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METANA Vol 6, No 01 (2009): April 2009
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5000.774 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v6i01.1948


  Abstract The laboratory equipments are important in elaboration of technologies in freeze drying, for research of the product quality, amelioration, moreover determination of transport properties. Our department has a laboratory vacuum freeze drying equipment. We can register all the data during the procedure. It's important to analyze this freeze drying procedure, because this is elementary for system designing. we have constructed the necessary measuring instruments, their arrangement. The automatitation of this process isn't a simple problem. The principal measured characteristics are mass of dried product, temperature of dried product layer, temperature of the heater, vacuum, freezing temperature. We can measure the dried product's weight by a load cell, with the necessary accuracy.   Kata kunci : freeze drying, tomato  
Penanganan Alat Dan Bahan Yang Baik Dalam Rangka Menunjang Kegiatan Di Laboratorium Kimia Raharjo, Raharjo; Harjanto, Sri
METANA Vol 13, No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (955.433 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v13i2.18017


Fasilitas alat dan bahan di lingkungan laboratorium kimia bagi mahasiswa yang sedang menyelesaikan tugas penelitian merupakan suatu hal yang tidak bisa terpisahkan, dan sangat diperlukan keberadaanya. Maka  sistem kelola, cara penanganan dengan  baik dan benar terutama  yang berhubungan dengan bahan kimia ataupun alat gelas dan instrumen mulai dari proses pengadaan, penerimaan , pengemasan, penyimpanan sampai penyaluran, penggunaan sesuai dengan tata kelola yang baik dan benar, juga ditunjang pelayanan yang memadai akan sangat membantu dalam rangka penyelesaian kegiatan penelitian mahasiswa Tugas Akhir di laboratorium kimia. Handling of good equipments and materials to order to supply activities studensts at the chemical laboratory  Equipment and materials facilities in chemical laboratory environment for students who are completing research tasks is an inseparable, and indispensable condition. Therefore, good and proper handling system, especially those related to chemicals or glassware and instruments starting from the procurement, receiving, packaging, storage until distribution, use in accordance with good and correct governance, also supported by adequate services will very helpful in the completion of research activities of Final Final students in the chemistry laboratory.
METANA Vol 7, No 01 (2011): Juli 2011
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.311 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v7i01.4032


ABSTRAK Potensi biomassa sampah organik dan bungkil jarak sebagai energi alternatif sedemikian melimpah, namun belum terolah sepenuhnya. Padahal komposisi sampah organik dan bungkil jarak merupakan biomassa dengan kandungan energi yang relatif besar. Apabila sampah organik dan bungkil jarak diolah bersama-sama dengan bungkil jarak dengan menggunakan bahan perekat tapioka dan tar akan diperoleh satu bahan bakar padat buatan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif.Dalam penelitian ini, komposisi yang di uji adalah briket dengan persentase sampah organik dan bungkil jarak yaitu 100/0; 75/25; 50/50; 25/75; 0/100. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengumpulan, pengeringan, penghalusan, karbonisasi, pengayakan, pencampuran bahan baku (sampah organik, bungkil jarak, perekat tapioka dan perekat tar) dan pengepresan dengan tekanan 1 kg/cm².Dari  penelitian di laboratorium dan pendekatan model matematis didapatkan bahwa karakteristik laju pembakaran briket komposisi sampah organik dan bungkil jarak (25/75) dengan bahan perekat tar, lebih cepat terbakar dan suhu yang dicapai optimal. Briket yang dihasilkan dengan perekat tar tidak disukai karena berasap, sedangkan briket yang dihasilkan dengan perekat tapioka lebih disukai karena tidak berasap. Kata kunci : Briket, bahan perekat, pembakaran   ABSTRACT The pontential of biomass municipal waste and jathropha oil cakes in such is abundant, but has not been fully processed. The municipal waste and jathropha oil cakes can be converted into biobriquette via pyrolisis, which can be used as alternative fuel. Tar and tapioca adhesive were applied for the binder. In this study, briquettes with the mass ratio of municipal waste and jathropha oil cakes of 100/0; 75/25; 50/50; 25/75; 0/100 have been produced and tested. Reasearch was done by collecting, drying, testing, carbonization, screaning, mixing raw materials (municipal waste, jathropha oil cakes, tapioca adhesive and tar adhesive) and pressing at  1 kg/cm². Laboratory work and mathematical model showed that the rate of combustion and charateristic of  the briquette  with composition of municipal waste and jathropha oil cakes is (25/75), with adhesive tar, burns faster. Briquettes produced with the adhesive tar are not preferred because of the smoke, while the briquettes produced with tapioca adhesive are preferred because of the smoke free. Keywords : Briquette, adhesive materials, combustion
METANA Vol 10, No 02 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (92.95 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v10i02.11048


