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Core Subject : Agriculture,
Menara Perkebunan as a communication medium for research in estate crops published articles covering original research result on the pre- and post-harvest biotechnology of estate crops. The contents of the articles should be directed for solving the problems of production and/or processing of estate crops of smallholder, private plantations and state-owned estates, based on the three dedications of plantation. Analyses of innovative research methods and techniques in biotechnology, which are important for advancing agricultural research. Critical scientific reviews of research result in agricultural and estate biotechnology.
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Sintesis, karakterisasi, dan pengujian aktifitas antifungi nanopartikel perak – cysteine secara in vitro terhadap Ganoderma boninense Yora FARAMITHA; Firda DIMAWARNITA; Haryo Tejo PRAKOSO; Siswanto SISWANTO
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 90 No. 2 (2022): Oktober, 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/


The application of silver nanoparticles as antifungal in the plantation sector is very potential to be developed. Silver nanoparticles conjugated with cysteine have the advantage of having low toxicity, making them safer for the environment. Until now, basal stem rot disease caused by apathogenic fungus, Ganoderma boninense, has become a serious problem and causes economic losses in oil palm plantations. Studies related to the effect of silver nanoparticles on the control of G. boninense have not been widely studied. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to evaluate the stability of silver nanoparticles conjugated with L-cysteine (Cys-AgNPs) and to examine Cys-AgNPs ability in inhibiting the mycelial growth of G. boninense. Cysteine-silver nanoparticles were characterized using UV-Vis, particle size analyzer (PSA), and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The assay of Cys-AgNPs activity as an antifungal against G. boninense was carried out in vitro. As a result, cysteine-silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesized by producing a brownish-yellow color and maximum localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) absorbance in the range of 402 nm. There was an effect of L-cysteine concentration on the stability of Cys-AgNPs. The use of 0.01 M L-cysteine concentration resulted in Cys-AgNPs that were more stable and smaller in particle size than 0.001 M L-cysteine. Silver-cysteine nanoparticles could inhibit the growth of G. boninense mycelia, with a highest percentage of mycelia inhibition observed from the application of Cys-AgNPs at 8 mg L-1 on day 6 (65,17%).  AbstrakAplikasi nanopartikel perak sebagai antifungi di bidang perkebunan sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan. Nanopartikel perak yang dikonjugasi dengan L-cysteine memiliki keunggulan yaitu sifat toksisitas yang rendah sehingga lebih aman untuk lingkungan. Hingga saat ini, penyakit busuk pangkal batang pada perkebunan kelapa sawit yang disebabkan oleh cendawan patogen Ganoderma boninense masih menjadi permasalahan yang serius dan menyebabkan kerugian secara ekonomi. Studi terkait pengaruh nanopartikel perak terhadap pengendalian G. boninense masih belum banyak dikaji. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi stabilitas nanopartikel perak yang dikonjugasikan dengan L-cysteine (Cys-AgNPs) dan menguji kemampuannya dalam menghambat pertumbuhan miselia G. boninense. Nanopartikel perak-cysteine dikarakterisasi menggunakan UV-Vis, particle size analyzer (PSA), dan Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). Uji aktivitas Cys-AgNPs sebagai antifungi terhadap G. boninense dilakukan secara in vitro.  Sebagai hasil, nanopartikel perak-cysteine berhasil disintesis dengan menghasilkan warna kuning kecoklatan dan absorbansi localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) maksimum pada kisaran 402 nm. Terdapat pengaruh konsentrasi L-cysteine terhadap stabilitas Cys-AgNPs. Penggunaan konsentrasi L-cysteine 0,01 M menghasilkan Cys-AgNPs yang lebih stabil dan ukuran partikel yang lebih kecil dibanding L-cysteine 0,001 M. Nanopartikel perak-cysteine mampu menghambat pertumbuhan miselia G. boninense dengan persentase penghambatan miselia tertinggi diamati dari aplikasi Cys-AgNPs optimum sebesa 8 mg L-1 pada hari ke-6 (65,17%).
