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Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Published by Universitas Mulawarman
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Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry is a Biannual, international, open access (Indexed in DOAJ, Crossref, SINTA, PKP Index, BASE, Moraref, Google Scholar), journal dedicated to various disciplines of pharmaceutical and allied sciences. Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry (ISSN-p: 2087-7099, ISSN-e: 2407-6090), The journal had been established in 2010, and online publication was begun in 2014. Since 2018, the journal has been published in English by Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman (UNMUL) Samarinda, Indonesia in and only receives manuscripts in English.
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Articles 252 Documents
Efek Ekstrak Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) pada Ekspresi Telomerase dari Kanker Payudara Tikus yang Diinduksi dengan DMBA Yurika Sastyarina; Junaidi Khotib; Sukardiman Sukardiman
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2010): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.671 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i1.12


ABSTRACT It has been well documented that chemical carcinogen, 7.12 dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA), plays a role in the incidence and growth of mammary cancer. Present study was designed to investigate the influence of Andrographis paniculata extract on telomerase activities on DMBA induced breast cancer in the female rat Sprague Dawley strain. DMBA-induced mammary cancer is a useful model to investigate the changes of epithelial cells that occur during mammary cancer progression. Mammary cancer model was induced 10 times twice a week by oral DMBA 20 mg/kg body weight. Mammary cancer occurred in 75 % animals nine weeks after oral administration of DMBA, it was represented with nodule on the mammary gland and the increasing of mammary gland volume compare with normal control F(1.8) = 731.711; p < 0.001. This study was also designed to investigate the effect of Andrographis paniculata extract mammary carcinoma induced by DMBA. Administration of three different dose of Andrographis paniculata (100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg) had statistically different with mammary gland volume of DMBA treated rat F (4.17) = 92.777; p<0.05. So, Andrographis paniculata has significant effect on the treatment of DMBA-induced mammary carcinoma. The Epithelial cells were harvested on day 90 and stained with routine histology staining, hematoxylineosin, for morphological qualitative analysis, immunohistochemical examination. The lesions observed from the removed samples ranged widely from benign to malignant. The results showed that DMBA induce cell proliferation, nuclear irregularities, and numerous mitoses and induced cell necrosis. The effect of Andrographis paniculata inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in cancer cells. On immunohistochemical examination, it shows that Andrographis paniculata can stimulate of telomerase enzyme. Key word: Andrographis paniculata, DMBA, mammary cancer, cell proliferation ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian efek ekstrak sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) pada ekspresi telomerase terhadap kanker payudara tikus betina (Sprague dawley) yang diinduksi dengan 7,12 dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) menggunakan metode imunohistokimia. Diketahui model kanker payudara dengan induksi DMBA untuk menginvestigasi perubahan dari sel epitel yang terjadi selama prorses karsinogenesis kanker payudara. Pemberian ekstrak sambiloto pada tikus yang mengalami kanker payudara menyebabkan penurunan volume tumor dan ditinjau dari aspek hispatologi dan imunohistokimia adanya ekstrak sambiloto menyebabkan penghambatan proliferasi sel, penurunan ekspresi telomerase dan meningkatkan apoptosis. Kata Kunci : Andrographis paniculata,DMBA, kanker payudara, proliferasi sel
The Release of Sodium Diclofenac from Matrix Type of Transdermal Patch Aditya Fridayanti; Esti Hendradi; Isnaeni Isnaeni
