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Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi
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Core Subject : Health,
urnal Kesehatan Reproduksi is a scientific journal published by Association of Women and Children Reproductive Health Enthusiasts and Experts/Ikatan Pemerhati Anak dan Kesehatan Reproduksi/IPAKESPRO) who works closely with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi first printed version was published in 2014 with ISSN 2302-836X. In 2016, we also have an online journal version with ISSN 2621-461X. Currently, we already use the Online Journal System, requiring all authors to submit their papers online. Afterwards, authors, editors and reviewers will be able to monitor the manuscript processing. This journal is published annually every April, August and December.
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Profil Primigravida Muda dan Luaran Persalinan di Rumah Sakit Dr.Oen Surakarta Supanji Raharja; Ova Emilia; Poedji Rochjati
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.37993


Background: Pregnancy at a young age has become an important health problem both in developed and developing countries. Pregnancy at a young age increases the risk of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. This is because adolescent women who are not ready both physically and psychologically to get pregnant.Obsjective: This study aims to identify and analyze labor in young primigravida (<20 years) with pathological labor in hospital Dr.Oen Surakarta.Method: This was an observational analytic study without intervention in the form of comparative cross sectional study conducted in young primigravida group age <20 years and primigravida group age 20 to 34 years old, who underwent labor in hospital delivery room. Dr.Oen Surakarta. This study used secondary data from the medical record of pregnant women who gave birth at RS.Dr.Oen Surakarta from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 201. A comparison between young primigravids (<20 years) in which pathologic pathways were performed with primigravida of reproductive age (20-34 years) experienced pathological labor were conducted.Result and Discussion: The number of deliveries in young primigravida (<20 years) was 61 people (6.65%) whereas in primigravida (21-35 years) there were 856 people (93.34%). Younger primigravids have lower levels of education than the primigravida age of reproductive age (p 0.00, CI 3.557 - 11.227). The younger primigravida has a tendency to give birth outside its residence area compared to primigravida of reproductive age (p 0.00; CI 0.050,178). Unmarried status in the young primigravida is greater than that of primigravida of reproductive age (p 0.00, CI 0.011 - 0,229) .An Antenatal Care on Primigravida reproductive age is more regular than young primigravida (p 0.03; CI 0.255 - 0.97) . Young primigravida tended to have anemia (p = 0.00, OR 8.4 CI 3.22 - 21.93) The risk of prematurity was higher in young primigravids than in the reproductive age primigravida (p 0.01, OR 2.9 CI 1, 16 - 7.25). Younger primigravids have a higher risk for pathologic delivery compared to primigravida of reproductive age (p 0.05 OR 0.56 CI 0.315 - 1.01).Conclusions: There are differences in terms, level of education, marital status, residence, regularity of ANC between young primigravida and prmigravida of reproductive age. The study found that young primigravids have a higher risk of occurrence of anemia, prematurity and pathologic delivery compared with healthy reproductive age primigravids.Keywords: young primigravida, primigravida healthy reproductive age, risk factors
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.12641


