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NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
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NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology is an open access journal that publishes original research across all areas of life sciences in tropical region. The objective of the journal is to disseminate all information across fields of biology as well as to contribute to the understanding and development of life science in the tropics. The topics of research are not only on Indonesian tropical biology but also in other tropical regions of the world.
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Articles 37 Documents
Community structure of algae epiphytic in different leaf litter of mangroves Riche Hariyati; Sri Widodo Agung Suedy; Rully Rahadian
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 1, No. 2, Year 2018
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.685 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.1.2.30-34


Mangrove is a plant that has the morphological and physiological adaptations to habitats which influenced by a tide. This plant can grow and develop in an environment of high salinity and its soil conditions are less stable and aerobic. Litter mangrove is the main source for the availability of detritus and is the largest component constituent of a food web in a mangrove ecosystem environment. Algae epiphytic microalgae is a group that lives attached to the plant, including the mangrove litter. The study aims to assess the abundance and diversity of epiphytic algae on different types of mangrove leaf litter. The observed mangroves leaf litter were Avicennia alba, Sonneratia sp. and Rhizophora sp. Epiphytic algae were brushed on mangrove leaf litter covering an area of 6.25 cm2 and diluted with distilled water. Samples were observed under a microscope with a magnification of 400 x. Water quality parameters were measured in situ and the organic ingredients, total N and P were analyzed. The results showed that epiphytic algae on each type of mangrove leaf litter were not different. Rhizophora sp is the most abundant and the richest species compared with other types of litter that are equal to 622 individuals / cm2 and 26 species of epiphytic algae. While the abundance of Avicennia alba and Sonneratia sp were 459 ind/cm2 and 321 ind /cm2, in the coastal mangrove areas of Morodemak was found 28 species of epiphytic algae. The common epiphytic algae species found in all types of mangrove litter were Cymbella sp., Coscinodiscus sp., and Synedra ulna. In general, the group of Bacillariophyta (diatoms) is the dominant species in some mangrove leaf. 
Effect of Soaking of NaCl Solution on Reduction of Calcium Oxalate and Size of Amylum on Purple Yam (Dioscorea alata L.) Rofi'ana Rofi'ana; Sri Widodo Agung Suedy; Sarjana Parman
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 1, No. 1, Year 2018
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.005 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.1.1.%p


Purple yam (Dioscorea alata L.) is a traditional food as a source of alternative carbohydrates and potentially as food functional ingredients. Purple yam contains high carbohydrate and some antioxidant compounds but contains high enough Ca oxalate. This study aims to reduce the content of Ca oxalate by soaking in NaCl solution and analyze its effect on amylum size in purple yam. The research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with the single factor of NaCl concentration. Treatment of soaking with different concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15% and with four replications for each treatment. The parameters observed were number and size of crystal Ca oxalate (μm), Ca oxalate content (ppm) and decrease percentage, and amylum size (μm). The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 95% confidence level and continued by multiple-range test Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that soaking in NaCl solution had an effect on Ca oxalate content of each treatment but did not affect on the number and size of crystals Ca-oxalate and amylum size. The best treatment was found in the treatment of P2 (10% NaCl) which can reduce Ca oxalate to 22.89% with oxalate content of 78.92 ppm. The higher concentration of NaCl in the solution increasingly affect the reduction of oxalate content on purple yam. . Keywords: Amylum, Ca oxalate, Dioscorea alata L., Purple yam.
Plant diversity based on pollen and spores morphology from sediment lake of Kedung Ombo Purwodadi Retno Puspitasari; Sri Widodo Agung Suedy; Sri Haryanti
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 1, No. 2, Year 2018
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.259 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.1.2.35-41


