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JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research
ISSN : 25982974     EISSN : 2580927X     DOI : -
Journal of Islamic Medicine Research contains information on the results of research activities, conceptual thinking and review of the field of medical science and medicine. This scientific journal is published by the Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Malang. This journal is published with the frequency of 2 times a year, ie in June and December. The editorial receives the writings of scientific research, both in the form of research and empirical research in fields related to health sciences and or medicine.
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Articles 21 Documents
Ekstraksi Senyawa Bioaktif dari Cladophora sp. Dengan Metode Solvent Free Microwave Assisted Extraction (SFMAE) Yoni Rina Bintari; Helmin Elyani
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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Introduction: Extraction stages is important, in order to discovery of bioactive compounds that have pharmalogical effects. Solvent Free Microwave Assisted Extraction (SFMAE) is alternative procedure with criteria of green chemistry and sustainability. Methods: In order the examine the effect of microwave power, six power level 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% (0 W, 200 W, 400 W, 600 W, 800 W and 1000 W) were studied. The variation of adding water 10 ml/g, 15 ml/g, 20 ml/g and 30 ml/g were studied. Optimum condition of extraction from the highest yield. Phytochemichal screening using specific reagent to know bioactive compounds group.Results: The result obtained is the highest yield of 3,7333% with 400 W microwave power and 30 ml/g adding water in 360 seconds. The results of phytochemical screening of Cladophora Sp extract contain secondary metabolites of alkaloid, phenolic, terpenoid and saponin groups.Conclusion: From phytochemical screening, Cladophora sp. has potential of antioxidant and antibacterial activity, so the next research focus to antioxidant and antibacterial activity.Keywords: Extraction, SFMAE, Cladophora sp., Phytochemical 
Efek kombinasi Amoksisilin dan Kloramfenicol terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Salmonela thypi Bambang Friambodo; Yudi Purnomo; Ariani Ratri Dewi
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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AbstractIntroduction :Thypoid fever is one of endemic infection diseases caused bybacteria Salmonela thypi. Occasionally, Thypoid fever is accompanied others infection therefore antibiotic combination is often used to eradicate the infection. Combination of Amoxicillin and Chloramphenicol widely used for treatment of Thypoid fever. Based on theory, the combinationproduces antagonist interaction, however it is still used by Clinicans due to mixed infection. The objective of study to know the antibacterial effect of combination Amoxicillin and Chloramphenicol onSalmonela thypigrowth. Method:The research was done by using disc diffusion methods with Muller Hinton media. Amoxicillin 0,05 µg/ml, 0,1 µg/ml, 0,2 µg/ml , Chloramphenicol 1,25 µg/ml, 2,5 µg/ml, 5 µg/ml and their combinations were tested on Salmonela thypi culture. After 24 hour of administration, antibacterial effect was observed by measuring inhibition zone on bacteria culture. The result of study was tested statistically with One WayANOVA (p=0.05) followed by the test of student-t (t-test) and test of least real difference (LSD) to find out the significance of each groups. Result and discussion: Antibiotic combinationof Amoxicillin and Chloramphenicol have anti-bacterial effect lower than single antibiotic. B-lactam antibiotic like Amoxicillin require that the cell be growing and dividing in order to havea bactericidal action. Chloramphenicolcause slow growth of Salmonella thypiand then impairs bactericidal effect of Amoxicillin. Among combination of antibiotic tested, Amoxicillin 0,5 µg/mland Chloramphenicol 5 µg/ml has antibacterial effect stronger than others. It was caused by the difference dose of bactericide and bacteriostatic used. Conclusion:Combination of Amoxicillin and Chloramphenicol has antibacterial effect lower than the single antibioticgroup on Salmonela thypi.The combination of high dose of Chloramphenicoland low dose of Amoxicillin shows antibacterial effect in the moderate category.Key words:Amoxicillin,Chloramphenicol, Combination, Salmonela thypi.