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (625.746 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.13


ABSTRAK Pelepasan natrium diklofenak dari Sediaan Transdermal Patch Tipe Matriks dengan kombinasi polimer etil selulosa (EC) N-20 dan polivinilpirolidon (PVP) K-30 telah diteliti. Pada penelitian ini sediaan transdermal patch tipe matriks yang mengandung natrium diklofenak dibuat dengan kombinasi polimer etil selulosa (EC) N-20 dan polivinilpirolidon (PVP) K-30 pada perbandingan yang berbeda ( 9:1 (Formula I); 8:2 (Formula II); dan 7:3 (Formula III)). Persentase (%) moisture content dihitung dari perbedaan berat relatif pada penimbangan akhir. Uji homogenitas permukaan patch dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Uji disolusi dengan media larutan dapar fosfat salin pH 7,4 ± 0.05 sebanyak 500,0 mL yang terlebih dahulu dipanaskan sampai mencapai temperatur percobaan 37 ± 0.5°C diaduk pada kecepatan 50 rpm. Hasil dianalisis menggunakan SPSS dengan metode ANOVA one way dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (a = 0,05). Berdasarkan penelitian ini, penggunaan polimer kombinasi antara etil selulosa (EC) N-20 dan polivinilpirolidon (PVP) K-30 dapat meningkatkan fluks pelepasan natrium diklofenak dari sediaan patch natrium diklofenak. Perbandingan 7:3 dari etil selulosa (EC) N-20 dan polivinilpirolidon (PVP) K-30 adalah kombinasi yang terbaik untuk sediaan patch natrium diklofenak karena konsistensi bentuk fisik serta nilai fluks pelepasan dan penetrasi yang dihasilkan lebih besar dari perbandingan lainnya. Kata Kunci : Pelepasan Sodium diklofenak, plasticizer, kombinasi matrix dari EC N-20 dan PVP K-30 ABSTRACT The sodium diclofenac realeased from transdermal patch of combination of ethyl cellulose (EC) N-20 nd polyvinyl pyrollidon (PVP) K-30 was investigated. In this study, matrix-type of transdermal patchntaining diclofenac sodium were prepared using polymeric combination of EC N-20 and PVP K-30 in various ratios ( 9:1 (Formula I); 8:2 (Formula II); and 7:3 (Formula III)). The percentage of moisture content was calculated as a difference between initial and final weight with respect to final weight. The homogeneity of patch surface was determined using fluorescence microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Released test using dissolution apparatus were carried out in 500 mL of phosphate buffer saline pH 7.4 ± 0.05 at temperature 37 ± 0.5°C with speed of swirl 50 rpm. Results were analyzed by statistic programmed of SPSS using one way analysis of variance with degree of believed 95% (α = 0,05). It can be concluded that the combination of EC N-20 and PVP K-30 at ratio 7:3 was the best choice for manufacturing transdermal patch based on physicochemical and the release profile. Keywords: Diclofenac sodium released, plasticizer, combination matrix of EC N-20 and PVP K-30
Aktivitas Antimikroba Ekstrak dan Fraksi Ekstrak Daun Rami (Boehmeria virgata (Forst.) Guill Terhadap Beberapa Mikroba Organisme Arsyik Ibrahim
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.847 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.14


ABSTRACT This study aims to the antimicrobial activity test of leaf extract of B. virgata, and the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration values determine to​​ against some microbes with solid dilution method The materials in maceration with methanol were obtained with 500 grams, than partitioned with solid liquid partition method to use n-hexane, methanol-soluble extract obtained by n-hexane and methanol extracts insoluble n-hexane, both extracts was chemical component monitoring with Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), then tested with solid dilution method its activity. Antimicrobial activity test results from both types of extracts, methanol extract soluble fraction of n-hexane showed better than activity methanol extract of insoluble fraction of n-hexane, because it can inhibit the growth of the bacteria E. coli, V. cholerae and S. thyposa, while the methanol extract of n-hexane insoluble only able to inhibit the bacteria V. cholerae, methanol-soluble extract fraction of n-hexane as the active extracts 1000 ug / ml medium that can kill or inhibit of microbes the growth. Keywords: Leaf B. virgata, Antimicrobial, Methanol