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Misykat: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-QurÆan, Hadist, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
ISSN : 25278371     EISSN : 26850974     DOI :
Jurnal MISYKAT is a semiannual journal, published on June and December. MIYSKAT published by PPS IIQ Jakarta. MISYKAT provides a forum for lecturers, academicians, researchers, practitioners, and students to deliver and share knowledge in the form of empirical and theoretical research articles. The journal invites professionals in study of Islamic Studies. ISSN: 2527-8371
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Articles 123 Documents
Arwah Jama (Mass Haul) in Hadith Perspective (Study of The Phenomenology of the Living Hadith on the Mass Haul at the Al-Munawwar Mosque, Dukuh Mojo, Bawu Village, Batealit Jepara) Zulham Qudsi Farizal Alam
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Misykat: Jurnal-ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v7n2.146-154


Makna Tradisi Haul Massal Arwah Jama' adalah sebuah ritual yang dilakukan setiap tahun yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama dan berulang – ulang untuk mendoakan keluarga yang telah meninggal dunia secara bersama-sama, yang di dalamnya mengajarkan manusia tentang pentingnya agar kita berbakti kepada orang tua sekalipun meskipun mereka telah meninggal dan ada gotong royong dan menjalin kerukunan antar umat Islam. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan fenomenologi, penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa 1) tradisi arwah Jama' dilakukan pada tanggal 15 Sya'ban (Ruwah) dengan membentuk panitia haul dua minggu sebelum acara. 2) Tradisi arwah jama’ merupakan bentuk penerimaan masyarakat terhadap dalil-dalil hadis yang dimaknai dalam tradisi masyarakat sehingga menjadi bentuk hadis yang hidup. 3) Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam tradisi Arwah Jama’ adalah nilai i'tiqodyah, nilai khuluqiyah, dan nilai amaliyah. 4) Secara antropologis tradisi ruh Jawa terjadi pergeseran nilai-nilai budaya yang berkembang di masyarakat, terutama karena pengaruh kesibukan dan aktivitas warga yang semakin maju, namun tradisi tersebut masih mampu dipertahankan. keberadaan dan kelestariannya.
Al-Qur’an Dalam Kajian Kontemporer Samsul Ariyadi
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Misykat: Jurnal-ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v7n2.208


The Qur'an is a law and a way of life for friends, the food for their hearts, the decoration of their eyelids. Thus, its influence is very visible in their education and direction of life. They are a generation of pioneers and role models to emulate. Indeed, the companions of the Prophet were the first generation to feel when the Qur'an came down to the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet received the Qur'an from Gabriel and also directly from Allah. Then he conveyed to his friends when he came down without lacking or forgetting a single letter. The Companions heard the Qur'an from the Prophet as if he had come down directly to them. The verses of the Qur'an inspire reason and remind people to do good deeds, and also call to think about the creation of creatures. The companions heard these verses. If their life is not in accordance with the Qur'an, they immediately change their lifestyle with safe guidelines, according to what they understand from the Qur'an.
Nama-Nama Surah Al-Qur’an: Tipologi, Metodologi, Karya, dan Maqāṣid yang Tersembunyi Muhammad Ulinnuha
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Misykat: Jurnal-ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v7n2.217-234


This paper discusses the typology of the names of the surahs of the Qur'an, the methodology for their determination, the works produced by the scholars, and the maqāṣid implied by these names. By using the type of qualitative research library research, data processing using descriptive-analytic and maqāṣidī and socio-historical approaches, it can be seen that the source of naming the surah is taken from the beginning of the word, the main theme of the surah, foreign and unique terms, and the names of the characters. Typologically, each surah has various names. There are suras that have one name, some surahs are mentioned in one name, and some have more than one name. From the editorial side, these names are in the form of letters, isim, and fi'il. The methodology for determining the surah is carried out in three ways; through the guidance of the Prophet (tauqīfī), the ijtihad of sahabah or tabi'in, and a combination of the two. Meanwhile, works around this theme can be classified into three models, namely intact works, part of book chapters, and works for the benefit of academic assignments. From the maqāṣid aspect, each name has a purpose and message that is always inherent in the main theme of the surah. Even these names hint at the rules of life, both individually and communally, as well as socio-religious, national and civilized
Bersama Menentukan Kehamilan Dalam Pernikahan Umi Khusnul Khotimah
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Misykat: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v6n2.197-214


