIS FOR CONTROL OF FOULING. Industrial membrane applications for solid liquid and liquid-liquid filtration are limited by fouling and concentration polarization. Because fouling significantly reduces the membrane performance and often changes the membrane selectivity, efforts to overcome the fouling problem are very important from practical applications point of view. This paper presents the basic knowledge required to control fouling and recent development in fouling control including the method developed by the author. Control of fouling can be done by (i) commercial membrane modification (post modification) by photo-graft polymerization, (ii) modification by polymer blending during membrane manufacturing and (iii) integration of a pretreatment into membrane processes. The results showed that all the developed methods can significantly reduce the resulting fouling; however, none of the method could totally remove the occurring fouling. The understanding of the membrane-foulant and foulant-foulant interactions is the key to success in control of fouling.Aplikasi teknologi membran untuk pemisahan padat cair di  berbagai industri dibatasi oleh peristiwa fouling yang menyebabkan penurunan laju produk dan perubahan selektifitas membran. Oleh karena itu, pengendalian fouling merupakan upaya yang mutlak harus dilakukan. Makalah ini mempresentasikan pengetahuan dasar yang diperlukan untuk pengendalian fouling dan perkembangan terkini dalam pengendalian fouling termasuk hasil-hasil yang telah dikembangkan oleh penulis. Pengendalian fouling dilakukan dengan (i) modifikasi membran komersial (post modification) menggunakan metode photo-grafting, (ii) modifikasi dengan pencampuran polimer selama proses pembuatan (polymer blend) dan (iii) integrasi unit perlakuan awal (pre-treatment) dengan proses membran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesemua metode yang dikembangkan dapat mengurangi terjadinya fouling secara signifikan. Namun, tidak ada satu pun metode yang dapat mengurangi fouling dengan sempurna. Pemahaman terhadap interaksi membran-foulant dan foulant-foulant merupakan kunci sukses dalam pengendalian fouling.
Bagian Belakang Reaktor Vol 16 No 4 2016 Widayat, W
Reaktor Volume 16 No.4 Desember 2016
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

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berisi tempalte, ideks judul, obyek dan subyek
A Study of Compost as an Adsorbent for Congo Red Dye Removal Process Gabriel Andari Kristanto; Ariessyawtra Raindra Lamurvie; William Koven
Reaktor Volume 17 No. 4 Desember 2017
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (630.079 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.17.4.203-209


The human population continues to grow annually, and so does the number of textile industries. In textile industry, synthetic dye is one of the most polluting substance in its wastewate which the conventional treatment processes are usually ineffective. Another option is using activated carbon to remove the dye, but carbon is an expensive material. It is is interesting that  material that is rich in carbon, such as compost, may become an alternative solution. The objective of the present study was to assess the capability of compost in treating wastewater dye by determining the optimum compost dosage, particle size, and column height, while considering dye percentage removal and adsoprtion capacity. The optimum compost dosage was 8g/L and the optimum particle size was 1–2 mm in treating the 200 ppm Congo Red dye molecule, resulting in 20.49% removal and a 5.33 mg/g adsorption capacity. The optimum compost column height was 60 cm with 90% removal, and the adsorption capacity was 0.38 mg/g. The dye molecule wore off tthe compost, therefore fresh compost must be introduced in order to maintain its percentage removal level. The compatibility of isotherm model developed in this study with the Freundlich model is similar with previous studies.    Keywords: compost; congo red dye;adsorbent, batch, column 
Reaktor Volume 14, No. 4, OKTOBER 2013
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (328.086 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.14.4.267-271


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh karakteristik batubara terhadap proses pencairan dengan menggunakan metoda hidrogenasi katalitik. Sampel batubara yang digunakan adalah batubara Sorong dengan peringkat lignit dan batubara Mulia dengan peringkat sub bituminus. Proses pencairan dilakukan dalam sebuah otoklaf yang berkapasitas 5 liter dengan menggunakan pelarut antrasen dan katalis bijih besi. Kisaran suhu pencairan adalah 375ºC, 400ºC, 425ºC, dan 450ºC, sementara tekanan awal hidrogen ditetapkan 100 bar. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa karakteristik batubara memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pencairan. Konversi tertinggi batubara Sorong adalah 89,94% pada suhu 400ºC, sementara untuk batubara Mulia sebesar 87,28% pada suhu 450ºC
Pemakaian Asam Askorbat Untuk Produksi Koenzim Quinine Dengan Induksi Sel Nicotiana Tabaccum Said Nurdin; Afnizar Huzaimi
Reaktor Volume 5 No. 1 Juni 2001
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3058.758 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.5.1.31-34