Penetapan penambatan N 2 Rhizobacterium secara kuantitatif dengan teknik isotop 15 N Quantitative assessment of N 2 fixing Rhizobacterium using isotope 15 N technique Laksmita Prima SANTI
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 2: Desember 2013

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AbstractAbility to quantify the amounts of N 2 fixed in agri-cultural land is critical to manage the N cycle for optimalfood and plantation crop production. Isotope and relatednuclear technique such as 15 N isotope dilution technique hasplayed a significant role in nutrient management analysis forquantification of biological N 2 fixation. The largest pool of Nin the environment is atmospheric N 2 and it has a constantnatural abundance of 0.3663 % atom15 N. 15 N is a stableisotope of N and used as a unique tracer to evaluate thepotential of N 2 fixing bacteria, especially symbiotic and non-symbiotic Rhizobacterium. A field experiment has beeninitiated at IBRIEC to assess the N 2 fixing capacity ofrhizobacterium isolated from sandy textured soil at CentralKalimantan and evaluate the potential of bacteria N 2 fixingon corn (Zea mays). Field experiment has been conducted atCiomas Research Station, IBRIEC-Bogor for four months.The field experiment has been organized according to themethod of Randomized Complete Blocks Design with sixtreatments and three replicates. The results of this studysuggested that the method was reliable for estimation of %Ndfa as well as quantitative analysis of the amount of N fixedfrom the atmosphare. The proportion of N 2 uptake derivedfrom the atmophere was estimated as 32% of the whole plantbasis which was equivalent to approximately 4.8 kg N/ha.The inoculation of Rhizobacterium increased dry matter ofcorn leaves, roots, and grains significantly.AbstrakKemampuan penetapan jumlah N 2 yang dapat ditambatpada lahan pertanian merupakan suatu hal yang penting untukmengatur siklus N sebagai upaya mencapai tingkat produk-tivitas yang optimal di tanaman pangan dan perkebunan.Teknik isotop atau yang berhubungan dengan teknologinuklir seperti isotop 15 N memiliki peran signifikan di dalammanagemen kebun berbasis nutrisi untuk mengkuantifikasipenambatan N 2 secara biologi. Cadangan N terbesar di dalamlingkungan adalah N 2 atmosfer. Cadangan ini memilikikelimpahan alami yang stabil pada 0,3663 % atom 15 N. 15 Nmerupakan isotop yang stabil dan digunakan sebagai pelacakyang bersifat spesifik untuk mengevaluasi bakteri penambatN 2 potensial, khususnya bakteri di daerah perakaran, baikyang bersifat simbiotik ataupun non simbiotik. Penelitianterkait dengan uraian di atas telah dilakukan di BalaiPenelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Indonesia (BPBPI) dengan tujuan untuk menetapkan kemampuan menambatnitrogen dari Rhizobacterium yang diisolasi dari tanahtekstur berpasir asal Kalimantan Tengah serta mengevaluasipotensi bakteri dalam menambat N 2 pada tanaman jagung(Zea mays). Percobaan lapang dilakukan di Kebun PercobaanCiomas, BPBPI selama empat bulan. Kegiatan di lapangdidesain dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan enamperlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa metode isotop 15 N dapat diaplikasikan untuk mem-perkirakan persentase N 2 yang ditambat dari atmosfer (Ndfa).Proporsi N yang diambil dari atmosfer diperkirakan sebesar32% dari seluruh bagian tanaman jagung yang setara dengan4,8 kg N/ha. Perlakuan inokulasi dengan Rhizobacteriummeningkatkan bobot kering daun, akar, dan pipilan jagungsecara signifikan.
