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Jurnal Airaha
ISSN : 23017163     EISSN : 26219638     DOI : -
Jurnal Airaha terbit 2 (dua) kali setahun (Juni, dan Desember) dengan Nomor ISSN 2301-7163 (media cetak) dan Nomor E-ISSN 2621-9638 (media online). Jurnal Airaha memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan kupasan (review) orisinal Jurnal Penelitian yang Berkaitan dengan Disiplin Ilmu Bidang Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan, Permesinan Perikanan, Budidaya Perikanan, Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Pesisir dan Pengolahan Perikanan, Wisata Bahari, Pengolahan dan Penyimpanan Hasil Tangkapan.
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Articles 71 Documents
Kajian Kegiatan Perikanan Masyarakat Nelayan Tradisional Kota Sorong dan Peluang Pengembanganya Gunaisah, Endang; Suruwaky, Amir M; Priharanto, Yuniar Endri
Jurnal Airaha Vol 1 No 1: Juni 2012
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Sorong regency has abundance potency of coastal area resource, however it has not been fully optimized to prosperity of coastal community, thereby needed to identify about it. The studi done to identify the socio-economic baseline of coastal communities ,describing the human condition as seen from the level of education and employmen in fishing and no fishing and identify factors that affect revenue factors. Method of data collection with quantitative and qualitative. Instruments used were questioner while the analysis  of data processed by a computerizen office excel. The highest fishery production in Sorong at 2009 it was 74,37% and demersal 9,19%. The traditional fisheries is recommended fishing by bubu kepiting, jaring insang udang, jaring insang hanyut, jaring insang dasar, pancing rangkai dan rawai, whereas seaweed aquaculture and Keramba  jaring apung are the alternative for fisheries aquaculture.
indonesia Hidayat, Filialdi Nur; Widyasari, Ferliana; Mamayu Utami, Ikha Jayanti; Afandi, Mesti Putri; Widiarto, Santoso Budi; Rosmini, Rosmini
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Kima has nine species, and seven species are found in Indonesian waters. Morella Sea waters, District Leihiitu, Central Maluku is an area that has the potential of marine biodiversity and high resources which one is kima. To maintain and preserve the habitat of Kima, the government through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries declared the Making of Kima Garden in these waters. The purpose of this research survey is to know the acceptance of the community related to the manufacture of Kima Garden in Tanjung Setan, Negeri Morella, Leihiitu District, Central Maluku. Based on the results of the survey, the perception of the community about the making of kima garden is very positive, besides that more role of the government will have an impact to increase the community participation about the making of the Kima Garden in Negeri Morella.
Karakteristik Dimensi Utama Kapal Perikanan Pukat Pantai (Beach Seine) di Pangandaran Apriliani, Izza Mahdiana; Dewanti, Lantun Paradhita; Zidni, Irfan
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 2: Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Beach seines is one of local wisdom that is maintained in Pangandaran area. Boats used in fishing operations with beach seine were used in tourism activities. Thus the boat is very important in supporting fishing operations. This study aims to determine the characteristics of boat used in these activities. The data was collected during April 2017 at Pangandaran. The data obtained through the measurement directly and analyzed descriptively comparative describing the design of beach seines boat. The measurement results show that the main dimension of the beach seines boat is to have LOA (L) ranging from 8,2 to 12,1 meters, B max (B) of 1,05-1,57 meters and Depth (D) of 0,78-1,05 meters. The main dimension ratio has a range of 7,32-8,67 for L/B, the L/D value ranges from 10,22 to 12,21 and the B/D value ranges from 1,34 to 1,5. This value has met the standard criteria of the fishing vessel’s main dimension ratio in Indonesia.  