Koenzim quinine merupakan produk intraseluler nicotiana tobaccum, sehingga untuk mengisolasikannya diperlukan penambahan antioksidan. Penelitian penambahan antioksidan berupa sam askobat dengan variasi konsentrasi bertujuan untuk menyelidiki  tingkat efektifitas pemakaian senyawa tersebut  dengan proses induksi sel menurut perubahan waktu. Proses induksi berlangsung melalui penambahan inokulum ke dalam nutrient sampai terbentukkan callus. Callus dipindahkan ke dalam media pemeliharaan yang telah diberikan nutrien, sehingga tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi sel baru.  Pertumbuhan sel di dalam medium cair diamati melalui berat sel segar yang diperoleh. Perkembangan berat sel segar dan produksi koenzim quinine kasar pada berbagai konsentrasi vitamin C tersebut ditentukan dengan menggunakan HPLC dan pendeteksiannya spectrometer Shimadzu SPD-10 A pada panjang gelombang 275 nm. Hasil pembentukan koenzim quinine diuji pada hari ke- 1, 3, 5,6 dan 7 dengan konsentrasi 0,5 mg/l. nilai optimalnya dicapai sebesar 0,3598 ppm, 0,3641 ppm, 0,3675 ppm, 0,3699 ppm dan 0,3718 ppm, dan pada konsentrasi asam askorbat = 0,7 mg/l menunjukkan produksi koenzim quinine, sbanyak 0,3920 ppm, 0,3791 ppm, 0,3996 ppm, 0,4005 ppm dam 0,4030 ppm.Kata kunci : asam askorbat, antioksidan, coenzim quinine, induksi sel, nicotiana tabaccum, inokulum, nutrient, callus, medium
Reaktor Volume 12, Nomor 2, Desember 2008
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1051.582 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.12.2.90-97


In the laboratory scale, the effect of the concentration of H2SO4 catalyst (1.25-6.25) (% w/w) and the equivalent mol ratio between lauric acid and glycerol (1:1; 1:2.5; 2.5:1) on the synthesis of a-monolaurin has been studied. The a-monolaurin compound has been synthesized from lauric acid and glycerol was done by batch esterification on the free solvent system. The esterification by using 5% H2SO4 catalyst and equivalent mol ratio between lauric acid and glycerol 1:2.5 produced most monolaurin, and dilaurin in amount of 31.14 and 4.42%, respectively. The monolaurin and dilaurin are identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC), infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer (LC-MS), and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer. The spectral data of monolaurin was compared to spectral data of standard a-monolaurin.Telah dilakukan penelitian sintesis senyawa a-monolaurin dari asam laurat dan gliserol, dengan konsentrasi katalis H2SO4 (1,25 s.d. 6,25) (% berat) dan perbandingan molaritas reaktan asam laurat terhadap gliserol (1:1; 1:2,5; dan 2,5:1) sebagai parameter. Pada reaksi esterifikasi dengan konsentrasi katalis H2SO4 5%  dan perbandingan molaritas asam laurat terhadap gliserol 1:2,5 dihasilkan senyawa a-monolaurin terbanyak 31,14% sebagai hasil utama dan senyawa a,a’-dilaurin 4,42% sebagai hasil samping sintesis. Kedua senyawa hasil sintesis diidentifikasi dengan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT), spektrofotometer infra merah (FTIR), spektrometer massa liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer (LC-MS), dan spektrometer resonansi magnetik inti (NMR). Karakteristik senyawa a-monolaurin hasil sintesis dibandingkan  dengan karakteristik a-monolaurin standar.   
Reaction Kinetics in Conversion Process of Pineapple Leaves into Glucose Muhaimin Muhaimin; Beta Wulan Febriana; Septian Arfan
Reaktor Volume 18 No. 3 September 2018
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (585.817 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.18.03.155-159


Abstract This research aimed to determine the reaction kinetics in the process of hydrolysis of pineapple leaves. The experiment was carried out at the temperature (60, 90, and 120 oC) and variation of acid catalyst concentration (0.1; 0.5 and 1 M) by observation reaction time every 30 min. The kinetics model of hydrolysis reactions of pineapple leaves has shown first order reaction with activation energy value to find the concentration of sulfuric acid successively: 0.1 M; -15420 KJ/mol; 0,5 M; 3173.8 KJ/mol; 1 M; 100.53 KJ/mol. The reaction rate constant which produced the highest glucose level was on the use of sulfuric acid at a concentration of 0.1 M at a temperature of 120 oC with glucose levels produced between 26.366.039 ppm to 155.510.778 ppm with k = 0.0106/min. Keywords: glucose; hydrolysis; kinetic model; pineapple leaves
Reaktor Volume 15 No.3 April 2015
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (735.005 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.15.3.154-164