Penggunaan biostimulan Orgamin untuk efisiensi pemupukan dan peningkatan produktivitas kelapa sawit di dataran tinggi Application of Orgamin biostimulan to enhance fertilizer efficiency and productivity of oil palm grown in highland Happy WIDIASTUTI; Djoko SANTOSO; Soekarno Mismana PUTRA; Memed WIRAMIHARDJA; Aida FARIDA; B. MARAHIMIN MARAHIMIN; K. PANJAITAN PANJAITAN; Jisman SINAGA
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 2: Desember 2013

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AbstractThe extension of oil palm area has been expanded tomarginal land such as the highland regions. However, theproductivity of the oil palm became the main demand for theplanters. Increasing of oil palm productivity can be done byapplication of growth regulators. Growth regulators aresmall molecules in a relatively very small amount that affectthe growth and development of plant. This study wasconducted to asses the efectiveness of plant growth regu-lators (Orgamin and Orgamin plus) in improving fertilizerefficiency and productivity of mature oil palm (TM 7). Theexperiments were conducted at Marjandi oil palm plantationat an altitude of 700 m above sea level in a total area of 16 ha. Six treatments tested were 1). 100% inorganicfertilizer (control), 2). 50% inorganic fertilizer + Orgamin(50K+O), 3). 75% inorganic fertilizer + Orgamin (75K+O),4). 50% inorganic fertilizer + Orgamin plus (50K+OP), 5).75% inorganic fertilizer + Orgamin plus (75K+OP), and 6).100% inorganic fertilizer + Orgamin plus (100K+OP)arranged in a randomized block design (RBD) with threereplications. Orgamin (O) and Orgamin plus (OP) wereapplied in the hole around the oil palm along with inorganicfertilizers. The results showed that application of O and OPimproved the efficiency of inorganic fertilizers by 50% basedon vegetative variables and increased the concentration ofN, P, and K of leaf and soil compared to those of 100%inorganic fertilizer. In addition to the height and leaf numberof plant parameters, the leaf of the plant treated with O andOP showed more greenish compared to those of control.There is an indication that the O application increased thepercentage of female flowers. In addition the application ofOrgamin also produced the highest oil content in oil palmfruit particularly in the treatment of 75% of inorganicfertilizer + orgamin harvested in October compared to thosein March. Moreover, application of OP increased both thetotal weight and weight per bunch of FFB.AbstrakPengembangan kelapa sawit mengharuskan pengguna-an lahan suboptimal seperti daerah dataran tinggi. Produk-tivitas kelapa sawit menjadi tuntutan utama bagi pekebun.Peningkatan produktivitas kelapa sawit di dataran tinggididuga dapat dilakukan dengan aplikasi zat pengatur tumbuh.Zat pengatur tumbuh merupakan molekul “kecil” (small molecules) yang dalam jumlah relatif sangat sedikit mem-pengaruhi pertumbuhan/perkembangan tanaman. Penelitiandilakukan untuk menguji formula zat pengatur tumbuh(Orgamin dan Orgamin plus) dalam meningkatkan efisiensipemupukan dan produktivitas kelapa sawit TM 7. Percobaandilakukan di kebun Marjandi dengan ketinggian 700 dpl padaareal seluas 16 ha. Enam perlakuan yang diuji adalah 1).pupuk anorganik 100% (100K), 2). pupuk anorganik 50% +Orgamin (50K+O), 3). pupuk anorganik 75% + Orgamin(75K+O), 4). pupuk anorganik 50% + Orgamin plus (50K+OP), 5). pupuk anorganik 75% + Orgamin plus (75K+OP),dan 6). pupuk anorganik 100% + Orgamin plus (100K+OP)yang disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK)dengan tiga ulangan. Orgamin (O) dan Orgamin plus (OP)diberikan dalam lubang di piringan pokok bersamaan denganpupuk anorganik. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwapemberian O dan OP dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pemupuk-an anorganik hingga 50% dilihat dari beberapa peubahvegetatif dan menghasilkan kadar N, P, dan K daun dantanah lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pemberian pupukanorganik 100%. Selain pada parameter tinggi tanaman danjumlah daun, peningkatan juga terlihat pada tingkatkehijauan daun. Terdapat indikasi bahwa pemberian Orgaminmeningkatkan persentase jumlah bunga betina. PemberianOrgamin juga menghasilkan kadar minyak tertinggi khusus-nya pada pemberian Orgamin + pupuk anorganik 75% padabuah yang dipanen bulan Oktober dibandingkan dengan buahyang dipanen bulan Maret. Baik data bobot per tandanmaupun bobot TBS menunjukkan bahwa pemberian OPdapat meningkatkan kedua peubah tersebut. 