Frekuensi Resistensi pada Enterococcus faecalis Terhadap Dekokta Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) dan Antibiotik Amoksisilin Putri Lissanawidya; Rio Risandiansyah; Hardadi Airlangga
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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Introduction: The inappropriate use of antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance. This can be supported by measuring resistance frequency of bacteria to antibiotics. Antibacterial activity is also found in many herbal medicines consumed as a traditional medicine, therefore resistance is suspected to occur in herbal medicine. This study aims to measure the frequency of resistance in Enterococcus faecalis applied to againts Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) decocta. The method used will also be applied to Amoxicillin as a control. Method: Disc diffusion method was used to the measure inhibition zone (ZOI). Dilusion method used for minimum inhibition concentration (MIC). Resistance frequency was tested using Luria-Delbrück method, using 5 plates and 2 controls performed in 3 repetitions. Results were measured statistically using Mann Whitney U Test (p ≤ 0.05). Results: The ZOI from Rosella decocta and Amoxicillin was 20 mm at each concentration of 250 mg/ml and 200 mg/ml, respecticly MIC from Rosella decocta was 3,125 mg/ml, whereas Amoxicillin used the MIC from literature (0,00902 mg/ml). From 3 repetition, 1 coloni was found to be resistance to Rosella decocta on repetition 2 and the resistance frequency was 7,8 x 10-12 mutant per total population cell. Amoxicillin was calculated the resistance frequency from 3 repetition which was 1,2-1,8 x 10-2mutant per total population cell. The data was tested statistically and showed that there is a significant difference between the resistance frequency of Enterococcus faecalis towards Rosella decocta resistance and Amoxicillin resistance. Conclusion: From this study it can be concluded that the use of Rosella herbal as a traditional medicine, especially for antibacterials has a low resistance frequency of mutation. Therefore, resistance to Rosella decocta cannot occurred in short term. Keywords: Resistance, Luria-Delbrück Method, Resistance Frequency, Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn).
Perbandingan Frekuensi Resistensi Bakteri Bacillus subtilis terhadap Antibiotik Tetracycline Tunggal dan Kombinasi dengan Dekokta Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Nova Faisal Waber; Rio Risandiansyah; Hardadi Airlangga
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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Introduction: The use of inappropriate antibiotics encourages the emergence of antibiotic resistance. It can be known by measuring the frequency of resistance. The use antibiotic combination has a low resistance, but the combination of antibiotic with herb is unknown.This study was conducted to prove the comparison frequency of bacterial resistance of Bacillus subtilis to Tetracycline and combination with dekokta Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.).Methods: This research uses laboratory experimental method in vitro. The method used is to measure the zone of inhibition which is then used to determine the minimum inhibitory (KHM). Then, the measurement of resistance frequency on the media with 3 times repetition.Results: Zone Inhibition of dekokta Rosella with the highest concentration (100%) is 15 mm, while the Tetracycline antibiotic is 40 mm. KHM Tetracycline antibiotic is 1/1024 which is equivalent to 0.0048 mg / ml and dekokta Rosella is 1/16 equivalent to 6.25 mg / ml. The frequency of resistance in Tetracycline is 0.69 x 10-9 to 9.72 x 10-9. Meanwhile, in Rosella dekokta not found any resistant bacteria. In combination between dekokta Rosella and Tetracycline antibiotics, there was no antibiotic resistant to B. Subtilis bacteria.Conclusion: From this research can be concluded that dekokta Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) can be used as a combination with antibiotics to reduce resistance frequency of Bacillus subtilis to TetracyclineKeywords: Resistance, Resistance Frequency, Tetracycline, Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
Pengaruh Crude Ekstrak Bunga Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk.) Terhadap Ekspresi Outer Membrane Protein (OMP) Salmonella typhi I Nengah Kundera; Faisal Abdurahman
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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 Crude extracts of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk) flowers contain antibacterial compounds such as alkaloids, tannins, flafonid and steroids, which is alsoempirically useful as medicine for diarrhea. This research is aiming to determine the efficacy of antibacterial exposure of crude extract of A. heterophyllus Lamk flowers, and the change of outer membrane protein (OMP) expressions protein virulence factors of Salmonella typhi. The results indicate that the crude extract of A. heterophyllus Lamk. Flowers has antibacterial efficacy against S. typhi at the lowest concentration of 20%, since at this concentration crude extract of A. heterophyllus Lamk. flowers is still capable of inhibiting the growth of S. typhi. Based on the results of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and measurement of protein molecular weight, it is found that several OMP molecular weights are 80 kDa, 66kDa, 57 kDa, 45 kDa, 36 kDa, 33 kDa, 30 kDa, 28kDa, 23 kDa, 20 kDa, 16 kDa, 14 kDa and 10kDa based on the low standard marker protein product [zigma]. It is confirmed that the exposure to crude extract of flower A. heterophyllus Lamk. results in the changes of OMP protein expression of S. typhi compared to the normal OMP expression. This finding is supported by the inhibition on the growth and activity of S.typhi in the test of antibacterial properties of extracts jackfruit A.heterophyllus Lamk. flowers.Keyword : Salmonella Typhi, omp, A.hterophyllus Lamk.