Abstact Program objectives IbM: fresh dairy products utilizing rejected KUD, into a product pasteurized milk, sour milk, caramel milk, milk crackers milk and ice creams. These objectives require the application of production technology pasteurized milk, sour milk, caramel milk, milk crackers and milk ice creams by using a multipurpose fermenter, granulator, packaging and machinery production of dairy ice creams. Results of diversification of products will be marketed to shops, places selling makaunan and supermarkets around the site partners, as well as to the surrounding tourist areas.              The method that will be used by the implementation team is joint partneridentify the problems faced by partners , implement educationdiversification and extension dairy products , designing and applyingtechnology pengenekaraman fresh dairy products , training and socialization as wellmonitoring and evaluation of the results of activities. The implementation team together with a group of farmersfresh milk producer training , practice ( pilot ) and socializationapplication of a multipurpose fermenter , granulator , packaging and machine ice creams to fresh milk diversify into other products such as milk pasteurized , sour milk , caramel milk , crackers dairy milk and ice creams . On finally the implementation team together with partners to test marketing results diversification of dairy products to the sales centers in local souvenir Another such Salatiga , Boyolali until Surakarta , as well as tourist spots around like Keteb pass , Kopeng            Evaluation activities are divided into 3 stages: initial evaluation , evaluation process and the final evaluation . Initial evaluation in the form of pre-test to determine the level knowledge and abilities of the participants about the materials science and technology will transferred. Evaluation process in the form of presence of the participants to see seriousness of the participants in the follow counseling and training . Evaluation the final addition in the form of post-test and evaluation of product sales , for determine the increase of knowledge and ability of the material extension and demonstration plots , are also evaluated what percentage of farmers who want to apply delivered technology implementation team , as well as what percentage of the number of products diversification results that have been sold . Keywords : diversification of dairy products segar- fermentor multigunagranulator- packaging - machine ice creams milk productionAbstrak  Tujuan Program IbM : memanfaatkan produk susu segar yang ditolak KUD, menjadi produk susu pasteurisasi, susu asam, karamel susu,kerupuk susu serta es kream susu. Tujuan tersebut membutuhkan aplikasi teknologi produksi susu pasteurisasi, susu asam, karamel susu, kerupuk susu serta es kream susu dengan menggunakan fermentor multiguna, granulator,pengemas serta mesin produksi es kream susu. Hasil penganekaragaman produk akan dipasarkan ke toko-toko, tempat-tempat penjualan makaunan maupun swalayan disekitar lokasi mitra, maupun ke daerah wisata disekitarnya. 23 Metode yang akan dipakai oleh tim pelaksana adalah bersama mitra mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra, melaksanakan pendidikan dan penyuluhan penganekaragaman produk susu, merancang dan mengaplikasikan teknologi pengenekaraman produk susu segar, pelatihan dan sosialisasi serta memantau dan evaluasi hasil kegiatan. Tim pelaksana bersama kelompok peternak penghasil susu segar melakukan pelatihan, praktek (percontohan) dan sosialisasi pengaplikasian fermentor multiguna, granulator, pengemas serta mesin pembuat es kream untuk menganekaragamkan susu segar menjadi produklain seperti susuAbstrak  Tujuan Program IbM : memanfaatkan produk susu segar yang ditolak KUD, menjadi produk susu pasteurisasi, susu asam, karamel susu,kerupuk susu serta es kream susu. Tujuan tersebut membutuhkan aplikasi teknologi produksi susu pasteurisasi, susu asam, karamel susu, kerupuk susu serta es kream susu dengan menggunakan fermentor multiguna, granulator,pengemas serta mesin produksi es kream susu. Hasil penganekaragaman produk akan dipasarkan ke toko-toko, tempat-tempat penjualan makaunan maupun swalayan disekitar lokasi mitra, maupun ke daerah wisata disekitarnya. Metode yang akan dipakai oleh tim pelaksana adalah bersama mitra mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra, melaksanakan pendidikan dan penyuluhan penganekaragaman produk susu, merancang dan mengaplikasikan teknologi pengenekaraman produk susu segar, pelatihan dan sosialisasi serta memantau dan evaluasi hasil kegiatan. Tim pelaksana bersama kelompok peternak penghasil susu segar melakukan pelatihan, praktek (percontohan) dan sosialisasi pengaplikasian fermentor multiguna, granulator, pengemas serta mesin pembuat es kream untuk menganekaragamkan susu segar menjadi produklain seperti susu pasteurisasi, susu asam, karamel susu, kerupuk susu serta es kream susu. Pada akhirnyatimpelaksanabersama mitra melakukan uji coba pemasaran hasilpenganekaragaman produk susu ke pusat-pusat penjualan buah tangan di daerah lain seperti Salatiga, Boyolali sampai Surakarta, maupun tempat-tempat wisata disekitarnya seperti Keteb pass, Kopeng. Evaluasi kegiatan dibagi menjadi 3 tahap yaitu evaluasi awal, evaluasiproses dan evaluasi akhir. Evaluasi awal berupa pretes untuk mengetahui tingkatpengetahuan dan kemampuan para peserta tentang materi ipteks yang akanditransfer. Evaluasi proses berupa presensi para peserta untuk melihatkesungguhan para peserta dalam mengikuti penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Evaluasiakhir disamping berupa post test dan evaluasi penjualan produk, untukmengetahui peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan dari materi penyuluhandan demplot, juga dievaluasi berapa persen peternak yang mau menerapkanteknologi yang disampaikan tim pelaksana, serta berapa persen jumlah produkhasil penganekaragaman yang telah terjual. Kata kunci :penganekaragaman produk susu segar- fermentor multigunagranulator-pengemas-mesin produksi es krim susu
Tachometer Laser , Pemakaian Dan Perawatannya Enny, Enny
METANA Vol 13, No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1021.34 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v13i1.12578


