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Program Studi Desain Interior Universitas Komputer Indonesia Jl. Dipati Ukur No.112-116 Lebakgede, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132
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Waca Cipta Ruang: Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
ISSN : 23016507     EISSN : 26561824     DOI :
Core Subject : Art, Engineering,
Waca Cipta Ruang merupakan Jurnal Ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Desain Interior UNIKOM pada bulan Mei dan Nopember setiap tahunnya. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan studi-studi Desain Interior meliputi kajian teori, kajian seni dan budaya, dan kajian desain dalam konteks ruang, yang difokuskan pada tema ruang dan kebudayaan.
Articles 78 Documents
Pengaruh Pencahayaan pada Showroom Terhadap Kenyamanan Visual (Studi Kasus Showroom Harley Davidson, Bandung) Rudy Kurniawan; Miky Endro Santoso; Tessa Eka Darmayanti
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v8i1.6593


The role of lighting is an important part of a space design. Its function is not just to be a light, but can create and offer a certain atmosphere that can support its function, in this case the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle showroom. A pleasant atmosphere and providing comfort can make a display object more attractive so as to create a separate experience for consumers or anyone who comes to the showroom. The role of lighting can make a difference in the Harley-Davidson showroom in Bandung with other showrooms. The purpose of this study is to find out the right lighting in the Harley Davidson showroom in Bandung. The research method used is a descriptive approach in the form of written or spoken words from observable people and actors.. based on the showroom that author studied, it was found that the intensity, color and type of lighting are the components of visual comfort and create the image, identity and attractiveness of a showroom. Indirectly, this shows that lighting does not only have tangible values that can be seen by the eye, but also has intangible values that can be felt by the five human senses, one of which is a sense of comfort.
Ambient Intervention dalam Wellness Cafe Studi Kasus : Clear Cafe Ubud Ni Kadek Yuni Utami
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v8i1.6928


Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana interior cafe sebagai sebuah tempat untuk keseimbangan fisik, pikiran dan jiwa (body, mind and spirit). Artikel ini menjabarkan bagaimana keseimbangan tersebut terjadi dengan pendekatan interior -ambient intervention, yaitu pengaruh suasana interior melalui cahaya, suara, bau, dan temperatur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dimana peneliti akan melakukan kuesioner terhadap persepsi Wellness dalam interior dan pengalaman pengunjung pada Clear Cafe Ubud yang merupakan salah satu cafe yang mengusung konsep wellness di Ubud. Selain itu diambil data interior Clear Cafe Ubud dari internet untuk mengetahui penerapan elemen cahaya, suara, bau dan temperatur pada interior dikorelasikan dengan keinginan dan pengalaman pengunjung Wellness Cafe. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa keberhasilan cafe sebagai sebuah wellness space dipengaruhi oleh ambient intervention dalam interior. Temuan ini juga menunjukkan bahwa keseimbangan fisik, pikiran dan jiwa dihasilkan dari elemen interior yang memberikan ketenangan, keintiman, dan relaksasi yang selaras dengan prinsip keseimbangan alam. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberi manfaat kepada para pengelola cafe dalam menentukan arah dan pengembangan desain interior cafe sebagai sebuah wellness space. Kata Kunci: desain interior, wellness cafe, ambient intervention
Besaran dan Orientasi Bukaan Pencahayaan Alami Rumah untuk Kenyamanan Beraktivitas Selama Pandemi Silmi Novia Muntakilah; Hana Faza Surya Rusyda
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v8i2.5527


ABSTRACT Natural lighting is an important indicator of building design. Many activities are currently laid off, so it’s critical the indoor can still be used comfortably as a place for activities. Sunlight entering the space optimally creates a good natural lighting system, but therefore an unwanted increase in temperature may occur. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of natural light on residential study objects. The quantitative method was carried out by collecting data from literature and observations on residential in the Buah Batu area, Bandung, each of which calculated the effectiveness of natural lighting in the inner space. The results of this study obtained the effectiveness of natural lighting in the living room of 517.6 lux with a north-facing orientation, a 445.6 lux master bedroom facing north, and a 280 lux children's bedroom with a west-facing orientation whose natural lighting level is by SNI standards in the living room and bedroom with a minimum of 150 to 250 lux. With the results of the study object in this study, it is hoped that the effective light hole factor and orientation in the design of the residential house are more considered so that the comfort of occupants' activities can be achieved. Keywords: residential house, natural lighting, space comfort, pandemic activities
Peran Warna Desain Interior terhadap Perasaan Tenang Pengunjung SPA “Martha Tilaar” Agnes Monica; Tessa Eka Darmayanti
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v8i2.6114


