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Ni Wayan Switrayni
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Published by Universitas Mataram
ISSN : 26153599     EISSN : 26153270     DOI : -
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Eigen Mathematics Journal mempublikasikan artikel yang berkontribusi pada informasi baru atau pengetahuan baru terkait Matematika, Statistika, dan Aplikasinya. Selain itu, jurnal ini juga mempublikasikan artikel berbentuk survey dalam rangka memperkenalkan perkembangan terbaru dan memotivasi penelitian selanjutnya dalam bidang matematika, statistika, dan aplikasinya.
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Articles 81 Documents
Small Area Estimation dengan Metode Hierarchical Bayes pada Proporsi Destinasi Objek Wisata Halal Kabupaten Lombok Barat Husnul Arini; Desy Komalasari; Nurul Fitriyani
Eigen Mathematics Journal In Press Desember 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.867 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v2i2.19


Research using Hierarchical Bayes (HB) applied to Small Area Estimation (SAE) was conducted with the aim to estimate the proportion of halal tourism destination in West Lombok Regency. The development of halal taourism object in West Lombok that has been done by the Departement of Culture and Tourism, has not been fully able to do direct estimation on a small area, such as at the sub-district level. One way of obtaining estimation data up to the sub-district level is by increasing the sample size. However, increasing the sample size will cost time and money. Therefore, SAE method can be used to solve the poblem of data optimization. Furthermore, the HB method is used in the process of finding the expected alleged value. The prediction process was performed using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) by applying the conditional Gibbs Algorithm of Metropolis-Hasting. Indirect modeling using HB method on SAE is based on the Fay-Herriot model for the area level with the help of supporting variables. The estimation results were then compared with the direct estimates with the value of the variance statistic as a benchmark. The results showed that the estimation using HB gave in a smaller average of variance value score of 0.021, compared with direct estimates with an average of variance value of 0.042. This showed that indirect estimation using HB method gave better result than using direct estimation method.
Karakteristik Ideal Semiprima Fuzzy Abdurahim Abdurahim; Andy Sofyan Anas; Habib Ratu Perwira Negara; Ahmad Ahmad; Gilang Primajati
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol 1 No 1 Juni 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.496 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.3


A function  is called as an fuzzy prime ideal if every fuzzy ideal of  and  satisfies  caused  or  and a function  is called as an fuzzy semiprime ideal if every fuzzy ideal of  which requires  caused . The previous research has been studied the ideal characteristics of fuzzy prime. Since not all ideal fuzzy semiprime are ideal fuzzy prime, resulted in some characteristic of fuzzy semiprime ideal do not exist in characteristics of the fuzzy prime ideal. This study examines the characteristics of the fuzzy semiprime ideal along with some examples of those characteristics.
Model Regresi Nonparametrik Deret Fourier pada Pola Data Curah Hujan di Kota Mataram Widiya Tri Astuti; Mustika Hadijati; Irwansyah -
Eigen Mathematics Journal In Press Desember 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.167 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v2i2.16


Rainfall is one of the elements of the climate that has influence on people's lives in West Nusa Tenggara Province. Thecapital city of West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB), namely the City of Mataram, in December 2016 was affected byflood disaster due the rainfall increation. This causes all activities in the City of Mataram paralyzed. This study aimed tomodelling the rainfall and to determine the rainfall grade prediction in the City of Mataram in 2017. The method usedwas nonparametric regression of Fourier series. Based on the results of the analysis that has been committed, the bestFourier series of nonparametric regression model obtained at the Selaparang station was a model with 101 number ofknots and 0.959116 value of R2 . For the Ampenan station, the best model obtained with 101 knots and 0.966992 valueof R2 . As well as for the Cakranegara station, the best model obtained with 106 number of knots and 0.987778 value ofR2 .
Analisis Keberhinggaan Matriks Representasi atas Grup Berhingga Muhammad Taufan; Mamika Ujianita Romdhini; Ni Wayan Switrayni
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol 1 No 1 Juni 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.442 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.10