Jurnal Airaha Vol 7 No 01: Juni 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Sistem budidaya ikan secara konvensional untuk ikan nilem yang saat ini banyak dilakukan dengan padat penebaran yang tinggi agar dapat dihasilkan produksi yang tinggi pula. Hal tersebut tentu saja akan berdampak pada ketersediaan oksigen terlarut dalam kolam budidaya yang akan mengakibatkan produksi menjadi menurun. Penggunaan batu aerasi high oxy dapat meningkatkan kadar oksigen terlarut dalam kolam budidaya ikan nilem sistem konvensional sehingga produktivitas budidaya ikan nilem akan meningkat pula dengan berkurangnya tingkat kematian ikan nilem tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh penambahan batu aerasi high oxy untuk meningkatkan kadar oksigen terlarut yang dapat menunjang keberhasilan dan produktivitas dalam system budidaya ikan nilem secara konvensional. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hewan Air FPIK Unpad dengan metode eksperimental Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan yaitu kepadatan ikan 100 ekor, 200 ekor dan 300 ekor/m2 dan empat kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan perlakuan 200 ekor/m2 memberikan hasil yang paling baik ditunjukan dari laju pertumbuhan bobot harian dan kelangsungan hidup tertinggi selama penelitian sebesar 2,7% dan 75,4%.
Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Agar Rumput Laut (Gracilaria spp) Pada Beberapa Tingkat Salinitas Anton, Anton
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 2: Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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The aims of this study was to know the salinity level which perform highest growth rate and agar contents on the Gracilaria spp in the homogen cultivation condition. This research was carried out in the Laboratory of SUPM Bone, and the Laboratory of faculty marine and fisheries science, Hasanuddin University, from July until October 2004. Fifteen peaces of wooden tanks with size 1 x 1 x 0.45 meters were used as experimental basins. Each basin contained sea water with 40 cm height. Gracilaria verrucosa, G. lichenoides, and G. gigas taken from the fishpond around the experimental location were used as experimental plants. Every basin was planted with 100 grams of seaweed using bottom method.  The experimental design used was Randomised Block Design (RBD) with five salinity treatments, namely 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 ‰. The results of this study showed that salinity of 20 ‰ (S3) and 25 ‰ (S4) gave highest daily growth rate, that was 2.40% and the highest agar contents (40.71%) was obtained  at the salinity of  20 ‰ (S3).The daily growth rate of 10 permil (S1) salinity treatment reached its peak at week III, while the  salinity treatment of 15 ‰ (S2), 20 ‰ (S3) salinity, 25 ‰ salinity (S4), and 30 ‰ salinity (S5) reached its peak in week IV.
Jurnal Airaha Vol 2 No 1: Juni 2013
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Utilization of Gen-set Hibrid Photovoltaik-Diesel (DC-AC Couple Battery-Backup Grid Connecting PV System) is a efforts to minimization operational  cost from Stick held dipnet. This case is caused by diesel fuel which has higher price and rare. This article will discuss about analysis approach as first, calculate impact need of lighting toward rate of catching phototaxis fish. This case use analysis different test (test of t) toward output of optimum catching use 4 underwater lamps which have different of kind. The porpose from this case to analysis genset diesel capacity by usage optimum power of lighting. The method will be used is calculating instrumentation load factor, synchronic factor, and load of genset factor as standart of BKI. Based on monitoring, selected under water lamp E-CDL 45 W is real different (tcalculate3,4355>ttable2,776) which has more optimum catching of fish (6960 Kg) than others. Based on calculating needed daily load capacity 2530 W. It mean the capacity of Genset Hibrid PV array-Diesel 34020 Wh, appropriate with Samate water condition which has low and high temperature (27,1o C and 31,8o C) needed 15 PV-modul @200 W (the voltage and electric current source of PV array 100 Vdc and 31,6 A), bank battery 14 units @200 AH/12 V which has output voltage is 24 Vdc, 2 units charge controller (@current input 15 A), 1 unit inverter (voltage input 24 Vdc/output 240 Vac and 3000W), battery charger (input 240 Vac/output 24 Vdc), and MCB (standby load : single phase 220 Vac) 15 A Busbar 45 A. Ecomonic analysis use Life Cycle Cost (LCC) method toward genset (diesel and Hibrid PV array-diesel). From the calculating, nominal of LCC genset Hibrid PV array-Diesel (Rp.173.421.297,-) lower or cheaper than LCC genset diesel (Rp.223.715.493,-). The net from this case is Rp.50.294.196,- which got for 20 years instrumentations usage. The last discuss about calculating distance between stick held dipnet and area which can reached to outside lighting lamp (E-CDL 50 W) at height 5 meters toward surface of sea water is 235 m2.
