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Ruhama : Islamic Education Journal
ISSN : 26152304     EISSN : 26548437     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Ruhama : Islamic Education Journal PROGRAM PASCASARJANA UMSB, ISSN : 2615-2304, ESSN :2654-8437 merupakan jurnal penelitian dan kajian ilmiah yang diterbitkan Program Pascasarjana UMSB.
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Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021" : 7 Documents clear
The Use of Environmentally and Online-Based Media and Its Effect on PAI Learning Outcomes Jasmawati Z
Ruhama : Islamic Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UMSB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ruhama.v4i2.2894


Learning media has an important position for the achievement of learning outcomes, theoretically there are various types of media that are commonly used, therefore, researchers want to analyze the implementation of PAI learning using environmental-based and online-based learning media and their effect on PAI learning outcomes in state elementary schools. The collected data is analyzed using SPSS Version 20.0 through the Classical Assumption Test, Percentage Descriptive Analysis, T (partial) and F (simultaneous) Test. The results showed pai learning using Environmental-Based Media and Online supports the effective implementation of learning. This is evident from the percentage of respondents' answers of 90.83% for environmentally based media and 90.14% for online-based media. Based on the constant value of PAI Learning Media Based Environment and Online Based which amounted to 81,289. This constant value means, if there is no Environmentally Based and Online-Based PAI Learning Media, then a consistent value of Learners' Learning Outcomes of 81,289 will not appear.
Ruhama : Islamic Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UMSB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ruhama.v4i2.2716


Researchers found problems in the practice of the role of teachers and parents during online learning for students. Based on these conditions, the role of teachers and parents becomes what students need during learning. Therefore, the author raised this qualitative research with the title `The Role of Teachers and Parents in Learning Morals during the Covid-19 Pandemic at MTsN 2 Pasaman: A Case Study of Student Interest in Learning.` Problem formulation: (1) What is the role of teachers and other people? parents in online learning of morals during the covid 19 pandemic to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman? (2) What is the role of teachers and parents in fostering interest in religious learning, especially moral aqidah to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman? to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman. (2) The role of teachers and parents in cultivating interest in learning Islam, especially the moral creed towards the students of MTsN 2 Pasaman.Research method: This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Descriptive research aims to make research results real, accurate, and systematic about a series of real events and characteristics of certain regions and communities. Data collection techniques apply interview, observation, and documentation methods. The results of this study were determined by the level of knowledge, the presence of parents, and interaction. So, students who have parents with religious knowledge are also good, and are more at home, then the role of parents can be given as a whole in learning morals. On the other hand, students who have parents with less knowledge or religious knowledge, and are busy working, have a limited role in learning activities for their children's morals and beliefs. Parents provide motivation, messages, advice, sanctions (punishments) and rewards (rewards) to their children. This is done to foster interest in learning the religion of their children who study at school or at home. Therefore, parents have performed their roles as motivators, educators, discipline enforcers, and regulators or controllers. All of these roles are carried out differently for each parent, depending on the level of knowledge and religious basis, as well as the intensity of the meeting between parents and children in interacting while at home.
Implementation of PAI Learning Outcomes in Student Discipline in State Elementary School 15 Sungai Geringging Padang Pariaman Regency Nurtib J.
Ruhama : Islamic Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UMSB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ruhama.v4i2.2896


PAI learning is expected to produce changes in the behavior, attitudes and morals of learners, because actually the main orientation of PAI learning is the realization of learners who are able to practice Islamic teachings in accordance with the material that has been studied. Based on the above thoughts, this study aims to reveal how PAI learning outcomes are implemented for the discipline of learners in the school environment. This research uses qualitative methods, namely revealing data and facts in the form of sentences that can be understood by readers. The result of this study is that PAI learning results have not been implemented in the discipline of learners, the conclusion is based on research data that shows there are still learners who have not instilled discipline in the school environment.
Ruhama : Islamic Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UMSB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ruhama.v4i2.2725