HUBUNGAN EPISIOTOMI TERHADAP INKONTINENSIS URIN: SUATU STUDI EPIDEMIOLOGINovita Sari1, Edi Patmini2, Agung Nugroho3, Muhammad Nurhadi Rahman4ABSTRACTBackground:The mortality rate of urinary incontinence is low but it greatly affects a person’s quality oflife as can cause embarrassment and discomfort. Consequently it affects psychosocial impact of patient.Urinary incontinence 2-3 times more often experienced by women in comparison with men because oftrauma risk to the connective tissue, muscle, and nerve during childbirth.Objective: To assess association between episiotomy and nonepisiotomy vaginal delivery method onurinary incontinence among postpartum woman.Method: A cross sectional study was conducted toward women with post vaginal delivery in BantulHospital during the period of March-August 2014. After considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria,there were 95 women included in the study (44 women with episiotomy vaginal delivery and 51 womenwith nonepisiotomy vaginal delivery). Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID)wasadministered to measure urinary incontinence in postpartum women. Data were analyzed using SPSSsoftware version 19.Result and Discussion: The occurrence of urinary incontinence in this research was 45.3%, among these39.5% were women with episiotomy vaginal delivery, and 60.5% were women with nonepisiotomy vaginaldelivery method (p=0.228 and RP =0.76).Conclusion: Urinary incontinence among postpartum women is not significantly different among womenwho delivered with episiotomy and non episiotomy.Keyword: Urinary incontinence, vaginal delivery, episiotomy, nonepisiotomyABSTRAKLatar Belakang:Inkontinensi urin bukan masalah yang mematikan tetapi inkontinensi urin mempengaruhikualitas hidup seseorang karena menimbulkan rasa malu dan tidak nyaman, sehingga memberikandampak psikososial pada pasien inkontinensi urin. Inkontinensi urin 2-3 kali lebih sering dialami olehwanita dibandingkan dengan pria karena adanya risiko terjadinya trauma pada jaringan ikat, otot, dancedera saraf saat melakukan persalinan.Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara persalinan vaginal dengan tindakan episiotomi dan nonepisiotomiterhadap kejadian inkontinensi urin pada wanita postpartum.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Cross Sectional dengan 44 subjek pada kelompok persalinanvaginal episiotomi dan 51 subjek pada kelompok persalinan vaginal nonepisiotomi. Kuesioner QUID(Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis) digunakan untuk mengukur inkontinensi urin padawanita postpartum. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan software SPSS versi 19.Hasil:Angka kejadian inkontinensi urin pada subjek penelitian yaitu 45,3%, sedangkan pada kelompokpersalinan vaginal episiotomi 39,5% dan persalinan vaginal nonepisiotomi 60,5% (p=0,228 dan RP=0,76).Kesimpulan:Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara persalinan vaginal dengan tindakan episiotomidan nonepisiotomi terhadap terjadinya inkontienesi urin postpartum.Kata kunci:Inkontinensi urin, persalinan vaginal, episiotomy dan nonepisiotomi.1 Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran UGM2,4 Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UGM / RSUP Dr. Sardjito3 Bagian Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak, Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kedokteran UGM
Faktor Risiko Transmisi Virus HIV pada Ibu Hamil di Papua Alberthzon Kris Silo Rabrageri; Risanto Siswosudarmo; Soetrisno Soetrisno
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.35433


Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has been transmitted all over the world and attack people including pregnant women and their fetus. HIV-AIDS has become the main cause of maternal death. The transmission is started from Africa to Indonesia, specifically to Papua Island. In Papua, HIV is a serious threat for pregnant women’s life because of its fast transmission, even faster from other regions in Indonesia. Until present, there has no research about HIV transmission on pregnant women in Papua Island.Objective: To conduct analysis on risk factors related to HIV transmission on pregnant women in Papua Island.Method: Cross sectional continued with retrospective cohort. Data was taken from medical record of all patients delivering in eight state-owned hospitals in Papua and West Papua provinces started from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013. Inclusion criteria were all pregnant women who delivered vaginally or by caesarean sections with HIV and non HIV diagnosis and had complete medical record data. Data being taken included mother’s age when delivered the baby, mother’s education, parents’ social economic status, mother’s ethnicity, parents’ domicile, prematurity and infant’s birth weight. The two research groups were HIV (+) and HIV (-) groups. Data were statistically analyzed using Pearson Chi Square for univarian and logistic regression for multivarian.Result and Discussion: In Papua island, prevalence of pregnant women with HIV was 15.3%, and mostly occurred in reproductive age ( 85.1%). The main transmission source was heterosexual (100%). Univarian analysis found that mothers’s age <20 years old when delivered the baby increase 1.12 times compared to > 20 years old but it’s statistically insignificant (p=0.53). Mothers education < 9 years increases the risk of HIV 1.4 times compared to mother’s education > 9 years (p=0.01). The husband’s low socioeconomic status increase the risk of 5.51 times compared with husband’s high socioeconomic status (p<0.01). The wife’s low socioeconomic status increase the risk of 1.22 times, in which statistically insignificant (p=0.14). Native Papuanese pregnant women has significantly 3.05 times higher risk for HIV transmission compared to non Papuanese (p<0.01). Pregnant women’s domicile in villages increase the transmission significantly 2.21 times compared to cities’ domiciles (p<0.00). Premature delivery increased HIV transmission by 1.7 times (p<0.01). Low infant body weight increased the transmission by 1.64 times significantly (p<0.01). Multivarian analysis showed that husband’s low socioeconomic status, Papuanese ethnicity and domicile in villages are the most dominant factors influencing HIV transmission on pregnant women in Papua Island.Conclusion: Varied risk factors on HIV transmission resulted in the occurrence of HIV (+) cases in Papua Island, while the most dominant factors are husband with low socioeconomic status, Papua ethnicity and domicile in villages.Keywords: HIV, risk factors, birthing mothers, Papua Island.
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.4913