Pengaruh cendawan mikoriza arbuskula (CMA) terhadap karakteristik agronomi tanaman tebu sistem tanam bagal satu The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF) on agronomic characteristics of single bud planting sugarcane . BASUKI
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 2: Desember 2013

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AbstractSingle bud planting system is a propagation system togenerate high quality seed cane from sugarcane cuttings inthe form of single bud. A glasshouse experiment wasconducted to study the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizalfungi (AMF) application on agronomic parameters insugarcane seedlings propagated through single budplanting system. AMF inoculum used was Glomus sp. andGigaspora sp. with 4-6 spores per g, given as much as 5 gper pot, while growth media was a mixed of soil withorganic mater (1:1). The seedling was planted in plastic potof 5x5x9 cm 3 (lxwlxh) in size. The treatment assessed waswith and without AMF. Each of the treatment replicated 10times potrai and each potrai contain 63 holes. Theobservation was carried out after four weeks incubation andthe parameters observed were seedling height, wide of leaf,biomass of root and rooting percentage, nutrient content oftissue and AMF infection. The data was analyzed withanalyses of variance. The result showed that AMFinoculation could enhance seedling height 48,41%, and leafwide 22,2% compared to control. Seedling colonized withAMF produced of root fresh weight two times highercompared to these uninoculated seeds. The high of watercontent of root of seedling colonized with AMF showedthat the higher ability of the seedling to absorb water (48%)compared to those uncolonized seedling. The colonizedseedling hopefully could survived in dry condition.AbstrakSingle bud planting merupakan salah satu sistemuntuk mendapatkan bibit tebu berkualitas dari batang tebubentuk stek satu mata. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahuipengaruh aplikasi cendawan mikoriza arbuskula (CMA)terhadap parameter agronomi bibit tebu yang diperbanyakmelalui sistem single bud planting (SBP). Penelitiandilakukan di rumah kaca menggunakan bahan tanam berupabibit bagal satu (SBP) yang telah berumur tujuh hari.Inokulum CMA yang digunakan adalah Glomus sp. danGigaspora sp. dengan populasi 4-6 spora/g sebanyak 5 g perpot, sedangkan media tanam berupa tanah dan bahanorganik dengan perbandingan 1:1. Tanaman ditanam dipotrai berukuran p x l x t = 5 x 5 x 9 cm 3 . Perlakuan yangdiuji adalah inokulasi dengan dan tanpa CMA. Setiap per- lakuan diulang sebanyak 10 ulangan potrai dan tiap potraiterdiri dari 63 lubang, sehingga total tanaman tiap per-lakuan adalah 630 tanaman. Pengamatan dilakukan setelahinkubasi empat minggu dan parameter yang diamati adalahtinggi tanaman, lebar daun, kondisi dan bobot basah dankering perakaran, kandungan hara N, P, dan K jaringantanaman, dan infeksi CMA. Data diolah menggunakananalisis sidik ragam (Anova) dan diuji beda nyata dengan ujiT dengan taraf nyata 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan,bahwa penggunaan cendawan mikoriza arbuskula (CMA)mampu meningkatkan tinggi tanaman sebesar 48,41 %, danlebar daun 22,2 % dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Tanamantebu yang dikolonisasi CMA memiliki bobot basah akar duakali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang tidak dikolo-nisasi CMA. Lebih tingginya bobot basah akar bibit tebubermikoriza menunjukkan lebih banyaknya tanaman me-nyimpan air yaitu sebesar 48%, dibandingkan dengan tanpaCMA sehingga diharapkan tanaman dapat bertahan padakondisi kering.
Kloning cDNA lengkap penyandi ACCase subunit biotin carboxylase dari mesokarp kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Cloning of full length cDNA encoding ACCase subunit biotin carboxylase from mesocarp of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Asmini BUDIANI; Antonius SUWANTO; Hajrial ASWIDINNOO; Djoko SANTOSO; Basil J NIKOLAU
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 2: Desember 2013

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AbstractAcetyl-CoA Carboxylase (ACCase) is considered to beone of the key enzymes in palm oil biosynthesis. Availabilityof genes encoding this enzyme would give some advantagesin the molecular breeding of oil palm. Over expression ofthe genes in the oil palm mesocarp might increase the oilproduction in this tissue. On the other hand, downregulating of ACCase could divert the central metaboliteAcetyl-CoA to other product such as PHB (Polyhydroxy-butyrate), one of the known biodegradable plastic. Thispaper reported the work of cloning of the full length codingsequence of biotin carboxylase (BC), one subunit of theACCase. Based on the DNA sequence of the BC conservedregion that had cloned previously, primers pairs weredesigned to amplify 5’- and 3’- cDNA ends of BC usingRACE-PCR. The RACE products of 5’- and 3’- cDNA endsof BC were cloned into E.coli, and the DNAs weresequenced and analysed. The full cDNA of BC was obtainedby reisolation of the cloned 5’- and 3’- cDNA ends followedby digestion using KpnI, ligation into pGEM-T vector andcloning into E.coli. Colony PCR was carried out to confirmthat the target gene has been cloned. The recombinantplasmid containing full cDNA of BC was then isolated forDNA sequencing. The results showed that the 5’-BC (1367bp), 3’- BC (1032 bp), and the full length cDNA encodingBC (2182 bp) had been successfully