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Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia memuat tulisan ilmiah baik berupa naskah hasil penelitian maupun naskah konsep di bidang Kefarmasian. Diterbitkan setiap 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober.
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Articles 603 Documents
Pengaruh Plasticizer Gliserol dan Sorbitol terhadap Karakteristik Film Penutup Luka Kitosan-Tripolifosfat yang Mengandung Asiatikosida YUNI ANGGRAENI; FARIDA SULISTIAWATI; DWI NUR ASTRIA
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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Plasticizer seringkali ditambahkan ke dalam formula suatu film untuk memperbaiki sifat mekaniknya. Film penutup luka kitosan-tripolifosfat yang mengandung asiatikosida telah dibuat dengan menggunakan gliserol dan sorbitol sebagai plasticizer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh komposisi dan konsentrasi plasticizer gliserol dan sorbitol terhadap karakteristik film yang dihasilkan. Film dibuat sebanyak lima belas formula dengan variasi komposisi dan konsentrasi plasticizer. Plasticizer terdiri dari gliserol dan sorbitol dengan rasio 100:0 (formula A); 75:25 (formula B); 50:50 (formula C); 25:75 (formula D); dan 0:100 (formula E). Konsentrasi plasticizer yang digunakan adalah 40%, 60% dan 80% v/b dari berat kitosan. Film yang dihasilkan dievaluasi meliputi stabilitas fisik, ketebalan, laju transmisi uap air, penyerapan lembab, kapasitas retensi air, uji pelipatan, kekuatan tarik dan perpanjangan putus. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa komposisi dan konsentrasi plasticizer gliserol dan sorbitol berpengaruh secara bermakna terhadap ketebalan, kekuatan tarik dan perpanjangan putus film yang dibuat (p<0,05) dan pengaruhnya tidak bermakna terhadap laju transmisi uap air dan kapasitas retensi air (p>0,05). Berdasarkan karakteristik film di atas, formula C dengan konsentrasi plasticizer 60% dan 80% dapat dilanjutkan untuk membuat film penutup luka kitosan-tripolifosfat yang mengandung asiatikosida.
Antagonisme Marmin terhadap Reseptor 5-Hidroksi Triptamin dan Reseptor Histamin pada Otot Polos Ileum Marmut AGUNG ENDRO NUGROHO; PUGU NOVI ARSITO; YANCE ANAS; JOKO TRI WIBOWO; SUGENG RIYANTO; MOHAMAD ASPOLLAH SUKARI
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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The exploration of several active compounds of medicinal plants Aegle marmelos Correa (Rutaceae) have found marmin that strongly inhibit the histamine release from mast cells. The present study investigated the antagonism phenomena of marmin on 5-hydroxy triptamine and histamine receptors in guinea-pig ileum smooth muscle. The study was performed using isolated-organ technique in Tyrode buffer medium. The agonists used to sensitize the receptors were histamine and 5-hydroxy triptamine. The type of antagonism was identified by considering: 1). the decrease of pD2 or Emax values of agonists due to pretreatment of marmin, and 2) Schild regression method. In the study, marmin (10 and 100 mM) decreased the maximum contraction effect of 5-HT by 40% and 60%, respectively. However, marmin did not influence the pD2 value of 5-HT . On the other side, marmin did not influence the maximum contraction effect of histamine, however, decreased the pD2 value of histamine. Based on Schild regression method, the pA2 value of marmin was 0.8016. In conclusion, marmin non-competitively antagonized 5-HT 4 receptor, and competitively antagonized histamine receptor in ileum smooth muscle.
Iodisasi Bakso dan Nilai Kesukaan Henky Isnawan Hendritomo
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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The investigation of Iodized bakso and favorable value was carried out. The lodized bakso used iodine salts as follow KI, KIO,, and NaI each was added 200 ppm, and each treatment with three replicate. Sampling was difference as knead, raw bakso and cooked bakso. The result shows that are processing step very influential to decrease of iodine contain in bakso. The stability of KIO, during processing better than KI or Nal. Generally iodized bakso does not appear side effect to consumer, although in the texture of bakso. The consumer prefers iodized bakso. The iodized bakso with Nal most favorable than iodized bakso with KIOZ.