PERSEPSI REMAJA TERHADAP FAKTOR PENGHAMBATPEMANFAATAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN REPRODUKSIDI PUSKESMAS GAMBOK KABUPATEN SIJUNJUNGVella Dwi Yani, Ova Emilia, Hari KusnantoABSTRACTBackground: Reproductive health service is an important component that has to be improved globally becauseteenagers often lack basic information about reproductive health. Despite the need for reproductive health serviceonly a few teenagers utilize the service due to several constraints in having reproductive and sexual health serviceas a result of limited access to the service and negative perception about center of reproductive health service.Data of Sijunjung District Health Office Sumatera Barat show that only 20% of teenagers utilize reproductivehealth service available. Whereas cases in teenagers indicate that 9.2% of teenagers have had premarital sexualintercourse and 40% are married at teenage period (<20 years) and 10% is caused by unwanted pregnancy.Objective: To study the perception of teenagers about physical, process, economic and psychosocial factors asobstacles in the utilization of reproductive health service.Method: The study was observational with cross sectional design and descriptive quantitative approach thatused qualitative data obtained from indepth interview. Subject of the study were students of SMU 1 and 2 of 14-16 years old around the working area of Health Centers that have health service for teenagers with as many as131 respondents.Result and Discussion: Perception of teenagers about physical, process and economic factors showed that themajority had good perception so these factors were not obstacles for teenagers in utilizing reproductive healthservice. The majority of teenagers (68%) had bad perception about psychosocial factor so this was an obstacle inthe utilization of reproductive health service.Conclusion: Obstacles in the utilization of reproductive health service at the health center were caused bypsychosocial factor because of shame and unwillingness to tell the problem to staff that was considered asstrangers. Teenagers also doubted the confidentiality of the problem they told to the staff.Keywords: perception, teenagers, reproductive health, utilizationABSTRAKLatar belakang: Pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi merupakan komponen penting yang harus diperbaiki secaraglobal. Remaja sering kali kekurangan informasi dasar tentang kesehatan reproduksi. Meskipun kebutuhanpelayanan kesehatan reproduksi tinggi namun pemanfaatannya masih rendah karena berbagai hambatanmemperoleh pelayanan dan juga adanya persepsi negatif terhadap pusat pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi. Datadari dinas Kesehatan kabupaten Sijunjung Sumatera Barat menunjukkan hanya 20% remaja yang memanfaatkanpelayanan kesehatan reproduksi. Sedangkan kasus dan masalah kesehatan reproduksi menunjukkan 9,2% sudahberhubungan seks sebelum menikah, dan 40% menikah pada usia remaja (<20 tahun) serta 10% mengakibatkankehamilan tak dikehendaki.Tujuan: Untuk mempelajari persepsi remaja terhadap faktor fisik, proses, ekonomi dan psikososial untukmemanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi remaja.melalui wawancara mendalam.Subyek penelitian adalah siswa SMA kelas 1 dan 2 usia 14-16 tahun di wilayahkerja puskesmas sebanyak 131 responden.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Mayoritas remaja memiliki persepsi baik terhadap faktor fisik, proses, dan ekonomi. Tigafaktor bukanmerupakan penghambatmemperoleh layanan kesehatan reproduksi. Sementara itu faktor psikososialdianggap sebagai penghambat (68%) untuk memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi.Kesimpulan: Hambatan pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan reproduksi adalah faktor psikososial karena malu dantidak percaya untuk menceritakan masalah pada petugas kesehatan yang tidak dikenal. Remaja juga meragukankerahasiaan masalah yang diungkapkan.Kata kunci: persepsi, remaja, kesehatan reproduksi, pemanfaatan
Pengaruh Konseling saat Persalinan terhadap Kepesertaan Keluarga Berencana Pasca Salin di Kabupaten Kolaka Marwan Abbas; Soerjo Hadijono; Ova Emilia; Eddy Hartono
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.35425