Representation of a finite group G over generator linear non singular mxm matrix with entries of field K defined by group homomorphismA : G → GLm(K)Basically, the non singular mxm matrix A(x) which representing the finite group G divided into two, that are the unitary matrix and non unitary matrix . If A(x) is a non unitary matrix, then there exist a unitary matrix which similar to A(x). This research deals to analyze the numbers of one example of a unitary matrix representation over arbitrary finite group G with order n that is permutation matrix, and the number of unitary matrix which is similar to real non unitary matrix representation of arbitrary finite group G order 2. The results showed the numbers of permutation matrix representation is n! and unitary matrix which is similar to non unitary matrix representation is 2.
Analisis Automorfisma Graf Pembagi-nol dari Ring Komutatif dengan Elemen Satuan Kurniawan Sugiarto; Mamika Ujianita Romdhini; Ni Wayan Switrayni
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol 1 No 1 Juni 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.712 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.11


Zero-divisor graphs of a commutative ring with identity has 3 specific simple forms, namely star zero-divisor graph, complete zero-divisor graph and complete bipartite zero-divisor graph. Graph automorphism is one of the interesting concepts in graph theory. Automorphism of  graph G is an isomorphism from graph G to itself. In other words, an automorphism of a graph G is a permutation φ of  the set points V(G) which has the property that (x,y) in E(G)  if and only if (φ(x),φ(y)) in E(G), i.e. φ preserves adjacency.This study aims to analyze the form of zero-divisor graph automorphisms of a commutative ring with identity formed. The method used in this study was taking sampel of each zero-divisor graph to represent each graph. Thus, pattern and shape of automorphism of each graph can be determined. Based on the results of this study, a star zero-divisor graph with pattern K_1,(p-1), where p is prime, has (p-1)! automorphisms, a complete zero-divisor graph with pattern K_(p-1), where p is prime, has (p-1)!  automorphisms, and a complete bipartite zero-divisor graph with pattern K_(p-1),(q-1), where p is prime, has (p-1)!(q-1)! automorphisms, when p not equals to q  and 2((p-1)!(q-1)!) automorphisms  when p=q.
Estimasi Parameter Regresi Linear Menggunakan Regresi Kuantil Baiq Devi Rachmawati; Qurratul Aini
Eigen Mathematics Journal In Press Desember 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.006 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v2i2.15


Regression analysis is a statistical analysis method for estimating the relationship between dependent variables (Y) and one or more independent variables (X) . As the purpose of this study is to theoretically examine the quantile regression method in estimating linear regression parameters. In regression analysis usually the method used to estimate parameters is the least square method with assumptions that must be met that normal assumption, homoskedasticity, no autocorrelation and non multicollinearity. Basically the least square method is sensitive to the assumptions of deviations in the data, so that the estimations results will be lees good if the assumptions are not fulfilled. Therefore, to overcome the limitations of the least square method developed a quantile regression method for estimating linear regression parameters. Based on the result of research that has been done shows that the estimation of linear regression parameters using the quantile regression method is obtained by minimazing the absolute number of errors through the simplex algorithm.
Perbandingan Algoritma Pewarnaan LDO, SDO, dan IDO pada Graf Pengaturan Lampu Lalu Lintas di Persimpangan Lima Kota Tua Ampenan I Gede Wiriana Jaya; Ahmad Akram; Moh Roid Fathani; Nurul Hikmah; Siti Adniati
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 Juni 2019
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.221 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.23