Pengaruh Pemberian secara Subkronik Minyak Atsiri Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata Linn.) terhadap Kadar Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) dan High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Serum Tikus Wistar Yunita Ika Pratiwi; Sasi Purwanti; Dini Sri Damayanti
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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Introduction: The essential oil of soursop (Annona muricata Linn.) leaves contains terpenoid, alkaloid, and phenolic compounds. Terpenoid, alkaloid and phenolic function as antioxidants and antiinflammatory agents appropriately. When used in high concentrations and in long period, it may become toxic, which mayincreasein LDL and decrease in HDL. The study is to determine the safety of soursopleaf essential oil on LDL and HDL levels in wistar rats.Methods: This was an invivo experimental study with a control group post test only design using 20 male and 20 female wistar rats divided into 8 groups, consisting of KN (tween 80), P1 (1,25 mg/kgBW), P2 (2,5 mg/kgBW), and P3 (5mg/kgBW) both male and female rats. This study was conducted for 28 days then the LDL and HDL levels were checked after the treatment. Results were analized using One Way ANOVA test followed by Least Significant Difference (LSD). Results are assumed significant if p<0.05.Results and discussion: Administration of soursop leaf essential oil in P1 group showed the highest LDL levels and a higher dose of soursop leaf essential oil will cause a lower LDL levels in both male and female groups. The P2 group showed the highest HDL levels and P3 group had decreased HDL levels compared to P2 group in both male and female groups. The increasing of LDL levels and the decreasing of HDL levels in all treatment groups, is suspected to be caused by active compounds in soursop leaf essential oil, body weight differences and food consumption differences on rats.Conclusion: The doses between 1,25 to 5 mg/kgBW is considered to be safe, in which no increase in LDL and decrease in HDL in normal male and female rats was observed.Keywords: Essential oil of soursop leaves,Annona muricata Linn., Subchronic,LDL,and HDL.
Pengaruh Dekokta Eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid (MDA) dan Nekrosis Sel Tubulus Proksimal Ginjal Tikus Wistar Jantan dengan Induksi Oral Kadmium Klorida (CdCl2) Subkronis Dosis Rendah Wika Yuli Deakandi; Rio Risandiansyah; Arif Yahya
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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Introduction: Cadmium is a heavy metal pollutant which has high toxicity. Long term exposure to cadmium at low dose is able to induce kidney damage, possibly due to an increase in ROS. Water hyacinth (E. crassipes) is known to contain antioxidants that can prevent free radical damage. The purpose of the research is to investigate the effect of water hyacinth in preventing kidney damage, characterized by a decreasein MDA levels and renal proximal tubular cell necrosis of male wistar rats induced using subchronic CdCl2 at low dosage, administered orally.Methods: This is an in vivo laboratory experiments using 30 male wister rats (Rattus norvegicus), which were divided into 5 treatment groups (6 rats/groups). The negative control group was fed by standard food and drink while the positive control are treatment groups were given CdCl2 (5 mg/KgBB) orally for 28 days. The treatment groups were also given water hyacinth decocta with a dosage of 200 mg/KgBB, 400 mg/kgBB and 800 mg/kgBB for 28 days. On the 29th day of treatment, the rats have to be sacrificed and its kidney tissue were examined for histopathology and MDA.Results : Oral administration of CdCl2 (5 mg/kg) for 28 days significantly induced kidney damage which was evident from the increased levels of MDA (1,131 ± 0,135 ng/200mg ) and the proportion of necrosis of the kidney proximal tubule cells(73,189 ± 10,556 %), which was higher than the negative control group (MDA:0,179±0,021, kidney necrosis:35,777±2,593%). The addition of water hyacinth decoction at the doses of 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg and 800 mg/kg significantly decrease the MDA levels of kidney tissue(0,456±0,067 ng/200mg, 0,394±0,054 ng/200mg, 0,528±0,141 ng/200mg, respectively) and the percentage of proximal renal necrosis (53,729±4,875 %, 49,755±6,892%, 50,552±4,566%, respectively) compared to positive control group (MDA:1,131±0,135ng/200mg, kidney necrosis:73,189±10,556%).Conclusions: Decocta of water hyacinth at the doses of 200mg/KgBB, 400 mg/KgBB and 800 mg/KgBB were able to prevent renal organ damage due to subchronic exposure CdCl2. Keywords: Water Hyacinth, E. Crassipes, Cadmium Chloride, Subcronic, MDA, kidney necrosis
Ekstrak air Kayumanis (Cinnamomum burmanii) Menurunkan Tingkat Serum INOS Tikus Wistar Diabetes. Alfania Novita Putri Perdana; Doti Wahyuningsih; Yudi Purnomo
