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Jurnal Agritechno
Published by Universitas Hasanuddin
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Jurnal AgriTechno merupakan publikasi yang diterbitkan oleh Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin. Edisi Perdana terbit dalam bentuk cetakan pada Bulan April 2008. Jurnal ini ditujukan sebagai wahana publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian dasar dan aplikatif yang bermutu dan orisinil. Jurnal ini memuat artikel ilmiah dalam bidang teknik tanah dan air, teknik pasca panen, bangunan dan lingkungan pertanian, aplikasi elektronika dan sistim kendali, peralatan dan mesin budidaya, energi alternatif dan elektrifikasi, teknik pengolahan pangan dan hasil pertanian, keamanan dan mikrobiologi pangan, bioteknologi, dan kimia pangan. Setiap artikel yang dimuat diharapkan dapat memberi kontribusi dalam pengembangan ilmu dan meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang bidang ilmu dan teknologi yang terkait.
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Articles 134 Documents
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


Pumpkin, high carbohydrate local food potential to substitute for wheat. The substitution of pumpkin pasta and addition of natural dyes affected the texture properties and cooking quality dry noodles. The purpose was finding formulation of dry noodles with pumpkin pasta substitution and addition of natural dyes, analyze the characteristic of the texture properties and cooking quality of dry noodles. This study used one factor RAK, the ratio of wheat flour and pumpkin pasta with 6 levels, are: 100% wheat flour and 0% pumpkin pasta with or without addition of carrot juice, 90% wheat flour and 10% pumpkin pasta until 60% wheat flour and 40% pumpkin pasta with addition of carrot juice. Each groups was repeated 4 times. The observed parameters were hardness, cohesivenness, springiness, adhesion, gumminess, rehydration ability and cooking loss. The results showed the addition of pumpkin pasta didn’t affect the cohesiveness, adhesion, gumminess, and hardness, but affected the springiness, rehydration ability and cooking loss dry noodles. The substitution of 20% pumpkin pasta and the addition of carrot juice in the making of dry noodles is the best formulation because of low cooking loss value, high rehydration ability and have same texture properties as dry noodles from wheat flour.
Performance of Planting Tools (Seed Planter) on Rice Land, Palu City, Central Sulawesi ANUGERAH FITRI AMALIA; Syafruddin
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


The application of innovation and technology in agricultural machinery in the world is one of the factors in increasing production and productivity of agricultural products. One of them is the application of agricultural machinery, namely the process of planting on agricultural land. The use of agricultural machinery at the farm level, especially planting, is still rarely carried out, as long as the availability of agricultural labor is decreasing. Most agricultural workers have entered non-productive age, while the interest of the younger generation to enter the world of agriculture is getting lower, especially conventional agriculture. Agricultural mechanization can solve this problem. The purpose of this research is to produce the performance of the seed planter in lowland rice fields. The research method uses an agrotechnical study that measures the theoretical capacity (Kt), actual working capacity (Ka), the efficiency of the seed planter's performance, and wheel slip on the seed planter. Based on the test results the average field capacity performance is 1.301 ha/hour, the test results are the actual average field capacity 0.650 ha/hour, the test results are the average efficiency of the tool performance is 50.0%, and the average slip test results wheel that is 13.75%. Factors that affect the performance test of planting tools, among others: operator skills, soil conditions, wheel slip, shape and size of planting tools, as well as the topography of a land. Keywords: Actual Work Capacity (Ka), Theoretical Work Capacity (Kt), Efficiency, Wheel Slip, Seed Planter
Studi Pengembangan Buah Jamblang (Syzygium Cumini L.) Menjadi Minuman Fungsional Kaya Antioksidan A. Hermina Julyaningsih; Rais M; Irmayani Irmayani
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


Coppeng is the term given by the Bugis/Makassar people to define Java Plum fruit. This fruit is a seasonal fruit that is rich in antioxidants because it contains high levels of vitamin C and anthocyanins. Due to the high antioxidant content of the java plum fruit, this fruit has many benefits that are good for health, but it turns out that this fruit is not liked by the public because of its sour and astringent taste and its properties that cannot be found all year round in the market. One of the efforts to increase the utilization of java plum fruit can be done by processing this fruit into other processed products such as functional drinks, but it is necessary to do research first regarding the determination of the formulation between the comparison of the use of java plum fruit juice, water and sweetener (fructose/sucrose). Java Plum juice was made by mixing pure fruit juice and water in a ratio of 40:60, 50:50, and 60:40, then adding 15% sweetener according to treatment (fructose/sucrose). Java plum drinks that have been prepared are tested chemically including testing for total acid, vitamin C content, pH, anthocyanin content, and antioxidants, and also through organoleptic testing including taste, aroma, and color of java plum juice. The results of the chemical analysis showed that fruit drinks with a ratio of pure fruit juice and water 60:40 and using sucrose had the highest total anthocyanins compared to other treatments. Fruit juice with a ratio of pure fruit juice and water 60:40 with the addition of fructose had the highest vitamin C content and total acid compared to other treatments, so this also caused this treatment to have the smallest pH value. The results of the organoleptic analysis showed that the ratio of pure fruit juice and water of 50:50 with the addition of sucrose was the most preferred by the panelists in terms of taste, while the ratio of 60:40 with the addition of fructose was preferred by the panelists in terms of color and aroma.
Penerapan Sistem Kendali Fuzzy Logic pada Alat Penyangrai Kopi Tipe Fluidisasi Arie Nugroho; Abdul Waris; Junaedi Muhidong
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