cloned, and the DNAsequence had been confirmed as gene encoding ACCasesubunit biotin carboxylase.AbstrakAcetyl-CoA Carboxylase (ACCase) merupakan salahsatu enzim kunci dalam biosintesis minyak sawit. Keter-sediaan gen penyandi enzim ini sangat berguna dalampemuliaan kelapa sawit secara molekuler. Over-ekspresi genpenyandi ACCase pada mesokarp dapat meningkatkan pro-duksi minyak pada jaringan tersebut. Sebaliknya ekspresiACCase dapat ditekan melalui mekanisme down regulation sehingga metabolit central Acetyl-CoA dapat diarahkanuntuk menghasilkan produk lain seperti PHB (polyhydro-xybutyrate), salah satu jenis biodegradable plastik yangtelah banyak dikenal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengklon cDNA lengkap penyandi ACCase subunit biotincarboxylase (BC) dari mesokarp kelapa sawit. Berdasarkansekuen DNA daerah konservatif BC yang telah diklon darimesokarp kelapa sawit pada penelitian sebelumnya, duapasang primer dirancang untuk mengamplifikasi daerahujung 5’- dan 3’- cDNA BC dengan RACE-PCR. Produk5’-RACE dan 3’-RACE diklon dan disekuen. cDNAlengkap penyandi BC diperoleh dengan jalan mengisolasikembali fragmen 5’- dan 3’- cDNA terklon, dilanjutkandengan digesti menggunakan enzim restriksi KpnI, ligasikedua fragmen ke vektor kloning pGEM-T, dan introduksike dalam E. coli. Setelah dilakukan PCR koloni untukmenguji keberhasilan kloning, plasmid rekombinan yangmengandung cDNA lengkap dari BC diisolasi untuk analisissekuen DNA. Dari penelitian ini fragmen cDNA 5’-BC(1367 pb) dan 3’- BC (1032 pb), serta cDNA lengkappenyandi BC berukuran 2182 pb telah diperoleh dan diklondalam E. coli. Analisis sekuen DNA mengkonfirmasi bahwacDNA terklon adalah benar gen penyandi ACCase subunitbiotin carboxylase.
Sintesis silika tersulfonasi dari waterglass dengan templat PEG sebagai katalis asam padat dalam pembuatan pelumas dari minyak nabati Synthesis of sulfonated silica from waterglass with PEG template as solid acid catalyst in the production of lubricant from vegetable oil Sri WAHYUNI; Heru SETYAWA
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 2: Desember 2013

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AbstractThe use of a catalyst in the manufacture of lubricantscome through many developments, from a homogeneousbase catalysts, homogeneous acid catalyst to hetero-geneous solid catalyst system (heterogenous catalyst). Oneexample of heterogeneous catalyst base material is silica.The purpose of this research was to study the graftingmethod of sulfonic group on silica from waterglass withPEG (polyethylene glycol) template as solid acid catalystand to analyze the effect of PEG concentration on ioniccapacity. Silica sol was produced by addition of PEG andHCl into waterglass. The PEG template was separated bytwo different methods; solvothermal extraction andcalcinations process. The following step was graftingprocess of the sulfonate into the silica powder, and dryingthe silica sulfonate in certain temperature. The driedsulfonated silica particles were characterized for theirpore size by BET method, the functional group by FTIR(Fourier Transform Infra Red) test, and the ionic capacityby titrimetry analysis. The result showed that the separatedPEG template process with calcinations method gave abetter result than the solvothermal extraction methodbased on the amount of PEG that disappear. While fromBET result showed that the calcinations process producedsmaller surface area pore than the extraction solvothermalprocess. The effect of the concentration of PEG template,showed that the surface area mostly decreased with theaddition of the PEG template concentration and increasedagain at 0.0178 g/mL. The biggest ionic capacity at 12,603mmol eq/g silica was obtained from solvothermal method.AbstrakPenggunaan katalis dalam pembuatan pelumas me-ngalami banyak perkembangan, dari katalis homogenbasa, katalis homogen asam hingga dikembangkanpenggunaan katalis padat sistem heterogen (heterogenouscatalyst). Salah satu contoh bahan dasar dari katalisheterogen ini adalah silika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmempelajari teknik pencangkokan gugus sulfonat pada silika dari waterglass dengan templat PEG (polyethyleneglycol) sebagai katalis asam padat dan menganalisapengaruh konsentrasi templat terhadap kapasitas ion. Solsilika dibuat dengan menambahkan PEG dan HCl kedalam waterglass. Templat PEG dihilangkan dengan duacara yang berbeda yaitu ekstraksi solvothermal dankalsinasi. Proses selanjutnya adalah pencangkokansulfonat pada serbuk silica dan silika tersulfonasi padasuhu tertentu. Partikel silika tersulfonasi yang telah keringdikarakterisasi ukuran porinya dengan metode BET,gugus fungsi dengan uji FTIR (Fourier Transform InfraRed), dan kapasitas ionik dengan analisis titrimetri. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode kalsinasi ternyatadapat menghilangkan senyawa PEG lebih baik di-bandingkan dengan metode ekstraksi solvothermal, tetapiberdasarkan hasil BET, penghilangan templat melaluiproses kalsinasi menghasilkan luas permukaan yang lebihkecil jika dibandingkan dengan kondisi sebelum templatdihilangkan, sedangkan ekstraksi solvothermal meng-hasilkan luas permukaan silika yang lebih besar. Untukpengaruh konsentrasi templat PEG, didapatkan hasilbahwa luas permukaan partikel silika cenderung turundengan penambahan templat dan naik kembali padakonsentrasi 0,0178 g/mL. Kapasitas ionik terbesar di-dapat pada silika dengan metode solvothermal yaitusebesar 12,603 mmol/g silika.
