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JURNAL PUSAKA : Media Kajian dan Pemikiran Islam
ISSN : 23392215     EISSN : 23392215     DOI : -
PUSAKA Journal is a peer reviewed biannually scientific journal aimed at publishing research results conducted by the researchers and academician of Islamic Studies areas in the form of articles. This journal is published since September 2013 by LP3M (Institute for Research, Development and Community Service) IAI Al-Qolam.
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Articles 128 Documents
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Kesenian Wayang Andini; Yazida Ichsan; Fita Triyana; Khalidah Fitri
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Edisi 16
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v10i1.539


Wayang Kulit is a very important art to be preserved considering the many values of life that exist in Wayang Kulit itself. The values of Islamic education can also be found in Wayang Kulit art. This study aims to determine that values of Islamic education in the art of Wayang Kulit and the role of the younger generation in preserving the Wayang Kulit. The research of Islamic education values within Wayang Kulit is conducted based on library research. Essentially, the Wayang Kulit is still exist until today, but the problem relied on it is the fact that young generation has not been built to preserve this art. Besides, the Islamic of Indonesian values can be found within the soul of Wayang Kulit, such as in the epic story of Ramayana dan Mahabharata. Wayang Kulit is not merely an art to entertain people, but its role can also be taken as one of educational method. It because within the story of Wayang Kulit itself relied some great, moral, and ethics values.
Digitalisasi dan Konsep Keterbelakangan: Kajian Ekonomi Politik Media dalam Iklan Telkom Qoriatul Mahfudloh
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Edisi 16
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v10i1.579


More than a decade since digital civilization been published among Indonesian, and it is now facing a new challenge. Digital civilization which had been presumed to break through the dichotomy of concepts between the development and the retardation as the modernity consequences, is indeed facing the utopia’s results to the humanity. This premise is induced from advertisement’s the critical study of the one of the greatest telecommunication corporate in Indonesia, Telkom. In this ads, digital concept is being opposed to the concept retardation, which is being one-sided to village-discourse and middle classes profession. This research uses Vincent Mosco’s political economic of media theory. Besides that, the researcher uses critical discourse analysis as method to analyze the media visual data. This research also conducts the process of meaning among referees ‘village’ and ‘middle-class profession’, and also the concept of ‘retardation’.
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Edisi 16
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v10i1.580


The development of Islamic religious education is very important considering that there are still many unresolved educational problems regarding morals. Educational policies also contribute to the development of Islamic religious education. This study aims to determine the implementation of educational policies in terms of the development of Islamic education in schools. Research on educational policies in the development of Islamic education in schools is conducted by reviewing the manual literature. Islamic education policies are very dependent on national policy, thus experts must contribute in formulating the policies that are in line with community expectations regarding to the growth of moral maturity and characters.
Analisis Kebutuhan Bahan Ajar Matematika Terintegrasi Agama Berbasis AKM Wildan Hakim
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Edisi 16
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v10i1.596


Teaching materials for mathematics subjects are still experiencing inadequate material. Especially when mathematics is adopted by institutions such as Islamic boarding schools. Integration between teaching materials and institutional materials is very necessary because the integration process will be very useful in supporting the learning and teaching process with students. This research is an argument for the lack of teaching materials that integrate with religious teaching materials that are often referred to by Islamic boarding schools. The ADDIE model or analyze, design, development, implementation, evaluation is used as a reference for this research to see the extent to which the use of teaching materials before being integrated and after achieving the desired results by educators.
Pengembangan Tes Diagnostik Berbentuk Uraian Berdasarkan Ranah Kognitif untuk Mengetahui Letak Kesulitan Belajar Siswa SMP pada Materi Bangun Ruang Anggita Oktaviana Putri
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Edisi 16
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v10i1.597


Often students have difficulty learning mathematics from elementary to college level. Student’s Learning difficulties in mathematics must be addressed soon because it will affect the students' mathematical thinking ability. This study aims to develop the tests that can diagnose which part of student’s learning difficulties, especially on the building curved side space. The development of tests is based on revived Bloom's cognitive rate of taxonomy that is remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. This study development uses the Plomp development model through three stages: 1) preliminary research, 2) prototyping phase, and 3) assessment phase. Results from the development of diagnostic test instruments meet valid, reliable, and practical. Thus a diagnostic test developed could be used as an alternative in knowing the part of student difficulties.
Telaah Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter pada Santri Tahfidzul Qur'an Ahmad Fahrur Rozi
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Edisi 16
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v10i1.619


