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Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang
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Articles 104 Documents
Seri Animasi Pendek untuk Menjelaskan Fungsi Punawakan Kepada Generasi Muda Novida Nur Miftakhul Arif
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 19, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v19i2.4785


Wayang kulit contains many good values   that are still relevant today, including the Punakawan characters who always give positive messages that are actually intended for society. However, there has been a decline in interest, especially in the younger generation due to the effects of globalization and a lack of understanding of the Javanese language. The short animated series is a way of conveying good values of wayang, especially the Punakawan. This media is designed to take into account the characteristics of the target audience so that it can be easily enjoyed and understood. This research and design uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method which is elaborated with the animation design method. The data obtained comes from books and research on Punakawan, as well as the results of discussions with practitioners such as senior puppeteers in Yogyakarta. This short animated series consists of three videos that use a modern approach by incorporating lots of pop culture elements in the visual aspect that shows Punakawan’s work. There are also several supporting media such as teaser videos or anglers and short comics as prologues. This short animated series was uploaded on the Heritage Punakawan Instagram, received a positive response and showed high enthusiasm from the public.
Spiritualitas dan Religiusitas Ki Dalang Suyanto Suyanto
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 19, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v19i2.4786


The article with the title “Spiritualitas Dan Religiusitas Ki Dalang” (Spirituality and Religiosity of Ki Dalang) is an extract from the paper of the Seminar on Art and Culture of Puppetry 2022, The Culture and Tourism Office of East Java in Surabaya. This paper is the result of reflection on the phenomenon of wayang performing arts in the last decade. Along with the development of technological culture, especially the rapid advancement of social media, it also results to the fast cross-cultural influences between countries; especially for the personality of the artist. The formulation of the discussion in this article focuses on the behavior of the performing artists, especially the art of wayang kulit performances, in Java and Indonesia in general. Data was obtained through observation, either directly or through the YouTube channel. The results of contemplation can be concluded that, when compared with the figures of senior puppeteers in the past, quantitatively the development of young puppeteers is now very rapid. However, when compared in terms of quality, the young dalang, today, seem far below their predecessors, especially in terms of their spirituality and religiosity. As a result, when young puppeteers present their wayang kulit, many things are seen by society as going beyond the norms of decency.
Warta Ceria “Daud-goliat” Juworo Bayu Kusumo
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v17i1.4941


The work of Warta Ceria “Daud-Goliat” seeks an alternative media for children’s character education through performing arts. For this reason, an artwork that presents stories from the Bible was created by involving Sunday school children at the Javanese Christian Church, Pajang-Makamhaji. The concept of creating this work is Warta Ceria. This concept is inspired by Wayang Warta as a means of proclaiming stories from the Bible and refers to the learning system in Sunday schools that evokes a sense of joy in children. The methods used include: determining materials, collecting materials, processing materials, arranging materials, and packaging materials as an art show. The results obtained represent the creation of Warta Ceria “Daud-Goliat” in which children can learn and understand the message contained in the Bible story. Through the creative process, Sunday school children learn about Wayang Warta, acting, and dance movements that have encouraged them to build empathy, interaction, coordination, a sense of responsibility, and foster a sense of togetherness to support the children’s character building.
Keprakan Gaya Surakarta Widodo Widodo
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v17i1.4942


The study activities of the students of Puppetry Department of ISI Surakarta, especially in the teaching and learning process of the Pedalangan Gaya Pokok course, use pakeliran karawitan music in the form of keprakan. There are problems in the form of a lack of reference materials related to the accompaniment of keprakan music so that it is not appropriate in its application. So this study seeks to describe and notate the keprakan of Surakarta style so that it can be used as a guide for students. The results of this description and notation are expected to help, facilitate and provide information to students to produce good practice.
Lakon Bharatayuda dalam Tradisi Ruwahan Sajian Ki Cahyo Kuntadi Sukesi Sukesi
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v17i1.4943


The ruwahan tradition is a tradition that is, until now, believed by most Javanese people to send prayers as well as to resist disaster. Usually this tradition is carried out by wayang kulit performances with lakon Bharatayuda. It is said that this tradition had existed since 1921-1926 where this lakon is believed to resist the bubonic plague. This research is meant to see the tendency of lakon treatment by Cahyo Kuntadi based on the sanggit theory proposed by Sugeng Nugroho in viewing the sanggit lakon which consists of (1) the structure of lakon, (2) the study of intertextuality, (3) the characterizations, (4) Theme and Message. The method used is descriptive analytical method, namely by presenting the research results based on empirical data in the field. The results of this study indicate that there is an interpretation of lakon done by Cahyo Kuntadi in relation to the new performance media called virtual.
Struktur Naskah Ludruk Lakon Mliwis Hitam Tafsir Hudha
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v17i1.4944