The concept of partnership and equality in marriage as mentioned in the Qur'an with the term "zawj" (couple). That is the key to harmony in the family so as to achieve sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah. Marriage is not only to channel sexual desires in a halal manner, but also in order to create peace in society starting from a small family, namely husband and wife. In addition, marriage is also intended for the process of reproduction for the continuation of life on earth. Because it is the wife who carries out the heavy reproductive process, she must be involved in determining how many children are expected and when she is ready to undergo pregnancy. The husband does have a contribution, but it is only light, namely fertilizing. 
Membangun Kesetaran Relasi Suami Isteri Dalam Keluarga Menurut Al-Qur’an Umi Khusnul Khotimah
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Misykat: Jurnal-ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v7n2.235-248


Humans are noble creatures created in the most perfect form.  In accordance with the dignity of man as the most important and noble creature, the method of channeling his biological needs must be honorable. This method is none other than through the institution of marriage. Humans who channel their biological needs without going through a legal marriage, then they have willingly sacrificed their human dignity. The Qur'an mentions that couples in marriage must be of different types, namely l aki-male and female.  Although different in gender, the concept of pairing in Islam is equality, not domination of one party over the other. The division of tasks and authority in pairing is a union of two forces to complement all forms of deficiencies. This is what should be practice in family life, so that the purpose of marriage can be achieved according to expectations.
Peran Komite Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Islam Di SDN Sukamanah 01 Kecamatan Megamendung Bogor Nadjematul Faizah; Indah Sekar Hati
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Misykat: Jurnal-ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v8n1.1-11


Permasalahan dalam penelitian bahwa SDN Sukamanah 01 sejak tahun 1990 sampai sekarang komite sekolah hanya berjumlah satu orang, sehingga peneliti tertarik meneliti mengapa SDN Sukamanah 01 tidak menambah anggota komite sekolah sesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana peran komite sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan agama Islam di SDN Sukamanah 01 Kecamatan Megamendung Bogor. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah tehnik analisi data deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran komite sekolah di SDN Sukamanah 01 dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan masih belum optimal disebabkan beberapa hal yaitu  karena komite sekolah hanya satu orang, komite sekolah tidak selalu berada di sekolah. Hal ini dikarenakan komite memiliki pekerjaan diluar tugas sebagai komite sekolah. Begitu juga peran komite sebagai pemberi pertimbangan belum baik. Hal ini terjadi karena komite sekolah tidak mengetahui langsung keadaan di sekolah sehingga selalu menyetujui apapun yang kepala sekolah laporkan. Mutu pendidikan agama Islam di SDN Sukamanah 01 ini sudah baik meskipun komite sekolah tidak sepenuhnya memberikan masukan. Hal tersebut dilihat dari nilai rata-rata Ujian Akhir Sekolah (UAS) siswa sudah di atas rata-rata..
Kajian Tafsir Huruf Muqaththa’ât Dalam Tafsir Lathâif Al-Isyârât Muhammad Rizqi Romdhon; Masruchin Masruchin
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Misykat: Jurnal-ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v8n1.12-27


This research aims to find out what the muqaththa'āt letters mean in the interpretation of Lathāif al-Isyārāt with a tasawuf and linguistic approach in understanding the muqaththa'āt letters, so that one can understand what meaning is contained in the word which is full of secrets. This research uses a type of qualitative research that is descriptive through library research. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the muqaththa'āt letters in the Qur'an consist of fourteen letters contained in twenty-nine letters. The meaning of the letters muqaththa'āt in the interpretation of Lathāif al-Isyārāt has the meaning of description of the names and attributes of Allah, the description of the secrets of Allah, the description of the oath, the description of the names and attributes of the Prophet, the mention of the names of the Angels, the description of the attributes, secrets and the recompense of the servants of Allah. As well as personification of character traits, animal metaphors, rebab sound metaphors, mention of supernatural objects, mention of unseen places, depictions of the Last Day and depictions of life and destiny's journey
Filsafat dan Perubahan Perilaku Keagamaan Santri di Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswa Muthahhari Yogyakarta Ahmad Agung; Ramadhanita Mustika Sari
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Misykat: Jurnal-ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v8n1.28-36


