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Jurnal Caksana: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Published by Universitas Trilogi
ISSN : 26220547     EISSN : 26219859     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
JURNAL CAKSANA terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember berisi tulisan gagasan konseptual, kajian dan aplikasi teori, tulisan praktisi dan hasil penelitian dan pengajaran dalam bidang keilmuaan pendidikan anak usia dini.
Arjuna Subject : -
Articles 53 Documents
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Caksana: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v1i1.7


The purpose of this research was to describe the implementation process inquiry and to understand improving  creativity of children 5-6 years old  through inquiry. The study was conducted on group A Kindergarten with of seventen children.  This study used action research methods by Kemmis and Taggart which consist of 4 stages (plan, action, observation and reflection). This study consisted of two cycles, each cycles consisting of 8 sessions. Data collecting techniques used observation, field notes and documentation. Data analysis using quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data analysis with descriptive statistics that compare the result obtained from the first cycle and the second cycle. Analysis of qualitative data by analizing data from the observation, fields notes and documentation during the study to the steps of data reduction, data display and data verification. The result of this study showed that there was the improving interpersonal intelegence through play music with score in pre cycle 24,9 had improvement to 44,9 and become 67,7 in cycle II and excellent growing category. Keywords : creativity, inquiry,  Action Research
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Caksana: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v1i2.190


AbstractKnowledge is important in the child development process because knowledge is the basis of  attitudes and self skills formation . Familiarizing children to build their own knowledge  early  can make them capable for finding ideas to solve problems, having good self-confidence  and initiative. Children are active beings who can build their own knowledge through play. When playing, child exploring, finding and utilizing the objects around them  to be meaningful. Exploring objects enable the assimilation and accommodation process occur in forming new schemes. Constructive play is one of the game that is exploring objects. By constructive play it is possible for the child to acquire knowledge through assimilation and accommodation process, so the game can help the child form a new scheme based on the experience as well as generate knowledge.Keywords: Knowledge, Constructive Play, Piaget Theory
Pengembangan Kemandirian Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Tk Dharmawanita Tunas Harapan Malia Silranti; Yaswinda Yaswinda
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v2i1.367


Abstract: This study was aimed at describing development of the independence of children aged 5-6 year in  TK Dharmawanita Tunas Harapan kindergarten in South. The research method is used  a qualitative descriptive. The data  were  gained  through  conducting  interviews,  observation  and  documentation.  The  data  were  then  analyzed using interactive model of data analysis from Miles and Huberman. The data was analyzed by using triangulation  technique through collection data, reduction,  display, and verification. The result of the study generally indicate that the development of independence in the Dharmawanita Tunas Harapan kindergarten in South Coastal district has been well implemente. But in planning it is not clearly described the development of children’s independence. Learning methods that are used by teachers in the development of independence are methods of habituation, conversation, question and Answer, playing, and giving assingment.  
Pola Asuh Orangtua Over Protective terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Anak di Tk Islam Khaira Ummah Ikur Koto Kec. Koto Tangah kota Padang Fifi Febiola; Izzati Izzati
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v2i1.371


Abstract This study aims to describe the symptoms of over protective foster behsvior towards the social development of children in islamic kindergartens khaira ummah ikur koto kec. Koto tangah padang city. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive study methods.The researcher uses parents and teachers as informants. How to use the date used by researchers is observasi, interviews, and documentation.Based one the descriptive and data analysis, it can be concluded that the research shows that parents provide parenting patterns that tend to be over protective of their children. This is indicated by the form of protective provided by parents to their children, and does not provide an opportunity for children to be able to do it themselves. The over protective parenting has an impact on children’s social development, namely children are difficult to adapt to the new environment, prefer to play alone, and result in children not being independent.  
Efektifitas Permainan Bentengan terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Anak di Taman Kanak-kanak Jannatul Ma’wa Padang Deni Winda Fitri; Asdi Wirman
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v2i1.362


Abstract This study aims to find out how much effectiveness the game against the social development of children in Jannatul Ma'wa Padang Kindergarten. The research begins with the assumption that social development can be done through playing games. Children do not want to work with friends and prefer to do activities individually. Even to reduce those who still like to disturb their friends while following the learning process. This study is a quantitative approach with an experimental type of quasy. The population of children in Jannatul Ma’wa Padang Kindergarten. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, finally obtained samples of classes B1 and B2, each of which amounted to 12 children. The average social ability achieved by children in the experimental class was 80,56 and the control class with an average of 71,53. While the effect size with cohen's d is 1,09>0,80. These results can be concluded that the bentengan game effectively develops the social skills of children in Jannatul Ma’wa Padang Kindergarten. 
Efektivitas Permainan Tradisional Ucing Bal Terhadap Perkembangan Sosial di Taman Kanak-Kanak Pertiwi 3 Padang Ulfa Febriyanti; Saridewi Saridewi
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v2i1.384


