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Majalah Ilmiah Bijak
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The Bijak Journal is a scientific journal of Administrative Science Business, published by the Business Administration Studies Program Faculty of Administrative Sciences Institute of Social and Management Studies STIAMI. The Journal of Business Administration is published 2 (two) times a year, every March and September, which contains the results of the study of Business Administration Studies. This journal aims to disseminate the results of thought and scientific analysis in the field of Business Administration Sciences.
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Articles 193 Documents
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 14, No 1: march 2017
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.553 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v14i1.63


Education has high correlation on economic growth of a country .An increase in linkage higher education against small and medium businesses Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises , with tri dharma college , can be manifested in the strategic plan ( Renstra ) college , in the form of  ( 1 ) forming a network cooperation with Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises ; ( 2 ) Implementing activities road show cooperation with Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises; ( 3 ) to develop a comprehensive internship program based on project approach; and ( 4 ) the development of brand equity and exposure of institutional with the involvement of an agency in the professional activities through strengthening strategic functions and institutions for the laboratory study.  
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 13, No 1: march 2016
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (578.718 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v13i1.54


This study aims to determine the Effects of Marketing Strategies and Customer Satisfaction Quality Of Service / Student. Samples are 32 respondents drawn from a population of 36 students with Saturated sampling method. Data collection using questionnaire techniques, engineering research questionnaires, and observation. Processing of primary data using Analytical Methods Descriptive Analysis Method. From the discussion following results were obtained:First, There is the influence of Marketing (X1) on Customer Satisfaction / Student (Y) . Marketing significant value in the variable is equal to 0.966 (<0.05) which means that there is no influence of marketing variables partially on Customer Satisfaction. So H0 is rejected H1 is accepted. There is the influence of Quality of Service (X2) are positive and significant impact on Customer Satisfaction / Student (Y) . The value of significance in the variable quality of service is equal to 0.000 (< 0.01), which means with a confidence level of 99 percent variable partial Service Quality Customer Satisfaction is very real influence . So H0 H1 is rejected. There is positive and significant, Marketing Variables (X1) and Quality of Service (X2) jointly against Employee Morale (Y). Through the significance test using the F distribution, obtained Significance calculated F of 0.000 ( < 0.05 ) . This means that H0 is accepted or rejected H1. And the value of the coefficient of determination obtained with SPSS calculation amounted to 0.718. This indicates that 71.8 % of this value indicates that the total variation influences all independent variables to variable Quality Customer / Students. The influence of other variables beyond the variables studied was 28.2 percent. variables beyond the variables studied was 28.2 percent .Secondly, Strategy Marketing and Service Quality, both individually and jointly influence on customer satisfaction / student.
Implementasi Pembiayaan Murabahah dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Nasabah (Studi di Bank Syari’ah Mitra Agro Usaha Bandar Lampung) Maya Meilia; Andi Munandar; Nindi Riyana Saputri
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 16, No 1: March 2019
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.524 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v16i1.320


Sektor perbankan dewasa ini memiliki posisi yang strategis sebagai lembaga intermediasi yang menunjang sistem perekonomian nasional. Oleh karena itu, peranan perbankan perlu lebih ditingkatkan sesuai fungsinya dalam menghimpun dana dan menyalurkan dana masyarakat, khususnya dengan lebih memperhatikan pembiayaan kepada sektor perekonomian untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Salah satunya akad dengan prinsip jual beli (murabahah). Murabahah merupakan salah satu akad pembiayaan yang digunakan oleh BPRS MAU Bandar Lampung yang diberikan kepada nasabah pelaku usaha mikro untuk peningkatan produksi, penambahan modal dan barang dagang. Menurut hasil penelitian diperoleh data bahwa Implementasi pembiayaan murabahah yang dilaksanakan pada bank MAU syariah adalah pembiayaan murabahah bil wakalah yaitu dalam upaya pemberian kekuasaan kepada nasabah untuk membeli barang yang diinginkan secara mandiri. Bertujuan untuk membantu atau memudahkan nasabah agar dapat mendapatkan hak kepemilikan atas suatu barang yang dikehendaki nasabah. Pembiayaan murabahah yang dilakukan BPR MAU Syariah disatu sisi dapat membantu nasabah yang mempunyai masalah pembiayaan dalam pemenuhan modal kerja dan keperluan konsumtif. Sehingga diharapakan BPR MAU Syariah, mampu juga mengembangkan pembiayaan untuk menggarap skegiatan di sektor riil secara lebih serius melalui pembiayaan berdasarkan skema mudharabah dan musyarakah. Dengan demikian bank syariah dapat berperan lebih signifikan didalam upaya pengembangan perekonomian nasional dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
Mempromosikan Bir Pletok Sebagai Minuman Khas Betawi Melalui Penyajian sebagai Welcome Drink Lila Muliani
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 14, No 2: September 2017
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.866 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v14i2.19