The fluidized coffee roaster is one of roasters which designed to overcome the weaknesses of the conventional roasting method. The purpose of this research is to develop a fluidization type roaster with a Fuzzy Logic control system. The specification of the roaster are roasting chamber dimensions of 65 mm (diameter) and 75 mm (height), a roasting capacity of 40 grams with a roasting time of 300 seconds. A heater with a power of 1,200 W was used as the source of heating energy. The research method was carried out by first, developed a control program and applied to the roaster. Then, a test of functionality and performance was conducted by using Robusta coffee for a temperature set point of 190°C, 200°C, and 210°C. The performance test of control responses resulted in 6.25°C (2,97%) error steady state for 15 seconds. However, this value remains below the tolerance threshold of 5%. The test of the color quality of coffee roasted at 190°C produced 3 groups of coffee colors, namely light brown-yellow, light brown-half-city, and light brown-cinnamon. In the case of roasting temperature of 200°C, it produced 3 color groups, i.e. light brown-city, light brown-full city, and light brown-full city+. For a roasting temperature of 210°C, there were two types of colors, namely dark brown-Vienna and dark brown-Italian. It can be concluded that a fluidized coffee roaster with a fuzzy logic control system was able to produce roast coffee compatible to the target roast profile according to the National Coffee Association (2002), namely light, medium, and dark.
Drone-Based Vegetation Index Analysis to Estimated Nitrogen Content on The Rice Plantations Ahmad Fauzan Adzima; Risma Neswati; Sartika Laban; Muh Jayadi; Muhammad Fuad Anshori; Husnul Mubarak; Eva Noviyanti; Nur Qalbi Zaesar Muharram; Andi Dharmawan Mallarangen
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


Nitrogen (N) is one of the essential nutrients needed for the growth of rice plants. Therefore, N fertilizing must be applied efficiently to achieve optimal results. Various methods have been used to calculate the N content in rice plants, such as tissue analysis and the use of Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) technology. This technology still has lack of time efficiency. Other technologies are needed to quickly support precise agricultural analysis, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). This study aimed to analyze the N content of rice crop using the UAV-based vegetation index and to compare the measurement of N content accuracy between SPAD chlorophyll and rice plant vegetation index. This study used survey methods and laboratory tests based on several approaches, namely analysis of photosynthesis physiology, leaves tissue analysis, and vegetation index using UAV. Based on the research results, it was found that the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index value had a strong correlation with N content of leaves tissue ​​and SPAD chlorophyll. While the results of the accuracy test, the results of chlorophyll with SPAD (CI A) have better accuracy than the NDVI vegetation index. The r value between CI A – N leaves and NDVI – N leaves did not show a significant difference. In addition, the correlation results show that N content of leaves (r=0.83), CI A (r=0.88), CI B (r=81), and CI TOT (r=0.87) have a very high correlation with NDVI. This shows a unidirectional relationship between variables so that the NDVI variable can be used as a consideration to determine chlorophyll in the plants studied.
Estimasi Nilai Evapotranspirasi Potensial dalam Rangka Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Irigasi Permukaan di Kabupaten Wajo Samsuar Samsuar; Husnul Mubarak; Nunik Lestari
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


Indonesian government is trying to increase the production of agricultural commodities in order to support the food self-sufficiency program. To support this program, the availability of irrigation facilities is important in supporting the productivity of agricultural field. Climate change and changes in agricultural systems have an impact on changes in the need of irrigation water in crop cultivation. The decreasing availability of water for agriculture encourages us to be able to use water more efficiently, especially for irrigation water. The purpose of this research is to predict the ETp value as a basis for determining plant water requirements, to determine the most suitable ETp model, to validate the prediction results of ETp values ​​using direct measurements in the field, and to obtain information related to climate factors that have the most influence on the ETp rate. The measurement of the ETp value is based on the use of Merra-2 global climate data and climate data from field measurements. ETp models used are Blaney-Criddle, Hargraves, Remanenko, Penman and Penman-Monteith. Research results showed that the ETp rate in Wajo District tended to increase during the July-October period indicating an increase in water demand in crop cultivation. The most influential climate parameter in determining the Penman Monteith ETp rate is solar radiation. The results of the ETp analysis using global data show that the Penman model is the closest model to the Penman Monteith ETp model from field measurements.
Pemodelan Kinetika Pengeringan Daun Bidara (Ziziphus spina-christi (L.)) Dengan Metode Pengeringan Tenaga Surya Nunik Lestari; Samsuar Samsuar
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


