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Pangan Fungsional Dari Tanaman Lokal Indonesia Kusumayanti, Heny; Hanindito, Satrio Bagus; Mahendrajaya, Robertus Triaji
METANA Vol 12, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (936.53 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v12i1.17512


Masyarakat lebih suka mengkonsumsi makanan dengan nutrisi dan protein yang baik dan berguna untuk kesehatan sehingga mereka dapat menikmati hidup dengan cara yang lebih sehat. Cara hidup yang sehat harus dimulai dari diri kita sendiri. Pangan fungsional merupakan makanan dan bahan pangan yang dapat memberikan manfaat tambahan di samping mempunyai fungsi gizi dasar pangan tersebut sesuai dengan posisinya dan bisa bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Pangan lokal Indonesia adalah merupakan potensi yang bisa dikembangkan menjadi makanan fungsional. Misalnya: jagung (zea mays), ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas), belimbing, wortel, juga sumber bahan makanan tambahan dari hasil laut dari golongan mikroalga. Tujuan dari paper review ini adalah untuk mengetahui berbagai macam olahan lokal di Indonesia yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pangan fungsional.   Functional Food From Indonesian Local Plants People prefer to consume foods with good nutrition and protein and are useful for health so they can enjoy life in a healthier way. A healthy way of life should start from ourselves. Functional food is food and food that can provide additional benefits in addition to having the basic nutritional function of the food in accordance with its position and can be beneficial to health. Indonesian local food is a potential that can be developed into functional food. For example: zea mays, Ipomoea batatas , starfruit, carrots, as well as additional sources of food from marine products from the microalgae. The purpose of this paper review is to know the various local proceses in Indonesia that can be utilized for functional food.
METANA Vol 5, No 2 (2007): Desember 2007
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5655.258 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v5i2.1904


Abstract Requirement of software is necessary for the process system-computer simulation. ln reality, costly of software is one of restriction for the software development. However, the costly constraint can be solved using open source software such as Scilab and OpenOffice. The goa lof this article formulates user friendly program of the process system. Scilab program by Graphical User Interface (GUI) and interaction with Open Office-Cale for the data-base physical property. Scilab program has been listed in this article and algorithme of rhe program as the methodology has been presented in this article. Results of the simulation program indicate goodfinding for the process system.   Kata kunci : scilab; open office, simulasi komputer; oss (open source sortuare), Antar Muka Pcngguna - Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Pemanfaatan Minyak Goreng Bekas Menjadi Sabun Serai Antonius Prihanto; Bambang Irawan
METANA Vol 15, No 1 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.752 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v15i1.22966


Telah dilakukan penelitian Pemanfaatan Minyak Goreng Bekas Menjadi Sabun Serai. Penelitian  ini merupakan  upaya untuk memanfaatkan limbah minyak goreng bekas menjadi sabun serai. Upaya untuk memanfaatkan minyak goreng bekas menjadi sabun serai ini  melalui rekayasa proses. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh kadar minyak serai terhadap kualitas produk sabun serai. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu tahap persiapan dan tahap pembuatan sabun serai,  Pada tahap persiapan, minyak goreng bekas dibersihkan dari pengotornya melalui proses filtrasi. Minyak goreng yang telah bebas dari pengotornya selanjutnya dijernihkan melaui proses penetralan dengan larutan NaOH. Minyak goreng bekas yang telah jernih  selanjutnya direaksikan dengan larutan NaOH 40 % pada suhu 55 oC  dengan variasi kadar minyak serai 5 %, 7,5 %, 10%. 12.5 % dan 15 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembuatan sabun serai dari minyak goreng bekas dengan kadar minyak serai 7,5 % hingga 15 % telah memenuhi syarat sebagai sabun mandi menurut SNI. Pada konsentrasi minyak serai 15 %  menghasilkan sabun serai dengan aroma serai paling kuat.  Research has been conducted on Utilizing Used Cooking Oil into Lemongrass Soap. This research is an attempt to utilize used cooking oil waste into lemongrass soap. Efforts to utilize used cooking oil into lemongrass soap through process engineering. This research was conducted to examine the effect of citronella oil levels on the quality of lemongrass soap products. This research consists of two stages, namely the preparation stage and the stage of making lemongrass soap. In the preparation stage, used cooking oil is cleaned from its impurities through a filtration process. Cooking oil that has been free from the impurities is then purified through the neutralization process with NaOH solution. Clear, used cooking oil is then reacted with 40% NaOH solution at 55 oC with variations in citronella oil content of 5%, 7.5%, 10%. 12.5% and 15%. The results showed that the manufacture of lemongrass soap from used cooking oil with 7.5% to 15% citronella oil content fulfilled the requirements as bath soap according to SNI. At a concentration of 15% lemongrass oil produces lemongrass soap with the strongest lemongrass aroma.
METANA Vol 8, No 02 (2012): Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.984 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v8i02.6832


