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Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture
ISSN : 23391065     EISSN : 24604313     DOI : -
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture is an interdisciplinary journal that explores the history, politics, economics, linguistics, sociology and anthropology of world’s local culture. The journal brings together original and innovative articles which deploy interdisciplinary and comparative research methods add also welcomes progress reports on research projects, fieldwork notes, book reviews, and notes on conferences. Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture is published by Laboratorium Bantenologi, State Islamic University (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in June and December each year. The journal accepts articles in English and Indonesia.
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Articles 90 Documents
Dilema Suku Baduy: Antara Kewajiban Ngahuma dan Keterbatasan Lahan Huma Misno Misno; Asep Kurnia; Kholil Lur Rochman
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): July-December
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/kawalu.v8i2.2641


Baduy adalah adalah salah satu dari suku asli Indonesia yang tinggal di provinsi Banten, mereka sangat kuat memegang teguh pikukuh karuhun (tradisi leluhur). Salah satu dari hukum adat mereka adalah kewajiban untuk ngahuma (menaman padi di ladang), aktifitas ini adalah ibadah dan rukun wiwitan. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah jumlah mereka bertambah namun luas lahan tetap, dampaknya luas tanah garapan menyempit, pola pengolahan lahan tidak optimal, sehingga berdampak pada hasil panen yang tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan. Akankah hukum adat ngahumaakan tetap berjalan dalam menghadapi dilema ini? Solusi apa yang bisa dilakukan agar hukum adat mereka tetap lestari, serta kebutuhan ekonomi mereka juga tetap terpenuhi? Penelitian ini menggunakan data kualitatif, di mana data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan kajian dokumen. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan analisa induktif sehingga menghasilkan data yang kredibel. Triangulasi data digunakan untuk memastikan data bisa dipertanggungjawabkan sehingga kesimpulan dari riset ini bermanfaat bagi stake holder. Kesimpulan dari riset ini adalah bahwa jumlah Suku Baduy semakin bertambah padahal lahan untuk ngahuma tetap. Padahal bagi mereka ngahuma adalah suatu kewajiban adat yang tidak bisa dilanggar. Beberapa solusi sudah dilakukan, membeli atau menyewa lahan di luar Tanah Ulayat, membatasi bera, membagi lahan kepada anggota keluarga. Namun justru muncul masalah baru, kondisi lahan yang kurang subur dan kebutuhan beras yang tida terpenuhi. Maka solusi yang peneliti tawarkan adalah; mengharapkan kepada pemerintah Kab. Lebak untuk memberikan lahan huma bagi suku Baduy.
Character Building: The Insertion of Local Culture Values in Teaching and Learning Hieronimus Canggung Darong; Yosefina Helenora Jem; Erna Mena Niman
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): July-December
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims at revealing the values contained in penti ceremony of Manggraian, Flores, NTT the insertion of the values in question in teaching-learning process. Using ethnography approach, data were collected through interview and observation which were subsequently analyzed through some steps namely data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results have shown that penti ceremony has religious, social, and ecological values which can be inserted by means of approach, method and technique of teaching as well as text-books used in teaching-learning process. As one of Indonesian local culture, penti has some values that can be of benefit to build students’ good character and be a guidance, not only for local people but also for students to properly behave with others and nature.
Pangkak Gasing: Tools of Social Interaction of The Community of Children and Adolescents in Maintaining Malay Culture Sambas Bayu Suratman; Nur Hamzah
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): January-June
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/kawalu.v9i1.5769


This article is based on the results of in-depth research on the pangkak gasing and social interactions of Sambas Malay children and adolescents. Pangkak gasing is a traditional game that is currently running lively in the rural district of Sambas. In addition to preserving the culture of the pangkak gasing, it is also a means of friendship for fellow Malay Sambas. The presence of children and adolescents in apangkak gasing game of forming a habitus in the community arena where social interaction takes place. Social interaction in the arena ( field ) pangkak gasing not only by direct contact during the game but also penetrated in the virtual world or social media. New media in social interaction, especially in the arena ( field) pangkak gasing make social media as a tool to interact where agents have never met and started meeting in the real world. This article discusses how the pangkak gasing affect the social interaction of Sambas Malay children and adolescents. This research uses a qualitative method with a sociology approach. Data was obtained through observations and interviews with Sambas Malay children and adolescents who participated routinely in the pangkak gasing game
Tradition Multicultural Society Religion in Serang City Rt Bai Rohimah; Achmad Hufad; Suroso Mukti Leksono
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): January-June
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/kawalu.v9i1.6121