This study aims to obtain a description of the concept of local culinary-based tourism typical of Betawi, especially Pletok Beer. As a tourism product, a series of strategies and promotions should be prepared so that traditional drinks made from healthy spice extracts are worthy of being ambassadors representing Betawi culinary riches as well as having consistent standards of taste and optimal organoleptic quality. In addition, it is also designed to make factual and accurate description and description of historical facts related to Pletok Beer as one of Betawi local wisdom. The selection of Pletok Beer producers was conducted in 5 administrative areas, namely East Jakarta, South Jakarta, West Jakarta, Central Jakarta and North Jakarta.Jakarta is a city that has many functions and roles. Status as a modern city with a massive wave of development invasion also played a role to wipe out the existence of ethnic Betawi, the native inhabitants of Jakarta who deservedly welcome the presence of the immigrants. As one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia, quite a lot of Jakarta's local culture can be developed and promoted, including culinary riches. There are a line of delicious and unique dishes that are very potent Betawi so the appeal of the culinary tourist, either because of taste, health benefits, or the value of philosophy and history that accompany it. Unfortunately until now the Betawi culinary wealth has not become a reason for tourists to come to Jakarta.The results showed that Pletok Beer as a part of Betawi culinary wealth got support and positive appreciation if presented as welcome drink. Making Concentrate Beer Pletok be one way that can facilitate the storage and presentation so that more practical and efficient. Preparation of concentrate with concentration of 1/4 times and boiling time for 60 minutes in the research scale (1/2 recipe), proven to produce Pletok Beer Concentrate with taste and aroma quality that is not different from fresh Pletok beer without concentration.
Pengaruh Pengawasan Internal dan Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus di Politeknik LP3I Jakarta) Rita Wahyuni
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 15, No 1: March 2018
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (674.668 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v15i1.134


This study aims to analyze how much influence internal control, leadership to employee performance level. Sampling method used is Proportionate Random Sampling. The sample in this study followed the formula Slovin, or as many as 70 employees Polytechnic LP3I Jakarta. The data that have fulfilled the validity and reliability test are then processed to produce the regression equation Y = -12.882 + 0.852 X1 + 0.352 X2, where Y is the employee performance variable, X1 is the internal control variable and X2 is the leadership variable.The result of the research also shows that internal control influence to employee performance, leadership influence to employee performance, internal control and leadership have influence to employee performance. The relationship of internal supervision and leadership to employee performance is very strong and internal captive variables and leadership can explain employee's performance of 72.9%, while the rest of 27,1% is explained by other variables.
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 13, No 2: september 2016
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.4 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v13i2.78


The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the influence of compensation and working discipline on employee productivity, while the purpose is to obtain data empirically the extent of the influence of compensation and working discipline in increasing productivity employee. The data analysis method used is quantitative method. Quantitative methods are used to determine the relationship between the variable compensation (X1) and variable work discipline (X2) on employee productivity (Y).Samples were employees at mechanical division of PT Mulia Makmur Jalan Jababeka VIIIA Elektrikatama SFB Block B 11 V Cikarang Bekasi, sampling is done by random sampling. After examining the completed questionnaires that have been distributed to the employees and the calculation of the correlation between compensation and discipline against the labor productivity by using multiple regression calculations obtained: Y = 0.0102 + 0,2149X1 + 0,7998X2 with b1 = 0.2149 have meaning relationships compensation (X1) and productivity (Y) is positive and b2 = 0.7998 has meaning relations work discipline (X2) and productivity (Y) is positive. While the analysis results obtained using the calculation of multiple correlation R = 0.9113 and KPB = 83.05%, which means there is a very strong positive relationship between compensation and (X1) and discipline (X2) together to work productivity (Y) and 16.95% contribution comes from factors outside of this study. The F-test results showed Fhitung> Ftabel or 66.13%> 3.35, which means all of the independent variable (compensation = X1, X2 = work discipline) together there is a significant effect on work productivity variable (Y) on the mechanical PT Mulia Makmur Elektrikatama division.
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 14, No 1: march 2017
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.641 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v14i1.59


The problem faced by the Central Bureau of Statistics is the remuneration that becomes the dependency of employees and the low work ethic. The problem causes employee performance is not optimal. This research uses quantitative analysis method with simple regression analysis tool, and multiple linear regression. The technique used in this research to obtain data about, is as follows: Interview and Questionnaire / Quesioner. The population of this study is all employees at the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), which amounts to 100 people including the Head of Public Bureau. Census sampling technique with sample random sampling and the result of formula used to determine and sampling by Taro Yamane (in Riduwan, 2010: 249). Data analysis using linear regression analysis using SPSS statistical test to see the effect of remuneration and work ethic on Performance of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at General Bureau of Statistics Center in 2016, with significant 10%.After passing the validity and reliability of the data, obtained the result that states that Remuneration partially affect on employee performance. Similarly, work ethics based on research shows a significant effect on employee performance. Based on the results of the study and research together Remuneration and Working Ethics have a positive and significant impact on Employee Performance on the General Bureau of the Central Bureau of Statistics. Central Bureau of Statistics General Bureau. The regression equation is: Y = 22,917 + 0,123 X1 + 518X2, where every increase of 1 score of variable X1 (remuneration) and X2 (work ethic) will increase employee performance equal to 0,123, and 0,518, assuming other variable is constant,
Tantangan Industri Kecil Sepatu Sandal Dalam Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0 untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Pengrajin (Studi di Desa Sukaresmi Kecamatan Tamansari Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat) Juliati Prihatini
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 16, No 1: March 2019
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.103 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v16i1.325


