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Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil (ISSN 0854-1809) published twice in a year, in July and December. The article can be product of researches, scientific thoughts or case study, in civil engineering and isn’t formed by politics, commercialism, and subjectivity unsure. This scientific journal contains articles of thought and research results in Civil Engineering that have never been published in scientific journals or other media.
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Articles 393 Documents
Efektifitas Pemberlakuan Sistem Satu Arah pada Jalan Indraprasta Kota Semarang dalam Rangka Pemerataan Sebaran Beban Lalu Lintas Purwanto, Djoko; Eko Yulipriyono, EPF
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (638.41 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v21i1.11230


The traffic problems in a big city such as Semarang generally caused by the typical situation like overcrowding at peak hours. To overcome this problem, Semarang Government has implemented “One Way System” on the Indraprasta Street section without providing road partner. This study is intended to identify the effectiveness of this policy. The following streets were reviewed: Indraprasta, Imam Bonjol, Mgr. Soegiyopranoto, and Pierre Tendean. Further, the intersections which studied are Indraprasta-Imam Bonjol-Pierre Tendean and Tugu Muda. Traffic survey data were collected in the morning and afternoon peak hours. Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997 was used in the data analysis procedure. This short-term study was conducted by simulating the proposed scenario and compared with the existing situations.In conclusion, “One Way System” on Indraprasta Street section is assessed not effective due to its relatively small degree of saturation, while Mgr. Soegiyopranoto Street has a large degree of saturation. Therefore, the one-way system to Imam Bonjol Street and Mgr. Soegiyopranoto Street also needed to implement and form a “rotary link“. In addition, enacting contraflow for public transport on Soegiyopranoto Street and Imam Bonjol Street is necessary, also the arrangement of signals and geometric in the intersection that linked those three streets.
Keandalan Debit Intake Kalibawang Sungai Progo Marhendi, Teguh
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.056 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v14i1.3934


Requirement will irrigate by crop do not forever can be fulfilled by rainwater naturally. At dry season amount of water required taken away from by absolute crop of river debit or source of other water. On the contrary at area owning rainfall enough and flatten during the year, supply irrigate the irrigation is only just needed again. Target of this research is to analyse the reliability charge the river Progo to importance of planning of gift  irrigate the irrigation of at Area of Irrigation Kalibawang and Enamoured each;every season plant and also, analysing balance irrigate at Area of Irrigation Kalibawang and Enamoured. Result of Research indicate that the availibility of water in intake kalibawang still answer the demand of to fulfill amount of water required in area of irrigation Kalibawang and Enamoured. This Matter is visible from result analyse the water balance indicating that pledge debit 80 % still can fulfill amount of water required in both the irrigation area Thereby the availibility of water in intake kalibawang give the security to plan of amount of water required to all farmer in both irrigation area.Keywords: requirement, reliability, availibility, irrigationPermalink:[How to cite: Marhendi, T., 2006, Keandalan Debit Intake Kalibawang Sungai Progo, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Volume 14, Nomor 1, pp. 56-62]
Penentuan Urutan Prioritas Penanganan Pemeliharaan Jembatan Ruas Jalan Nasional di Pulau Bangka Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Rakhmatika, Rakhmatika; Setiadji, Bagus Hario; Riyanto, Bambang
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.032 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v23i1.12870


Bridge is a part of road infrastructure system which must be well managed. One of the maintenance strategy is a whole year maintenance to keep the bridge in good condition during its design life. With tight budget, a comprehensive decision is needed to prioritize which bridge needed the most. The purpose of this research is to identify and determining the criteria and sub criteria, the scale of priority handling, and value sensitivity in maintenance activities bridge in of national roads island bangka. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to provide qualitative space for experts to share opinions and complemented with quantitative analysis. This method was also as an applicative tool to support BMS (Bridge Management System) program by using more measurable approach. This research used six criteria and 18 sub-criteria. The criteria with the highest and lowest weight were general condition of the bridge and social and regional development aspect, respectively, while the sub-criteria with the highest and lowest weight were watershed condition and the number of public facilities served, respectively. The resulst on 74 researched bridges showed that Segambir bridge became the bridge with the most priority to be maintained, followed by Birah and Nangka bridges.
Kajian Landai Maksimum, Panajang Landai Kritis dan Panjang Landai Peralihan pada Potongan Memanjang Jalan antar Kota Kushardjoko, Wahyudi; Purwanto, Djoko; Hsb., Elfrin P.; H., Sonny
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4383.216 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v17i3.7859


