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Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
ISSN : 18584748     EISSN : 25490885     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
SAINTEK PERIKANAN (p-ISSN: 1858-4748 dan e-ISSN: 2549-0885) adalah jurnal ilmiah perikanan yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Perikanan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Diponegoro. Jurnal ini diterbitkan 2 (dua) kali setahun (Februari dan Agustus).
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Articles 402 Documents
Hematological Performances of Catfish ‘SANGKURIANG’ (Clarias gariepinus, Burch.) Fed on Deits Containing Organic Chromium Sri Hastuti; Subandiyono Subandiyono
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 7, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Saintek Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.7 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.7.1.56-62


A research on hematological performances and body immunity of catfish ‘sangkuriang’ (Clarias gariepinus, Burch.) fed on diets containing different levels of organic chromium was conducted.  Three thousands of experimental fishes with their body weight varied from 6 to 7 grams were reared for 40 days in (2x1x1)-m3 of plastic-lining wooden tanks.  The stocking density used was 200 fishes per tank.  The tanks, with a total number of 15 tanks, were connected to each others and to a filtration concrete pond of (5x1x1) m3 to become a semi-closed water system.  The filtered water was pumped up to an every single tank through 1”-PVC pipe as an inlet.  The pipe of each tank was facilitated by a tap to enable controlling its water flow.  During the fish rearing period, a daily siphon was done to clean the fish fesses out from the system.  Diets containing 5 different levels of organic chromium, i.e. 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0 ppm of Cr+3, were fed to the experimental fish  thirth a day at satiation.  Each unit of treatment was replicated 3 times.  At the end of rearing period, variables i.e. leucocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and blood  glucose levels at fasting state were measured for the each treatment.  Results showed that the fish fed on dietary organic chromium tended to improve its body immunity and decrease its total account of leucocytes and its blood glucose level.  Bloods of the fish with dietary organic chromium also tended to contain lower erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocryte, and thrombocytes levels than those of the control (i.e. the fish fed on a diet without organic chromium).  The fish which consumed a diet containing 1.5 ppm of Cr+3 showed better hematological performances.   Keywords: Hematology, Immunity, Blood glucose, Chromium, Catfish, Sangkuriang, Clarias
INVENTARISASI MANGROVE DAN GASTROPODA DI PULAU TUNDA SERANG BANTEN, INDONESIA SERTA DISTRIBUSI SPASIAL DAN KONEKTIVITASNYA (Mangrove and Gastropods Inventarization, Spacial Distribution and Connectivity in Tunda Island Serang Banten, Indonesia) Syahrial Syahrial; Novita MZ Novita MZ
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 13, No 2 (2018): SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.463 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.13.2.94-99


Ekosistem mangrove adalah ekosistem yang unik, sangat rentan, tetapi paling produktif diantara ekosistem lainnya. Salah satu manfaat hutan mangrove adalah sebagai tempat hidup berbagai biota pesisir dan laut. Penelitian tentang inventarisasi jenis mangrove dan biota asosiasi gastropoda serta distribusi dan konektivitasnya telah dilakukan di Pulau Tunda Serang Banten pada bulan Januari 2014 yang bertujuan untuk mendata keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia. Stasiun 1 berada di bagian Timur pulau, sedangkan Stasiun 2 berada di bagian Selatan pulau. Data kondisi vegetasi mangrovenya dikumpulkan dengan cara membuat transek garis dan plot berukuran 10 x 10 m2, 5 x 5 m2 dan 1 x 1 m2 yang ditarik dari titik acuan (tegakan mangrove terluar) dan tegak lurus garis pantai sampai ke daratan, sedangkan data kondisi biota asosiasi gastropodanya dikumpulkan dalam plot berukuran 1 x 1 m2 yang dipasang dalam plot transek vegetasi mangrove berukuran 10 x 10 m2. Kemudian distribusi mangrove, biota asosiasi gastropoda dan konektivitasnya dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Faktorial Koresponden (AFK). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 5 jenis mangrove dan 20 jenis biota asosiasi gastropoda. Kerapatan mangrove untuk kedua stasiunnya bervariasi, dimana untuk kategori pohon dan semai kerapatan tertingginya pada bagian Selatan, sedangkan kerapatan anakan pada bagian Timur. Sementara untuk biota asosiasi (gastropoda), kepadatan tertinggi untuk kedua stasiunnya adalah L. scabra (6,31 dan 2,24 ind/m2). Distribusi jenis mangrove berdasarkan AFK dikelompokan menjadi dua kelompok, sedangkan distribusi gastropodanya menjadi 3 kelompok. Selanjutnya spesies mangrove R. apiculata memiliki hubungan yang kuat terhadap spesies gastropoda L. scabra, kemudian B. gymnorrhiza dan R. stylosa berkaitan erat dengan C. cingulata maupun T. sulcata, sedangkan R. mucronata, L. racemosa maupun S. caseolaris berkaitan erat dengan gastropoda T. palustris, N. planospira dan M. puella.Mangrove is an unique and susceptible ecosystem, but the most productive than others ecosystem. One of the mangove forest function is as a living place for many coastal and sea biota such as sea gastropods. The research is included some activity to inventory the mangrove and sea gastropod as association biota with it’s spacial distribution and connectivity. It was conducted in Tunda Island Serang Banten on January, 2014 with the aim to collect biodiversity data in Indonesia. Station one (1) is on the East part of the island, while station two (2) on the South part. The mangrove vegetations condition data were collected by line transect and plot (10 x 10 m2, 5 x 5 m2 and 1 x 1 m2) method. It is pulled from the point reference direction (the outer mangrove stand) perpendicular to the shoreline from the main land and divided into 2 (two) research station located on east and south part of the island. While, the associations biota (sea gastropod) condition data were collected by plot size method (1 x 1 m2) located on mangrove vegetation transect plot (10 x 10 m2). Mangrove and gastropods spacial distribution and it connectivity were analyzed by Correspondent Analysis Factorial (CAF) function in SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software. The spacial distribution results shown there were 5 (five) mangrove species and 20 (twenty) sea gastropods. Mangrove density for both station is variated, which for the highest tree and seedling density category stranded on the South part of the island, while for sapling on the East part. While, the highest densities of L. scabra (sea gastropod) as mangrove asscociation biota are located in both station (6.31 and 2.24 ind/m2). According to CAF analysis, the mangrove species are distributed into 2 (two) groups, while, gastropods are distributed into 3 (three) groups for its connectivity measurement. The results showns that mangrove species of R. apiculata has strength relation with gastropods species as gastropoda L. scabra. Therefore, B. gymnorrhiza and R. stylosa has strength relation with C. cingulata and T. sulcata, whereas, R. mucronata, L. racemosa and S. caseolaris has strength relation with gastropoda T. palustris, N. planospira and M. puella. 
RESTOCKING SPECIES IKAN LOKAL DI PERAIRAN DANAU RAWA PENING (Restocking Local Fish Species in Rawa Pening) Max Rudolf Muskananfola; Norma Afiati; Abdul Ghofar
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 9, No 1 (2013): JURNAL SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.9.1.23-28


Kompleksnya permasalahan yang terjadi di Rawa Pening telah berdampak pada menurunnya potensi sumberdaya perikanan khususnya populasi spesies ikan lokal. Kehilangan spesies lokal (spesies endemik) adalah kerugian besar, mulai dari hilangnya ‘warisan alam’ sehingga tidak dikenali lagi oleh anak cucu ataupun generasi yang akan datang, hilangnya nilai manfaat dari spesies tersebut, hingga gangguan keseimbangan ekologis akibat ada relung ekologi yang kosong. Tim Hibah Pengabdian Masyarakat FPIK Undip sebagai akademisi mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk berperan memberikan solusi atas permasalahan yang terjadi di Rawa pening, Salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan adalah Restocking ikan. Program ini dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan dengan 3 (tiga) tahapan. Pertama, Ecological Review yang terdiri dari program sosialisasi, pelatihan teknik restocking dan survai lingkungan serta lokasi untuk pertimbangan jenis biota yang dipilih untuk ditebar, ikan yang dipilih adalah ikan Nila Merah (Oreochromis niloticus). Kedua, Pre–Restocking, tahap ini adalah pengadaan/pembelian benih ikan untuk restocking serta aklimatisasi. Ketiga, Restocking, merupakan tahap inti kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, jumlah ikan yang ditebar sebanyak 6,000 ekor bibit ikan dengan ukuran 5-10 cm, dan ditebar di tiga lokasi yang telah ditentukan pada saat survai, jadi masing–masing titik ditebarkan 2,000 ekor bibit ikan .Ketiga, Monitoring, kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan program sekaligus evaluasi kekurangan–kekurangan pada pelaksanaan program yang dapat digunakan untuk penyempurnaan pelaksanaan kegiatan serupa di masa yang akan datang. Masyarakat sekitar Rawa Pening sangat mendukung dan antusias terhadap program restocking yang dilakukan dan merasakan manfaat positif dari kegiatan restocking meskipun belum signifikan. Dukungan, perencanaan, kontinuitas monitoring dan evaluasi menjadi unsur penting bagi keberhasilan program restocking. Saran yang diberikan setelahn evaluasi program pengabdian adalah perlunya tagging pada program restocking untuk memudahkan proses monitoring dan kontrol keberhasilan program restocking. Kata Kunci : Restocking, Pengabdian Masyarakat, Rawa pening The complexity of prevailing problems in Rawa Pening has resulted in decreasing fishery resources potential in particular affecting the population of local fish species. The extinction of endemic species is an immense loss as the ‘natural heritage’ will not be  passed on to the next generation, the reduced benefit of the species and the disturbed ecological balances due to the missing ecological niche. Community Service Team of FPIK Undip bears the responsibility to take important part in finding solutions to the problems encountered in Rawa Pening. One of the proposed recommendation is  Fish Restocking. This program was carried out for 5 months in 3 (three) stages. First, Ecological Review consisting socialization programs, training on restocking techniques, and location and environment surveys for determining the species to be restocked, the selected species is Red Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Second, Pre-restocking: provision of fish fry for restocking and acclimatization. Third, Restocking, which is the core stage of this community  service activity: the release of 6,000 fish fry with the sizes of 5-10 cm  released in three locations which were determined during the pre-survey stage. The total fry was 2,000. Third, Monitoring: carried out to assess the programs achievement as well as to evaluate the activity implementation deficiencies which can be refered to in similar acitivies in the future. The neighboring community was very supportive and showed appreciation and enthusiasm to this restocking activity and has got valuable benefits to some extent although can not yet significantly measured. Supports, planning and continuous evaluation and monitoring will become the key to the restocking success. Recommendations after the evaluation include tagging in the restocking program to allow the program monitoring and control of the activity accomplishment. Key words : Restocking, Community Service, Rawa Pening
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 15, No 1 (2019): SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.16 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.15.1.26-31


Electro Shield System  (ESS) adalah suatu perangkat elektronik sebagai alat bantu untuk mencegah tertangkapnya biota lasmobranchii yang umumnya sebagai bycatch pada saat operasi penangkapan bottom set gill net. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh frekuensi ESS (Electro Shield System) sebesar 55 Hz dan 100 Hz selama operasi penangkapan pada jaring insang dasar (bottom set Gill net) terhadap biota elasmobranch. Metode penelitian adalah eksperimental fishing, dilakukan di perairan Tanjung Pandan, Bangka. Kepulauan Belitung di Indonesia dari bulan Maret hingga Mei, 2017. Variabel perlakuan adalah operasi penangkapan bottom set gill net yang dipasang alat ESS frekuensi ESS 55 Hz dan 100 Hz dibandingkan dengan bottom set gill net tanpa dipasang ESS (kontrol) untuk mengetahui hasil tangkapan elasmobranchii. Tangkapan Elasmobranch pada bottom set Gill net dengan ESS 55 Hz lebih rendah jumlahnya (5,26%) dibandingkan dengan tangkapan dengan ESS 100 Hz (6,21%) dan tanpa ESS (7,08%). Analisis statistik ANOVA (tanda 0,05) menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara bottom set gill net dengan dan tanpa ESS 55 Hz dan 100 Hz. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ESS dengan frekuensi 55 Hz dapat dideteksi oleh biota elasmobranch dalam organ ampullae lorenzini, sehingga tidak terperangkap pada bottom set Gill net.Electro Shield System  (ESS) was an electronic device as a tool to prevent the capture of common lasmobranchii biota as a by-catch during a bottom set gill net capture operation.The aim of research was analysed the effect of ESS (Electro Shield System ) frequency of 55 Hz and 100 Hz during the capture operation on bottom set Gill net against elasmobranch biota. The research method was an experimental fishing, conducted in the Tanjung Pandan waters of the Bangka. Belitung Islands in Indonesia from March to May, 2017. The treatment variable was the bottom set gill net capture operation that is installed ESS 55 Hz and 100 Hz frequency compared to without ESS (control) to find out the elasmobranch catch. Elasmobranch catches on set bottom set Gill nets with ESS 55 Hz were lower (5.26%) compared to catches with 100 Hz (7.08%) and without ESS (7.08 %). Statistical analysis of ANOVA (sign 0.05) shows a significant difference between bottom set Gill nets with and without ESS 55 Hz and 100 Hz. This indicates that an Electro Shield System  with a frequency of 55 Hz can be detected by elasmobranch biota in the organs of ampullae lorenzini, so as not to be caught on the bottom set Gill net.
Addition of Phytase Artificial Feed to Increase Digesting, Specific Growth and Survival Rate of Nile Tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus) Diana Rachmawati; Istiyanto Samidjan
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 10, No 1 (2014): JURNAL SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (248.488 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.10.1.48-55


The aims of this study were to examine the effects of phytase enzym and to determine the optimum dose of phytase enzym in artificialfeed on digesting, specific growth rate and survival rate of Nile Tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus). Nile Tilapia fingerlings(O. niloticus) used in this study were 120 animals with the weight of 3±0.02 g/animal. The fingerlings were raised in 6 weeks with thedensity of 1 animal/liter. Methodology used in this study was laboratory treatments with complete random design. The studyconsisted of four treatments and three repetitions. The treatments were addition of phytase enzym in artificial feed with the differentlevel of doses; those were A (0 mg/(kg of feed)), B (500 mg/(kg of feed)), C (1.000 mg/(kg of feed)), and D (1.500 mg/(kg of feed)).The artificial feed with 30% protein content was in the dried and crumb pellet form which was added phytase enzym in everytreatment. Data collected were specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, raw protein digesting rate, totalprotein digesting rate, survival rate and water quality. Varian annalysis was used in this study. If the results were significant(p<0.05) and highly significant (p<0.01), double Duncan area test was conducted to determine the mean of different treatments. Inorder to find the optimum effect polynomial orthogonal test was used. Descriptive analysis was used to explain raw and total proteindigesting rate and water quality. The results show that the addition of phytase enzym in artificial feed significantly affected on thespecific growth and feed utilization ( feed and protein efficiency ratios); however, it did not significantly affect on the survival rates.The optimum dose of phytase enzym in artificial feed on the specific growth and feed utilization was at the level of 1,000 mg/(kg offeed). This level resulted in the highest of raw and total protein digesting rates of Nile Tilapia fingerlings (O. niloticus), compared toB, D, and A treatments. The raw and total protein digesting rates were of 84.88% and 71.27%. The water quality during study was inviable range for the Nile Tilapia fingerlings (O. niloticus) cultivation.Keywords : Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Phytase Enzym, Digesting, Specific Growth, Survival Rate
Dispersion of Fine Shrimp (Metapenaeus elegans de Man 1907) on Segara Anakan Lagoon Cilacap Central Java Suradi Wijaya Saputra
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 3, No 2 (2008): Jurnal Saintek Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.915 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.3.2.1-8