Jurnal Airaha Vol 2 No 1: Juni 2013
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Pengaruh Suhu yang Berbeda Terhadap Tingkat Penetasan Telur Ikan Kerapu Sunu (Plactropomus leopardus) Yani, Ahmad; Wamnebo, Muhammad Ikhsan
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untu mengetahui Pengaruh suhu yang berbeda terhadap tingkat penetasan telur ikan kerapu sunu (Plactropomus leopardus). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Balai Budidaya Laut Ambon. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan yakni: Perlakuan A dengan suhu 30oC, Perlakuan B dengan suhu 31oC, Perlakuan C dengan suhu 32oC Masing-masing wadah setiap perlakuan diisi telur ikan kerapu sunu sebanyak 30 butir. Hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa jumlah telur dengan tingkat penetasan tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan A (suhu 30oC) sebanyak 270 butir, disusul oleh perlakuan B (suhu 31oC) sebanyak 267 butir dan perlakuan C (suhu 32oC) sebanyak 134 butir.
Kajian Beberapa Parameter Kualitas Fisika Air di Perairan Pantai Kota Sorong Yani, Ahmad
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 2: Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Perairan pantai Sorong dengan aktifitas manusia yang beragam di sekitarnya  menyebabkan timbulnya perubahan kualitas perairan yang tidak dikehendaki. maka untuk mengetahi  kelayakan kualitas lingkungan perairan pantai Sorong adalah melalui pengukuran parameter kualitas airnya salahsatunya adalah dengan mengukur beberapa parameter fisika asir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas fisika air perairan pantai Sorong sehingga dapat ditentukan kelayakannya untuk usaha perikanan dan diharapkan dapat memberikan data dan informasi mengenai kondisi kualitas  fisika  perairan pantai Sorong yang berguna untuk pengelolaan dan pengembangan usaha dibidang perikana.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Nopember 2014 sampai Januari 2015  dan bertempat di perairan pantai Sorong Propinsi Papua Barat.  Data terkumpul dianalisa secara deskriptif dan dituangkan dalam bentuk tabel untuk mengkaji kelayakan pada setiap stasiun pengamatan  Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran yang diperoleh pada setiap stasiun, dapat dikatakan bahwa Suhu, Kedalaman, Kekeruhan, dan Arus  di perairan pantai Kota Sorong masih berada pada kisaran yang layak  untuk usaha perikanan dan dengan kondisi yang masih dapat ditolerir oleh organisme perairan
Studi Eksperimen untuk Kondisi Tanpa Beban pada Pengering Ikan Tipe Greenhouse Aktif P. Sidhi, Sigit Deddy; Pujianto, Andreas; Muhfizar, Muhfizar; Prasetyo, Djoko
Jurnal Airaha Vol 6 No 2: Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Among all available renewable energy sources, solar energy is the most abundant one and is available in both direct as well as indirect forms. People have applied solar energy as energy alternative in various fields. One of the field that use solar energy is drying. Drying is one of the best methods to preserve product like fish. Fish drying is practice to preserve the fish for longer duration. Entrapment of thermal energy from solar radiation may be the best option for fish drying by using closed drying (greenhouse). This study aims to determine the effect of inlet velocity of air to the thermal performance of greenhouse in the no-load conditions by considering several environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity and solar radiation. The half an hourly data for ambient temperature, outlet temperature, relative humidity of air, wind velocity, radiation intensity were taken inside and outside the greenhouse dryer. These data are used for the determination of thermal performance of active greenhouse dryer. From experimental results, it can be concluded that drying conditions with inlet velocity of air 0,8 m/s is more favorable than inlet velocity of air 1,6 m/s as obtained thermal efficiency of active greenhouse is higher.