extract soluble and insoluble n-hexane, Solid Dilution ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas antimikroba ekstrak daun B. virgata, dan menentukan nilai Kadar Hambat Minimum dengan metode dilusi padat terhadap beberapa mikroba uji. Bahan uji diperoleh dengan maserasi 500 gram daun dengan metanol yang dilanjutkan dipartisi dengan n-heksan dengan metode partisi padat cair, diperoleh ekstrak metanol larut n-heksan dan ekstrak metanol tidak larut n-heksan, kedua ekstrak ini dimonitoring komponen kimianya dengan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT), kemudian diuji aktivitasnya dengan metode dilusi padat. Hasil uji aktivitas antimikroba dari kedua jenis ekstrak yang diuji, fraksi ekstrak metanol larut n-heksan menunjukkan aktivitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan fraksi ekstrak metanol tidak larut n-heksan, karena dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri E. coli, V. cholerae dan S. thyposa, sedangkan ekstrak metanol tidak larut n-heksan hanya mampu menghambat bakteri V. cholerae, Fraksi ekstrak metanol larut n-heksan sebagai ekstrak aktif yang dapat membunuh/menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba 1000 µg/mL medium. Kata Kunci: Daun B. virgata, Antimikroba, Ekstrak metanol larut dan tidak larut n-heksan, Dilusi Padat
Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotika Berdasarkan Kontraindikasi, Efek Samping, dan Interaksi Obat pada Pasien Rawat Inap dengan Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Bawah Di Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih Yogyakarta Periode Januari-Juni 2005 Fajar Prasetya
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (56.013 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.15


ABSTRACT The non-TBC lower respiratory infection is a kind of infection that can attack bronchus, bronchioles and lung, the clinical manifestation can chronicle and severe. Generally the caused in children is virus and bacteria while in adult is bacteria, which is using antibiotics in medical attention. The purpose of research is to find out the infection pattern and the kind of antibiotics and to evaluate the using antibiotics based on effectivity. The non-experimental research that was form in a retrospective survey was done through medical record of patient with the lower respiratory infection in the time limit of January-June 2005 in Panti Rapih Hospital. The using of antibiotics was surveyed from medical record then analyzed using quantitative descriptive and presented in percentage. The results obtained showed that the contraindications and adverse reactions of drugs are not found, the incidence of drug interactions by 22 (16%) of 137 cases and of 29 types of antibiotics are used there are 7 species (24%) of potential antibiotic drug interactions. Several cases of potential interactions occurs not show clinical manifestations in patients. To avoid unwanted adverse reactions serum creatinine should be monitored especially in the use of aminoglycoside antibiotics group. Keywords: lower respiratory infection, usage, antibiotics evaluation, contraindications, adverse reactions, interactions ABSTRAK Infeksi saluran pernapasan bawah non TBC merupakan suatu golongan infeksi yang dapat menyerang bronkus, bronkiolis, dan paru, manifestasi kliniknya dapat bersifat akut dan kronis. Umumnya pada anak-anak penyebabnya adalah virus dan bakteri serta pada orang dewasa penyebabnya adalah bakteri, yang dalam pengobatannya menggunakan antibiotika. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi penggunaan antibiotika berdasarkan kontraindikasi, efek samping, dan interaksi obat. Penelitian non eksperimental yang berbentuk survei retrospektif dilakukan melalui rekam medik pasien dengan infeksi saluran pernapasan bawah yang menjalani rawat inap pada kurun waktu Januari-Juni 2005 di RS Panti Rapih Yogyakarta. Penggunaan antibiotika dikaji dari data rekam medik kemudian dianalisis secara deskriftif kuantitatif yang dinyatakan dengan presentase. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa kontraindikasi dan efek samping obat tidak ditemukan, kejadian interaksi obat sebesar 22 (16%) dari 137 kasus dan dari 29 jenis antibiotika yang digunakan terdapat 7 jenis (24%) antibiotika yang potensial terjadi interaksi obat. Beberapa kasus interaksi yang potensial terjadi tidak menunjukan manifestasi klinik pada pasien. Untuk menghindari efek samping yang tidak dikehendaki perlu dilakukan monitoring serum kreatinin terutama pada penggunaan antibiotika golongan aminoglikosida. Kata Kunci: infeksi saluran pernapasan bawah, penggunaan, evaluasi antibiotika, kontraindikasi, efek samping, interaksi