Kedung Ombo Lake was an artificial lake that has formed since 26 years ago. Environmental has changed from the terrestrial environment into the aquatic environment, because of that the diversity of flora around the Lake Kedung Ombo was changed. The diversity of flora can be learned through the morphology of pollen and spores. Aimed of this study was to determine the diversity of plants based on the morphology pollen and spores that found in the Lake Kedung Ombo sediment. Sampling took by coring clay soil sediment in depth of 1 m, located near the outlet of Lake Kedung Ombo. Data were analyzed by making the morphology of pollen and spores description. The result showed that morphology of pollen and spores are found in the Lake Kedung Ombo sediment has a variety of shapes and sizes. The plant's diversity obtained are 25 taxa plants that were categorized into 3 taxa of arboreal pollen (AP), 9 taxa of non-arboreal pollen (NAP) and 13 taxa of spores. The dominance of taxa NAP is Celtis sp. (45,12%), this suggested that shrubs or not plant trees were more developed in Lake Kedung Ombo environment. The study concluded that the value of diversity index categorized as low and the value of similarity index categorized as high, it means that plant diversity was quite similar and there is no significant changes of diversity with their presence were quite stable. 
Indonesian red chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) capsaicin and its correlation with their responses to pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum Rejeki Siti Ferniah; Sri Pujiyanto; Hermin Pancasakti Kusumaningrum
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 1, No. 2, Year 2018
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.917 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.1.2.7-12


Red chili is a commercial crop for the food industry in Indonesia. There are some categories of red chili based on their pungency. The hot chili usually has more capsaicin than the sweet chili. Some cultivars may have more resistance to pathogen infection than the others. This research aimed to analyze the disease resistance of red chili cultivars from Indonesia against pathogenic Fusariumoxysporum and the correlation with capsaicin contents. Disease resistance was examined by determination of the Disease Severity Index (DSI) 15 dpi (days post inoculation). The correlation was analyzed by the regression coefficient. The result showed that the most resistance cultivar against F. oxysporum was Branang, while Lembang-1displayed the contrary. There was not a correlation of capsaicin content with the chili resistance to F. oxysporum.
Effect of rosella-based kombucha tea on the lipid profile on hyperlipidemic rats (Rattus norvegicus) Ahmad Edi Darmawan; Sunarno Sunarno; Vinsensius M Dhani; Garin F Fairuzzaki
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 1, No. 2, Year 2018
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.761 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.1.2.42-47


The purpose of this study was to determine the lipid profile of white rats (Rattus norvegicus) with high-fat feed after fermentation of rosella kombucha with various concentrations. This study used 20 white male rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged two months, with rosella kombucha treatment fermented for five days at 25oC per oral. This study used Completely Randomized Design with four treatments (for 21 days) and four replications, namely: P0 = Control, rats were only given food and drink as usual (with the same type of rat feed). P1 = 1 ml of pork oil/day for 14 days + 1.8 ml of rosella kombucha 50% in the morning and evening for seven days. P2 = 1 ml of pork oil/day for 14 days + 1.8 ml of 75% rosella kombucha morning and afternoon for seven days. P3 = 1 ml of pork oil/day for 14 days + 1.8 ml of 100% kombucha rosella morning and afternoon for seven days. The variables measured were levels of LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein). The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA followed by Duncan Test with 95% confidence level using SPSS 16.0 software. The results showed that administration of rosella kombucha did not have a significant effect on LDL and HDL levels of white rats (Rattus norvegicus). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the 5-day fermentation of kombucha rosella with various concentrations did not affect LDL and HDL levels. 
Local community’s perspective on the current state and management of “Sendang Kalimah Toyyibah” Spring Erry Wiryani; Murningsih Murningsih
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 1, No. 2, Year 2018
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.579 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.1.2.13-18