This paper examines educational institutions based on boarding schools and boarding schools, whose main material is philosophy. This educational institution is oriented towards critical and objective religious awareness. The actualization of this awareness is in the form of changes in religious behavior in the students themselves. This is urgent to study because as time goes by, secularism also influences the behavior of students getting further away from their religious values. This is caused by low religious literacy in Islamic boarding schools. As a result, a generation of semi-secular intellectuals grows, the knowledge they possess does not lead them to behave religiously. They have religious identity but their behavior is far from religious values. The problem is then formulated into the question how does social construction implement changes in the religious behavior of students? The object of this research is the Motahhari Islamic Boarding School (PPM), Yogyakarta. The Islamic boarding school is a philosophy boarding school in Yogyakarta. This research is a field research. The theory used to analyze and answer research problems is the social construction theory of Peter L Berger and Thoman Luckman. Data collected by observation techniques, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that changes in religious behavior that occur in students at the Motahhari Yogyakarta Islamic Boarding School (PPM) are formed through three stages, namely externalization, objectivation and internalization
Analisis Kelayakan Materi Pendidikan Agama Islam Romlah Romlah; Khusnul Khotimah; Iin Kendedes; Ummah Karimah; Siti Shofiyah
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Misykat: Jurnal-ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v8n1.37-35


The research was carried out for six months, from February 2022 to July 2022. This research was a qualitative descriptive study using the library research method (content analysis), with the primary data source being PAI textbooks published by Erlangga and published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Data collection used the method of examining class 7 PAI textbook documents, while the data analysis technique used the content analysis model from Bogdan & Biklen (1982), with procedures for 1) collecting raw data, 2) transcribing the data, coding the data, categorizing the data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that Islamic education textbooks published by Erlangga were suitable in terms of the contents of the book material. The suitability aspect of KI KD gets 100% categorized as feasible. In the aspect of accuracy, obtaining 100% is categorized as feasible. Aspects of supporting material gain by 83.33% are categorized as feasible. The suitability of the contents of the PAI Class VII book published by Erlangga obtained 92.59%, which was categorized as suitable for use. PAI textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the suitability of the contents of the book material The suitability aspect of KI KD gets 100% categorized as feasible. In the aspect of accuracy, obtaining 100% is categorized as feasible. Aspects of supporting material gain by 83.33% are categorized as feasible. The conformity of the contents of the Class VII PAI book material published by the Ministry of Education and Culture obtained 92.59%, which was categorized as suitable for use. Thus, as a whole, PAI textbooks published by Erlangga have a suitability of the contents of the book in the content aspect of 92.59%, which is categorized as feasible.
Hak-Hak Perempuan Dalam Surat Al-Ahzab (Tafsir Muqarin Al-Qurthubi dan Sayyid Quthb) Siti Shopiyah
MISYKAT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran Hadits Syari'ah dan Tarbiyah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Misykat: Jurnal-ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran, Hadits, Syariah dan Tarbiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33511/misykat.v8n1.46-60


Islamic society has understood the verses relating to men and women in a way that favors men over women. Then Islam came to raise the dignity of women, so that today their position is equal between women and men. Women in their human nature and their rights get reasonable as men. Sayyid Quthb and Al-Qurthubi, the two generations of mufassir give different interpretations, this is because they have different styles. Based on the description above, this research focuses on two issues, namely: How is the interpretation of Sayyid Quthb and Al-Qurthubi on QS. AlAhzab: 33?. This research is a literature review. The data in this study were obtained from the book of Tafsir Fī Dzilālil Qur'ān and the book of Tafsir Al-Jami' Li Ahkam Al-Qur'an and several books that talk about women. The research method used is descriptive analytical. After the sources are collected, read, studied, understood, then analyzed descriptively comparative analytics through an inductive thought process. The conclusion of this study is that in the interpretation of the verses above Al-Qurtubi interprets women should stay in their homes, unless they are in a very emergency condition that requires them to leave the house. Furthermore, if the woman has to leave the house, then it should be noted that women should not adorn themselves excessively. Sayyid Quthb interprets that: If a wife is found to have completed domestic work at home well, then women may work outside the home, namely work that is good for women and does not contain negative effects. Then for wives who have fulfilled their needs, it can be enough to stay at home or if they still decide to work, then the intention is to practice knowledge or to worship.

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