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Mochamad Ainur Rhoviq
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Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan
ISSN : 25989898     EISSN : 26542811     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture, Social,
Jurnal JU-ke adalah kepanjangan dari jurnal ketahanan pangan. Jurnal ini disusun untuk mewadahi hasil-hasil penelitian yang berbasis pada ketahanan pangan yang diartikan secara integrasi yang holistik. Ketahan pangan bisa dilihat dari aspek hukum, pendidikan, pertanian, kebijakan publik, bisnis, teknik, lingkungan, agama, ekonomi dan kesehatan. Oleh karena itu dari semua jurusan dalam masuk didalamya tetapi ketajaman analisis ujung-ujungnya (the end) mendukung pada ketahanan pangan yang berorientasi pada manajemen pangan.
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Articles 32 Documents
Potensi Masuknya Pesaing Baru Dan Potensi Pengembangan Produk Pengganti Batik UKM Di Malang Dan Batu Normaladewi, Andi
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 1 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan dan menganalisis potensi masuknya pesaing baru dan potensi pengembangan produk pengganti batik di Malang. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi untuk  mendeskripskan dan menganalisis fenomena, peristiwa, aktivitas sosial, sikap, kepercayaan, dan persepsi pengusaha batik. Implikasi proses penelitian ini akan menghasilkan temuan penelitian sebagai berikut, pertama pelaku UKM batik dihadapkan oleh adanya usaha batik lain yang memproduksi batik printing dan batik celup. Batik printing dan batik celup diproduksi dalam jumlah yang banyak dengan waktu proses yang cepat dan harga yang sangat murah sehingga pengusaha batik tradisional menghadapi persaingan dengan cara mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kualitas batik serta menerapkan strategi harga yang sesuai. Kedua, lingkungan industri yang dinamis memicu sebagian pelaku UKM untuk melakukan inovasi sebagai upaya mempertahankan eksistensi dalam dunia batik. Ketiga,  terjadi pergeseran nilai seni budaya batik, baik dari segi motif, maupun filosofinya karena tuntutan permintaan pasar dan kebutuhan ekonomiKata kunci: potensi masuknya pesaing baru, potensi pegembangan produk pengganti, fenomena inovasi, UKM batik
Pengaruh Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Tingkat II Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Di Kota Malang Jawa Timur Afifuddin, Afifuddin; Suyeno, Suyeno
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 1 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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Penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) di Indonesia penting peranannya untuk menopang kerja aparatur pemerintah dan administrasinya yang tinggi dan kompetensi yang mencakup kompetensi manajerial dan teknis serta kompetensi kepemimpinan khusus bagi pemegang jabatan struktural, sebagai salah satu prasyarat bagi terciptanya manajemen pemerintahan dan pembangunan. Kurang profesionalnya sumber daya manusia di lingkungan pemerintah Kota Malang terutama di Dinas Kesehatan menjadi kendala dalam rangka pencapaian produktivitas kerja pegawai secara maksimal. Kualitas sumber daya manusia ini merupakan faktor yang sangat menentukan tingkat keberhasilan pemerintah Daerah. Dengan menggunakan metode eksplanasi (explanatory research), sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian ini yang akan menjelaskan hubungan antara dua variabel, yaitu pendidikan dan pelatihan dengan produktivitas kerja Kepala Dinas. Adapun hasilnya menyebutkan bahawa mutu pegawai naik maka produktivitas kinerja Kepala Dinas Kesehatan menurun, karena proses pendidikan dan pelatihan kepemimpinan tidak dibutuhkan lagi jika pegawai sudah bermutu. Sehingga fungsi kepemimpinan Kepala Dinas Kesehatan tidak lagi berjalan secara maksimal karena pegawai sudah memahami tugas dan fungsi masing-masing. Oleh karena itu produktivitas kepala dinas hanya sebagai pengendali. Sedangkan proses pendidikan dan pelatihan kepemimpinan pada aspek dimensi pengembangan sikap, tingkah laku, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan akan berpengaruh positif terhadap produktivitas kerja  Kepala Dinas Kesehatan di Kota Malang Jawa Timur, dalam artian apabila dimensi pengembangan sikap, tingkah laku, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan ditingkatkan maka produktivitas kerja Kepala Dinas Kesehatan di Kota Malang Jawa Timur juga meningkat. Key words : pendidikan dan pelatihan, produktivitas kinerja, pengembangan sikap, tingkah laku, keterampilan, pengetahuan.
