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JPPI | Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam
ISSN : 23391413     EISSN : 26218275     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
JPPI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam (print ISSN: 2339-1413; online ISSN: 2621-8275) adalah media komunikasi ilmiah bidang pendidikan Islam yang diterbitkan oleh Program Pascasarjana, Institut Agama Islam Darussalam (IAID) Ciamis Jawa Barat Indonesia. JPPI terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, memuat artikel-artikel hasil penelitian bidang pendidikan Islam.
Arjuna Subject : -
Articles 116 Documents
PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN METODE BERCERITA TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA DALAM MATA PELAJARAN PAI (Penelitian di Kelas V SDN 1 Bayasari Kecamatan Jatinagara Kabupaten Ciamis) Herlina, Elin; Azis, Abdul; Munandar, Didih Syakir
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember 2015
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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This study aims to analyze the effect of using storytelling methods on student learning achievement in PAI subjects. Based on the results of data collection and data processing can be concluded: 1) The use of the method of telling stories in Class V SDN 1 Bayasari, Jatinagara District, Ciamis Regency, was in the high category. This result is evidenced by the average value obtained from the questionnaire that has been distributed to respondents at 89.21, because it is in the range of 80-100, it is categorized as very high / good. 2) Student learning achievement in Class V SDN 1 Bayasari Jatinagara District, Ciamis Regency in the PAI subject is 82.93, because it is in the range of 80 - 100, the student achievement in PAI subjects is in the good / high category. 3) The effect of using storytelling methods on student achievement in PAI subjects in Class V SDN 1 Bayasari, Jatinagara District, Ciamis District has a very significant effect. This is evidenced from the results of the research obtained by the correlation coefficient number (r) of 0.496, which means the significance of 0.05 confidence level. Angaka 0.496 is in the interval from 0.40 to 0.70, which means the level of correlation is moderate. And after being tested with the formula t, the correlation coefficient of 0.496 produces the magnitude of the effect of the variable X on Y by 13%. While the degree of absence of influence is 87%, so it can be interpreted that each increase in variable X will affect Y variable by 13%, while 87% is influenced by other factors.
Penggunaan Model Team Assisted Individualization untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Haryati, Aat; Kamal, Mustopa
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of students in social studies. This is because most of the daily test scores of students have not reached the minimum standard. Therefore, it is necessary to use models of Team Assisted Individualization in the social studies learning. The purpose of this study are: to improve the ability of teachers in preparing a lesson plan, to improve the ability of teachers to implement the learning process, and to improve the learning outcomes of students in social studies subject. Data collected using observational techniques, test, and descriptive analysis. The result showed that the using of Team Assisted Individualization learning model can improve learning outcomes of students in social studies.
Hubungan antara Pembelajaran Berbasis Kontekstual dengan Pembentukan Akhlak Siswa (Studi pada Mata Pelajaran Lingkungan Hidup di SMAN Kota Tasikmalaya) Abdurrahman, Nana Herdiana
JPPI | Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2018): Januari-Juni 2018
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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This study aims to determine the relationship between contextual based learning with the formation of morals in the maintenance of the environment of the State Senior High School in Tasikmalaya City. The study used descriptive method, with the number of samples as much as 240. Data analysis using correlation test resulted in correlation coefficient of 0.680 and significant at the level of trust 0.05. Thus, contextual based learning is positively related to morality in the maintenance of the school environment
PERAN SERTA KOMITE MADRASAH DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN (Penelitian di Madrasah Aliyah Swasta GUPPI Al Barkah Desa Sukajadi Kecamatan Sadananya Kabupaten Ciamis) Suhendar, Suhendar; Nurjanah, Hj.; Hayatunnufus, Alifa Baiduri
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Juli-Desember 2017
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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This study aims to examine and analyze the role of the GUPPI Al-Barkah Private Madrasah Aliyah committee in improving the quality of education in the Madrasah. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1) The role of the madrasah committee in giving consideration to improve the quality of education in the Private Aliyah Madrasah GUPPI Al Barkah is realized in the form of giving input to the education management process and learning process; giving consideration to the provision and use of facilities and infrastructure needed and the use and utilization of madrasah budgets; 2) The support provided by the madrasah committee to improve the quality of education in the Private Aliyah Madrasah GUPPI Al Barkah by monitoring the condition of human resources and infrastructure. 3) the madrasa committee in carrying out its role as a controller in improving the quality of education in the Private Aliyah Madrasah GUPPI Al Barkah is carried out in the form of supervision of all educational activities in madrasas; 4) the role of the committee as a mediator is realized as a liaison and container of aspirations from the community.