“Sendang Kalimah Toyyibah” is important spring with socio cultural value. However, the increasing activity might cause ecological changes which may affect the sustainability. This research aimed to study the condition of “Sendang Kalimah Toyyibah” based on local society’s perspective to analyze the correlation of the condition toward the management policies, and to formulate the management strategy for sustainable management of the spring. The research was conducted from April to May 2018, through field observation. The research instrument used was questionnaire with three level of likert scale measurement. Data analysis was conducted by descriptive and statistical analysis with correlation and crosstabulation. The result showed that most of the respondents agreed that the spring has changed in the last 5 years. The local factor related to the change of the spring is the development of facilities. However, the change of the spring was not followed by the change of ecological condition, such as reduced debit, decreased water quality and decreased forest coverage. The current management of “Sendang Kalimah Toyyibah” was limitation of exploitation. However, currently there is no replantation effort or development of preservation area even though some respondents suggested that some plants species is no loger found in the spring ecosystem. Suggested management plan included plantation of the spring surrounding to increase plants density and diversity.  
Shallow water sponges that associated to mangrove ecosystem at Labuhan conservation area in Sepulu, Bangkalan, Madura, East Java Province Edwin Setiawan; Farid Kamal Muzaki; Nova Maulidina Ashuri
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 1, No. 2, Year 2018
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (12419.972 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.1.2.19-29


Sponges (Porifera) are benthic sessile animals that have an important role in coastal ecosystems. Mangrove habitat is an example of a coastal ecosystem that can be inhabited by sponges. Research diversity on shallow water sponges in mangrove areas in Indonesia or even large scale such as the Indo-Pacific area are still relatively underestimated because of an extreme difference tidal factors. For this reason, we aimed to research a diversity of shallow water sponges in mangrove Indonesia, especially in  East Java Province to enrich and inform additional data on its biodiversity. Research on shallow water sponges in mangrove was conducted from June 2017 to January 2018 at two stations located on the coast of Labuhan Village, Sepulu District, Bangkalan Regency, Madura - East Java. Mangrove areas are consisted of Sonneratiaarea in the west (B) and Rhizophoramangroves in the east (R). There were six sponge genera identified, namely Spongia, Dysisdea, Lendelfedia, Dactylospongia, Cynachyrellaand one unidentified genus. Sonneratiamangrove was inhabited by of five genera sponges, whereas Rhizoporamangrove was inhabited only by one genus 
Isolasi bakteri asam laktat dari tape ketan dan potensinya sebagai agen antikapang terhadap pertumbuhan Aspergillus flavus Peni Koriasih; Siti Nur Jannah; Budi Raharjo
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 2, No. 2, Year 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7689.982 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.2.2.7-13


Keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan paku epifit di Hutan Petungkriyono Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah Indri Lestari; Murningsih Murningsih; Sri Utami
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 2, No. 2, Year 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.206 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.2.2.14-21


The expression of glucanase encoding gene (CaβGlu)in chili (Capsicum annuum L.) as a response to Fusarium oxysporum infection Yunnia Rahmandanni; Sri Pujiyanto; Rejeki Siti Ferniah
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 2, No. 2, Year 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.814 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.2.2.22-26


Indonesia is a tropical country with highest level of biodiversity, especially in the agricultural sector. Chili (Capsicum annumm. L) is a very well-known and widely used agricultural product in the world, which makes chili becomes one of the most considerable national product. The chili production is oftentimes very susceptible to some diseases caused by virus, fungi, or bacteria. One of the most common diseases in chili cultivation is Fusarium wilt, which is caused by Fusarium oxysporum. This disease can cause a major loss and up to 50% crop failure. Many procedures have been done to find the best cultivar with a resistance trait to Fusarium oxysporum, including by observing and testing the chili’s genetic resistance. One of the resistance genes in chili is β -1, 3- glucanase-encoding gene, which produces an enzyme to hydrolize the cell wall of pathogenic fungi. This research aimed to determine the expression of the glucanase-encoding gene (CaβGlu) in chili as a response to Fusarium oxysporum infection. The methods including chili cultivation, F. oxysporum inoculation, isolation of chili leaves RNA, glucanase-encoding gene expression analysis used qRT-PCR, and data analysis. The result of CaβGlu gene expression is higher than the control in the first 6 hours after inoculation, and decreasing in the 48th and 96th hours. The conclusion was the infection of Fusarium oxysporum is activating the expression of CaβGlu gene which was expressed best in the first 6 hours after inoculation.  

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