Coloring point adalah salah satu topik dalam Teori Graf, yaitu tentang mewarnai semua titik pada grafik, sehingga tidak ada dua titik tetangga yang memiliki warna yang sama. Salah satu aplikasi adalah sistem lampu lalu lintas, yang dapat membantu meningkatkan efektivitas lampu lalu lintas untuk mencegah dan mengatasi masalah kemacetan. Tujuan utama titik pewarnaan adalah menggunakan warna minimum yang berbeda untuk mewarnai semua titik pada grafik. Jumlah minimum warna yang digunakan disebut nomor Chromatic. Semakin sedikit warna yang digunakan, semakin efektif solusinya. Jumlah warna dalam sistem lampu lalu lintas menunjukkan jumlah kondisi untuk mengelola lampu lalu lintas. Ada banyak algoritme titik pewarnaan yang berbeda; tiga di antaranya adalah algoritma LDO, SDO dan IDO. Dalam tulisan ini, kami akan menerapkan dan membandingkan ketiga algoritma ini dengan grafik lampu lalu lintas dalam melintasi lima Kota Tua Ampenan. Kami memilih persimpangan jalan ini karena ini adalah salah satu persimpangan ramai di kota Mataram, terutama di pagi hari, jam kerja dan malam hari. Berdasarkan penelitian kami, untuk kasus ini algoritma LDO dan IDO lebih efektif daripada algoritma SDO
Aplikasi Algoritma Kruskal dalam Pembuatan Saluran Air PDAM di Wilayah KLU Devi Lastri; Masriani Masriani; Nadia W; Parizal Hidayatullah; Wahyu Ulfayandhie Misuki; Mamika Ujianita Romdhini
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 Juni 2019
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (449.093 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.22


Dalam teori graf, masalah lintasan terpendek adalah permasalahan pencarian suatu lintasan antara dua simpul pada suatu graf sedemikian sehingga jumlahan bobot-bobot dari sisi-sisi dalam lintasan tersebut minimum. Algoritma Kruskal merupakan suatu algoritma yang digunakan untuk pencarian pohon pembangun minimum secara langsung berdasarkan algoritma pohon pembangun minimum yang umum. Pada algoritma Kruskal, sisi-sisi graf diurutkan berdasarkan bobot masing-masing dari yang terkecil sampai yang terbesar. Algoritma Kruskal menggunakan pendekatan Greedy yang memandang graf sebagai forest dan setiap simpul memiliki tree. Pencarian pohon pembangn minimum dengan algoritma Kruskal dapat diaplikasikan pada distribusi air bersih PDAM Kabupaten Lombok Utara. Dalam artikel ini, dibahas pencarian rute terpendek pada distribusi air PDAM Lombok Utara
Estimasi Parameter Distribusi Mixture Eksponensial dan Weibull dengan Metode Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo Ulfa Destiarina; Mustika Hadijati; Desy Komalasari; Nurul Fitriyani
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 Juni 2019
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.669 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.30


Dalam estimasi parameter, kadangkala terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang menuntut penyelesaian dengan suatu distribusi mixture atau distribusi campuran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan estimasi parameter distribusi mixture eksponensial dan Weibull pada data simulasi dengan metode estimasi Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa perhitungan analitik estimasi parameter lebih akurat dibandingkan perhitungan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak, apabila dipandang dari segi kesesuaian teori serta proses integrasinya
Ekivalensi Ideal Hampir Prima dan Ideal Prima pada Bilangan Bulat Gauss Fariz Maulana; I Gede Adhitya Wisnu Wardhana; Ni Wayan Switrayni
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 Juni 2019
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.861 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.29


Kriptografi adalah salah satu cabang ilmu matematika yang banyak digunakan pada sistem keamanan digital. Kriptografi itu sendiri berkaitan dengan bilangan bulat dan sifat-sifatnya, terutama bilangan prima. Lebih spesifik, beberapa algoritma penting seperti RSA, sangat bergantung pada faktorisasi prima dari bilangan bulat. Abstraksi bilangan prima diperkenalkan oleh Dedekind pada tahun 1871, dikenal dengan nama ideal prima. Ideal prima diperumum oleh Bhatwadekar pada tahun 2009 dan dinamakan ideal hampir prima. Paper ini akan membuktikan bahwa ideal hampir prima dan ideal prima di bilangan bulat Gasuss adalah ekivalen