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Khairun Law Journal
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Articles 67 Documents
Progressivity of Legal Protection in Realizing Social Justice for Domestic Workers Fajlurrahman Jurdi; Nurul Mitmainnah; Rezky Amalia Syafiin
Khairun Law Journal Volume 1 Issue 1, September 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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Legal protection of domestic workers in Indonesia currently does not have a legal regulation. The Manpower Law also does not accommodate legal protection for domestic workers who are not considered as a worker. The only one regulation related to domestic workers in Indonesia is a ministerial regulation with a legal force that does not accommodate all the fulfillment of rights and obligations that are unclear to domestic workers especially who are recruited directly. The government has not yet established a special agency/ institution to provide legal protection for domestic workers that make Non-Government Organization (NGO) involved more in handling this matter. The absence of a legal regulation for the protection of domestic workers is a major cause of rights violations for domestic workers itself. In dealing with these conditions, the authors propose the need for the establishment of special law of domestic workers who are recruited directly and manifested through the establishment of the Domestic Workers Handling Institution as a solutive step in realizing civilized justice for domestic workers as a worker. The formation can be done in several ways, first, providing legal certainty and guarantee through the establishment of a specially hired domestic labor law, which includes the rights, and obligations of workers and employers. Secondly, to establish an institute for Domestic Workers Handlings that have the competence such as data of domestic worker, training and protection for domestic worker as a worker. In this writing, the author uses primary, secondary, and non-legal material. Legal material is obtained through literature research method then the material obtained is analyzed qualitatively and presented descriptively. The expected outcome is the realization of legal protection for domestic workers as a worker who is recruited directly as mandated by the constitution.
Comparative Study of Land Registration in the State of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Singapore RA Andria Jayanti; M Arba; Hirsanuddin Hirsanuddin
Khairun Law Journal Volume 1 Issue 1, September 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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This research aims to compare the value of certainty and protection of protection of land law in Indonesia and Singapore which aims to provide certainty and legal protection. This type of legal research is normative legal research. The method of approach used is legislation, conceptual and comparative approach. Based on the research that is registration of land in Indonesia is regulated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 Year 1960 Article 19 BAL (Basic Agrarian Law/ Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria), and in Singapore regulated in Land Titles Act (LTA) Chapter 157 Year 2015. There are similarities and differences in registration of land, among others, Indonesia and Singapore adopt the right registration system (Torrens). Indonesia adopts negative publication of positive tendency system that produces certificate as a strong evidence and existence of rechtsverwerking institution (Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 Year 1997 Article 32) while in Singapore adopt positive publication system that generates certificate as absolute proof (LTA 157 Year 2015 Article 36) and the presence of caveat as a form of legal protection. It is expected that by changing the registration of land law in Indonesia can provide absolute legal certainty and legal protection in registration of land as in Singapore.
Menilai Kinerja Dewan Keamanan PBB dalam Kasus Kejahatan Genosida Warga Minoritas Yazidi oleh Tentara ISIS Kadarudin Kadarudin
Khairun Law Journal Volume 1 Issue 1, September 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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Genosida merupakan salah satu dari empat bentuk pelanggaran berat terhadap hak asasi manusia (HAM), tiga bentuk lainnya yakni kejahatan kemanusiaan, kejahatan perang, dan agresi. Keempat bentuk pelanggaran berat HAM tersebut mulai menjadi norma yang mengikat dan bersifat hard law ketika Rome Statute on International Criminal Court 1998 mulai berlaku efektif pada 1 Juli 2002 setelah 66 negara meratifikasinya. Berbagai kasus pelanggaran berat HAM telah diadili oleh International Criminal Court (ICC), namun sebelum ICC mengadili pelaku pelanggar berat HAM, selain harus memenuhi prinsip-prinsip yang melekat pada proses beracara di ICC, Dewan Keamanan juga terlebih dahulu harus memulai penyelidikan sebagai salah satu opsi untuk menilai bahwa kasus tersebut mengancam perdamaian dan keamanan internasional. Warga minoritas Yazidi di Iraq menjadi saksi ketika kelompoknya dibantai oleh tentara Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), BBC melaporkan bahwa tidak kurang dari 10.000 orang warga Yazidi menjadi korban dari tindakan tidak manusiawi kelompok ISIS. Dewan Keamanan PBB menjadi aktor penting dalam penegakan hukum internasional bagi para pencari keadilan, khususnya warga Yazidi dalam kasus Genosida yang dilakukan oleh kelompok ISIS. Oleh karena itu, kesolidan dalam tubuh Dewan Keamanan PBB dipertaruhkan dalam kasus ini, walaupun dalam pengambilan keputusannya selalu dipengaruhi oleh kondisi politik negara anggota tetap dan tidak tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB dan Veto dari negara anggota tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB.