This article examines the characteristics and cultural identity, as well as the socio-religious rituals of the people of Serang city. The research used is anthropological ethnography method. In analyzing the data, the researcher used a functional-structural approach. The results showed that although the people in Serang city were categorized as multicultural society, they still carried out their religious traditions. There are several things that affect this harmony, including the factor of religious understanding of each individual, educational background and social relations of the community. For the residents of Serang city, the distinctive characteristics wrapped in tradition have a positive meaning as local wisdom and have religious values ​​that are still maintained today. Keywords: Local Belief, Multicultural, Modern, Tradition .
Character Education Value from Ten Folktales in Indonesia as Cyber Literature Imam Santosa; Lutfi Lutfi; Kheryadi Kheryadi; Yulian Dinihari; Wuriy Handayani; Sufi Alawiyah
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): January-June
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/kawalu.v9i1.6518


In the development of technology, all aspects experience the same development, including literature. Technology had greatly influenced the production and reception of literature. Changes in literary works by utilizing current technological media can also be called cyber literature. However, the ease of technology might lead problems. The teacher who would use cyber literature as learning material took it without any guideline on what is the value that existed in the cyberliterature. So that this study aimed to analyze character education that appears in folklore cyber literature in Indonesia. The results of this study will be a guide for high school English teachers in choosing what characters to use in narrative learning using folklore. The approach used in this research was a descriptive qualitative approach. The data source of this research was cyber literature in the form of folklore. The selection of the title of folklore in Indonesia was based on the results of a poll from the SINDO newspaper which found that there were 10 popular folk tales. The result of the study showed that from 10 the most popular folklore in the internet, 6 out of 18 characters existed in the story. They were Responsible, hard work, honesty, self-reliance, creative, and love country. Even though, the value mostly based on the protagonist of the story, we could also see the contra value that promoted by the antagonist, such as dishonesty..
Ecological Element in Oral Literature Wayang Jek Dong Malang Style Astrid Wangsagirindra Pudjastawa; Yudit Perdananto
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): January-June
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/kawalu.v9i1.5295


Literature as part of the representation of human life is always tied to human culture nd environment. The problems raised by writers in literary works are part of the relity that occurs in the environment where they live. No exception with oral literature. As a traditional literary genre, oral literature has a depedence on ecological elements that exist in the universe. Plants an animals, for example, have a role in the literary context as part of the universe. Plants and animals, for example, have a role in the literary context as part of the puppetry element of the wayang Jek Dong Malang style. Oral literature contained in pupetry jek dong malangan style, for example, in practice by the puppeteer always involves ecological elements. Through the study of an ecocritical perspective, it can be seen that the presence of oral literture in Malangan style jek dong puppetry is always thick in the image of nature such as Pandawa Tani, Wader Bang Sisik Kencana, Wedus Putih Ngamen, and so on. The involvement of thes ecological elements shows a strong image of the nature, and culture of the Malang people.
Glocalization of Bull Racing: A Program for Preservation Kerapan Sapi as Madurese Local Wisdom Nadi Suprapto; Suliyanah Suliyanah; Utama Alan Deta; Imam Sya'roni; Khoirun Nisa'
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): January-June
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/kawalu.v9i1.5897