Khasiat dan Profil Kromatogram Fraksi Aktif dari Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) yang Diiradiasi Ermin Katrin; Setiananda Jacobs; Hendig Winarno
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (708.144 KB) | DOI: 10.35814/jifi.v15i2.509


The mangosteen fruit peel (Garcinia mangostana L.) are used as anti-infl ammatory, antihistamine, treatment of heart disease, antibacterial, antifungal, it is also used for the treatment or therapy of cancer, because it has a cytotoxic activity against cancer cells. Most of Indonesian people have used the mangosteen fruit peel and they produce mangosteen peel into powder or herbal medicine industry has produced its extract in capsules. Efforts to preserve dried mangosteen rind has done by heating process or by gamma irradiation technique. This study aimed to study the effect of gamma irradiation on cytotoxicity activity of extracts and active fractions mangosteen fruit peel against L1210 leukemia cells and chromatogram profi le of extracts and active fractions of the mangosteen fruit peel. Dry powder mangosteen rind irradiated using gamma irradiation dose of 5; 7.5; 10; and 15 kGy. Then each sample was successive macerated in n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol. Each extract was tested cytotoxicity against L1210 leukemia cells. The ethyl acetate extract was most active extract (IC50 = 4.17 mg/mL) compared with n-hexane extract (IC50 = 8.29 mg/mL) and ethanol extract (IC50 = 7.52 mg/mL). Fractionation of ethyl acetate extract by column chromatography were obtained 6 fractions. The result of cytotoxicity test showed that fraction 1 was the most active fraction (IC50 = 3.97 mg/mL), it was it was still categorized as potential anticancer (IC50 ≤ 20 mg/mL). Profi le chromatogram of fraction 1 with TLC-densitometry showed patches of discoloration on irradiation dose of 10 and 15 kGy. The results of analysis by HPLC fraction 1 showed a decrease of peak area at a dose of 10 kGy was signifi cantly different from the control. Based on the chromatogram profi le of fraction 1 and itscytotoxicity against L1210 leukemia cells, so the maximum dose of 7.5 kGy gamma irradiation can beap plied on irradiation of mangosteen fruit peel without changing its effi cacy as anti-cancer agent.
Pemanfaatan Kitosan Tersambung Silang dengan Tripolifosfat sebagai Eksipien Gel Ikan Haruan (Channa Striatus) DINA RAHMAWANTY; EFFIONORA ANWAR; ANTON BAHTIAR
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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Meat of snakehead fish (Channa striatus) has been reported can be used for wound healing because contains proteins, essential amino acids, lipid and fatty acids that inuenced wound healing process. The present study was performed in order to formulate gels contain meat powders of snakehead fish for wound healing. The formulas were used 1 g (formula 1) and 2 g (formula 2) meat powder of snakehead fish as an active ingredient. Meat powder of snakehead fish have been made nanosuspension use ionic gelation method with chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate and formulated to gel form using HPMC as gelling agent. Suspenses have been physicochemical charactheried. The results showed that suspenses (formula 1 and formula 2) have particle sie in range of 41.665.5 nm and 41.2.1 nm respectively polidispersity inde of 0.512 and 0.456 respectively eta potential ()2.15 m and ()2.35 m respectively both of formulas have spherical particles.
Analisis Urea-Kreatinin Tikus Putih pasca Pemberian Ekstrak Buah Mahkota Dewa dan Herba Pegagan WAHONO SUMARYONO; AGUNG ERU WIBOWO; SRI NINGSIH; KURNIA AGUSTINI; ROS SUMARNY; FITRIANIAR AMRI; HENDIG WINARNO
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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The evaluation of toxicity of a mixed herbal extract containing mahkota dewa fruits (Phaleria macrocarpa Scheff. Boerl) and pegagan leaves (Centella asiatica L. Urban) on Wistar-strain rats had been carried out by the determination of the urea and creatinine content in urine and plasma after feeding. Oral doses of 100 mg, 500 mg, and 2500 mg of the mixed extract/kg body Weight were administered for 16 consecutive weeks to three groups of rats. Each treated group consisted of 15 males and 15 females, and the control group was represented by 10 males and 10 females. Samples of urine and plasma of the treated groups were taken at the time right before treatment (Week zero) and at Sm, 16th, 18th Week, while those of the control were taken at zero Week, 8th, and 16th Week, respectively. The result showed that theurea and creatinine contents among the treated and control groups were not signihcantly different. It could be concluded that oral administration ofthe mixed extract by a dose up to 2500 mg/kg body weight for 16 Weeks did not influence the urea and creatinine contents both in urine and plasma of the treated animals. Based on this result, it could be assumed that the use of the mixed extract is safe.