Background: Death among repro ductive age women about 25-50% is caused by pregnancy related condition. Family Planning program is known as one pillar to control pregnancy. Counseling plays important roles to increase contraceptive prevalent rate.Objective: To assess the effectiveness of family planning counseling during latent phase of labor in increasing postpartum contraception.Method: The study was an experimental design which involved all primary health centre, Maternity Hospital and General hospital in Kolaka district in the period of 1 January 2016 to March 2016. Sampling included 108 subjects divided into intervention and control group. Selection of health facility into two groups was done through simple coin toss. Intervention was family planning counseling conducted during latent phase of labor using flipchart standardised by BKKBN in 2014.Result and Discussion: From all subjects, 70 (64.8%) decided to participate in post partum contraception. Participation for contraception was significantly higher in counseling group (92%) compare to control (37%) (p<0.001, RR 2.5; CI 1.75 – 3.57). Age and companion during labor did not influence contraception participation (p>0,05). There was a trend that contraception participation higher in older age. Other factors such as education, income, parity and previous conseling significantly influence contraception participation (p<0,05).Conclusion: Family planning counseling during latent phase increase the participation in postpartum contraception. Education, income, parity and previous counseling influence the participation in postpartum contraception.Keyword: Family Planning, Post partum contraception, Factors on contraception participation
Pengalaman Ibu Bekerja dalam Pemberian AIS Eksklusif di Lingkungan Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Kartika Wijayanti; Shinta Prawitasari; Wenny Wenny
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.13879


Background: The percentage of breastfeeding within the last 24 hours is decreasing with increasing age of the baby with the percentage 6 month babies is only about 30.2%. The percentage Central Java reached 34.38%, the low, and became the 6th lowest at Indonesia. This is not met with the government’s target of 80% in 2010. In Magelang district, the number is decreased from 45.18% in 2011 and 25.6% in 2012. Total coverage of exclusive breastfeeding at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang is 13%.Objective: To identify employment mother’s experience for exclusive breastfeeding at Muhammadiyah Magelang University.Method: This is a qualitative study, transcendental phenomenological approach. The subjects of this study are employment mother at Muhammadiyah Magelang University who have babies 6-36 months. Data was collected with in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Sampling was carried out using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis using 6 stages Colaizzi data analysis. This study began in February 2014 - February 2015.Result and Discussion: This study resulted 6 categories: employment mother’s experiences for exclusive breastfeeding at work less fun, supporting factors of exclusive breastfeeding is complex, mother’s knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding is good, physical, technical, and pshycological preparation were necessary to give exclusive breastfeeding, and expectation of the workplace that support for exclusive breastfeeding.Conclusion: Employment mother’s experience for exclusive breastfeeding less fun. Mother’s effort to prepare for exclusive breastfeeding such as knowledge, physical, technical, and pshycological. Mother’s expectation is workplace that supports exclusive breastfeeding.Keywords: Experience, Employment mother, exclusive breastfeeding
Robekan Perineum pada Persalinan Vaginal di Bidan Praktik Swasta (BPS) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Tahun 2014-2016 Nuring Pangastuti
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.36184


Background: Vaginal delivery is the most preffered mode of delivery by all women, and the birth attendants. The vaginal delivery assistance was conducted by various health professionals such as midwives, physicians, and obstetricians. Various complaints of pelvic floor dysfunction and complaints related to the perineum as a result of vaginal perineal laceration during childbirth can affect the quality of life of a woman.Objective: To identify and conduct an analysis of maternal factors (maternal age, parity, gestational age), fetal factor (birth weight), and the labor factor (duration of 2nd stage of labor), with the occurrence of perineal rupture in vaginal delivery at the 5 Midwife’s Private Clinic (MPC), Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Method: Retrospective medical record searching, from January 2014 until December 2016.Result and Discussion: There were 1595 obtained samples of data that met the criteria for inclusion and exclusion. Number of perineal laceration reached 1201 (75.3%), with 1.9% of them are grade 3. Perineal rupture occurred in 80.55% of vaginal deliveries at young age, 69.14% in more than 35 years old women, and 85.05% primiparas. There was significant negative correlation (0.186) between parity and perineal rupture (p=0.000). The less the parity, the higher the incidence of perineal rupture (p=0.002). There was significant correlation between baby’s weight less than 2500 gram and perineal rupture but not for the baby’s weight more than 4000grams (p=0.304). The correlation was positive which meant that the heavier the baby’s weight the higher the incidence of perineal rupture. There was significant positive correlation (p=0,018) for the duration of 2nd stage of labor between 30-60 minutes and perineal rupture(0.061). The correlation was positive as well (0.092) for the duration of 2nd stage of labor more than 60 minutes and perineal rupture( p=0.002). The longer the duration of the 2nd stage of labor the higher the incidence of perineal rupture.Conclusion: There was significant relationship between parity, and duration of the 2nd stage of labor and perineal rupture in vaginal delivery.Keywords: perineal rupture, vaginal delivery, parity, duration of the 2nd stage of labor
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.12649