The research-based on three backgrounds such as the competence and experience of researchers related to the context of local wisdom research; the potency of local wisdom in Madura; and the researchers are team teaching of the course physics local wisdom for Undergraduate Program of Physics education. Kerapan sapi is one of Madura's local cultures, which combines art, tradition, and competition. This type of research is a mixed-method with exploratory sequential design. The implementation of this research was carried out in Tengket Village, Bangkalan Regency. Data collection was collected based on observation, documentation studies, interviews, FGD, and questionnaires. The main object of this research is several Kerapan Sapi teams in Tengket Village, especially Trobos Sakti. Several factors for becoming the Kerapan Sapi champion were the division of team tasks, strategies to win, and support from the village government. Trobos Sakti divides his team's tasks into three parts: maintenance, competition, and owner sections; each part has its role. Trobos Sakti has several agendas and strategies for his race cows, such as feeding the cows with grass, exercising, bathing the cows, cleaning the cows' cages, and joining several competitions from regency level to national level. The contribution of Kerapan sapi to education is to open the understanding and application of Kerapan sapi culture to study material, especially physics material, in senior high school.
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 9 No. 02 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/kwl.v9i02.6891


This study aims to see how the siri' culture is the philosophy of life for the Bugis people in living their lives. In addition, in this study, the siri' attitude will be reviewed from the point of view of contemporary Islamic values. This research is a qualitative research with a literature study approach. Various references related to siri' culture and Islamic values ​​about that culture to how the implementation of siri' culture is currently used as material for this research study. The results showed that there was a correlation between the Bugis people's philosophy of life in the siri' culture and Islamic values. The relationship lies in a condition where a person must always place themselves according to their nature. Always instill in yourself the nature of siri 'so that the pattern of life can run as well as possible. In Islam, cities are commanded to always obey Allah's commands and stay away from His prohibitions. If someone has siri' nature, then that person will always behave in accordance with the corridors of applicable laws and norms. However, currently the siri' culture has experienced a shift in meaning. Various behaviors that were once very hard to do, are now considered normal and even become something to be proud of. Therefore, we should return the dignity of the siri culture as it should be.
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 9 No. 02 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/kwl.v9i02.6918


This article discusses the teaching of Islam through the integration of pesantren and mosques functions, focusing on South Sulawesi. This study is directed to see the significance of teaching in pesantren and mosques in producing and supporting consistency of religious moderation in Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive-analytical method, by applying the theory of cultural reproduction of Pierre Bourdieu, which includes arena and habitus as the main components, of which there is capital. From this, this study concludes that Islamic teaching in pesantren and mosques carried out by ulema has a strong significance in carrying out consistency of religious moderation in South Sulawesi, even in the Indonesian context. The social capital of the ulema in pesantren and mosques builds a social structure that places the ulema as local leaders (agents) in forming a moderate religious model. The significance of teaching Islam further becomes a great opportunity in maintaining and developing religious moderation in Indonesia which is carried out together with the government. The collaboration between the government and the ulema indicates the need for agreement in understanding the urgency of religious moderation in Indonesia. In the agreement, the government as the provider of facilities and infrastructure supports the Islamic teaching movement by the ulema. This is as happened in the process of teaching Islam at the beginning of Islamization in Indonesia, including in South Sulawesi.
Religious Activities and Environmental Concern in Communities in the Cibanten Watershed of Serang City Sumintak Sumintak
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol. 9 No. 02 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/kwl.v9i02.8058


Natural resources and the environment are often neglected as targets of science that continue to be exploited. Environmental ethics is an attitude and responsibility that must be possessed by every human being towards his environment. There is a lot of environmental damage caused by human activities in both developed and developing countries. Islam as one of the religions that tries to realize the internalization of values ​​of concern for the environment must be carried out by humans as followers of religion. In the reality of daily life, humans will be very dependent on their natural environment, for example, human dependence on water (rivers). The behavior of people who throw garbage anywhere is suspected to be another factor causing flooding. This research examines how the community's religious activities are related to concern for the environment in efforts to prevent natural disasters such as floods which can maintain the sustainability of the community's environment in the Cibanten Watershed (DAS). This study uses a descriptive qualitative method of observing religious activities using an Interpretative Phenomenology approach observing every religious activity and practice of community environmental awareness as the object of research. The results of this study indicate that the religious activities of the people in the Cibanten River Basin (DAS) where the majority of the people are Muslims, from the religious activities of the people when viewed from their religious patterns are classified as inclusive and pluralist. Meanwhile, the activities of caring for the environment for the people who live in the Cibanten Watershed (DAS) are still very concerning. People tend to ignore the Cibanten River, for example, there are still many people who throw garbage into the Cibanten River.