Abstract This research was to determine the sosial develompment of children from 5 to 6 aged using Ucing bal games at kindergarten Pertiwi 3 in Padang. This research begins with the assumption that the ucing bal game can stimulate the child’s social development. Many children are still individual and do not want to cooperate with friends, also children prefer to do their own activities. This research used quantitative research with experimental methods in the form of quashi experimental. The population of this research was Pertiwi 3 in Padang, class B2 as an experimental class while B4 as  a control class. Each sample consist of 12 children. The research was usiang cluster sampling technic and this research was using action research and documentation to collect the data. The average social ability of early childhood in the experimental class was 8.30 and the control class was 7.90, while the result of the effect size with Cohen's is 0.98> 0.80. These results concluded that the game ucing bal effective for developing social early childhood 5-6 year.
Analisis Keterlibatan Orang Tua Dalam Pendampingan Pembelajaran Pada Anak Usia Dini Dianti Yunia Sari; Annisa Lutfia
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v2i1.363


Abstract This research is background by lack of a study of parental involvement in learning at school. So far, there are still  parents who are not very aware that actually, parents have a very important role in the child's learning process. This research was aims to describe the involvement of parents during the process in learning activities at school. There are three main subfocuses studied, (1) identify the diversity of understanding parents in learning process, (2) map the process of parental accompaniment to reflected in parentalod involvement learning activities, (3) see the impact of involvement parents based on evaluation of the process of accompaninment from parent in children learning activities. The research method employed was descriptive qualitative research with analysis with interactive analysis model. The data collection technique is done through observasion, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of the study show that: (1) parental involvement is reflected based on parenting and continuity of parenting generated through knowledge in parenting activities at school, (2) accompaniment parents in the process of learning children starting from beginning, core activities to closing shows the characteristics of parents divided into three, namely knowing through companion, not knowing but wanting to ask and not knowing not asking. (3) from the picture,it is reflected that the process evaluation of parent involvement is in the medium category, so that of periodic involvement of parent, in addition to providing psychological support to children also provides learning the information needed through experience as an accompaniment. 
Pengaruh Kegiatan Menganyam Kain Flanel Terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak di PAUD Tunas Bangsa Padang Junia Sri Martika; Farida Mayar
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v2i1.365


Abstract: The study aims to determine the effect of weaving activities using flannel cloth on children’s fine motor skills in Paud Tunas Bangsa Padang. Fine motor development activities found in the field tended to be coloring and drawing.  Therefore, through this weaving activity with flannel cloth, researchers wanted to see how the development of child fine motoric in the Paud Tunas Bangsa Padang. The research method used is quantitative with a Quasi Experimental from. The population is 34 students of the Paud Tunas Bangsa Padang. Namely groups A1, B1, B2. Groups B2 is made as experimental sample and B1 control sample is 10 people each. The sampling technique is used cluster sampling. And as for the data collection techniques used tests made by teachers such as statements og 4 pieces of statements and data collection in the form of statement sheets in the from of instrument lattices. The difference test results in the experimental average were 78.75 while the controls were 71.25. it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of weaving activities using flannel cloth on the fine motor skills of children at Paud Tunas Bangsa Padang.
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Caksana: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v2i2.600


Abstract: This research is motivated by the social development of early childhood with peers in the Islamic Kindergarten Khaira Ummah Ikur Koto Koto Padang City. The research used descriptive qualitative research approach. To see how the Early Childhood Social Development with Sebya Friends in the Khaira Islamic Kindergarten Ummah Ikur Koto Koto Tangah, Padang City. Children studied class B4 in the Islamic Kindergarten Khaira Ummah Ikur Koto Koto Tangah, Padang City. The informants of this study were teachers in the Islamic Khaira Kindergarten Ummah Ikur Koto Koto Tangah, Padang City. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation. Based on data shows that in the IslamicKindergarten Khaira Ummah Ikur Koto Koto Tangalh Padang City there are several children who demonstrate social development with peers and children who have not developed socially with peers.
Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Caksana: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Prodi PG-PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jcpaud.v2i2.601


Abstract: Environmental education is carried out in PAUD units by integrating into the 2013 PAUD curriculum with management standards starting from planning, implementation and supervision to further develop the needs and conformity of the vision and mission of the PAUD unit. This study seeks to reveal how the 2013 PAUD curriculum-based environmental education implementation in Daycare, Depok City. The approach taken in this research is qualitative with descriptive research type. Data collection is done by observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data processing uses qualitative data analysis stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the study illustrate that 1) the standard of environmental education management in planning criteria is quite good, but the supervision section should be carried out more intensively with a consistent schedule from the principal, so that the implementation criteria can optimally meet the needs of students. The structuring of the environment as part of the planning and design of the established curriculum has clearly seen its integration in the PAUD 2013 curriculum for the implementation of environmental education, 2) tangible manifestations of the implementation of environmental education can be seen in the design of daily activities that are applied consistently according to the draft concepts of environmental education materials and its development. Based on the conclusion of this research, the implementation of 2013 curriculum-based environmental education in Dandelion Daycare, Depok City is quite good.