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Faletehan Health Journal
ISSN : 2088673X     EISSN : 25978667     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
“Faletehan Health Journal” merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang memuat artikel yang relevan dengan isu-isu kesehatan masyarakat, keperawatan, kebidanan, kesehatan klinis dan sosial baik berupa artikel hasil penelitian, artikel review literature, atau artikel laporan lapangan (research report, literature review, field report).
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Articles 173 Documents
Pengaruh Latihan Peregangan Perut Terhadap Karakteristik Nyeri Menstruasi Remaja Awal Andi Saifah
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.53 KB) | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i1.82


Menstrual pain tends to interfere with daily activities and academic appearance in teenage girls. Stretching exercise is one of the nonpharmacological interventions in dealing with pain. The main purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of abdominal stretching exercise on the characteristics of painful menstruation in early adolescents at SMP Negeri Subdistrict of Palu City. The design of this study was a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design. The sample was obtained by using purposive sampling with 41 respondents involved (between 12-14 years old with painful menstruation) for the treatment group and control group. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire, characteristics of painful menstrual checklist and exercise guide booklet. Statistic test used the Wilcoxon test by 95% of a significant level. The Wilcoxon test shows that are significant difference on duration and radiation of painful menstruation before and after abdominal stretching. There is no significant difference in rhythm and menstruation painful quality (ρ> 0.05). Based on the result, it can be concluded that abdominal stretching exercises affect the decrease of duration and radiation of painful menstruation, it has not yet an effect on rhythm and menstruation painful quality.
Pengaruh Perilaku Merokok, Konsumsi Alkohol dan Hiburan Malam Terhadap Risiko Penggunaan Narkotika Akhmad Azmiardi
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (163.788 KB) | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i1.86


Drug abuse in adolescence continues to increase every year. the entry of narcotics among high school students until now has been almost unavoidable because of threats, obstacles, and disturbances outside of school lurking all the time, such as the dangers of smoking, liquor, nightclubs. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between smoking behavior, alcohol consumption and night entertainment on the risks of using narcotics. This research is a cross-sectional study with 278 students taken by a proportional random sampling technique. The dependent variable in this study is the risk of narcotics use while the independent variables in this study include cigarette behavior, alcohol consumption, and night entertainment. Research instruments using questionnaires and data analysis using the Chi-Square test. The results found that there was a relationship between smoking behavior, drinking alcoholic behavior and the behavior of visiting night entertainment venues to the risk of narcotics use (p = <0.001). Good regulations are needed to regulate the circulation of cigarettes, alcoholic drinks and age restrictions on visitors of night entertainment to reduce the risk of narcotics use.
Hubungan Usia, Jenis Kelamin dan Status Anemia dengan Fungsi Kognitif pada Lanjut Usia Riza Firdaus
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.84 KB) | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i1.97


The decline in cognitive function greatly influences the quality of life of the elderly. Factors that influence are physiological, psychological and environmental factors. This study aims to determine the relationship of age, sex and anemia status with cognitive function in the elderly. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted at Weningha Wening Wardoyo Semarang. The number of samples obtained was 51 elderly who were elected with a total sampling technique. The dependent variable was cognitive function and the independent variables were age, gender and anemia status. The examination of cognitive function was measured by the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) instrument and anemia status examination using a haemometer with the Sahli method. The data analysis used was the Chi-Square test. Results: The risk of age <75 years increased the risk of normal cognitive function (OR = 6.480; 95% CI 1.844-22,769; p = 0.002), male gender (OR = 2.357; 95% CI 0.688- 8.075; p = 0.167) and mild anemia (OR = 2,821; 95% CI 0.831-9,577; p = 0.091). This study concludes that cognitive function in the elderly is influenced by age, gender and anemia status.
Determinan Pemanfaatan Jamban Keluarga pada Keluarga Puji Eka Mathofani; Annissa Annissa; Rika Prastiwi Metalia
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.808 KB) | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i1.118