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Lahan Pertanian Akibat Terjadinya Alih Fungsi Lahan di Indonesia Ayu, Isdiyana Kusuma; Heriawanto, Benny Krestian
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 2 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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Depletion of agricultural land the food also caused Indonesia to import food to meet the needs of the community. It should, with a vast territory, Indonesia can press the pace of food imports in order to capitalize on domestic products. However, this could not be realized because of the vast agricultural land are getting increasingly narrows because of the transition functions of land either for personal interest or the public interest. Based on the description of the need for further study of the question of the form the form related to the transition of the function of the agricultural land in Indonesia, a form of legal protection of agricultural land due to the occurrence of land in Indonesia over the function. This research was conducted with the normative method. Over the function of land can occur due to the procurement of land development to public interest and the transition is done by the owner to be non-agriculture. Act 41 the year 2009 has been protecting agricultural land with sustainable food there can be no transitional function except for the public interest and the existence of land his successor. A permit must be made by the owner of agricultural land when the land will divert his farm.
Strategi Pemasaran Yang Tepat Guna Dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Pasar UMKM Basalamah, Muhammad Ridwan; Athia, Ita; Jannah, Miftakhul
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 2 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a big role in national economic development. In addition to playing a role in national economic growth and employment, SMEs also play a role in the distribution of development results and are the driving force for the growth of national economic activity. This study aims to 1) To find out internal factors which include strengths and weaknesses; 2) To find out external factors that include opportunities and threats; 3) To find out what strategies can be produced by using SWOT analysis, in the face of market competition. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. Location of research on the Ganesha stick home industry in Trawas sub-district, Mojokerto district, East Java Province. The results showed that the internal marketing analysis of the environment, vegetable processing businesses and tubers of the Ganesha stick industry had major strengths in product variations, while the main weaknesses were high product selling prices and an external marketing environment analysis that had the main opportunity to increase customer demand. and the main threat is increased production costs. Based on the results of the interviews, it was obtained the priority marketing strategies for vegetable processing businesses and the Ganesha home industry tubers, namely improving the appearance of the product through improved packaging.
Model Inovasi Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Hayat, Hayat; Zayadi, Hasan
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 2 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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Waste problems are endless in peoples lives. Increasing community consumptiveness towards household needs is an obstacle in handling household waste. Household waste can reach 500 ounces in one day. While the landfill (TPA) is increasingly ineffective in accommodating waste from various regions. Waste management in RW 01, Cemorokandang Urban Village, Malang City has not been handled properly and each of them does garbage disposal by transporting garbage cars with self-sufficiency in the community by paying contributions every month. A framework for organizational and management conception models is needed to provide an understanding of the community of housewives in handling the problem of waste into organic fertilizer through the separation of organic and non-organic waste. Organic waste has high economic value into organic liquid fertilizer if it is managed and handled applicatively. This, can increase public awareness in maintaining the environment and increase economic independence for the community groups RT 03 and RT 04 RW 01 Cemorokandang Village, and the people of Malang City in general. So that it can be used as a reference for the government to provide understanding and handling of waste nationally to improve the lives of social communities in safeguarding and preserving the environment and economic prosperity.
Ekstraksi Lipida Dengan Metode Microwave Assisted Extraction Dari Mikroalga Yang Potensial sebagai Biodiesel Bintari, Yoni Rina; Haryadi, Winarto; Rahardjo, Tri Joko
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 2 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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Important stages of the production of biodiesel from microalgae is a lipid extraction step. Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) is an extraction technique utilizing microwave energy using water solvent. Excellence MAE method is to minimize the use of organic solvents that are toxic, no ecofriendly and unrenewable. Extraction of lipids from microalgae using MAE method leads to a green process to produce bioenergy. This study aims to obtain the optimum extraction conditions of S. platensis lipids and T. chuii using MAE method, the effect of the addition of n-hexane at a post extraction and conversion to biodiesel. The results showed that the optimum of lipid extraction conditions from S. platensis  at microwave power of 560 Watts, the addition of water to the volume of microalgae 6.67 mL/gram dry weight of S. platensis and extraction time of 510 seconds resulting lipid yield of 1.27%. The optimum of lipid extraction condition from T. chuii at 800 Watts of power, the addition of water to the volume of microalgae 8.3 mL/gram dry weight T. chuii and extraction time for 510 seconds resulting lipid yield of 1.25%. Increasing the number of n-hexane at a post extraction from S. platensis effective in adding volume 5 mL, where the addition of 7 mL to 15 mL have no significant increase in yield. Conversion of S. platensis lipids and T. chuii produced a high yield of biodiesel in comparison to the amount of lipid methanol 1:173 to yield 66,7% and 75% respectively.
Pengembangan Buku Ajar Profesi Keguruan Berbasis Isu-Isu Pendidikan Terkini Widodo, Ganjar Setyo; Hidayah, Layli
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 2 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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The development of Teacher Professional Policies that are constantly changing, of course, prospective teachers must get the latest scientific knowledge. This study aims at making a product of textbook of Teaching Profession Based Current Educational Issues . The researcher used the development research steps adapted from the ADDIE model (Analysis-Design-Develop-Implement-Evaluate). The results of this study are 80.31% of students stating that the product is very useful, understandable, and easy to use.