In the engineering of vertical alignment are identified maximum grade and critical length. Maximum grade and critical length by AASHTO and Bina Marga, the vehicle standard is not equal with heavy vehicle operating in Indonesia. The goal of research is to analysis the mulberry of maximum grade and critical length that are definite in the regulation and arranged by Bina Marga, to definite critical length for descend lane and ideal transition grade. From the velocity data when antrance and finished the slanting upward and the heavy of vehicle, it can calculate the critical length. While critical length of descend lane, it can calculate from the amount of maximum braking performed by vehicle, until no happen system braking is damaged. The transition length is definite from distance that’s needed by vehicle from the speed at the end of upward grade, until vehicle speed return to recovery. The results of this research denotes that critical length is relatively smallest than critical length that recommendation by Bina Marga. As consequency of this case, the maximum grade that’s recommended by Bina Marga should be decrease. The limitation of critical length descend lane is needed to avoid damaging of braking system of vehicle. The definition of minimum transition length is recommended to recover vehicle speed design from decrease speed because upward lane, in order to avoid traffic jam. Keywords : Vertical alignment, Critical length, Maximum grade, Transition grade, Heavy vehicle.   Abstrak   Dalam perancangan alinyemen vertikal dikenal istilah “kelandaian maksimum” dan “panjang kritis”. Dalam menentukan besaran landai maksimum dan panjang kritis oleh AASHTO dan Bina Mrga, kendaraan yang dipakai tidak sama dengan kondisi kendaraan berat beroperasi di Indonesia sekarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji besarnya landai maksimum dan panjang kritis yang telah ditentukan oleh peraturan dan tata cara yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Bina Marga, menentukan panjang kritis untuk jalur jalan yang menurun dan menentukan panjang landai peralihan yang ideal. Dari data kecepatan sebelum memasuki tanjakan dan sebelum akhir tanjakan yang diperoleh dari survai setat berat kendaraan kendaraan dapat dihitung panjang kritis. Sedangkan panjang kritis untuk turunan dapat dihitung dari banyaknya pengereman maksimum yang dilakukan oleh kendaraan sehingga tidak terjadi kerusakan sistem rem. Panjang landai peralihan ditentukan dari jarak yang diperlukan kendaraan dari kecepatan pada akhir tanjakan hingga kecepatan kendaraan kembali seperti kecepatan rencana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan panjang kritis yang relatif lebih pendek dibandingkan panjang kritis yang disarankan oleh Bina Marga. Sebagai konsekuensi dari panjang kritis yang relatif pendek, maka landai maksimum yang ditetapkan Bina Marga juga harus diturunkan. Pembatasan panjang kritis untuk turunan juga diperlukan untuk menghindari kerusakan sistem rem pada kendaraan. Penentuan panjang landai peralihan minimum disarankan untuk mengembalikan kecepatan kendaraan yang telah berkurang akibat tanjakan menjadi kecepatan rencana aga tidak terjadi gangguan arus lau lintas. Kata kunci: alinyemen vertical, panjang kritis, landai maksimum, landai peralihan, kendaraan berat.
Kebutuhan Model Valuasi Lingkungan Bagi Kegiatan Transportasi Handajani, Mudjiastuti
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2398.782 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v15i2.21220


Apart from supporting to human life which is a part of positive impacts, transporation also contains negative impacts which does not only lead to local geographic scale of mainland, but also to the largesr one, including water and air environment, even atmosphere. When the negative impact comes to larger scale, macro decisions such policies supported by political issues should be intervented to minimize negative impacts and to develop a better transportation or a sustainable transportation in the future. It is an irony that most of professionals, technocrats, and scientiests related transportation in developing countries are still interested and focused in local issues of transportation phenomenon, model development for transportation planning and technical issues related to operational management analysis. Only a small group of them are interested in transportation impact studies for both local and larger area. It will be a rational justification to construct models to support decision making process in order to have a policy within line with sustainable environment which is not only useful for both local scale, but also larger scale (national and the earth).
Kuat Tekan Mortar dengan Berbagai Campuran Penyusun dan Umur Adi, Rudi Yuniarto
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.866 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v17i1.3420


In the implementation of construction, during this type of mortar of the new indicator is based on water-resistant and not waterproof. However, besides the function to actually hold water, mortar functions also have a burden. Often required in the implementation of that day in the walls of a maximum of 1 meter regardless of the composition of the mortar mix used. This is because the lack of discussion of the strength of mortar. The results of this study conclude that a strong press and mortar akan increased sharply since the age of 0 to 12 days, and a strong improvement over the press and mortar at the age of 13 days to 90 daysKeywords: Mortar, composition, mixture, strong, press, agePermalink:[How to cite: Adi, R.Y. (2009). Kuat Tekan Mortar dengan  Berbagai Campuran Penyusun dan Umur, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, 17 (1): 67-84]
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.088 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v17i2.7882