Latrines are one of the basic human needs, it is expected that each individual uses the toilet facilities for defecation. Based on data from the Cipanas Inpatient Health Center as many as 1,502 people have access to 4,237 latrines. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the use of family latrines in the Cipanas Village Cipanas Inpatient Health Work Area Cipanas District Lebak Regency in 2019. The research design is cross-sectional. The study population was all family heads in Cipanas Village, amounting to 1.158 families with a sample of 101 households, where the sample was taken by a simple random sampling method. Primary data collection using questionnaires by interview, while secondary data were obtained from the Cipanas Health Center. Analysis results showed that out of 101 respondents 45.4% did not use latrines, 82.2% had high incomes, 58.4% had poor attitudes, 62.4% did not have latrines, 71.3% had the role of health workers, and 61.4% had community leaders. The correlation analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between attitudes, latrine ownership, the role of health workers (Pv = 0.000), the role of community leaders (Pv = 0.005) and the use of family latrines. Suggestions for this research are the need to increase the knowledge and awareness of family heads in the use of family latrines.
Implementasi Metode Support Group Dalam Meningkatkan Persepsi Pasien Tentang Perawatan Diabetes Melitus di Kota Bandung Nandang Jamiat Nugraha; Rahmat Rahmat
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (122.159 KB) | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i1.123


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) merupakan penyakit yang tidak dapat disembuhkan, namun dapat dikendalikan. Prevalensi penderita DM di Indonesia 6.9% dan di Jawa Barat sekitar 29,4% dari jumlah penduduknya. Sebagai mother of desease, penyakit DM memiliki komplikasi yang serius seperti retinopati diabetik, neuropati, amputasi, penyakit jantung, gagal jantung, stroke dan peripheral arterial disease. Kondisi tersebut menunjukkan perlunya keseriusan dalam penanganan penyakit DM. Diperlukan dukungan dari kader (sebagai bagian dari support group) bagi peserta prolanis DM. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi metoda support group dalam meningkatkan persepsi pasien tentang perawatan DM di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan quasi experiment dengan pretest and post test non equivalent control group. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan persepsi pasien prolanis sebesar 3,08 dan peningkatannya dinyatakan sangat bermakna (p<0,01). Edukasi yang dilakukan kader (support group) berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan persepsi pasien DM. Metode support group dengan memberdayakan kader dalam memberikan edukasi sangat bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan kebijakan di pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat.
Literature Review : Pengalaman Perawat Terkait Pelaksanaan Cultural Competence Di Ruang Intensive Care Unit Yeni Binteriawati; Tuti Pahriah; Aan Nuraeni
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.382 KB) | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i1.125


Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is an area of ​​care activity and well designed to treat critical conditions, nurses must have cultural competence. Culture participates in health values, beliefs, behavior and situational judgments. If left untreated will result in negative social and clinical consequences, unclear environment, confusion, messages not delivered, patient ignorance, delay in informed consent and low quality of care. The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of nurses related to the implementation of Cultural Competence in the ICU from research that has been done. The method used by searching electronic articles consists of qualitative studies collected from electronic databases such as Medline, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed and Proquest using relevant MeSH keywords: Cultural Competence, Intensive Care Unit, and Nursing. Articles selected according to the SPIDER criteria, published in 2012-2018. Evaluation of articles uses critical appraisal and PRISMA guidelines. From the results of the literature search conducted, as many as 7 (seven) related articles were found and met the criteria. The results of the themes that emerged related to the implementation of cultural competence include the involvement of the family in the care process, using translators, maintaining a multicultural team, communication procedures, and clear diagnosis and recognizing cultural diversity.
Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Pelajar Dengan Upaya Pencegahan HIV/AIDS di SMA Negeri 2 Raha, Kabupaten Muna La Rangki; Firtiani Firtiani
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 02 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal, Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i02.92