Efek Pemberian ?-Mangostin dari Garcinia tetranda Pierre Terhadap Morfologi P.falciparum Hadi Kuncoro
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.229 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.16


ABSTRACT Morphological changes assay to P. falciparum from the effects of α-mangostin from G. tetranda using TEM methods has been done. This test aims to determine the effect of mangostin on P. falciparum by observing morphological ultrastructure of P. falciparum using transmission electron microscope (TEM). α-Mangostin known to cause morphological changes in ultrastructure of P.falciparum after contact with α- mangostin on the 12 and 24 hour. Key words: α- Mangostin, G. tetranda, P. falciparum, Transmission Electron microscope (TEM) ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan pengujian terhadap perubahan morfologi P. falciparum akibat efek pemberian α-mangostin dari G. tetranda menggunakan metode TEM. Pengujian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian mangostin kepada P. falciparum dengan melakukan pengamatan ultrastruktur dari morfologi P. falciparum menggunakan Mikroskop Elektron transmisi (TEM). Diketahui α-Mangostin menyebabkan perubahan morfologi pada ultrastruktur dari P.falciparum setelah pemberian α-mangostin pada jam ke 12 dan 24. Kata Kunci: α-Mangostin, G. tetranda, P. falciparum, Mikroskop Elektron Transmisi.
Analisis Kadar Mineral dalam Abu Buah Nipa (Nypa fructicans) Kaliwanggu Teluk Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara Herman Herman; Rolan Rusli; Edi Ilimu; Rimba Hamid; Haeruddin Haeruddin
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (62.464 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.17


Research about Levels of ash analysis in Nipa Fruit (Nypa fructicans) Kaliwanggu Kendari Gulf South East Sulawesi have been done. Research carried out by gravimetric method and AAS. The ash content of old nipa fruit at a temperature 450°C dan 550°C obtained amounted to 1.01% and 0.89%. while the young nipa fruits obtained ash content of 0.88% and 0.86% at450°C dan 550°C. Mineral content of old nipa fruit which had become ash at a temperature of 450°C obtained at 1.3769 ppm, 7.9167 ppm, 3.7876 ppm, 9.2365 ppm, respectively for Fe, Mg, K, and Na. On the other hand, at a temperature of 550°C obtained at 1.1153 ppm, 8.0127 ppm, 3.7990 ppm and 9.3634 ppm, respectively for Fe, Mg, K, and Na. On young fruit nipah obtained concentration of 0.8769 ppm, 7.9939 ppm, 3.8260 ppm, 9.4041 ppm, respectively for Fe, Mg, K, and Na at ash temperature 450°C. Meanwhile, at a ash temperature of 550°C obtained concentration of 0.9230 ppm, 7.9738 ppm, 3.7468 ppm and 9.3861 ppm, respectively for Fe, Mg, K, and Na. The water content obtained from the old and young nipa flesh fruit obtained at 41.86% and 33.49%, respectively. Key words: Level of mineral analysis, Nypa fructicans, Gravimetric, AAS ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan judul “Analisis Kadar dalam Abu Buah Nipa (Nypa fructicans)” Kaliwanggu Teluk Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode gravimetri dan AAS. Kadar abu buah nipa tua pada suhu 450°C dan 550°C diperoleh sebesar 1,01% dan 0,89%, sedangkan pada buah nipa muda diperoleh kadar abu sebesar 0,88% dan 0,86% berurut-turut untuk suhu 450°C dan 550°C. Kadar mineral buah nipa tua yang diabukan pada suhu 450°C diperoleh sebesar 1,3769 ppm, 7,9167 ppm, 3,7876 ppm, 9,2365 ppm, berturut-turut untuk Fe, Mg, K, dan Na. Sedangkan pada suhu 550°C diperoleh sebesar 1,1153 ppm, 8,0127 ppm, 3,7990 ppm, dan 9,3634 ppm, berturut-turut untuk Fe, Mg, K, dan Na. Pada buah nipa muda diperoleh kadar sebesar 0,8769 ppm, 7,9939 ppm, 3,8260 ppm, 9,4041 ppm, berturut-turut untuk Fe, Mg, K, dan Na pada suhu pengabuan 450°C. Sedangkan pada suhu pengabuan 550°C diperoleh kadar sebesar 0,9230 ppm, 7,9738 ppm, 3,7468 ppm, dan 9,3861 ppm, berturut-turut untuk Fe, Mg, K, dan Na. Adapun kadar air yang diperoleh dari daging buah nipa tua dan muda diperoleh sebesar 41,86% dan 33,49%. Kata kunci: Analisis kadar mineral, Nypa fructicans, Gravimetri, AAS