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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Backgound. iNOS enzyme was secreted by immunocompetent cells during pathogenesis of diseases involving inflammation. The enzyme catalized a reaction resulting in nitric oxide radical (NO˙) in large amount. The radical reacts with superoxide (O2 ̅ ) to yield peroxynitrite ( ONOO ̅ ) which are highly reactive and toxic to the tissues. Kayumanis (C.burmanii) was considered rich with compounds overcoming iNOS secretion. This is the initial study of kayumanis potency in reducing iNOS expression. Diabetes is one of many diseases with high level of serum iNOS and was choosen for the study.Purpose. To study kayumanis potency in reducing serum iNOS of a diabetic conditions.Methode.5 groups of rats, each 5, four groups of which were intraperitoneally injected by aloxan at dose of 150 mg/Kg BW to induce hyperglycemia. The another group recieved no treatment. Three groups of diabetic rats were treated with C. Burmanii each day at dose of 0. 5 ml, 1 ml, and 2 ml respectively for 14 days. The remained diabetic group was untreated. Serum iNOS were measured by ELISA. iNOS data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA followed by LSD test (p ≤ 0.05).Results. C.burmanii dose of 1 ml reduced serum iNOS of diabetic rats (p ≤ 0.05). The two other doses of C.burmanii did not reduced the enzyme (p ≥ 0.05).Conclusion. C. Burmanii may have potention of reducing iNOS serum in diabetic condition.Key words: iNOS;Cinnamomum burmanii; diabetes; aloxan
Perbedaan Pengalaman Klinik Mahasiswa Pendidikan Profesi Dokter di Departemen Ilmu Bedah Tiga Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Marindra Firmansyah
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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Introduction: Clinical education of medical faculty UNISMA regularly conducts continuous evaluation of learning components in the clinical rotation. It is important to know the achievement of competence and also to make improvements and development as deemed necessary. The aim of this study was to know and analysed the differences of exposure on clerkship students during their clinical rotation to core cases of competences between three teaching hospitals in the department of surgery and to know their perception about the role of preceptor in three teaching hospitals between three teaching hospitals in the department of surgery. Methods: The study is a descriptive analitic survey, cross sectional of clerkship students FK UNISMA in the Department of Surgery in teaching hospitals. The teaching hospitals are Kanjuruhan Hospital, Mardi Waluyo Hospital and Blambangan Hospital. The level of exposure of cases in each hospital was compared with other hospital using T-Test. The perception of clerkship students to preceptor was describe with likert scale and narrative description. Result: Students have independently faced 14 cases out of a total of 33 cases found in the manual of more than 50% of the 46 respondents. More than 50% of students agree with the supervisors teaching method. There is a significant difference of core case exposure between Blambangan Hospital and two other hospitals.Conclusions: Student’s exposure to the core case of surgical sciences is still low among the teaching hospital. Kanjuruhan Hospital has the lowest case exposure compared with other hospitals and has significant differences. Students' perceptions of preceptor are good enough and need to be improved.Keywords: Medical student, clinical competence, preceptor, teaching hospitals, department of surgery
Post Ictal Psikosis Berulang pada Penderita Epilepsi Shinta Kusumawati; Rima Zakiyah
JIMR - Journal of Islamic Medicine Research Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Published by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Malang

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Post ictal psychosis (PIP) is a type of psychosis as a chronic complication of chronic epilepsy. Postictal psychosis is characterized by lucid intervals and episodes of psychosis occur within 7 days after seizure. Reported by a 23-year-old man who was consulted to a neurology department with psychosis accompanied by previous seizure history. Of heteroanamnesa obtained awareness of the consciousness changed since 6 hours before entering the hospital and history of seizures of whole body 2 days earlier, similar complaints occurred 2 and 3 years ago. Physical examination and normal neurological status, psychiatric status acquired consciousness changed, impaired thinking process, decreased will and psychomotor increased. EEG results show abnormal 3. Psychosis improved within 5 days MRS. PIP can be prevented during a controlled seizure, but recurrent PIPs are at risk of becoming Schizophrenia Like Psychosis of epilepsy.Key words: post ictal psychosis, seizure, psychosis, lucid interval

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