Alat Tachometer adalah sebuah alat yang digunakan untuk pengujian yang dirancang untuk mengukur kecepatan rotasi dari sebuah objek, seperti alat pengukur dalam sebuah Motor listrik   yang mengukur   putaran per menit (RPM)  dari poros engkol motor. Alat tachometer laser adalah alat yang dapat melakukan pengukuran dari jarak jauh yaitu bekerja dengan sensor cahaya yang sangat sensitip terhadap  elemen berputar. Maka dari itu alat harus dirawat dan diperbaiki secara teratur.  apabila ada kerusakan. Kegiatan perawatan yang dilakukan adalah perawatan pencegahan dan pemeliharan kerusakan. Sehingga alat tachometer dapat digunakan secara maksimal sesuai dengan instruksinya pemakaian alat tersebut.Dengan adanya perawatan dan pemakaian yang tepat diharapkan bahwa alat tachometer laser agar dapat berfungsi dengan baik dalam waktu yang lama. Laser Tachometer, Use and Maintenance The Tachometer Tool is a device used for testing designed to measure the rotational speed of an object, such as a measuring device in an electric motor that measures per minute rotation (RPM) of the motor crankshaft. The laser tachometer tool is a device that can perform measurements from a distance that is working with sensors of light that is very sensitive to the rotating elements. Therefore the tools must be maintained and repaired regularly. If there is damage, the maintenance activities carried out are preventive maintenance and maintenance of damage. So that tachometer tool can be used maximally in accordance with the instruction of using the tool. With proper maintenance and usage it is expected that laser tachometer tool to function well in a long time.
METANA Vol 6, No 02 (2010): Desember 2010
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (67.421 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v6i2.3430