Efek Ekstrak Metanol Daun Engkuduk Talun (Fagraea racemosa) pada Peroksidasi Lipid Secara In Vivo Ika Fikriah
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (47.131 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.18


ABSTRACT Engkuduk talun plant (Fagraea racemosa) grows in East Kalimantan forest. Stages Extraction research of petroleum eter-cloroform-metanol from leaves, root skin, root, stem skin and Fagraea racemosa’s stem toward radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil (DPPH) is proven that the extract of methanol leaves have the strongest scavenger effect, this can be interpreted that the leaves have the strongest antioxidant potency from all plant parts that have been examined. The given single dose 1 gram/kg b.w of the methanol extract from Fagraea racemosa leaves do not caused the death at the female Wistar rats. On the inhibitor test of forming MDA of rat’s liver the very high of absorbance value has accurred on control by CCl4 ( 0.508 ± 0.039 ), significant if compared to CCl4 added with the vitamin E ( 0.224 ± 0.006 ) and CCl4 added with three doses of methanol extract from the Fagraea racemosa’s leaves ( p=0.000 ) Keywords: Fagreae racemosa, lipid peroxidation, CCl4, vitamin E ABSTRAK Tumbuhan engkuduk talun (Fagraea racemosa) banyak terdapat di hutan Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ekstraksi bertingkat petroleum eter-kloroform-metanol dari daun, kulit akar, akar, kulit batang dan batang Fagraea racemosa terhadap pereaksi radikal 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil (DPPH) terbukti pada ekstrak metanol daun mempunyai efek peredaman paling kuat, ini dapat diartikan daun mempunyai potensi antioksidan yang paling kuat dari semua bagian tumbuhan yang diamati. Pemberian dosis tunggal 1 gram/kgBB ekstrak metanol daun Fagraea racemosa tidak menunjukkan kematian pada hewan coba tikus Wistar betina. Pada uji hambatan pembentukan MDA hepar tikus terjadi peningkatan nilai absorbansi yang sangat tinggi pada kontrol dengan CCl4 (0.508 ± 0,039), berbeda bermakna jika dibandingkan CCl4 yang ditambah dengan vitamin E (0.224 ± 0,006) dan CCl4 yang ditambah dengan tiga dosis ekstrak metanol daun Fagraea racemosa (p=0.000). Kata Kunci: Fagraea racemosa, peroksidasi lipid, CCl4, vitamin E
Analisis Hubungan Kuantitatif Struktur-Aktivitas (HKSA) dari Senyawa Aktif Antimalaria Diterpen Kassan Hasil Isolasi dari Biji Bagore (Caesalpinia crista Linn.) dengan Parameter Elektronik Islamudin Ahmad; Gemini Alam
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (91.953 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.19


ABSTRACT Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) study have been conducted to antimalarial active compounds of cassane-type diterpenes isolated from seed kernels of Bagore (Caesalpinia crista Linn.), using the atomic net charges data resulted from AM1 method of semi-empirical calculations. The aim of this research is to determine the mathematic equation model of quantitative structure-activity relationship from antimalarial active compounds of cassane-type diterpenes isolated from seed kernels of Bagore (Caesalpinia crista Linn.) using the electronic parameter of AM1 method. The best QSAR equation model was determined by multiple linier regression analysis and tested by leave-one-out type of cross validation methods. The result indicates that the biological activity is represented by a linier function of activity versus atomic net charges of C1, C2, C3, C4, and C6 which is expressed by : Log (1/C) = -7,362(+ 4,251) qC1 +3,258 (+ 4,590) qC2 + 11,038 (+4,485) qC3 + 29,421 (+20,542) qC4 + 19,849 (+6,171) qC6 + 8,541 (+2,256) The equation is significant at 95% level. The cross validation analysis give minimal value of PRESS=64,372 and SEP = 2,93; where Log (1/IC50) = biological activity and q = atomic net charges Key words : QSAR, Atomic Net Charges, Cross Validation Methods ABSTRAK Studi hubungan kuantitatif struktur-aktivitas (HKSA) telah dilakukan terhadap 42 senyawa aktif antimalaria turunan diterpen kassan hasil isolasi dari biji Bagore (Caesalpinia crista Linn.) menggunakan data muatan bersih atom hasil perhitungan semiempiris metode (Austin Model 1) AM1. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan model persamaan matematis hubungan kuantitatif struktur-aktivitas dari senyawa aktif antimalaria turunan diterpen kassan furano hasil isolasi dari biji Bagore (Caesalpinia crista Linn.) dengan parameter elektronik menggunakan metode AM1. Pemilihan model persamaan HKSA terbaik ditentukan dengan analisis regresi multilinier dan diuji dengan metode validasi silang leave-one-out. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas biologis merupakan fungsi linier dari muatan bersih atom C1, C2, C3, C4, dan C6 yang dinyatakan dalam persamaan : Log (1/C) = -7,362(+ 4,251) qC1 +3,258 (+ 4,590) qC2 + 11,038 (+4,485) qC3 + 29,421 (+20,542) qC4 + 19,849 (+6,171) qC6 + 8,541 (+2,256) Persamaan signifikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil analisis validasi silang memberikan data parameter pengujian relatif minimal yaitu PRESS = 9,645; dimana Log (1/IC50) = aktivitas biologis dan q = muatan bersih atom Kata kunci : HKSA, Muatan Bersih Atom, Metode Validasi Silang
Penentuan Kriteria Ilmiah Potensi Tumbuhan Obat Unggulan Laode Rijai
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.383 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.20


ABSTRACT There is no new name for prime Medisinal plants which can be used to asses medicinal plants. Used of the term is done intuitively by decision makers of the management section or utilization of medicinal plants, which eventually became a name. The study is scientifically to determine the scientific criteria of prime medicinal plants has been done. The method used for the assessment is discussion with expert respondents using multiple methods of decision making. Respondents who used the expert academics and practitioners. Academics consists of expertise Natural Product chemistry, Natural Product Pharmaceuticals (Phamacognosy), Environmental Science, Forestry sciences, and Natural medicine industry. The result of the determination of criteria for assessment of scientific research prime plants found in five criteria (a) The diversity of usefulness / efficacy of a medicinal plant possessed (b) types of diseases can be cured by a medicinal plants (c) easy cultivation of medicinal plants (d) diversity of secondary metabolites content in a medicinal plant (e) type of organ or plant part used as medicine. The five criteria have been validated by using 9 kinds of herbs that have been deemed superior by the Indonesian Food and Drug Administration. Key words: Scientific criteria, prime medicinal plants, study ABSTRAK Istilah tumbuhan obat unggulan belum ada kriteria ilmiah yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai suatu tumbuhan obat. Penggunaan istilah tersebut dilakukan secara intuisi oleh pengambil keputusan dalam bidang pengelolaan atau pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat, yang akhirnya menjadi suatu istilah. Telah dilakukan pengkajian secara ilmiah untuk menentukan kriteria ilmiah tumbuhan obat unggulan. Metode yang digunakan untuk pengkajian tersebut adalah diskusi dengan responden ahli dengan memanfaatkan beberapa metode pengambilan keputusan. Responden ahli yang digunakan adalah akademisi dan praktisi. Akademisi terdiri dari keahlian Kimia Bahan Alam Hayati, Farmasi Bahan Alam (Farmakognosi), Ilmu Lingkungan, ilmu Kehutanan, dan pelaku industri obat alami. Hasil penelitian pengkajian penentuan kriteria ilmiah tumbuhan unggulan ditemukan lima kriteria yaitu (a) Keragaman kegunaan/khasiat yang dimiliki suatu tumbuhan obat (b) jenis penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan oleh suatu tumbuhan obat (c) kemudahan budidaya suatu tumbuhan obat (d) keragaman kandungan metabolit sekunder dalam suatu tumbuhan obat (e) jenis organ atau bagian tumbuhan yang digunakan sebagai bahan obat. Kelima kriteria tersebut telah divalidasi dengan menggunakan 9 jenis tumbuhan obat yang telah dianggap unggul oleh Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan. Kata Kunci : Kriteria ilmiah, Tumbuhan obat unggulan, pengkajian.