Pengaruh periode pra-kondisi dan penutupan sungkup terhadap daya hidup planlet karet (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg) Effect of pre-condition period and vessel closure on the survival rate of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg) plantlets Masna Maya SINTA; . NURHAIMI-HARIS; . SUMARYONO
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 1: Juni 2013

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Acclimatization of plantlets is a critical stage in the micropropagation of many plants. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of pre-condition period and vessel closure on the growth and survival rate of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.Arg.) plantlets derived from in vitro microcutting during acclimatization. Plantlets were planted in plastic pots containing mixed growing media after being conditioned in ex vitro environment for 0, 3 and 6 days. Five closure vessel treatments were closed pots placed in opened container, opened pots in closed glass container, closed pots in closed glass container, opened pots in closed plastic container, and closed pots in closed plastic container. Observation on leaf conditions, rooting frequency, and plant height were conducted at 1.5 months and on the percentage of survive plantlets at 1.5 and 3 months after acclimatization. The results showed that pre-condition was required to increase survival rate and growth of the plantlets. Pre-condition period of six days gave a higher survival rate than 0 and 3 days which reached 100% and 93% on opened pot in closed plastic container and closed pot in opened container, respectively after 1.5 months and was reduced to 80% after three months of acclimatization. The highest formation of new leaves and roots were also obtained on six days pre-condition period. Plantlets with pre-condition for six days and were planted on closed pots in an opened container had the best rooting frequency which was 90%. The result showed that the highest survival rate (80%) of rubber plantlets after three months was obtained when the plantlets were pre-conditioned in ex vitro conditions for six days before acclimatization and planted on opened pots in a closed plastic container or closed pots in an opened container.
Respons awal pemberian biostimulan Orgamin pada kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Kebun Marjandi PTPN IV Early response of Orgamin biostimulan application in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) at PTPN IV Marjandi plantation Soekarno Mismana PUTRA; Djoko SANTOSO; Happy WIDIASTUTI; A. H. SARAGIH SARAGIH; M. A. GHONI GHONI; B. MARAHIMIN MARAHIMIN; K. PANJAITAN PANJAITAN
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 1: Juni 2013

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/


AbstractEffort to increase the production of oil palm can beconducted through application of plant growth regulator(PGR). Orgamin biostimulan is a natural PGR formulathat has been tested to improve the vegetative growths ofcorn and oil palm in the glass house. Assessment ofOrgamin and Orgamin plus (Orgamin + micro nutrient)applications at commercial scale was carried out inMarjandi oil palm plantation of PTPN IV usingrandomized block design with three treatments, i.e. K =100% recommended dose of inorganic fertilizer(control), O= Orgamin (1.5 kg/tree) + 50% dose ofinorganic fertilizer, OP = Orgamin plus (1.5 kg/tree)without inorganic fertilizer. The parameters ofobservation at 2.5 months after the treatments were soiland leaf nutrient contents (N, P, K, Mg), percentage offemale flower, mesocarp oil content, and harvested freshfruit bunches (FFB). The observation showed that therewas an increased in oil yield, weight of FFB and leafnutrient content, while the percentage of female flowerand nutrient content of soil were not significantlydifferent compared to the control.AbstrakUpaya untuk meningkatkan produksi kelapa sawitdapat dilakukan antara lain melalui pemberian zatpengatur tumbuh (ZPT). Biostimulan Orgamin merupa-kan formula ZPT alami yang telah diuji di rumah kacapada tanaman jagung dan bibit kelapa sawit. Uji cobaaplikasi Orgamin dan Orgamin plus (Orgamin yangdiperkaya hara mikro) pada skala lapang dilakukan dikebun kelapa sawit Marjandi PTPN IV denganmenggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) untukmenguji tiga perlakuan, yaitu 1) K (kontrol) = 100%dosis anjuran pupuk kimia (APK = kontrol), 2) O = 50%dosis APK + Orgamin (1,5 kg/pohon), 3) OP = Orgaminplus (1,5 kg/pohon) tanpa pupuk kimia. Peubah yangdiamati pada 2,5 bulan setelah perlakuan adalah kan-dungan hara tanah dan daun (N, P, K, Mg), persentasebunga betina, rendemen minyak mesokarp, dan produksitandan buah segar (TBS). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan rendemen minyak, bobotTBS dan kandungan hara daun, sedangkan persentasebunga betina dan kandungan hara tanah tidak menunjuk-kan perbedaan yang nyata antara perlakuan dan kontrol.