Abstract   Hairy fruit (Nephelium sp) is fruit of horticultural belong in family Sapindacaeae. Membrane is a thin layer separates two phases which allow the displacement of specific components and hold other components that do not being needed. Ultrafiltration is a filtration process using membranes that filter out particles with a size of 20 to 1000 Angstrom. Results of ultrafiltration has high purity (0.4 to 0.6 NTU turbidity) than results from conventional manner (1.5-3 NTU turbidity). Yield gained was 5-8% higher than that gained from conventional. Dependent variable used is kind of hairy fruits (crops and cans). The independent variable is the pressure 2 kg/cm2, 3 kg/cm2, 0.4 kg/cm2, 0.5 kg/cm2, 0.6 kg/cm2 and the type of membrane (PES and hydrosart). The result of the study showed that greater operation pressure resulted in greater turbidity, and greater flux. The greater flux resulted smaller selectivity and pass the requirement of Environmental Protection Agency, USA.   Key word : Hairy fruits, juice, membrane, ultrafiltration
Adsorption of Sulphur in Biogas by Activated Carbon Derived From Mangrove Fruits (Rhizopora stylosa) as Solid Residue of Natural Dyes Extraction Paryanto, Paryanto; Wibowo, Wusana Agung; Saputra, Nandika Aji; Setyawati, Rosana Budi
METANA Vol 15, No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1187.308 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v15i2.24424


Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is considered as impurity in biogas. H2S could react to form sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) during the burning process. The corrosive property of these compounds possibly cause damage the power plant system. Overcoming this problem, activated carbon impregnated with KOH has been proven to work very well in adsorbing H2S. On the other hand, mangrove fruits pulp residue from the natural dyes extraction process has not utilized. Mangrove (Rhizopora stylosa) fruits contain about 50% fixed carbon which is possibly made as activated carbon. The purposes of this research were to determine the adsorption efficiency of H2S in biogas using activated carbon derived from mangrove fruits residue and to determine isotherm equilibrium constants for adsorption. The small scale adsorption devices consist of cooler, flow stabilizer, flow regulator, flow meter and column adsorber. At certain flow rate, biogas was sampled in every 10 minutes and then analyzed using portable H2S gas analyzer.  Temperatures of biogas entered the adsorption column were in the range of 33-34oC. The optimum biogas flow rate was 4 liter per minute (lpm) for 250 grams (16 cm of height) of activated carbon. We found the adsorption efficiency was decreased by time and still reached 79.6% for 50 minutes contact time. Based on coefficient of correlation value (R2) on isotherm model, Langmuir model is more suitable for the H2S adsorption of biogas in this study. We found the Langmuir equilibrium constant k was 0.033 and maximum adsorption capacity (x/m)max was 0.284 mg/mg.
METANA Vol 9, No 01 (2013): Juli 2013
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (627.628 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v9i01.7202


Abstract Cassava starch can readily be cast into films. However, the cassava starch film is brittle and weak leading to inadequate mechanical properties. Therefore it is necessary blending with other biopolymers that can overcome these drawbacks. In this study, composite film prepared by blending of cassava starch and chitosan solutions with ratio 2:8, 3:7, 4:8, and 5:5. The results show that the mechanical strength of the film increase with increasing the chitosan content. The significant decline in both permeability and degree of swelling with increasing the content of chitosan in the composite film. The hydrophobic acetyl groups of chitosan caused a notable reduction of wettability as well as water permeability. The degree of swelling experiments showed that the films have the highest degree of swelling in water followed by technical ethanol (±95%) and pure analysis ethanol (>99.9%). SEM photographs of the surface of film with the ratio 5:5 have more homogeneous than the ratio 2:8. The amino group peak in IR spectrum of chitosan molecule shifted from 1581 to 1587 cm−1 with the incorporation of starch. These results suggested that these two film-forming components were compatible and an interaction existed between them. Keywords: Chitosan–starch films; composition, characterization
METANA Edisi Khusus Februari 2011
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6056.774 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v0i0.1655