Madrasah supervisors have a responsibility in improving the competence of teachers in the institutions they supervise, therefore this research aims to know and analyze how supervisors perform their functions in improving teacher competence in MAN 1 Pasaman. This research is a descriptive research of non-statictic analysis using qualitative methods. Data is obtained through observation, interview and documentation studies. The data collected is then analyzed through three activities, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results prove that: 1) Supervisors play an active role in providing advice and input to madrasah heads for activities to be carried out in order to improve teacher competence,  2) In the activities of improving teacher competence in MAN 1 Pasaman, supervisors act as mediators, facilitators, 3) Teacher competencies in MAN 1 Pasaman are evaluated by supervisors through a review of aspects that become the duties and responsibilities of teachers.
Ruhama : Islamic Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UMSB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ruhama.v4i2.2918


Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui secara komprehensif Metode Reward dan Punishment dalam Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Hadis Bukhari dan Muslim. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research), yang data-datanya bersumber dari bahan-bahan tertulis seperti buku, jurnal dan sebagainya. Dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan data-data yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi yang diambil dari hadis Bukhari dan hadis Muslim, buku-buku dan Syarah hadis Bukhari dan Muslim, buku pendidikan Islam dan buku penunjang lainnya.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa metode reward dan punishment dalam pendidikan Islam perspektif hadis Bukhari dan Muslim, metode reward dalam pendidikan Islam perspektif hadist Bukhari yaitu berupa pujian, sebagaimana yang dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah ketika memberikan pujian kepada Abu Hurairah yang bersemangat dalam bertanya dan mengumpulkan hadis dari Rasulullah. Dalam dunia pendidikan Islam guru bisa menerapkan reward berupa pujian ketika guru melihat ada tanda-tanda baik dan terpuji yang dilakukan oleh peserta didik maka guru bisa memberikan pujian kepada peserta didik sehingga ketika diberikan pujian peserta didik dapat lebih termotivasi dan bersemangat. Metode punishment dalam pendidikan Islam pesrpektif hadis Muslim yaitu, berupa teguran, Rasulullah pernah menegur sahabat yang melakukan kesalahan di depan Rasulullah dan para sahabat lainnya dengan cara yang lemah lembut sehingga sahabat tidak merasa tersinggung dan merasa malu, dalam pendidikan Islam guru bisa menerapkan hukuman verbal berupa teguran kepada peserta didik yang melakukan pelanggaran atau kesalahan seperti yang dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah, sehingga peserta didik sadar dan tidak mengulangi kesalahannya.
The Role of Parents and Teachers in Fostering Interest in Memorizing the Koran for Students in The New Normal Ernita Ernita
Ruhama : Islamic Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UMSB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ruhama.v4i2.2799


Learning for students in the new normal period requires the main role of parents and teachers. The role of both determines interest in memorizing the Qur'an for students in the new normal period. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of parents and teachers during tahfiz learning for students, the role of parents and teachers in an effort to foster interest in learning tahfiz students, forms of collaboration between parents and teachers in order to foster interest in learning tahfiz and the level of memorization of participants. Studied at MTsN 2 Pasaman. This research method is based on a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the research in this thesis are determined by the level of knowledge, the presence of parents, and interactions. So, students who have parents with good insight into tahfiz knowledge, and are more at home, then the role of parents can be given in full in tahfiz learning. On the other hand, students who have parents with less knowledge or knowledge of tahfiz, and are busy working, have a limited role in their children's tahfiz learning activities. Parents provide encouragement, messages, advice, sanctions and rewards to their children. This is done in order to foster interest in learning tahfiz students who study at madrasas or at home. Therefore, parents have performed their roles as motivators, educators, discipline enforcers, and regulators or controllers. The role of parents depends on the level of knowledge and basic tahfiz, as well as the intensity of the meeting between parents and students in interacting while at home.
Learning Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan by Using Blended Learning in the New Normal at MTs Muhammadiyah Lubuk Jambi Tarsupon Tarsupon
Ruhama : Islamic Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UMSB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ruhama.v4i2.2845


The implementation of learning in the new normal is not much different from learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, therefore it takes teacher creativity for successful learning implementation. The creativity of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan teachers at MTs Muhammadiyah Lubuk Jambi is to use blended learning, therefore this research aims to reveal how the implementation of blended learning in AIK learning in the new normal. The study uses a qualitative approach, the data source consists of key informants and additional informants. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation studies. Data is analyzed using interactive techniques. The application of blended learning model in MTs Muhammadiyah Lubuk Jambi is done by combining online and offline.  The obstacles faced by using blended learning are from the aspect of teachers, learners and facilities. Research recommendations require comprehensive training to realize teachers who have information technology capabilities. 

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