Proportional control system design, hardware in the form of temperature control systems using Wifi, to control the Reactor heater on Laboratory of Diploma Chemical Engineering. In this system made the system interface and device temperature control system for reading the same data records with the reading of stored data and graphical visualization using Borland Delphi. To maintain a stable temperature of the reactor need to be made primarily on monitoring and temperature control systems that work online using Wifi, the result is that the actual temperature control system and can monitor the temperature of it online. This study uses a temperature sensor type LM 35 which is a type of semiconductor that has an integrated signal conditioning part of it. Using the internal ADC 10 bits of mikrokontrol AVR ATmega 8535, as an interface. To perform wireless data communications that have used Wifi 802.11g specification. Wifi injected data from a computer using a standard protocol TCP / IP. By doing a set of IP addresses allows the data on a computer can be accessed by another computer around it. Validation test was done by comparing the temperature readings by the sensor LM35 with Thermo standard test equipment 300, the test results obtained device temperature control system that can work in accordance with the principles of control on the basis of proportional control theory, with errors less than 2%. Keywords: temperature control, proportional control, Wifi
METANA Vol 11, No 02 (2015): Desember 2015
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (886.27 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v11i02.14753


Abstrak                 Pertumbuhan produksi buah naga di Indonesia meningkat dengan munculnya kebun buah yang memproduksi buah naga. Pertumbuhan ini perlu diikuti pula dengan pemanfaatan zat aktif dalam buah naga, terutama senyawa fenolik dan flavonoid. Pengembangan ekstrak buah naga dalam bentuk emulsi merupakan tantangan utama dalam bidang pangan maupun farmasi untuk meningkatkan efektifitas kinerja komponen-komponen zat antioksidan. Selain itu, pemanfaatan ekstrak tumbuhan jauh lebih murah secara ekonomis dibandingkan dengan hasil purifikasi dari senyawa tertentu yang mahal. Penelitian ini menggunakan buah naga merah lokal (Hylocereus polyrhizus) dalam bentuk emulsi dengan menggunakan xanthan gum sebagai zat penstabil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pengaruh kadar fenolik dan kadar flavonoid dalam buah naga merah sebagai antioksidan serta kestabilannya dalam bentuk emulsi. Metode analisa yang diterapkan meliputi analisa kadar fenolik, kadar flavonoid, kadar air dan tes kestabilan emulsi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kadar fenolik ekstrak buah naga (9,66 mg/g) 14 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kadar fenolik pada ekstrak kulit buah naga (0,69 mg/g). Sementara, hampir tidak ada perbedaan terhadap hasil kadar flavonoid antara kulit maupun daging buah naga. Suhu penyimpanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kestabilan emulsi ekstrak kulit (0,14 mg/g) maupun buah naga (0,15 mg/g). Emulsi yang disimpan pada suhu 8 °C tidak menunjukkan adanya perubahan warna selama masa penyimpanan (7 hari). Kata kunci: H. polyrhizus, emulsi, xanthan gum, fenolik, flavonoid   Abstract                 Production growth of dragon fruit in Indonesia increased and supported by the fruit farms. This production growth should be followed by the utilization of the active substances from the dragon fruit. i.e. phenolic and flavonoid. The development of dragon fruit extract as an emulsion provided a challenge in food and pharmaceutical application. The active substances from dragon fruit extract provided the antioxidant capability and cost effectiveness while comparing them to the expensive purified of specific component. This work studied the emulsification of the peel and the flesh of local dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) by applying xanthan gum as stabilizer and evaluated the phenolic, flavonoid content and their emulsion stability. Analysis applied were including phenolic content, flavonoid content, moisture content and organoleptically of emulsion stability test. Phenolic concentration contained on the flesh (9,66 mg/g) fourteen times higher than on the peel of local dragon fruit (0,69 mg/g). Meanwhile, both peels and flesh of the dragon fruit were containing no differences on their flavonoid content (0,14 and 0,15 mg/g). Storing emulsion on the 8 °C did not show any color change for periode of 7 days.  Keywords: H. polyrhizus, emulsion, xanthan gum, phenolic, flavonoid  
KINETIC STUDY OF THE UTILISATION OF DIFFERENT SUBSTRATES TO LACTIC ACID USING Lactobacillus delbrueckii Abdullah Abdullah; Hanapi bin Mat; Widayat Widayat
METANA Vol 6, No 01 (2009): April 2009
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5667.593 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v6i01.1830