Uji potensi Burkholderia cenocepacia strain KTG sebagai bahan aktif pembenah hayati pada tanah tekstur berpasir di Kalimantan Tengah The potential test of Burkholderia cenocepacia KTG strain as an active ingredient of bio-ameliorant in sandy-textured soil at Central Kalimantan Laksmita Prima SANTI; Didiek Hadjar GOENADI
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 1: Juni 2013

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/


AbstractOil palm plantation at Central Kalimantan hasbeen expanded to those areas with sandy-textured soil.This type of soil has limiting factors for plant growth, i.e.unstable soil aggregation and weak organic complexbond that restrain root development and yield. However,efforts to solve this problem are very limited. Theresearch aimed to develop technology to improve theinteractions for promoting a stable soil aggregate ofsandy-textured soil. The use of exopolysaccharideproducing bacteria as a soil bio-ameliorant to mediatesandy soil micro aggregate formation by bio-augmenta-tion technique has become an accepted practice. A highlypotential endophytic bacterium for exopolysaccharidesproduction was isolated from a sandy soil located atKotawaringin Barat-Central Kalimantan. The bacteriumwas identified as Burkholderia cenocepacia KTG strain.The field experiment has been organized according to themethod of randomized complete blocks design with seventreatments of fertilizer in combination with bio-ameliorant and replicated three times. Fertilizer and bio-ameliorant application has been done in November 2009- November 2011. Field trial was evaluated based on theproduction of mature oil palm during January 2010-December 2011 periods. The data obtained indicate thatapplication of bio-ameliorant combined with reduceddosage of N-P-K 16-4-25 was not significantly differentto that of full dosage of N-P-K 16-4-25 treatment.AbstrakPengembangan perkebunan kelapa sawit diKalimantan Tengah telah masuk ke wilayah dengan tanahtekstur berpasir. Jenis tanah ini memiliki faktor pembatasbagi pertumbuhan tanaman seperti ketidakstabilan agregattanah serta ikatan organik kompleks yang lemah,sehingga perkembangan akar tanaman akan mengalamihambatan dan pada akhirnya produktivitas menjadi suboptimal. Bagaimanapun juga, upaya untuk memecahkanmasalah tersebut masih sangat terbatas. Penelitian inibertujuan mengembangkan teknologi untuk meningkat-kan kemantapan agregat tanah tekstur berpasir. Pem-bentukan mikro agregasi tanah dengan memanfaatkanbakteri penghasil eksopolisakarida sebagai pembenahhayati melalui teknik bioaugmentasi merupakan teknologiyang dapat diterapkan secara praktis di lapang. Bakteriendofitik penghasil eksopolisakarida potensial telah ber-hasil diisolasi dari tanah tekstur berpasir, di daerahKotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah. Bakteri ini di-identifikasi sebagai Burkholderia cenocepacia strainKTG. Tujuh perlakuan yang diuji merupakan kombinasipupuk dan pembenah tanah hayati dengan tiga ulangan.Aplikasi pupuk dan pembenah tanah hayati ini dilakukanselama periode Nopember 2009 - Nopember 2011.Evaluasi dilakukan atas dasar tingkat produktivitaskelapa sawit yang sudah berproduksi selama 16 tahunselama periode Januari 2010 - Desember 2011. Data yangdiperoleh menunjukkan bahwa dosis pembenah tanahyang diuji yang dikom-binasikan dengan penurunan dosispupuk N-P-K 16-4-25 tidak berbeda nyata denganperlakuan penggunaan dosis penuh pupuk N-P-K 16-4-25.