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Novel “Hafalan Shalat Delisa” Karya Tere Liye Ardiagarini, Esti; Daripah, Udung Hari
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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This article examines the values of Islamic education in Tere Liye's novel “Hafalan Prayer Delisa”. The importance of studying the values of education in literary works because the literary work is more desirable students compared with scientific work. Thus, the appeal of literary works is greater than that of scientific work, so the study of the values of Islamic education in literary works is considered important. This novel contains religious values, education and morals, so worthy of being used as learning.
MOTIVASI SISWA MENGIKUTI PEMBELAJARAN DI MADRASAH DINIYAH (Penelitian di Madrasah Diniyah Nurul Falah Dusun Cilumbu Desa Tanjungjaya Kecamatan Rajadesa Kabupaten Ciamis) Maulidah, Didah; Nurjanah, Hj.; Millah, Saepul
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 2 (2016): Juli-Desember 2016
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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This study aims to explore and analyze the motivation of students during the learning in madrasah diniyah. The results of the study can be concluded as follows: 1) Learning methods at Madrasah Diniyah Nurul Falah using 6 methods, namely sorogan method, wetonan/ bandongan method, deliberation method, lecture method, rote method and demonstration method/ worship practice; 2) The driving factors of students participating in learning at Madrasah Diniyah Nurul Falah are intrinsic factors consisting of self-interest and strength, then extrinsic factors consisting of parents, community and environment, learning environment; 3) Motivation of students to take part in learning at Madrasah Diniyah Nurul Falah is categorized as sufficient (C).
Penerapan Model Scaffolded Reading untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Membaca Siswa Syarifah, Novi; Wahyudin, Wahyudin; Nurteti, Lilis
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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This study aims to improve students' reading comprehension in SDN 2 Kawalimukti Ciamis. The method used is the classroom action research. Data were collected through observation and test performance. The results showed that learning by using scaffolded reading method can improve students' reading comprehension on the subjects of Bahasa Indonesian text reading stories of children in SDN 2 Kawalimukti Ciamis District.
KONSEP TAWAKAL DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Studi Analisis Kitab Ta’lim Muta’allim Karya Syekh Az-Zarnuji) Rusli, Fiki Khapipah; Masturoh, Imas; Hayatunnufus, Alifa Baiduri
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Januari-Juni 2015
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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This research was conducted to explore the concept of tawakal in Islamic education contained in the Mutaallim Ta'lim book. This study yields the following conclusions: 1) The concept of tawakal in Islamic education according to Sheikh Az-Zarnuji is explained in the seventh chapter. The concept of tawakal in this book is devoted to students in their activities seeking knowledge. The tawakal context that is explained is that to all knowledge seekers or students in seeking knowledge should not be focused on the rizki affairs of either mind, heart or body, because indeed anyone who seeks knowledge, especially the science of Islamic education and he understands it, will be opened by Allah for him from unexpected road. 2) The implications of the concept of tawakal in Islamic education according to the Ta'lim Muta'allim book by Sheikh Az-Zarnuji on Indonesian education are all factors supporting education both formal and non-formal education must always try to supervise and foster the morality of students as long as they seek knowledge so that no deviations in character and goals from Indonesian national education can be realized.
Metode Pendidikan Islam dalam Keluarga (Tinjauan Pedagogis dan Psikologis terhadap Keluarga Nabi) Af'idah, Gina Hana; Kamal, Mustopa; Darisman, Dede
JPPI | Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2018): Januari-Juni 2018
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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This article is the result of a study of a number of historical literature of the Prophet Muhammad. Some of the results of this research article are that the education within the family run by the Prophet along with his wife is based on the principle of justice, educate with affection, proportionally punish, educate with exemplary, carry out education long before the child is born, and create a religious atmosphere in educational environment
KONSEP BUDAYA MEMBACA DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Studi Analisis terhadap buku Spiritual Reading karya Raghib As-Sirjani) Awaliah, Lia Hamdatul; Herlina, N Hani; Munandar, Didih Syakir
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 2 (2016): Juli-Desember 2016
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

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Reading is an important aspect in the life manusia.Dengan reading could gain knowledge, besides reading is peintah of Allah to all mankind, as contained in Surah al-Alaq paragraph 1-5.Setiap aspect of life involves reading, and in addition the ability to read the guidance reality of everyday human life. Result of this research is the relevance of a culture of reading with the Islamic education was very close relation and comparable straight with the Word of God who first scaled the letter al-Alaq that verses 1-5. Reading is an educational method Illahi.Membaca command in Islam. Read to apply the values ​​of Islamic education in the cultivation of the soul reading culture will deliver the culprit for not doing so except for Allah.

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