Abstract   Lactic acid fermentation includes several reactions in association with the microorganism growth.  A kinetic study was performed of the utilisation of multiple substrates to lactic acid using lactobacillus delbrueckii. Batch fermentation was performed to study effect of different substrates such as glucose, fructose and sucrose. The objective of this research is to study kinetics grow microbial. A anaerobic fermentation were studied in 3 litres stirred fermentor ( Biostat B Model) with working volume of 1 liter, temperature : 40 oC, pH = 6.0, inoculums size : 5% , sugar concentration =  20 g/1. During the first hours of fermentation, glucose and fructose accumulated in the medium and the rate of  hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose was faster than conversion of these substrate. The maximum concentration of glucose and fructose was 5.82 and 5. 14 g/l respectively. The sucrose, glucose, and fructose consumption completely utilized at 56, 68, and 104 hours, respectively. Kinetic parameter for maximum .specific growth rate in glucose, fructose and sucrose is 0.103, 0.0448, and 0.0398 (h-1), respectively. The saturation constant is 2.13, 2.67, and 3.32 g/1.   Key Words: Kinetic Study, Sugars, Lactic Acid, Maximum Specific Growth Rate and Saturation Constant
Test Stability Of Natural Color Dyes From The Lether Fruit Of Palm’s Waste Broto, R.T.D. Wisnu; Supriyo, Edy; Pudjihastuti, Isti; Arifan, Fahmi
METANA Vol 14, No 1 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

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The leather fruit of palm (Borassus flabilifer) is one of the local fruit native to Indonesia produced from palm plants are very abundant due to not knowing the season During this leather palm fruit  is still not widely used and is only regarded as wastes. The leather palm fruit  color has anthocyanin substances which are natural pigments reddish color. The extraction of the leather palm  by using different types of solvents include water, ethanol water mixture, the mixture of water - propanol, a mixture of water-ethanol-propanol, ethanol, a mixture of ethanol - propanol and propanol. The best extraction results were obtained by using ethanol solvent. Furthermore, stability test of pigment extract’s the leather fruit of palm (anthocyanin) to pH, temperature, light, and color was done by using UV-Vis spectrophotometer at maximum wavelength 520 nm. In the stability test of pigment extract’s the leather palm fruit (anthocyanin) to pH, pH range 0-5 with interval 1 obtained the best pH 1 with absorbance value 0,3965. Temperature stability test with temperature range 50 -100oC with 10oC range gives best temperature 50oC with absorbance value 0,387. The results of stability test of  pigment extract’s the leather fruit of palm (anthocyanin) to light showed decrease of absorbance value directly proportional to duration of irradiation The natural anthocyanin dye stability test derived from siwalan peel shows the extract with the greatest total anthocyanin having a large color intensity as well. Uji Stabilitas Zat Warna Alami  dari Limbah  Kulit buah Siwalan Buah siwalan (Borassus flabilifer) adalah salah satu buah lokal produk asli Indonesia yang dihasilkan dari tanaman lontar sangat melimpah karena tidak mengenal musim. Selama ini kulit buah siwalan masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan dan hanya dianggap sebagai limbah. Kulit buah siwalan mempunyai kandungan zat warna antosiaanin yang merupakan zat warna alami berwarna kemerah-merahan. Kulit buah siwalan di ekstraksi dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis solven antara lain air, campuran air etanol, campuran air – propanol, campuran air-etanol-propanol, etanol, campuran etanol – propanol dan propanol. Hasil ekstraksi terbaik didapatkan dengan menggunakan solvent etanol.  Selanjutnya dilakukan uji stabilitas ekstrak zat warna kulit buah siwalan (antosianin)  terhadap pH, suhu, sinar, dan warna dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang maksimum 520 nm. Pada uji stabilitas ekstrak zat warna kulit buah siwalan (antosianin)  terhadap pH, rentang pH 0-6 dengan interval 1 didapat pH terbaik 1 dengan nilai absorbansi 0,3965. Uji stabilitas suhu dengan rentang suhu 50 -100oC dengan rentang 10oC menghasikan suhu terbaik 50oC dengan nilai absorbansi 0,387.  Hasil uji stabilitas ekstrak zat warna kulit buah siwalan (antosianin)  terhadap sinar menunjukkan penurunan nilai absorbansi berbanding lurus dengan lamanya penyinaran. Uji stabilitas zat warna alami antosianin yang berasal dari kulit buah siwalan menunjukkan ekstrak dengan total antosianin paling besar  memiliki intensitas warna yang besar pula.  
METANA Vol 8, No 01 (2012): Juli 2012
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.98 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v8i01.4911