The interior design of the Spa room is currently of particular concern in improving its quality as a support for the psychological recovery of visitors in order to provide a comfortable and quiet room, one of which is the consideration of the color of the space. Color is a significant element of the interior since a layer of paint may dramatically modify the interior, disguise design problems can even change the psychological state of the individual who is in the room and if the person is tired, color can "disguise" it. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of color in the Spa room in the psychological effects felt by visitors. This study uses a qualitative method with literature studies and interviews related to the topic of discussion. The results of this study show that the use of a single color (monochrome) and a combination of contrasting colors give a different impression and impact on the individual's psychology and the atmosphere of the room. A monochrome can provide calm while contrasting colors give a passionate effect that is not properly implemented in spa facilities. In addition, it is hoped that this can also be used as a reference for designing spa rooms by considering the color of the space and its psychological effect on spa visitors. Keywords: Interior Design, Spa visitors, Color psychology
Penerapan Kebudayaan pada Pembatas Ruang Tawing Halat pada Rumah Tradisional Bubungan Tinggi Widyanesti Liritantri; Ghesti Fuji Febriani; Adelin Safitri; Azizatulatifah Permata Ramadhani; Nadine Putri Azzahra; Helena Elysabet Pakpahan
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v8i2.6399


Indonesia terkenal akan keanekaragaman budaya nusantaranya, seperti rumah tradisional pada setiap daerah memiliki ciri khasnya masing-masing. Salah satunya di Kalimantan Selatan yang memiliki 11 tipe rumah adat Banjar yang sesuai dengan fungsi maupun status sosial tertentu, termasuk Rumah tradisional bubungan tinggi yang memiliki strata paling tinggi. Ciri khas dari interior rumah tersebut adalah Tawing halat, yang menggambarkan identitas keluarga yang tinggal di dalam rumah tersebut. Tawing halat merupakan dinding pembatas dalam yang memisahkan ruang publik dan ruang privat. Pada rumah bubungan tinggi, keberadaan tawing halat tidak hanya sebagai dinding pembatas saja namun memiliki nilai sejarah, identitas pemilik dan fungsi lain yang menjadikan tawing halat sebagai elemen interior yang penting dan keberadaannya tidak dapat ditinggalkan hingga sekarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi peran Tawing halat pada Rumah Bubungan Tinggi sebagai elemen interior yang mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai Kebudayaan yang berkembang di masyarakat Banjar Kalimantan Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Tahapannya adalah mengumpulkan data visual tawing halat, kemudian dihubungkan dengan nilai-nilai Kebudayaan. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi sumber referensi dan ilmu pengetahuan bagi seluruh masyarakat dalam melestarikan kebudayaan tradisional melalui rancangan karya arsitektur dan interior pada zaman sekarang. Kata Kunci: rumah adat, interior, bubungan tinggi, kebudayaan, tawing halat, unsur visual, kalimantan selatan
Integrasi Branding Dalam Interior Warunk Upnormal aida andrianawati; Arnanti Primiana Yuniati
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v8i2.6735


The rapid growth of culinary tourism in Bandung has resulted in intense competition for cafe owners to survive in this industry. Especially with the emergence of conceptual cafes, business people need to overcome this situation by doing cafe interior branding. One of them is Warunk Upnormal. The concept of this cafe was originally adopted from a traditional Indonesian coffee shop (warkop). The aim of this research is to find out whether the application of interior branding at Warunk Upnormal is in accordance with Kim Kuhteubl's theory; which consists of clear vision aspects; unique story aspect; energi aspect. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive analytical method to see the integration between interior design and branding at Warung Upnormal. Methods of data collection include interviews, observation, photo documentation, and literature studies about café interior branding. Research finds that Warunk Upnormal has used Kuhteubl's interior branding theory. This can be seen from the sinage elements, spatial organization, furniture layout, type of music (clear vision); logo elements and interior concepts (unique story); elements of color, material, lighting, ventilation (energi). The implementation of these three aspects gives an interesting impression to visitors. Keywords: Interior, Interior Branding, Cafe Interior, Warunk Upnormal
Analisis Tata Letak Mesin ATM terhadap Kenyamanan dan Efektivitas Sirkulasi Antrian Pengunjung di ATM Center Andrianto Andrianto
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v8i2.7029


Due to the significance of ATM Centers in public areas, this facility must be able to meet all user comfort requirements. Based on preliminary information, there are issues with the configuration of the ATM machines at the Trans Studio Mall in Bandung, which are in the shape of an open letter L and impact user flow when queuing by allowing cross circulation that can disrupt the flow of the line and inconvenience customers when conducting banking activities. Visitors should be able to enjoy themselves while at Trans Studio Mall Bandung, the shopping center that offers this facility. Therefore, this study intends to comprehend and assess the needs of visitors so that banking activities at ATM Centers, particularly in malls, can function safely and comfortably. Based on this phenomena, this research was carried out using a case study methodology through interviews and direct observation at the ATM Center, which was then evaluated using descriptive qualitative methodologies based on theories linked to circulation, queuing, and public places. In order to promote comfort and effective visitor circulation when queuing at public facilities, the results of this study can be utilized as a reference in improving services, particularly in the sectors of design and banking. Keywords: ATM, circulation, publik space, queue
Pengaruh Ambient Interior Cafe Terhadap Pemilihan Tempat Bekerja Remote Worker di Era Pandemi COVID-19 Ni Made Sri Wahyuni Trisna; Ni Kadek Yuni Utami; Nabil Rahman Effendi
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v8i2.7351