HUBUNGAN KADAR ANTI MULLERIAN HORMONE (AMH)DENGAN KEBERHASILAN STIMULASI OVARIUM PADAFERTILISASI IN VITRO METODE PROTOKOL PANJANGRidho Permana, Shofwal Widad, M. LutfiABSTRACTBackground: Patient with decline oocyte number and quality assumed has lower Anti Mullerian hormone(AMH). AMH concentration which expressed by the granulosa cells of preantral and small antral folliclesindirectly determine the ovarian reserve. Therefore, AMH may be used as a marker of ovarian ageing andassociated with ovarian response in in vitro fertilization (IVF).Objective: To determine the effect of Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) on ovarian response in IVF longprotocol method.Method: This research is a retrospective cohort study in Permata Hati Fertility Clinic, IVF program-Dr.Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Seventy one cycle enrolled in an IVF program conducted fromJanuary 2011 through December 2013 at the Permata Hati Fertility Clinic.Result and Discussion: ROC curve were used to determine cut-off AMH. With cut-off point 2.59 ng/ml,subject divided into two groups (high AMH level: ≥2.59 ng/ml and low AMH level: <2.59 ng/ml). Totaldose gonadotropin was significantly different in two groups (p=0.02). High AMH and low AMH levelwere significantly associated with ovarian response (RR 2,05; CI 95% 1,32 – 2,20 ; p< 0,01). BesideAMH, multivariate analysis shows basal LH level (p=0,04; OR 7,22; CI 95% 1,09 – 47,87) and peritonealendometriosis (p=0,03; OR 7,80; IK 95% 1,15–52,81) were significantly influenced ovarian response in IVF.Conclusion: high AMH level influence ovarian response in IVF. Total dose gonadotropin on low AMH levelswas greater than high AMH level. In addition to AMH, ovarian response were influenced by basal LH leveland peritoneal endometriosis.Keywords: Anti Mullerian hormone (AMH), ovarian response, long protocol stimulation, in vitro fertilization(IVF).ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Pasien dengan penurunan jumlah dan kualitas oosit diduga mempunyai kadar AntiMullerian Hormone (AMH) lebih rendah. Konsentrasi Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) yang dihasilkanfolikel ovarium secara tidak langsung menggambarkan cadangan ovarium yang tersisa. Karenanya kadarAnti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor yang akurat dari cadangan ovarium danrespons stimulasi ovarium pada fertilisasi in vitro.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kadar Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) terhadap keberhasilanstimulasi ovarium pada fertilisasi in vitro pada metode protokol panjang.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan kohort retrospektif observasional.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Sebanyak 71 siklus dari 71 pasangan yang menjalani fertilisasi in vitro disertakandalam penelitian sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Dengan cut off point AMH ditetapkan 2,59 ng/ml, maka subyek ini dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu ≥2,59 ng/ml sebagai kelompok AMH tinggi dan <2,59 ng/ml sebagai kelompok AMH rendah. Perbedaan bermakna antara dua kelompok ditemukan pada dosistotal gonadotropin (p=0,02).Terdapat perbedaan bermakna respons stimulasi ovarium antara AMH tinggidan AMH rendah (RR 2,05; IK 95% 1,32 – 2,20 ; p< 0,01). Kadar LH basal (p=0,04; OR 7,22; IK 95% 1,09 –47,87) dan endometriosis peritoneal (p=0,03; OR 7,80; IK 95% 1,15–52,81) juga mempengaruhi respons terhadap stimulasi ovarium.Kesimpulan : AMH tinggi mempengaruhi respons terhadap stimulasi ovarium. Dosis total gonadotropinpada AMH rendah dibutuhkan lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan AMH tinggi. Selain AMH, responsterhadap stimulasi ovarium juga dipengaruhi oleh kadar LH basal, dan endometriosis peritoneal.Kata kunci : kadar Anti Mullerian hormone (AMH), stimulasi ovarium protokol panjang, fertilisasi in vitro.Bagian Obstetri Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.35444