Mikropropagasi planlet tebu menggunakan sistem perendaman sesaat (SPS) Micropropagation of sugarcane plantlets using temporary immersion system (TIS) Hayati MINARSIH; Imron RIYADI; . SUMARYONO; Asmini BUDIANI
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 1: Juni 2013

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/


bstractTo achieve Indonesian sugar self-sufficiency in2014, the national production needs to be escalatedthrough land extensification that requires a largenumbers of cane planting materials. This can be achievedby mass propagation of sugarcane through in vitroculture. Solid medium is commonly used for callusproliferation in sugarcane tissue culture. However, solidmedium is considered inefficient in terms of plantletproduction level, labour and space. The use of liquidmedium may solve the problem by allowing automationto increase plantlet production scale and uniformity.Temporary immersion system (TIS) is based on a shortperiodic immersion of explants in a liquid medium for aspecific frequency and duration. Research on in vitromass propagation of sugarcane using TIS was conductedat the Indonesian Biotechnology Research Institute forEstate Crops. Callus initiated from immature unfoldedleaves of PSJT 941 and PS 881 was cultured on liquidMS medium in TIS with different frequencies (12 and24 h) and durations (1 and 3 min) of immersion. Eachtreatment was replicated three times. The callus biomassof two elite cane varieties (PSJT 941 and PS 881)cultured in TIS for six weeks was higher (2 – 4 times fold)than that of on solid medium. The PSJT 941 varietyreached the highest calli biomass with immersion forthree min every 24 h. However, PS 881 variety reachedits highest biomass with immersion for one minute every24 h. The propagation of sugarcane using TIS culturewas proven to produce higher calli biomass up to fourfolds and to form more numbers and uniform shootscompared to the solid medium culture. The callus wassuccesfully regenerated to shoots and plantlets.AbstrakUntuk mencapai swasembada gula, perlu dilakukanpeningkatan produksi gula nasional melalui perluasanareal pertanaman tebu sehingga diperlukan bibit dalamjumlah besar. Hal tersebut dapat diatasi antara laindengan perbanyakan tebu melalui kultur in vitro. Peng-gunaan medium padat pada perbanyakan kalus tebumelalui kultur in vitro merupakan teknik yang umumdigunakan saat ini. Akan tetapi penggunaan mediumpadat dianggap kurang efisien dalam hal jumlah planletyang diproduksi, tenaga kerja dan ruang digunakan.Penggunaan medium cair dapat mengatasi kelemahantersebut dengan dimungkinkannya otomatisasi sehinggadapat meningkatkan skala produksi secara massal dankeseragaman planlet. Sistem perendaman sesaat (SPS)merupakan teknik kultur in vitro dalam medium cairmenggunakan bejana bersekat dimana kontak antaraeksplan dan medium terjadi hanya secara sesaat danperiodik. Penelitian perbanyakan massal bibit tebumelalui SPS dilakukan di Balai Penelitian BioteknologiPerkebunan Indonesia. Kalus diinisiasi dari daun meng-gulung varietas PSJT 941 dan PS 881 yang ditumbuhkanpada media MS cair dalam kultur SPS dengan frekuensiyang berbeda (12 dan 24 jam) dan lama perendaman (1dan 3 menit). Setiap perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Bobotbasah (biomassa) kalus dari dua varietas tebu (PSJT 941dan PS 881) yang ditumbuhkan dengan metode SPSsetelah enam minggu menunjukkan pening-katan yanglebih tinggi yaitu antara 2 - 4 kali lipat dibandingkandengan kontrol (media padat). Peningkatan biomassatertinggi pada varietas PSJT 941 diperoleh pada per-lakuan SPS dengan interval perendaman 24 jam dan lamaperendaman tiga menit. Sedangkan pada PS 881,peningkatan tertinggi biomassa diperoleh pada intervalperendaman 24 jam dan lama perendaman satu menit.Perbanyakan dengan metode SPS terbukti dapat mening-katkan biomassa kalus lebih dari empat kali lipat danpembentukan tunas yang lebih seragam dibandingkandengan pada media padat. Kalus yang dihasilkan dapatdiregenerasikan menjadi tunas dan planlet.

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