Uji Aktivitas Antinyamuk Lotion Minyak Kunyit Sebagai Alternatif Pencegah Penyebaran Demam Berdarah Dengue Lidya Ameliana; Lina Winarti
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia, 75117, Gedung Administrasi Fakultas Farmasi Jl. Penajam, Kampus UNMUL Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.647 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.21


ABSTRACT This research aims to create a lotion formula containing essential oils of turmeric (Curcuma longa) as well as find out its activities as Aedes aegypti repellent. Turmeric rhizome steam distilled essential oil fraction to be taken. Lotion is made by mixing turmeric oil with a base with a concentration of 10%, 15%, and 20%. Preparation activity tested against Aedes aegypti mosquito that is by calculating the protection time. As a negative control use basis only, whereas the positive control used the patent lotion. From the test results obtained activity results lotion protection time in a row were 1.33 ± 0.34, 3.33 ± 0.38, 11.43 ± 1.50, and 21.67 ± 2.08 minutes. Preparations that have their greatest protection is lotion which contains turmeric oils of 20%. In addition to the activity test also tests the physical properties of turmeric oil lotion, i.e organoleptic test, pH, spreadibility test, and viscosity. All tests of physical properties were fullfilled the criteria lotion preparations. Then the pH and spreadibility tested again after being stored for 1 month. pH of lotion not experience significant differences compared to when newly created, while the spreadibility changed after being stored 1 month. Keywords: lotion, turmeric oil, repellent, Aedes aegypti ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat formula sediaan lotion yang mengandung minyak atsiri kunyit (Curcuma longa) sekaligus mengetahui aktivitasnya sebagai antinyamuk Aedes aegypti. Rimpang kunyit didestilasi uap untuk diambil minyak atsirinya. Lotion dibuat dengan mencampurkan minyak kunyit dengan basis dengan konsentrasi 10%, 15%, dan 20%. Aktivitas sediaan diuji terhadap nyamuk Aedes aegypti yaitu dengan menghitung waktu perlindungannya. Sebagai kontrol negatif digunakan basis saja. Dari hasil uji aktivitas didapatkan hasil waktu perlindungan lotion berturut-turut adalah 1,33 ± 0,34; 3,33 ± 0,38; 11,43 ± 1,50; dan 21,67 ± 2,08 menit. Sediaan yang memiliki waktu perlindungan terbesar adalah lotion yang mengandung minyak atsiri 20%. Selain dilakukan uji aktivitas juga dilakukan uji sifat fisik lotion minyak kunyit, yaitu uji organoleptis, pH, daya sebar, dan viskositas. Semua uji sifat fisik memenuhi kriteria sediaan lotion. Kemudian pH dan daya sebar dan lotion diuji lagi setelah disimpan selama 1 bulan. pH lotion tidak mengalami perbedaan bermakna dibandingkan dengan ketika baru dibuat, sedangkan daya sebarnya mengalami perubahan setelah disimpan 1 bulan. Kata kunci: lotion, minyak kunyit, repelan, Aedes aegypti

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