Educational character constitutes major highlight in every educational institutes lately, yet in each educational program there particular methods and ways to challenge the problems such as moral degradation. In reality, pesantren (Islamic boarding school) becomes one of trusted institute to construct education based on character with one of its program, tahfidzul Qur’an. In the pesantren of Al Falah Al Makky, this tahfidzul Qur’an program also becomes one of effective method to construct education based on moral character. By this very reason, it quite imperative to analyze the values of this program and how this pesantren develop the Qur’anic methods among their students. This research method uses descriptive qualitative method by the first step, collecting the data, analyze, and making interpretations. This research method is conducted by survey, case study, comparative study, space and time study, behavioral and documentary analysis. The result of this research process shows that tahfidzul Qur’an program in Al Falah Al Makky pesantren emphasizes on some major moral characters in life: Shidd?q, am?nah, fath?nah, tabl?gh, being patient, istiqomah, being discipline, rigid, taqwa, birr al-w?lidayn, estrange the sin, be gratitude, socially sensitive and caring, kind-hearted, being sincere, being passionate and hard working.
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2014): Edisi 2
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v1i2.7


This article discusses about the politics of Indonesia marriage law, especially relates to the law of interreligious marriage. Interreligious marriage always becomes a polemic. There is an argument says that it’s forbidden but there is another which says that there is a vacuum of law in the interreligious marriage, because it’s not regulated clearly. Furthermore, by observing to the politic of the Marriage law legislation, the legislator tended to prohibit the interreligious marriage, especially the Muslim community who regarded that the interreligious marriage is incompatible to the Islamic law. Keywords: marriage law, interreligious marriage, marriage law legislation
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2014): Edisi 2
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v1i2.8


One form of conversational skills are addressed. In this study, using the method of modeling speech learning. The goal of improving the process and learning outcomes addressed by the modeling method. This research method is class action research that shaped the implementation cycle, and each cycle carried out the plan, action, observation, and reflection. Data obtained from the action observation and interview, then analyzed to determine the advantages and disadvantages. Qualitatively, addressing the learning process increased, and quantitatively, addressing the learning outcomes also increased.Key words: learning speech, modeling methods, mts
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2014): Edisi 2
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v1i2.9


Urgensitas pemahaman terhadap makna dalam sebuah ujaran begitu sangat terasa, baik pada skala teks maupun konteks. Sebab, sejatinya amanat dalam proses komunikasi harus terterjamahkan secara utuh (كافة), baik pada sisi bentuk (مبنى) maupun dalam dimensi isi (معنى), sehingga tujuan dan pesan dalam tuturan penutur kepada mitra tutur dapat tersampaikan. Hanya saja, penelusuruan makna ini tidak cukup cuma diraba lewat kajian semiotik, dan sintaksis belaka, namun harus beranjak lebih lebar kepada studi semantik, dan pragmatik atau dalam konteks bahasa Arab bukan saja gramatika Arab, dan morfologi Arab, tetapi harus lebih bergeser kepada kajian ma’āni. Salah satu hal nyata dalam struktur bahasa yang memerlukan analisa konteks di luar bentuk kebahasaan adalah gejala deiksis. Memahami acuan dalam deiksis dengan pendekatan gramatikalisasi unsur-unsur (feature) dari konteks ujaran (contex of uttereance) atau peristiwa tutur (speech event) merupakan langkah yang wajib niscaya. Makanya, perolehan refren deiksis sangat bergantung terhadap kepiawaian dan tingkat sensitifitas seseorang menangkap konteks yang melingkupi ujaran yang diucapkan. Pada tataran inilah, kajian semantik-pragmatik atau ma’āni (dalam bahasa Arab) dalam konteks eksplorasi makna pada deiksis menjadi bagian yang tidak boleh dipandang sebelah mata.  Kata kunci: makna, semantik-pragmatik, ma’āni, deiksis.  
JURNAL PUSAKA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2014): Edisi 2
Publisher : LP3M IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.6084/ps.v1i2.10


In this age, Islam faces huge, complicated problems that demand creative responses especially through ijtihad and its methodologies. One pace has been progressively taken by the ulama (muslim scholars) and the umaro (government) in Indonesia, namely vesting inheritance right for adopted children by the mean of wasiyah wajibah which is regulated in article 209 of Islamic Law Compilation (KHI). Such right has never been regulated before in Classical Islamic law. According to classical Islamic law, adopted children have no inheritance right because they don’t have any cognation or marital relationship with the foster parents. Considering the contribution the adopted children may have to their foster parents, the ulama and the umara in Indonesia performed ijtihad and vested inheritance rights for adopted children in KHI.However, in the course of history, the article 209 could not bring justice into reality. Why? Because adopted child (or children) could only receive less inheritance than other heirs. This case may cause injustice when the adopted child has big contribution to the foster parents.Keywords: Adopted children, foster parents, KHI, justice

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