The research of the dispersion of fine shrimp (Metapenaeus elegans de Man 1907) was held on Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap Central Java. Sampling was collected systematically during survey from February to December 2004. Based on habitat condition and the distribution of Apong (small size set net) fishing units, study area was divided into three zone : the West, Central and the East Zone. Results showed that fine shrimp caught along the year, was distributed to all Segara Anakan waters. M. elegans catched more in Donan river waters (East zone). Shrimp caught in the lagoon (West zone) was lagger in size than those collected from other zone and they were in the maturing reproductive status. Specimens caught from Tritih Kulon and west Kutawaru were reconded on the smallest. Spawning occurred along the year, with peak seasons in May. The spawning ground in the West Zone, is mainly the lagoon of East Karanganyar.  Key word : M. elegans, dispersion, Segara Anakan Lagoon
FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI HASIL PRODUKSI UNIT PENANGKAPAN PURSE SEINE (GARDAN) DI FISHING BASE PPP MUNCAR, BANYUWANGI, JAWA TIMUR Factors Affecting the Production of Purse Seine Unit in Fishing Base Muncar Fishing Port Banyuwangi, East Java M. Agung Didi Pratama; Trisnani Dwi Hapsari; Imam Triarso
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 11, No 2 (2016): SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.699 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.11.2.120-128


 Sumberdaya ikan di perairan Selat Bali terjadi peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun, sehingga meningkatkan jumlah armada unit penangkapan Purse Seine untuk menjaring Lemuru yang berdampak over eksploitasi pada tahun 2010. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut kembali dijalankan peraturan mengenai pembatasan unit armada Purse Seine guna menekan laju peningkatan armada penangkapan. Kebijakan tersebut berdampak kembali stabilnya unit armada alat tangkap Purse Seine dan meningkatkan hasil tangkapan  ikan khususnya Lemuru di tahun 2011-2014 secara bertahap. Efisiensi penggunaan armada kapal penangkap ikan yang menggunakan alat tangkap Purse Seine sangat terkait dengan masalah identifikasi faktor-faktor produksi yang mempengaruhi produktivitas dan efektifitas dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya ikan. Untuk itu perlu dikaji tentang faktor produksi agar mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi hasil tangkapan guna meningkatkan hasil tangkapan nelayan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan analisis deskriptif dan metode pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan berupa uji asumsi klasik dan fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor-faktor yang berperan nyata pada unit alat tangkap Purse Seine di PPP Muncar, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur yaitu lama trip (X1), jumlah ABK (X2), Watt (X3), Panjang Jaring (X4), Lebar/kedalaman Jaring (X5), Kekuatan Mesin (X6), BBM (X7) dan Pengalaman Juragan (X9). Hubungan antara faktor-faktor produksi dengan produksi alat tangkap Purse Seine di PPP Muncar, Banyuwangi dapat direpresentasikan dalam model fungsi Cobb-Douglas, yaitu sebagai berikut: ln Y=4,441–0,494 ln X1+0,318 ln X2–0,088 ln X3+0.,104 ln X4+0,375 ln X5+0,442 ln X6–0,103 ln X7+0,033 ln X9 Kata kunci: Purse Seine ‘Gardan’, faktor produksi, Banyuwangi  ABSTRACT The increase of fisheries stocks in the Bali Strait year after year multiplied the number of fishing fleets to captured Lemuru and caused the over exploitation in 2010. To overcome the issue, the regulation on Purse Seine fleets restrictions was reapplied to control the increase of fishing fleets. The policy affected the stability of Purse Seine fishing fleets and gradually improved the captured, particularly Lemuru, in 2011 - 2014. The efficiency of Purse Seine fishing fleets usage was strongly related to the identifying issues of production factors influencing the productivity and effectiveness of fish resource utilization. Therefore, it was necessary to identified the production factors in order to determine fishing increasing factors eventually to improve the fishermen's captured. The method in this research was descriptive case study with purposive sampling technique. The analysing method was  classical assumption test and the production function of Cobb-Douglas. The results showed that factors significant in fishing production  Purse Seine in Muncar Fishing Port, Banyuwangi, East Java were, Fishing Trip (X1), the number of Crew (X2), Light Intensity (X3), Length of Purse Seine (X4), Width of Purse Seine (X5), Engine Power (X6), fuel (X7), and Experience Squire (X9). The relationship between the factors of production to the production of Purse Seine fishing gear in Muncar Fishing Port, Banyuwangi can be represented in the model of the Cobb-Douglas function, namely as follows: ln Y=4.441–0.494 ln X1+0.318 ln X2 –0.088 ln X3+0.104 ln X4+0.375 ln X5+0.442 ln X6–0.103 ln X7+0.033 ln X9 Keywords: Purse Seine, factors of production, Banyuwangi 