Background: Clinical pathway recommend the use of short-term prophylaxis antibiotics for cesarean section. Long-term antibiotics or multiple doses was found in clinical practice. There are differences in the mode of administration and the number of doses administered at sardjito hospital.Objective: To determine the effectiveness of short-term antibiotic prophylaxis in cesarean section appropriate to clinical pathway in the prevention of surgical site infection (ssi), the incidence of fever, dysuria events, length of stay.Method: The study used randomized clinical trial. The study subjects who underwent cesarean section and meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria in the period July 2013 to January 2014 divided into an intervention group (n = 52) who received ampicillin 2 gram pre and post-cesarean section, and a control group (n = 54) who received ampicillin 2 gram pre cesarean section and 1 gram every 8 hours for 6 times. Observed on days 3 and 10 post-cesarean section. The primary outcomes assessed were the incidence of surgical wound infection based on the criteria of surgical site infection from Centers for Disease Controland Prevention. Secondary outcomes assessed were the incidence of fever, dysuria events, length of stay. Homogeneity analysis were conducted on subject. Outcome analysis performed bivariate with t test and chi squared test.Results and Discussion : A total of 106 subjects can be analyzed. SSI events in the intervention group at day 3 was 3.8% (n = 52) and control group was 1.84% (n = 54) with p>0.05 RR 2.077 (95% CI 0.194 to 22.219). SSI on day 10 of 7.7% (n = 52) in the intervention group versus 9.3% (n = 54) in controls with p<0.05 RR 0.831 (CI 95%, 0.236 to 2.924). Fever events on day 3 by 5.8% in the intervention group versus 3.7% incontrols with p>0.05 RR 1.558 (95% CI 0.271 to 8.948) and on day 10 was 3.8% versus 3.7 % with p>0.05 RR 1.038 (95% CI 0.152 to 7.102). Dysuria not found on day 3 and but on 10 found 5.8% in the intervention group versus 11.1% with p>0.05 RR 0.519 (IK95% 0.137 to 1.968). Length of stay after cesarean section for 3.21 ± 0.412 days in the intervention group and 3.26 ± 0.442 days in the control group with p>0.05 (95% CI -0.213 - 0.117).Conclusion: There is no significant difference in the incidence of surgical wound infections, the incidence of fever, dysuria, length of stay between short-term prophylaxis antibiotics ampicillin appropriate to clinical pathway and long-term or multiple doses prophylaxis antibiotics. Short term antibiotics prophylaxis are more efficiently with the same effectiveness in preventing outcomes research.Keywords: prophylaxis antibiotics, ampicillin, short term regimen, long term regimen, cesarean section, surgical site infection. 
The Accuracy of Risanto's Formula and Ultrasound Measurement in Estimating Fetal Weight Elsina Krisnawati Pietersz; Irwan Taufiqur Rachman; Risanto Siswosudarmo
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.37942


Background: Accurate estimated fetal weight (EFW) is crucial in determining delivery management. Several methods to estimate fetal weight were used such as abdominal palpation, measurement of symphisis fundal height (SFH), and ultrasound examination. Risanto’s formula based on Indonesian population had been already proven to be more accurate than Johnson’s formula. The formula was as follows: Y = 125 X - 880 where Y was EFW in grams, X was SFH in cm, and 125 was the constanta.Objective: To compare the accuracy of Risanto’s formula and ultrasound examination in estimating fetal weight.Method: A cross sectional study was carried out in Sardjito hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, from March 2013 to March 2014. A total of 400 pregnant women meeting the inclusion criteria at 37 – 42 weeks of gestation were recruited. The estimated fetal weight using Risanto’s formula (R_EFW) was compared to the estimated fetal weight using ultrasound measurement (U_EFW). The U_EFW was done by obstetricians on duty or senior residents using Hadlock’s formula. Actual birth weight (ABW) was measured using the same calibrated baby scale. Accuracy was determined by comparing the mean difference between the R_EFW minus ABW (ΔR_EFW) and the U_EFW minus ABW (ΔU_EFW). Paired t-test was used for statistical analysis.Result and Discussion: The mean ABW was 3025.3 ± 414.6 gram and the mean R_EFW was 2972.7 ± 365.4 grams, while the mean U_EFW was 3058.7 ± 423.2 grams. The mean ΔR_EFW was lower than the mean ΔU_EFW (178.2 ± 147.6 grams vs 197.5 ± 155.4 grams; 95% CI 1.24 – 36.68; p = 0.04).Conclusion: Risanto’s formula was more accurate than ultrasound measurement in estimating fetal weight.Keywords: Estimated fetal weight, Risanto’s formula, Ultrasonography, Fundal height

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