The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted interest in working remotely, outside of an office, and the demand for these workers. During a pandemic, it is crucial to think about a cafe's comfort, especially the ambiance that is produced by the space's lighting, noise, and temperature. According to theory, the interior setting affects visitors' psychological well-being and can facilitate productive behavior. This study seeks to determine how the cafe's ambient environment—including lighting, sound, and temperature—affects remote workers' preferences for workspace. In order to determine the influence of the interior environment on deciding where to work during a pandemic, this study employed a quantitative methodology and surveyed 50 remote workers. Additionally, in-person observations at three well-known cafés in the Ubud area— Ruster Cafe, Milk and Madu, and Monsieur Spoon—were done to look at how the pandemic has affected the interior design. The study of the survey data demonstrated that the ambient interior's light, sound, and temperature, which can foster a sense of security and comfort against the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, had a substantial impact on remote employees' judgments about where to work during a pandemic. The findings of this study should assist café managers and owners in appreciating the importance of ambiance in their establishments. Keywords:Ambient Interior, Cafe, COVID-19 Pandemic, Remote Workers
Kajian Konsep Ambiguitas Ruang Peralihan Pada Kafe Kekinian di Denpasar dan Badung Kadek Risna Puspita Giri
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v8i2.8300


Setelah pemerintah mencabut larangan pembatasan sosial sejak masa pandemi tahun 2020, munculnya kafe-kafe kekinian mengalami peningkatan dalam mengakomodasi peningkatan interaksi sosial. Istilah kekinian pada kafe menujukkan bahwa kafe tersebut mengikuti perkembangan terbaru saat ini. Kafe kekinian memiliki nilai lebih pada eksterior dan interior bangunan untuk memenuhi gaya hidup konsumen saat ini dalam berswafoto. Salah satunya yaitu fasad bangunan dengan teras yang terletak di sisi depan bangunan. Desain teras café kekinian ini mengusung konsep ambiguitas, dimana teras tidak hanya digunakan sebagai ruang peralihan namun juga sebagai pendukung daya tarik pada fasad bangunan. Konsep ambiguitas pada arsitektur yaitu mengaburkan fungsi utama pada sebuah ruang, sehingga hadir fungsi baru yang mampu membentuk persepsi baru pada pengunjung. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis elemen perancangan yang berperan dalam membentuk konsep ambiguitas pada teras di beberapa kafe kekinian di Kota Denpasar dan Kabupaten Badung. Metode dilakukan secara kualitatif dan disajikan dengan analisis deskriptif. Penulis melakukan analisa melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan mengaitkan dengan teori tentang elemen perancangan dan ambiguitas. Melalui pengkajian elemen-elemen perancangan, nantinya akan dapat ditemukan jenis-jenis elemen perancangan yang berperan dalam membentuk sebuah konsep ambiguitas pada teras, serta menghadirkan persepsi dan kesan baru pada teras tersebut. Kata Kunci: teras, fasad, ambiguitas, kafe
Studi Heterotopia pada Ruang Sembahyang di Hunian Masyarakat Tionghoa Surabaya Anastasya Sumingto; Lintu Tulistyantoro; William Vijadhammo Lumintan
Waca Cipta Ruang Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Interior Unikom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/wcr.v9i1.7475


Heterotopia is a phenomenon that occurs in the functioning of space and refers to the unreal space present in a real room. Where the incident can be interpreted, there are other functions of the room in the context of different spatial characters even though they do not negate each other. This event usually occurs in the living room of the Chinese community residence. This phenomenon can happen because the living room, which in fact is located as a real space, can function in addition to being a place to receive guests (profane), but at certain conditions in the form of time and human behavior can also affect and change the function of the space into a place of prayer to accommodate their spirituality (sacred) activities. The purpose of this study is to be able to review the specifics of the application of the principle of heterotopia space and the supporting factors that influence it. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method in the form of depictions accompanied by analysis supported by taking photos, literature data, and interviews. Thus the principle of heterotopia that occurs in the living room of the Chinese community is caused by the influence of Chinese culture, the time & activities it carries out, as well as the formation of an atmosphere of spiritual dimension which is also supported by elements of furniture accompanied by prayer equipment in the form of incense as the main supporting factor so that the living room can change its function to be more sacred and private.