Effectively of Fishing Gear Credit Analysis to Fishing Commerce At Wadaslintang Reservoir Taufik Yulianto; Asriyanto Asriyanto
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 2, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Saintek Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.785 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.2.1.67-82


The aim of the research was to describe the management Wadaslintang Reservoir fisheries resources and to analyze the effectivity of the credit by measure of MSY, fMSY, MER and fMER parameters. The result of the measurement in period before giving of fishing gear credit, MSY and fMSY for dominant fishing gear (set gillnet) are 12.253 kg/year and 2.858 effort/year. For dominant fish (Puntius javanicus) which catch by set gillnet, MSY, fMSY, MER, fMER and                  profit are 3.409 kg/year, 3.371 effort/year, Rp 2.046.800,00/year, Rp 620.800,00/year and                                         Rp 1.426.000,00/year.The result of the measurement in period after giving fishing gear credit, MSY and fMSY for dominant fishing gear (set gillnet) are 28.126 kg/year and 11.859 effort/year. For dominant fish which catch by set gillnet, MSY, fMSY, MER, fMER and profit are 4.960 kg/year, 7.043 effort/year, Rp 38.574.500,00/year, Rp 26.678.600,00/year and Rp 11.896.000,00/year. As conclusion, fishing gear credit could be increased the total catch but may decreased the catch per unit effort.   Key words: credit effectively, effort, MSY, MER, gill net
IDENTIFIKASI KESELAMATAN KERJA KEGIATAN BONGKAR MUAT KAPAL PURSE SEINE DI MUNCAR, BANYUWANGI (An Occuputional Safety Identification of Purse Seiner Loading and Unloading Services in Muncar, Banyuwangi) Dinda Ayu Lestari; Fis Purwangka; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 13, No 1 (2017): SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (797.826 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.13.1.31-37


 Kegiatan bongkar muat kapal purse seine merupakan kegiatan yang melibatkan banyak orang dan aktivitas. Peluang kecelakaan kerja pada kondisi tersebut dapat terjadi pada setiap tahap aktivitas bongkar muat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas kegiatan bongkar muat kapal purse  seine di PPP Muncar dan mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya pada kegiatan bongkar muat di PPP Muncar. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus (Sugiono 2010) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi keselamatan kerja bongkar muat. Analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) dan Job Safety Analysis  (JSA) dilakukan terhadap data observasi langsung di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 52 aktivitas pada kegiatan bongkar muat. Analisis HTA dan JSA menunjukkan dari 52 kegiatan tersebut yang memiliki kategori tidak bahaya sebanyak 3 (6%) kegiatan, ringan 28 (54%) kegiatan, menengah 20 (38%) kegiatan, dan berat 1 (2%) kegiatan serta tidak ada kegiatan yang dikategorikan fatal.  Hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa nelayan yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai keselamatan kerja saat kegiatan bongkar muat yang diambil dari 50 responden yang ada di PPP Muncar adalah: sangat mengerti 8%, mengerti 36%, cukup mengerti 14%, dan yang tidak mengerti 42%. Adapun nelayan yang sadar akan pentingnya keselamatan kerja pada kegiatan bongkar muat adalah 8% dan yang tidak menyadari pentingnya keselamatan kerja sebesar 92%. Hal yang masih perlu diperhatikan adalah belum adanya Prosedur Operasional  Baku (POB) bongkar muat ikan dan perlunya perbaikan fasilitas bongkar muat untuk menekan peluang terjadinya kecelakaan kerja di PPP Muncar., contohnya seperti yang diterapkan di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, dimana dikeluarkan Peraturan Kepala Kantor Otoritas Pelabuhan Tanjung P'riok Nomor: UK.112/2/10/0P.TPK.11 Tahun 2011, mengenai Tata Cara Pelayanan Kapal dan Bongkar Muat Barang Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.  