Putusan Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi yang Menerobos Ketentuan Pidana Minimum Khusus sebagai Bentuk Penemuan Hukum oleh Hakim Suwito Suwito
Khairun Law Journal Volume 1 Issue 1, September 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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Menakar Nilai Agama dan Moral dalam Hukum Pidana Indonesia Amriyanto Amriyanto
Khairun Law Journal Volume 1 Issue 1, September 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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International Humanitarian Law Review on Genetically Modified Super Soldier Nur Asmi
Khairun Law Journal Volume 1 Issue 1, September 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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This research aims to find out and understand genetically modified super soldier as well to find out and understand whether genetically modified super soldier is legitimate under international humanitarian law.This paper used normative legal approach by utilizing literature study. Data collected are secondary data derived from conventions, books, research, scientific journal and other written sources relevant. Data collected was analyzed descriptively.The result inflicted of this research as follows: 1) Genetically modified super soldier is genome manipulation on soldier aimed to modify sequencing or gen characteristic to create stronger soldiers by utilizing biotechnology, pharmacology, neuroscience, nanotechnology, and biochemical. 2) Genetically modified super soldier collides ethical and human rights as it did not consider informed consent of soldier. Genetically modified super soldier requires law review in its justification as means and method of warfare because some of genetically modified super soldier technologies constitute possibilities in disobeying international humanitarian law principles, and its justification of means and method of warfare that did not comply ethical requirement.
The Right Protection of Indigenous People in the Spatial Planning Policy During the Regional Autonomy Era of North Halmahera Regency in North Maluku Province Salha Marsaoly; Siti Barora; Mulyadi Tutupoho
Khairun Law Journal Volume 1 Issue 2, March 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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The recognition and respect for the indigenous people along with their traditional rights is affirmed on the article 18B verse (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; that includes the indigenous people of Hibualamo in North Halmahera regency.  The spatial planning contect requires the involvement of the indigenous people to achive a balance between development and tenure rights so that it will be in line with the local wisdom to support sustainable development.
Implementasi Tujuan Hukum Keadilan terkait Pemenuhan Hak Saksi Korban terhadap Barang Milik Pribadi pada Kasus Kejahatan Pencurian di Kota Makassar Zaenudin Agus Binarto; Tri Syafari; Nam Rumkel
Khairun Law Journal Volume 2 Issue 2, March 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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Human longing for justice is essentially a longing for happiness, so efforts to fulfill various rights as witnesses of victims of theft crimes in Makassar City as a place of research have been conducted since 2017,2018 and 2019, actually show that the handling is carried out by the Police and the Prosecutor's Office especially in the victim's items found in the Police as well as the number of victim's items returned at the Prosecutor's Office, must be an important concern, but in fact, that victims of theft crimes are not like that .. This can be reflected in decisions by judges based on in the data in the last three years above, which convicted the perpetrators with imprisonment but none of the perpetrators were convicted to pay compensation to the victims. If the judge has the courage to make legal breakthroughs by punishing the perpetrator to pay compensation in the amount of the loss suffered by the victim, then, to be able to implement the legal objectives of justice related to the fulfillment of the victim's witness rights to personal property in a theft crime case can be realized
Interpretation of Freedom of Contract to the Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Sultan Alwan
Khairun Law Journal Volume 2 Issue 1, September 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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The principle of freedom of contract is a principle in the treaty law that cannot be understood absolutely for anyone who is involved in an agreement. In order to make a binding in the contract/agreement, the parties should still take into account the essence of the equilibrium value of the parties to an agreement to avoid the existence of contracts/standard agreements that would precisely eliminate the value of justice for the right that should be obtained for one of the contracting parties. for example, contracts/labour agreements made between employers and workers/labourers in the case of termination of employment due to the existence of inter-worker/labourer marriage ropes in one company as regulated in Article 153 paragraph (1) letter f of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 Year 2003 concerning Manpower. For the applicant a judicial review of the provisions of the article in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, to assess the provisions of that article is of constitutional harm if such provisions continue. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia in its legal consideration of Decision Number 13/PUU-XV/2017 considers the principle of freedom of contract in the context of the article whose judicial review is no longer relevantbecause it does not meet the value of the balance in the process of contracting/agreement and eliminating the justice of one of the parties involved in the contract.
Tipologi Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Sektor Pertanahan dan Implikasinya pada Pemanfaatan Tanah Negara di Indonesia Muhammad Arfah; Amriyanto Amriyanto
Khairun Law Journal Volume 1 Issue 2, March 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

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Land that is directly controlled by the state can be granted ownership rights, business use rights, building rights and use rights, both to individuals and to legal entities. With regard to the granting of these rights, these lands can also be encumbered with mortgage rights. Indications of criminal acts of corruption in granting such land rights may occur. Execution of state booty in corruption cases has the potential to harm other parties, if the state booty is burdened with mortgages.