Konsep Infrastruktur Hijau Pada Area Khatulistiwa Park Kota Pontianak Setiyono, Setiyono; Sidiq, Akhmad
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 2 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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Climate change due to increasing global warming demands human habits to change. Eco-friendly lifestyles are being implemented in some countries as well as in Indonesia. Evidenced by the start popping up environmentally friendly buildings and green open areas. This study examines the elements of green infrastructure at Khatulistiwa Park Pontianak City which includes appropriate land use, source and material cycle, health and comfort of space, management and building environment. Khatulistiwa Park as a conservation area of endemic plants, typical culinary Pontianak and West Kalimantan is very precisely built in the area of Tugu Khatulistiwa which is one of the historic buildings as an icon of Pontianak City. Use of building materials on the Khatulistiwa Park should pay attention to the impression and character that want to be displayed in the building view because the selection of materials will directly show the texture of the display. A shady environment with many plants around will lower the temperature of the area. Preparation of heat shading which serves as a heat retention fins. Access to the Equator Park area can use most of the land transportation in the form of motorbikes, cars, public transport and taxis, also accessible via water transportation.
Evaluasi Kebijakan Penyelenggaraan Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor (Car Free Day) Di Kota Malang Suyeno, Suyeno; Sekarsari, Retno Wulan
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 2 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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The Malang City has been carrying out a Car Free Day program since 2011 which is held every Sunday at 5:30 to 10:00 which aims to reduce the use of motorized vehicles in the city of Malang, with the reduced use of motorized vehicles which hopefully can reduce the level of air pollution in the city Malang, especially on Jalan Idjen which is a vital area for many motorized vehicles every day. However, every policy that is implemented by the government cannot be perfectly perfect especially in its implementation and always has advantages and disadvantages. In this study using descriptive - qualitative research methods. The process of collecting data is obtained from 3 ways, namely in-depth interviews with related parties, observation and collection of related documents. Car Free Day implementation that has been implemented by the government in accordance with the Governor Regulation No. 12 of 2016 in which the Car Free Day is held on Sundays from 05:30 to 10:00. the results of Car Free Day activities were able to reduce vehicle users in the city of Malang besides that from the Car Free Day activities were also able to improve the economy of traders who sell in the area of Car Free Day. However, there are still some shortcomings of the management of Car Free Day, such as rubbish on Jalan Idjen caused by visitors and traders, the emergence of several congestion points due to Jalan Idjen being closed. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the policy of Car Free Day which is carried out along Jalan Idjen Malang. This evaluation is related to how the implementation of Car Free Day in the City of Malang, the impact of the Car Free Day program to the policies applied by agencies related to the procurement of Car Free Day in the City of Malang.
Evaluasi Kinerja Angkutan Umum Kota Malang Bakhtiar, Anang
JU-ke: Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan Vol 2, No 2 (2018): JU-Ke
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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Transportation is one of the important elements of an urban area. Transportation facilities have potential to control the direction and magnitude of urban development, so that transportation planning has a special position in an urban planning activity. The regional economic growth is always associated with increasing society activities. These society activities will be form a pattern of movements related to society mobility. The level  movement of the society must be supported by satisfy transportation facilities and infrastructure. This study aims to determine the performance of existing public transport, to know the types of public transportation in accordance with Malang society needs and recommend what kind of type public transportation which is appropriate for Malang City. Based on result study that the performance of the city transportation route AL, ADL and ABG / H and the type of public transportation suits the needs of Malang City based on the criteria of head way and waiting time, Route of city transportation does not match the stipulated waiting time criteria, including ABG / H and ADL. A temporary stop place is known that the city transportation route has a stop place other than the specified terminal. Based on the load factor criteria, it is known that the three AL routes, ADL and ABG / H do not match the criteria for load factors and most vehicles have an average age the vehicle is more than 5 years which can be potentially problematic. Based on peoples perceptions, the type of public transportation that is suitable and can be applied in Malang City is a type of Light Rail Transport (LRT) public transportation. This can be seen from the level of peoples choice of alternative public transportation, namely LRT of 58% and BRT of 42%. Alternative Types of appropriate public transportation are types of Light Rail Transport (LRT) public transportation. This can be seen from the level of peoples choice of alternative public transportation, namely LRT of 58% and BRT of 42%, with the level of each criterion as follows: based on the level of security, 88% LRT and 12% BRT, based on comfort level, LRT of 74% and BRT of 26%, based on the level of timeliness, LRT of 76% and BRT of 24%, based on the rate of compliance, LRT of 57% and BRT of 43%.

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