  Abstrak Minyak jahe termasuk minyak atsiri yang merupakan komoditas eksport dengan nilai ekonomis yang tinggi karena  banyak digunakan dalam industri kosmetik, makanan, aromaterapi dan farmasi. Ampas jahe yang dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan jamu, jahe instan maupun industri minuman kesehatan, selama ini belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Mengingat potensi minyak jahe dan perlunya peningkatan nilai ekonomis ampas jahe yang selama ini sebagai limbah industri, maka perlu dilakukan pengambilan minyak jahe dari ampas jahe. Proses destilasi minyak atsiri selama ini dilakukan secara konvensional, sehingga pada destilasi minyak jahe maka zingiberene yang ada mengalami degradasi thermal. Penelitian bertujuan  untuk mendapatkan teknologi destilasi agar zingiberene dalam minyak jahe tidak mengalami degradasi yaitu dengan destilasi vacuum, dan untuk mendapatkan efisiensi yang optimal dengan pengujian antara proses destilasi kohobasi dan destilasi uap-air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Proses destilasi vacuum secara kohobasi mempunyai randemen teringgi yaitu  2,320 % dengan persamaan laju produksi Y = 0,078 X2 – 1,941X + 8,52 ( R2= 0,982 ).  Karena kadar minyak jahe dalam rimpang jahe : 1  - 3 %, maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa pada proses tersebut didapatkan effisiensi yang cukup tinggi yaitu 77,33 % dari kadar maksimal minyak yang ada pada rimpang jahe dan kualitas minyak jahe yang dihasilkan memenuhi  SNI Kata kunci : ampas jahe, minyak jahe, destilasi vacuum. ABSTRACT Ginger oil including essential oils which are export commodities with high economic value because it is widely used in the cosmetics industry, food, aromatherapy and pharmaceuticals. Ginger pulp resulting from the process of making herbal medicine, instant ginger beverage and healthcare industries, has not been fully utilized. Given the potential of ginger oil and the need to increase the economic value of waste ginger as well as an industrial waste, it is necessary to capture the oil of ginger ginger pulp. Essential oil distillation process has been done conventionally, so that the ginger oil distillation zingiberene existing thermal degradation. The research aims to gain distillation technology that zingiberene in ginger oil is not degraded by vacuum distillation, and to obtain optimum efficiency by testing the distillation process kohobasi and steam-distilled water. The results showed that the vacuum distillation process has randemen teringgi kohobasi is 2.320% with a production rate equation Y = 0.078 X2 - 1.941 X + 8.52 (R2 = 0.982). Because the levels of ginger in ginger oil: 1-3%, it can be stated that in the process earned a high enough efficiency is 77.33% of the maximum levels of the existing oil and the ginger rhizome ginger oil quality produced meets SNI Keywords: pulp ginger, ginger oil, vacuum distillation.
METANA Vol 10, No 01 (2014): Juli 2014
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.553 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v10i01.9773