Analisis Glikoprotein dalam Daging Mytilus viridis, Anadara granosa, dan Anadara maculosa Zuhelmi Aziz; Thamrin Wikanta; Tirta Subagio
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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Mussels is known to have ability living in clean or polluted waters environment due to it has a specific immunity system. The immunity mechanism is carried out by a glycoprotein that play role as an immunomodulator with high activity. Extraction of glycoprotein from fresh green mussel (Mytilus viridis), blood mussel (Anadara granosa) and bulu mussel (Anadara maculosa) have been carried out, by boiling the mussels for 30 minutes and 60 minutes, precipitation of glycoprotein with ethanol, then purification of glycoprotein through the Sephadex G-100 column. The amino acids composition of the glycoprotein was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with normal phase pico tag column, using 1 ml/min isocratic elution with sodium acetate buffer-acetonitril mixture, and detection with UV detector. Result showed that the yield of glycoprotein from 60 minutes boiling was higher than from 30 minutes boiling. The glycoprotein content of green mussel, blood mussel and bulu mussel were 11,97%, 8,36%, and 18,93% from 60 minutes boiling, and 10,32%, 7,93%, and 9,07 from 30 minutes boiling, respectively. It can be concluded that the amino acids composition in the glycoprotein from both treatment were not proportional , but the 60 minutes boiling was given higher result.
Sintesis Fenil Sinamat dan 4-Fenilkroman-2-on dan Uji Sitotoksisitas Terhadap Sel Kanker Serviks HeLa TENI ERNAWATI; DILA FAIRUSI
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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Cinnamic acid is a derivative of methyl cinnamate; it is included in the shikimic acid pathway derivatives. Cinnamic acid and its natural analogue are known as a cancer treatment for several centuries.Synthesis of phenyl cinnamic and 4-phenilkroman-2-on derived from methyl cinnamate had been done by using acid as a catalyst. Methyl cinnamic was first converted into cinnamic acid via hydrolysis reaction with alkaline. After that, cinnamic acid was chlorinated by using thionyl chloride and phenol reagent to produce fenil-sinamat. Esterification reaction was carried out by using an acid catalyst p-toluen sulfonic acid and phenol resulting 4-phenilkroman-2-on. We obtained the products for the synthesis of cinnamic acid, cinnamic phenyl and 4-fenilkroman-2-on, with yields respectively of 83.6%, 14.71%, and 16.18%.Cytotoxicity test using the brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) was conducted on both cinnamic phenyl compound and 4-phenilkroman-2-on compound. LC50 values obtained for both compounds respectively were 223.87 ppm and 112.72 ppm. The results of MTT cytotoxicity assay method for cervical cancer HeLa cells (ATCC CCL2) using phenyl cinnamic and 4-phenilkroman-2-on were found that the percentage of inhibition obtained is over 50%.
Pemodelan Farmakokinetika Tablet Floating Aspirin pada Kelinci dengan PKSolver AGUS SISWANTO; ACHMAD FUDHOLI; AKHMAD KHARIS NUGROHO; SUDIBYO MARTONO
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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Aspirin selain sebagai analgetik juga efektif digunakan sebagai antiplatelet untuk profilaksis stroke. Aspirin diabsorpsi secara cepat di saluran pencernaan bagian atas terutama di bagian pertama usus halus. Formulasi dalam bentuk tablet floating diharapkan mampu memperbaiki profil farmakokinetika aspirin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan model farmakokinetika tablet floating aspirin pada kelinci dengan PKSolver. Penentuan model dengan PKSolver berdasarkan parameter: 1) visual goodness of fit (GOF) dan 2) parameter statistik yang meliputi Akaike’s information criteron (AIC) dan Schwarz criterion (SC). Berdasarkan kedua parameter tersebut menunjukkan bahwa model multiple site absorption (MAS) merupakan model terbaik untuk menjelaskan farmakokinetika tablet floating aspirin. Pelepasan dan absorpsi aspirin dari tablet floating terjadi melalui 2 tahap sehingga menghasilkan profil farmakokinetika dengan puncak ganda akibat absorpsi yang terjadi secara paralel di dalam lambung.
Optimasi Rasio Asam Tartrat-Natrium Bikarbonat dalam Granul Effervescent Ekstrak Teh Hijau secara Granulasi Kering AGATHA BUDI SUSIANA LESTARI; BIRGITA NATALIA DESIHAPSARI
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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The aims of this research are to determine the effects of tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate and their interaction on the physical properties of effervescent granule made by dry granulation and also to determine the optimum composition area of tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate that produce qualified effervescent granule. The experimental study employed factorial design with two factors, i.e. tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate, and two levels, i.e. high level and low level. The formulas were optimized on their physical properties, i.e. the granules flow rate, moisture content, disintegration time and pH of the solution. The data were statistically analyzed using Yate’s treatment with 95% level of confidence. The results show that tartaric acid was dominant in determining the disintegration time of the effervescent granules, while sodium bicarbonate was dominant in determining the moisture content of the effervescent granules. Interaction between tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate significantly determined the flow rate of the effervescent granules and the pH of the solution. The optimum composition area of tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate was not produced because there was one physical property of the effervescent granule that was not fulfilled, i.e. the granules moisture content.

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