This research is entitled Analisis Struktur Naskah Ludruk Lakon Mliwis Hitam. This research focused on documenting folk theater in form ofwriting manuscript and the structural analysis. The script will no longer be developed into a wos, but into a modern structure one. The existence of Mliwis Hitam script is become an affirmation of folk art embodying solicitation of theater spirit in Nusantara. It is worthwhile that it can emerge new idiom to enrich kinds of theater in Indonesia. Structural analysis of Mliwis Hitam script is also done to ease director and actors to understand the story. This analysis can also be a reference in transformation process from textual script into a dramatic scene on stage.
Râja Malla dan Rajamala dalam Wirataparwa YB. Rahno Triyogo
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v17i1.4945


Râja malla and Rajamala in the Wirataparwa describe the occurrence of text variations in the Old Javanese Wirataparwa into the New Javanese Virataparwa. The events of this text variation are described based on the reception theory. The results show that the reception can be found, first, in the shift of pronunciation from the Old Javanese tradition to the New Javanese tradition. Second, the shift in meaning which originally meant the king of fighting turned into the king of ‘disease’. Third, at first it was only a title which meant fighting king, then in the New Javanese tradition it emerged as a self-name, namely Rajamala, a Wirata officer. Fourth, what was originally in the form of prose was later changed into the form of macapat songs, and in the form of performing arts with various titles.
Asal-Usul Mitos Tokoh Semar; Eksistensi dan Esensinya Bagi Masyarakat Jawa Catur Nugroho
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 20, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v20i1.5448


This article attempts to answer three important issues, namely: (1) how is the origin of the character Semar in the wayang story? (2) how is the origin of the mythical figure of Semar in people’s lives? and (3) how is the development of the existence and essence of the character Semar in the life of the Javanese people? The research method used is descriptive analytic. The research data is sourced from library data, temple reliefs, and oral sources from the oral tradition that developed in the community. The mythological approach developed by Ahimsa-Putra is used to place Semar’s perspective as a myth. The results of the study explain that, first, the character of Semar is a myth that was born from the imagination of Indonesian ancestors as the owner of the tale. Second, in the wayang story, the character Semar is born from an egg born by Dewi Rekatawati, the wife of Sang Hyang Tunggal. The character Semar is then assigned to the world to care for the knights. The decline of the Semar figure in the world occurred during the time of Resi Kanumayasa in Saptaarga. Third, based on the literary, relief and oral data, it shows that the existence of the Semar myth has existed since the XI century and continues to exist today. Therefore, the periodization of the historical explanation of the Semar myth starts from the XI century to the present. Fourth, the essence of Semar’s character also shows changes. At first, Semar looked just like a servant or punakawan, but now Semar’s role is more than just a servant, in essence, he is a symbol of wisdom that leads to simplicity in life.
Riwayat Sang Anoman Eko Wahyu Prihantoro
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 20, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v20i1.5453


The History of Sang Anoman is a story that contains the whereabouts of Anoman since birth and aducated by tree Gods so that he is able to find his unity by returning to his origins and is shon in the form of adance drama with dialoge on the devolepment of wayang orang. The show is aimed at the ritual awareness of the community in oneness. What is meant by ritual awarenes is something important related to life and death, while the comumunity in oneness is togetherness of the community in preserving life, namely the three main things related land water and air. Thus the history of Sang Anoman fosters sympathy an empathy for the people to care for the universe.
Lakon Dewa Ruci sebagai Manifestasi Perjalanan Individual Manusia Bertemu dengan Tuhan Halintar Cakra Padnobo
Lakon Jurnal Pengkajian & Penciptaan Wayang Vol 20, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/lakon.v20i1.5449


Lakon Dewa Ruci contains teachings on the union of people and The God. The problem raised in this research is how the values of the Lakon Dewa Ruci. These problems are examined by using the psychological theory of Jolan Jacobi: “De Psychology Van GG. Jung” 1971 which uses the theory of the individualization process. This research is qualitative with the data collection through observation, literature study, and interviews. The results of the research show that the human journey to reach perfection in order to meet the Almighty requires knowledge and the firm heart. The knowledge of the Tarekat, the Essence, and the Makrifat teaches humans to meet the Almighty.

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