Abstract Traditional markets generating organic waste such as leaves, stems of plants that can be cultivated in aerobic and anaerobic composter produces organic fertilizer called compost. This study used a method of mixing the ingredients in aerated tub because the composting process occurs in aerobic and anaerobic. This research studied the effect of the variation of goat manure material consisting of straw, bran using EM microbe 4 as activator. These results indicate that the effect of goat dung accelerate the composting process is indicated by a color change and the results of C / N ratio is high on the 14th day of Materials - materials containing high organic C also affects the speed of the composting process. Keyword : organic waste, composter, microbe, compos Abstrak Pasar tradisional menghasilkan sampah organic berupa daun-daunan , batang tanaman yang dapat diolah secara aerobic dan anaerobic dalam komposter menghasilkan pupuk organic yang disebut kompos. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pencampuran bahan dalam bak beraerasi karena proses pengomposan terjadi secara aerob dan anaerob. Pada penelitian ini dipelajari pengaruh kotoran kambing terhadap variasi bahan yang terdiri dari merang, bekatul dengan menggunakan mikroba EM 4 sebagai activator. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kotoran kambing berpengaruh mempercepat proses terjadinya kompos ini ditunjukan dengan adanya perubahan warna dan hasil rasio C/N yang tinggi pada hari ke 14. Bahan – bahan yang mengandung C organic yang tinggi juga berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan proses terjadinya pengomposan.  Kata kunci :sampah, komposter, mikroba, kompos
MODIFIKASI TEPUNG UBI JALAR UNGU (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir) DENGAN METODE HEAT MOISTURE TREATMENT (HMT) SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU PEMBUATAN MI INSTAN Santosa, Herry; Handayani, Noer Abyor; Bastian, Hasbi Ashidqi; Kusuma, Ilga Mega
METANA Vol 11, No 01 (2015): Juli 2015
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (121.607 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v11i01.12580


Abstrak Mi instan merupakan makanan yang cukup popular di Indonesia. Selain praktis dan murah, mi instan memiliki kandungan gizi yang cukup sebagai pengganti makanan pokok seperti beras. Pada umumnya,  mie instan dibuat dari bahan baku tepung gandum. Namun, tidak semua orang dapat mengonsumsi mi instan dengan bahan baku tepung gandum ini. Oleh karena itu, tepung ubi jalar merupakan alternatif sebagai bahan baku pembuatan mi instan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah karakterisasi tepung ubi jalar ungu, menentukan waktu dan suhu modifikasi paling baik. Penelitian dilakukan melalui tiga tahap; 1.Tahap pembuatan tepung ubi jalar ungu; 2.Tahap karakterisasi tepung ubi jalar ungu; 3.Tahap modifikasi tepung ubi jalar ungu dengan menggunakan metode modifikasi Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT). Dari tahap karakterisasi diketahui bahwa tepung ubi jalar ungu memiliki nilai swelling power sebesar 3,1 g/g; solubility sebesar 2,8 %, yang masih berada di bawah nilai swelling power dan solubility tepung gandum, sehingga diperlukan tahap modifikasi. Waktu modifikasi dan suhu modifikasi berpengaruh positif pada sifat fungsional tepung ubi jalar ungu yaitu swelling power dan solubility. Untuk mendekati swelling power dan solubility dari tepung gandum, modifikasi lebih baik dilakukan pada suhu 60 ºC selama 5 jamKata kunci : tepung ubi jalar ungu, Heat Moisture Treatment, Mi instan, Swelling power, solubility  Abstract Instant noodle is a well-known food in Indonesia. Aside of it’s simplicity and cheap, instant noodle have enough nutrition as a substitute for main food like rice. Usually, instant noodle is made from wheat flour as material. But, not every people could use this instant noodle as their daily meal.. Therefore, purple sweet potato could be an alternative as a substitute material of instant noodle. The purposes of this study is to examine functional properties of the purple sweet potato flour, and determining best time and temperature modification. To achieve the purposes, this study is done through three stages; 1. Production stage of the purple sweet potato flour; 2.Characterization stage of the purple sweet potato flour; 3.Modification stage of the purple sweet potato flour using Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT) modification method. From the characterization stage is known that the purple sweet potato flour has swelling power 3,1 g/g; solubility 2,8 % so it is necessary to be modified. Time modification and temperature modification giving a positif effect to functional properties of the purple sweet potato flour that is swelling power and solubility. In order to closing the swelling power and solubility with wheat flour, modification is better be doing at 60 ºC for 5 hours long. Keywords: Purple Sweet Potato Flour, Heat Moisture Treatment, Instant Noodle, Swelling power, solubility  

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