Industri kecil merupakan ekonomi rakyat yang memiliki peranan besar bagi masyarakat terutama tentang permasalahan sosial ekonomi seperti pemutusan hubungan kerja, kemiskinan dan sebagainya. Industri kecil dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap devisa negara karena dapat membuka lapangan kerja, meningkatkan produk nasional, ekspor dan sebagainya. Besarnya kontribusi yang diberikan industri kecil menunjukkan pentingnya keberadaan industri kecil dan perlu adanya langkah – langkah pembinaan dan pengembangan dari pemerintah guna meningkatkan pendapatan pengrajin. Desa Sukaresmi Kecamatan Tamansari Kabupaten Bogor memiliki industri kecil sepatu sandal terbanyak yaitu 289 buah (Dinas Koperasi UKM Perindustrian dan Perdagangan, 2014). Industri kecil ini merupakan mata pencaharian utama masyarakat, dikerjakan di rumah – rumah dengan tenaga kerja rata – rata 7 – 8 orang. Untuk pengembangan industri kecil di era sekarang perlu diberi dukungan peralatan/teknologi yang bermanfaat bagi pengrajin. Hal ini disebabkan penggunaan teknologi akan menentukan kuantitas dan kualitas hasil produksi, sehingga output yang dihasilkan memenuhi kriteria seperti yang diharapkan konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tentang  upaya – upaya yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Koperasi UKM Perindustrian dan Perdagangan terhadap industri kecil sepatu sandal dalam menghadapi tantangan revolusi industri 4.0 untuk meningkatkan pendapatan pengrajin di Desa Sukaresmi Kecamatan Tamansari Kabupaten Bogor. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data lapangan dilakukan secara observasi, wawancara semi struktur dan wawancara berstruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa industri kecil sepatu sandal di Desa Sukaresmi Kecamatan Tamansari dapat meningkatkan pendapatan pengrajin dan tenaga kerja walaupun tidak secara berkelanjutan. Untuk menghadapi tantangan revolusi industri 4.0 guna meningkatkan pendapatan pengrajin, Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor (Dinas Koperasi UKM Perindag) belum memfasilitasi pemberian bantuan peralatan; pemberian pelatihan GKM dan AMT; peningkatan akses dan pangsa pasar; promosi dan inovasi dan sosialisasi Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK)., sehingga dalam memproduksi sepatu sandal masih menggunakan peralatan seadanya. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah industri kecil sepatu sandal di Desa Sukaresmi dapat menyerap tenaga kerja 2.023 orang (95,60 %); pendapatan pengrajin dan tenaga kerja tidak secara berkelanjutan dan belum adanya fasilitasi dari Dinas Koperasi UKM Perindag Kabupaten Bogor
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 13, No 1: march 2016
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (437.265 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v13i1.50


The main research objective is to understand the tendency of of news framing ideology - idealism or commercialism of two local TV, Jogja TV and Agropolitan TV. This media study was carried out using Etman’s framing analysis. method concerning 16 local news and  one non-local news broadcasted on August 2009. The research results showed that there were the ideological differences of tourism local news framing  broadcasted in the both local TV.Jogja TV more inclined to commercialism as promotion on local tourism managed by private company. Meanwhile Agropolitan TV tended to idealism. Regarding the non–local program of tourism, the Jogja TV’ editors inclined to idealism as part of social responsibility of local TV stations.
Analisis Pengendalian Bahan Baku Jasa Maklon dengan Menggunakan Metode Eoq (Economic Order Quality) Berbasis Big Data Logistik Guna Meminimalisir Biaya Produksi pada PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) Dina Eka Shofiana; Dwi Novita Sari
Majalah Ilmiah Bijak Vol 15, No 2: September 2018
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (808.999 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/bijak.v15i2.202


This study aims to determine the control of raw materials by using EOQ (Economic Order Quality) method to minimize production costs in PT Barata Indonesia (Persero). This research uses Adeskriptif with qualitative approach.The results of this study indicate that the control of raw materials using the EOQ (Economic Order Quallity) method can minimize production costs in PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) as follows: Silica Sand raw material can minimize production cost of Rp 16,321,500. Fero Silicon minimize the production cost of Rp 7,520,550,000, the raw material of Fero Mangan Mc can minimize the cost of Rp 2,255,625,000, the raw material of Fero Mangan Hc can minimize the cost of Rp 1.098,600. the raw material of Scrap can minimize the cost of Rp 324,995,000.

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