Successfull in executing construction project within schedule is one of the most important aims, both for the owner and the contractor. Construction delay is a condition which is mostly unwanted because it will cause lost of time and money for both parties. This research divided into six steps, i.e. literature review, questionnaire design, pilot survey, distribution of questionnaire, data analysis, and conclusions and recommendations. The results analysis show that causal factors of construction delay are insufficient identification of job types that should be exist, changes in job design or detail at the execution time, slowly mobilization of resources (material, equipment, labor), the process and evaluation of job progress that exceed the time scheduled, sight conditions and environment that beyond the expected one. The most dominant factors cause construction delay are organization system, coordination and communication. Keywords: Organization system, coordination and communication ABSTRAK Keberhasilan melaksanakan proyek konstruksi tepat pada waktunya adalah salah satu tujuan terpenting, baik bagi pemilik maupun kontraktor. Keterlambatan adalah sebuah kondisi yang sangat tidak dikehendaki, karena akan sangat merugikan kedua belah pihak dari segi waktu dan biaya. Dalam penelitian ini mengkaji penyebab terjadinya  keterlambatan waktu pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi. Penelitian ini dibagi atas 6 (enam) tahap yaitu studi pustaka, desain kuesioner, pilot survei, penyebaran kuesioner, analisis data, dan kesimpulan dan saran. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penyebab keterlambatan waktu pada masing-masing faktor adalah tidak lengkapnya identifikasi jenis pekerjaan yang harus ada, perubahan desain atau detail pekerjaan pada waktu pelaksanaan, keterbatasan wewenang personil pemilik dalam pengambilan keputusan, mobilisasi sumber daya (bahan, alat, tenaga kerja) yang lambat, proses dan tata cara evaluasi kemajuan pekerjaan yang lama dan lewat jadwal yang disepakati, kondisi dan lingkungan tapak ternyata tidak sesuai dengan dugaan. Faktor paling dominan yang menyebabkan keterlambatan waktu pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi adalah faktor sistem organisasi, koordinasi dan komunikasi. Kata kunci: Sistem organisasi, koordinasi dan komunikasi
Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penentuan Jenis Pemeliharaan Embung Irigasi Bria, Melchior; Sutirto, Sutirto; Muda, Anastasia H
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (613.104 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v25i2.20455


Maintenance of good and sustainable irrigation ponds have an impact on ensuring the sustainability of the irrigation system. For this reason, it is necessary to develop a reservoir maintenance model based on multicriteria analysis relating to the type of maintenance. The method used Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the WarpPLS approach. The criteria used Structural Stability, Economy / Finance, and Physical & Environmental. The findings obtained variable structural stability has a very significant effect on the maintenance of irrigation ponds (r <0.01 and β = 0.73). Economic / financial variables have not significant effect on reservoir maintenance where r = 0.3 and β = 0.03. Physical and environmental variables also did not directly influence the maintenance of ponds with r = 0.29 and β = 0.03. However, the physical & environmental variables significantly influenced structural stability with r <0.01 and β = 0.32. Physical and environmental variables also significantly influenced economic/financial where r <0.01, and β = 0.45. This finding supported various previous studies for structural stability variable but different for economic/financial variables that did not significantly affect by the determination of reservoir types.
RETRACTION: Improvement of Road Network Reliability under Different Route Choice Principles Priyonggo, Kantun
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v13i1.3892


This article has been retracted by Publisher based on publication misconduct by the author.Tingkat informasi pengendara dapat mempengaruhi kondisi lalu lintas dengan mempertimbangkan indikator yang reliabilitas. Stochastic Use Equilibrium (SUE) adalah salah satu metode yang dapat mengungkapkan perbedaan tingkat informasi pengendara. Dari hasil penelitian ini terlihat bahwa tingkat informasi pengendara memberikan pengaruh yang tidak spesifik pada kondisi awal untuk jaringan jalan-kapasitas dan arus bebas-waktu tempuh tiap hubungan jaringan jalan.Kata kunci: tingkat informasi pengendara, stochastic use equilibrium, kapasitas, arusPermalink:[How to cite: Priyonggo, K., 2005, Improvement of Road Network Reliability under Different Route Choice Principles, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Volume 13, Nomor 1, pp. 16-19]
Kajian Optimalisasi Sistem Irigasi Rawa (Studi Kasus Daerah Rawa Semangga Kabupaten Merauke Propinsi Papua) Pakpahan, Darwin; Suripin, Suripin; Sangkawati Sachro, Sri
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (745.652 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v20i2.9257


Population growth is increasing, but it is not accompanied by an increase in food needs impartial. Indonesian swamp land potential of about 33.4 million ha, consisting of tidal swamp 20.1 million ha and 13.3 million ha of lowland swamp. The Government has made the development of swamps into agricultural land, including the Semangga swamp area (4,000 ha) The cropping pattern of rice (100%) - crops (40%) – “bero”. The problem faced are; the length is 7-month of dry season and low agricultural production, are therefore likely to swamp irrigation system optimalization. The method used to carry out water balance analysis and performance assessment of irrigation system include; the physical condition of irrigation, the application of the system of planting and water delivery techniques to the use of land for a year, then performed according to the potential land development plan and water resources available. Results of water balance analysis on Semangga Swamp Area existing condition indicate that water deficit occurred during the second growing season crops (May-July) and in December. So do the appropriate development plan defined cropping pattern III, namely rice (100%) - crops (60%) - crops (45%) with the addition of a total area of 1,000 ha through the use Kumbe River and Maro River and other water reservoirs to overcome deficits in the availability of water in the dry season that is equal to 2.5m³/s (April to August and October to December), while 6.5m³/s in September, 72.40% irrigation system performance with good category.

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