Abstract   A versatile and high capacity membrane emulsification system which utilises a rotating membrane for the precision manufacture of uniform emulsions droplet was investigated. Single emulsions were produced with a very low viscosity of paraffin wax. Tween 20 and  carbomer, as dispersed phase, emulsifier and stabilizer, respectively. Emulsion droplets in the range of 138 µm  to 305 µm with coefficient of variation (CV) ranging from 9% to 29% were obtained. The methodology allows control of droplet production through adjustment of system operating parameters (membrane type, rotation speed, dispersed phase flux) to influence the average droplet size and droplet uniformity.   Keywords : Emulsion, membrane emulsification, rotating membrane, stainless steel membrane, uniform droplet.
Optimalisasi Penggunaan Alat Praktikum Power Supply Switching dengan Menggunakan Topologi Half Bridge Konverter sebagai Alat Bantu Praktikum Elektronika Analog Enny, Enny
METANA Vol 12, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1246.587 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v12i1.17509


Power supply merupakan perangkat keras yang mampu menyuplai tenaga atau tegangan listrik secara langsung dari sumber tegangan listrik ke tegangan listrik yang lainnya. Power supply memiliki input dari tegangan yang berarus alternating current (AC) dan mengubahnya menjadi arus direct current (DC) yang nantinya digunakan untuk mensuplai peralatan elektronik yang membutuhkan arus searah. Power supply terbagi menjadi dua yaitu power supply linear dan power supply switching. Pada power supply switching yang akan dioptimalkan dalam penggunaannya menggunakan topologi half bridge konverter. Topologi half bridge konverter memiliki beberapa keunggulan yaitu mudah untuk membuat output yang banyak dan mudah dalam pengontrolannya. Proses switching pada half bridge konverter mengunakan mosfet IRFP 460 dan dijalankan menggunakan IC UC SG3525 dengan frekuensi switching 40 KHz. Dalam mengoptimalkan  alat ini, menggunakan suplai 220 Volt AC lansung disearahkan menggunakan dioda, dan di filter menggunakan kapasitor. Hasil penyerahan tersebut kemudian masuk ke half bridge konverter, yang di jalankan oleh SG 3525 dan mosfet IRFP 460, kemudian masuk kedalam rangkaian filter output, dan siap digunakan. Keluaran pada power supply ini dapat diatur sesuai kebutuhan dengan rentang tegangan 0 Volt sampai 23,33 Volt, 10 A. Power supply ini juga dilengkapi dengan rangkaian feedback, sehingga tegangan keluar dapat stabil.Serta dapat diatur sesuai kebutuhan dalam praktikum Elektronika Analog khususnya dalam unit percobaan Clipper dan unit percobaan Gate . Abstract Optimizing the Use of Power Supply Switching Practice Tools Using Topology Half Bridge Converter As A Tool for Analogue Electronics Practise Power supply is a hardware that can supply power or voltage directly from the source voltage to the other electrical voltage. The power supply has input from alternating current (AC) voltage and converts it into direct current current (DC) which will be used to supply electronic equipment requiring direct current. Power supply is divided into two: linear power supply and switching power supply. In the switching power supply that will be optimized in its use using a half bridge converter topology. The converter half bridge topology has several advantages: it is easy to make a lot of output and easy to control. The switching process in half bridge converter uses IRFP 460 mosfet and runs UC SG3525 IC with 40 KHz switching frequency. In optimizing this tool, use 220 volt AC supply directly rectified using diode, and in filter using capacitor. The result then goes to the half bridge converter, which is run by SG 3525 and IRFP 460 mosfet, then goes into the output filter circuit, and ready to use. Output on this power supply can be adjusted as needed with voltage range 0 Volt to 23.33 Volt, 10 A. Power supply is also equipped with feedback circuit, so the out voltage can be stabilized. And can be arranged according to requirement in Analog Electronics especially in unit Clipper experiment and Gate experimental unit.

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