The drying method used can affect the drying characteristics and quality of the final product such as color parameters. The purpose of this research is to study the kinetics of Z. spina-christi leaves drying, find a mathematical model that best fits the drying characteristics, and analyze the color change of dried Z. spina-christi leaves and their brew. The drying process is carried out with 2 treatments, namely using a solar dryer and by drying in an open space using direct sunlight. There are 13 mathematical models of thin layer drying selected to simulate the drying characteristics of Z. spina-christi leaves. Identification of the Lab* value is used to calculate the browning index of the leaves due to the drying method used. The results stated that the solar power dryer could increase the drying rate of Z. spina-christi leaves, thus shortening the drying time. The Diffuision Approach model is the most accurate mathematical model in describing the drying characteristics of Z. spina-christi leaves for the two drying methods tested based on the resulting constant values. Each drying method affects the browning reaction of the dried Z. spina-christi leaves which also has an impact on the color of the brew, where drying in direct sunlight will produce a darker color of the dried leaves and brew.
Design of a Greenhouse Room Temperature and Humidity Control System Using a DHT 22 Sensor Husnul Mubarak; Muhammad Rizal; Iqbal Iqbal; Abdul Waris; Muhammad Tahir Sapsal; Imam Suelfikhar
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


Temperature and humidity conditions in plant growth are one of the important factors. Instability of temperature and humidity is often a problem that makes plants grow not optimally. The use of a green house is one way to artificially maintain temperature and humidity, but it still experiences several problems due to unstable weather conditions that affect conditions in the green house space. The control system uses temperature and humidity sensors (DHT 22) to measure the conditions in the green house space which can be used to maintain the stability of temperature and humidity in the green house. This control system will be connected to a water pump connected to a misting device where the water vapor produced by the misting is expected to be able to maintain the humidity in the green house room, and the control device will be connected to a fan which is expected to be able to maintain the temperature conditions in the green house room. The measurement data of the control system tool using the DHT 22 sensor will be compared with the hygrometer measurement data for the calibration process. Testing the function of the control device is carried out by looking at the response of the fan and pump to the setting point on the DHT 22 sensor reading. This control system is very important to apply because it can become the basis for developing greenhouses in the future, and as a basis for developing several control systems related to plant growth. The calibration results for the DHT 22 sensor and hygrometer readings obtained an error value of 0.27 °C for the temperature sensor and 1.23% for the humidity sensor. This value indicates that the sensor reading error is within the temperature sensor tolerance standard, which is ±0.5 °C and the humidity sensor tolerance is ±5%. For the results of testing the response of the pump and fan to the setting point, it shows that the two tools work well. So that it can be concluded that the design of the tool can function properly in controlling the green house space to maintain temperature and humidity stability.
Kajian Sifat Fisikokimia dan Komposisi Asam Lemak Minyak Kernel Biji Mangga Fajriyati Mas’ud
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


Mango seed kernel contain high quality oil, the oil is composed by high quality fatty acids and contains large amounts of polyphenols. This study aims to examine the physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of the kernel seed oil of golek mango, manalagi mango, and bacang mango. The oil was extracted by maceration method using ethanol for 48 h, and physicochemical properties, fatty acid composition, and polyphenol content were analyzed. The results showed that the physicochemical properties of oil were within the range of values suitable for consumption. The oils contain high concentration of oleic acid and polyphenols, as well as quite high levels of stearic acids. The results of this study support the potential for developing the oils as a raw material for spreads products and as a functional food.
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 16, Nomor 1, April 2023
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/at.v16i1.998


Drying is one of the critical points in the process of making crystal coconut sugar. The production of crystalline coconut sugar in Banyumas Regency is very potential to be developed, but the drying of crystalline coconut sugar that has been carried out in Banyumas Regency still uses natural drying. The dryer used in this study is a rotating rack type dryer. This study aims to 1) examine changes in the water content of crystal coconut sugar in a rotating rack type dryer, 2) examine changes in the drying rate of crystal coconut sugar in a rotating rack type dryer, and 3) examine the physical and chemical properties of crystal coconut sugar dried using a rotary dryer. rotating rack. The research was conducted at the Integrated Science Laboratory, Nahdlatul Ulama University, Purwokerto. The research was carried out from February to July 2022. The experimental design that was carried out was a Completely Randomized Factorial Design with the influence of temperature and drying time. The research was conducted to find out the best drying time and temperature as well as to observe the moisture content, sucrose content, pH, and organoleptic tests which included color, taste, and texture. The results showed that changes in drying rate had a very significant effect on water content, sucrose content, pH, and organoleptic tests on color and texture, but drying rates had no significant effect on organoleptic tests on taste. The best temperature and time in the drying process using a rotating rack type dryer is the G3K2 treatment, drying using a temperature of 80 oC for 2 hours.