Loading and unloading activities of purse seiner involve a lot of people and works. Possibility of accidents on the condition can occur at any stage of loading and unloading activities. The study aimed are to describe the loading and unloading activities of purse seiner in PPP Muncar and to identify potential hazards in the loading and unloading activities in PPP Muncar. The case study method was used in this research. A descriptive analysis using Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) were applied as well. The results showed, there were 52 activities in the loading and unloading. Those activities were categorized as activities with no hazard as much as three activities (6%), 28 activities (54%) were categorized as low hazard, 20 activities (38%) were categorized as medium hazard, 1 activity (2%) as highly hazard and no activities were categorized as fatal.  Concerning the knowledge of fishermen toward  occupational safety on loading and unloading activities, taken from 50 respondents, the result showed that very understand (8%), understand (36%), quite understand (14%) and 42% of respondents who do not understand. As for the fishermen who were aware of the importance of workplace safety in loading and unloading activities only 8% and the rest (98%) were not aware of the importance of workplace safety. It was worth to note that the absence of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for loading and unloading fish and the need to improve loading and unloading facilities to avoid the chances of  accidents at PPP Muncar.  
STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA MANGROVE DI KAWASAN KONSERVASI PERAIRAN NUSA PENIDA (Strategies of Mangrove Tourism Development in Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area) Dian Wijayanto; Dian Minggus Nuriasih; Muhammad Nurul Huda
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 8, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Saintek Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.234 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.8.2.25-32


Hutan mangrove di Kawasan Konservasi Perairan (KKP) Nusa Penida memiliki prospek untuk dikembangkan sebagai salah satu pusat pariwisata di kawasan KKP Nusa Penida, Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui daya dukung kawasan (DDK) pariwisata mangrove dan menyusun rekomendasi strategi pengembangan pariwisata mangrove di KKP Nusa Penida. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, dengan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan survei, observasi lapangan dan studi pustaka yang relevan. Analisis dilakukan untuk mengestimasi daya dukung kawasan pariwisata mangrove dan analisis SWOT untuk penyusunan strategi pengembangan pariwisata. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa daya dukung kawasan pariwisata mangrove di wilayah KKP Nusa Penida adalah sebesar 92,028 orang/tahun dengan kondisi beban pariwisata mangrove sekitar 4% DDK. Sedangkan prioritas strategi pengembangan pariwisata mangrove di KKP Nusa Penida antara lain: strategi pengembangan pariwisata berbasis konservasi mangrove, strategi penjagaan dan peningkatan kualitas sumberdaya mangrove, strategi diversifikasi pariwisata mangrove, strategi promosi pariwisata mangrove di KKP Nusa Penida, strategi peningkatan sarana, prasarana dan fasilitas pendukung pariwisata mangrove, strategi pengembangan kualitas sumberdaya manusia dan kelembagaan usaha pariwisata, dan strategi mitigasi bencana alam. Kata Kunci: daya dukung kawasan, pariwisata mangrove, KKP Nusa Penida Mangrove forest in Nusa Penida Marine Protected Areas (MPA) has the prospect to be developed as a center of tourism in the Nusa Penida MPA, The purpose of this study was to estimate the carrying capacity mangrove tourism and make a recommendations of mangrove tourism development strategies in the Nusa Penida MPA. The research used a descriptive method, which, the data collection used the survey, observation and literature studies. This study estimated the carrying capacity of the mangrove tourism and used SWOT analysis for determine the mangrove tourism development strategy. The research proved if the carrying capacity is 92,028 persons/year, which the rate of visit still around 4% of the carrying capacity. The priority recommendations of development strategies to mangrove tourism in Nusa Penida MPA are strategy of tourism development based on mangrove conservation, strategy of maintain and improvement to quality of mangrove resources, strategy of mangrove tourism diversification, strategy of mangrove tourism promotion, strategy of facilities improvement, strategy of human resources development and institutional development, and strategy of mitigation.   Key words : carrying capacity, mangrove tourism, Nusa Penida MPA

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