Abstract HYDRODYNAMIC MODEL OF THE PLANT BIOREACTOR (THE PERMEABILITY CONCEPT). Water flow is important in transport of plant nutrients. To accomadate water flow in plant bioreactor, it is necesary enough space by adding compost, i.e. material from plant residue which contains many of capillary tube. Many hydrodynamic models of water flow in porous and capillary medium are proposed, but there is no the specific model for plant bioreactor which contains particle beads and capillary tube. There are three models are proposed in this study, one each other are different in complexity. The first model has four parameters with mean error of 0.457, the second one has five parameters with error of 0.464, and the last one has seven parameters with mean error of 0.574. From the models, it is found that increasing in particle size or compost fraction will result in increasing permeability. With the compost to bed volume ratio of 1:4, the permeability increase significantly compared to the soil and sandstone. By taking into account of the permeability value in the governing equation of single cyllindrical root system, the water flow is not a rate limiting step for a long of the root. In order to ensure the existence of water flow in the bioreactor, it is suggested to use compost to bed volume ration of 1:1. Keywords: flow in capillary-porous media; permeability; root water uptake;the plant bioreactor Abstrak Aliran air dalam bioreaktor sangat penting dalam perpindahan nutrisi tanaman. Untuk memfasilitasi aliran air dalam bioreaktor tanaman, diperlukan rekayasa ruang melalui penambahan kompos, berupa material bekas tanaman yang mengandung pipa-pipa kapiler. Sudah tersedia berbagai model hidrodinamika untuk aliran lambat melewati unggun, namun belum ada yang secara khusus untuk bioreaktor tanaman yang memiliki butiran partikel dan potongan pipa kapiler. Pada kajian ini terdapat tiga model aliran yang ditinjau, masing-masing hanya berbeda dari sisi kompleksitasnya. Model pertama memiliki empat parameter dengan kesalahan rata-rata 0,457, model kedua memiliki lima parameter dengan kesalahan rata-rata 0,464, dan model ketiga dengan tujuh parameter dengan kesalahan rata-rata 0,574. Dengan menggunakan model tersebut diperoleh bahwa permeabilitas akan meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya ukuran partikel dan atau fraksi kompos. Penambahan kompos seperempat dari volume unggun total akan memberikan peningkatan permeabilitas yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan tanah dan batuan pasir biasa. Dengan memasukkan parameter ini kedalam persamaan pengambilan air pada sistem akar silinder tunggal, maka perpindahan air bukan lagi menjadi tahap pembatas laju di sepanjang akar. Untuk menjamin ketersediaan aliran, disarankan menggunakan kompos sebesar setengah dari volume unggun total.
Biological Treatment Of Simulated Humic Acid Wasre Water In A Laboratory Scale Aerobic Reactor yunardi yunardi
Reaktor Volume 07 No. 1 Juni 2003
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2939.41 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.7.1.33-36


A laboratory study was  conducted to determine the feasibility of activated sludge reactor for treating humic acid waste waterand examine the effect of the presence of glucose as the second carbon source on treatment performance. Activated sludge obtained from a waste water treatment plant treating domestic wastewater was used as a seed for reactors. Synthetic wastewater containing humid acid as the sole carbon source and glucose as the second carbon source were used as feeds for the reactors operated in a fill-and-draw mode. The result showed  tht the presence of glucose in the wastewater enhanced the production of higher MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids) than that without of glucose. The TOC (Total Organic Carbon) concentration in both reactors fluctuated greatly until the end of the experiment due to inability of keeping the input TOC at desired level. However the decrease in TOC suggested that there are some microorganisms capable of degrading the humic acid. Addition of glucose to the simulated humic acid wastewater improved the capability of microbes in degrading the acids. Most ammonium nitrogen in the wastewater was converted to nitrate nitrogen. Although the performance was lower compared to that of conventional system, activated sludge process was capable of degrading wastewater containing humic acids.Keywords : activated sludge, ammonium nitrogen, fill and draw, glucose, humic acid, wastewater

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