The high number of HIV / AIDS infections which continues to grow, especially among young people or teenagers, is a serious problem. Lack of knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about HIV / AIDS can influence prevention measures against HIV / AIDS. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge and attitudes of students with HIV / AIDS prevention efforts. The type of research used was observational analytic with cross sectional design approach. The population in this study were grade 1 students and kleas 2 students of SMA Negeri 2 Raha. While the sampling in this study using the stratified random sampling method with a total of 87 respondents. The results showed that the majority of respondents had good knowledge 63 students (72.4%) and a small proportion of respondents had less knowledge of 24 students (27.6%) and the majority of respondents had an attitude of supporting 86 students (98.9%), and a small proportion of respondents had the attitude of not supporting 1 student (1.1%) as well as respondents who did not do the prevention of 2 students (2.3%) and the majority of respondents made an effort to prevent 85 students (97.7%). There is no meaningful relationship between students 'knowledge of HIV / AIDS prevention efforts at SMA Negeri 2 Raha, but there is a significant relationship between students' attitudes towards HIV / AIDS prevention efforts. It is recommended to students to be more able to filter the information obtained, so that a positive attitude pattern is formed in the prevention of HIV / AIDS.
Hubungan antara Keluhan Kelelahan Subjektif, Umur dan Masa Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja pada Pekerja Ela Nurdiawati; Rizki Aulia Dina Safira
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 02 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal, Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i02.106


Work productivity is a measurable result, which can be achieved by someone in a real work environment in each unit of time. The results of a preliminary study of 10 workers, there are 7 workers who have poor work productivity. This study aims to determine the relationship between complaints of subjective fatigue, age and working period with work productivity of workers at PT. KHI Pipe Industries in 2019. The research design used was cross sectional. The study population was all workers at PT. KHI Pipe Industries, amounting to + 205 people. The sample in this study amounted to 75 respondents. The research data found that 77.3% included in the category of moderate work productivity, 68% of respondents have complaints of mild fatigue, the age of the respondents included the old category (82.7%) and the work period included in the moderate category (50.7%). The analysis test shows that there is no relationship between subjective fatigue complaints (Pv = 0.499) on work productivity, there is a relationship between age (Pv = 0,000) and work period (Pv = 0,000) on work productivity.
Manajemen Kemitraan dalam Peningkatan Mutu Lulusan Diploma Tiga Kebidanan Nani Yunarsih
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 03 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal, November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i03.127


The increasing number of midwifery colleges has not been matched with the quality due to lack of facilities and infrastructure to support clinical practices. The purpose of this study was to identify: 1) the purpose of partnership, 2) partnership program, 3) implementation of partnership program, 4) problems and challenges faced in partnership, 5) further improvement steps, and 6) qualities of partnership graduates. The object of this study were Aisyiah Midwifery Academy, Dr Drajat Prawiranegara Hospital, Bina Husada Midwifery Academy, and Kencana Hospital. Data were collected through observations, interviews and documentation study. Research results showed that: 1) the purposes of partnership in improving the quality of education and the quality of graduate competence, establishing long-term partnerships and implementing threefold missions of higher education, have the form of midwifery partnership activities and competency support training, 2) the implementation of partnership still needs improvement starting from organizing to partnership strategies, 3) partnership issues and challenges in the management and leadership implementation, 4) further improvement steps including management, activities, budget, human resources, other related parties, and partnership. This study recommended lecturers to be able to alocate their time for academic duties and student coaching duties and midwifery colleges to plan operational strategies in collaboration.
Pengaruh Terapi Bermain Terhadap Trauma Healing Pada Anak Korban Bencana Alam Dhito Dwi Pramardika; Jelita Siska Herlina Hinonaung; Astri Juwita Mahihody; Grace Angel Wuaten
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 7 No 02 (2020): Faletehan Health Journal, Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v7i02.131


The impact of natural disasters is loss of life, loss of property, and environmental damage. However, the psychological impact is often ignored especially in children. If not addressed, it can affect on their growth and development. This study aims to determine the effects of trauma healing on children victims of landslides and flash floods in Kampung Belengang, Sangihe Islands Regency, North Sulawesi Province. The experimental group were given play therapy while the control group were not given the intervention. The type of research is quasi-experimental with two unpaired samples. The analysis used to test the difference of the effects is by using Mann-Whitney test. The samples of this study were 16 children in the experimental group and 10 children in the control group. The results of this study show the difference in the average value of the experimental group (17.6056) and the average value of the control group (0.0000). To conclude, there is a significant difference between children who are given play therapy and the control group (p = 0.000).

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