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Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
ISSN : 23383372     EISSN : 26559269     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan publishes high-quality manuscripts of evaluation, assessment, and measurement in varied instructional settings, including economics, mathematics, physics, vocation, engineering, and linguistics with their own particular phenomena, and significant studies that address issues of current education concern. The journal seeks high-quality research on how evaluation, measurement, and assessment can improve educational outcomes; research on how different disciplines can inform theoretical, practical, and political perspectives at the local, provincial, regional and international levels, with an effect on elementary, secondary and tertiary education stages.
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Articles 189 Documents
Perbedaan metode demonstrasi dan ceramah terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam Sumiyati Sumiyati
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 6 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.296 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v6i1.3360


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan pengaruh antara Metode Demonstrasi dan Ceramah terhadap perestasi belajar siswa kelas IV Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017; (2) Perbedaan pengaruh antara IQ tinggi dan IQ rendah terhadap hasil belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam siswa kelas IV Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017; (3) Interaksi pengaruh metode pembelajaran dengan IQ siswa terhadap hasil belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam di Kelas IV Tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas IV SD gugus IV se-Kecamatan Mlati dengan cara purposive sampling. Terdapat 41 soal valid dengan reliabilitas 0,835. Uji persyaratan yakni normalitas dan homogenitas, sedangkan untuk uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis Anava 2 jalur. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan pengaruh efektifitas antara metode demonstrasi dan metode ceramah. Tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara siswa yang memiliki IQ tinggi dan IQ rendah serta tidak ada interaksi pengaruh perbedaan antara metode pembelajaran dan IQ siswa terhadap hasil belajar. Differences of demonstration method and lecture method on student learning result in Islamic subject AbstractThe purpose of this research is to know: (1) difference of influence between Method of Demonstration and Lecture toward student achievement of fourth grade student of academic year 2016/2017; (2) The difference of influence between high IQ and low IQ on the learning outcomes of Islamic Education fourth grade students of academic year 2016/2017; (3) Interaction of influence of learning method with IQ of students on learning result of Islamic Religious Education in Class IV of academic year 2016/2017.This research was conducted in the fourth grade of elementary school class V Se-Kecamatan Mlati by purposive sampling. There are 41 valid questions with reliability of 0.835. Test the requirements of normality and homogeneity, while for hypothesis testing using analysis of Anava 2 lanes. The result of this research is difference of effectivity influence between demonstration method and lecture method. There is no difference of influence between students.
Pengembangan tes diagnostik kognitif berkarakter HOTS matematika di sekolah menengah pertama Utariningsih Utariningsih
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (806.084 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v6i2.3397


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan instrumen tes diagnostik kognitif berkarakter HOTSmatematika pada materi spldvyang valid dan reliabel, sertamengetahui kelemahan dan kesulitan belajar siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal berkarakter HOTS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan, yang diadaptasi dari model pengembangan Zulkardi, yang meliputi langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: tahapan preliminary dan tahapan formative evaluation. Pada tahapan formative evaluation ini langkah yang diambil mengikuti langkah-langkah yang dikemukakan oleh Tessmer yang meliputi (1) self-evaluation, (2) prototyping (expert review, one-to-one,dan small group), dan (3) field test. Instrumen yang berhasil dikembangkan 11 butir soal uraian dengan koefisien korelasi 0,88 dan reliabilitas sebesar 0,921 memiliki rata-rata tingkat kesukaran 0,573 (sedang), dan rata-rata daya pembeda 0,335 (baik), sedangkan hasil penelitian siswa mengalami kesulitan pada level menganalisis  46,25%, pada level mengevaluasi sebesar 32,67% sedangkan pada level mencipta 43,5%, jadi urutan tingkat kesulitan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal berkarakter HOTSpada level mengevaluasi, mencipta dan menganalisis. The development of cognitive diagnostic tests infringing HOTS mathematics in junior high school AbstractThis study aims to produce a cognitive diagnostic test instrument of HOTS character in mathematics on valid and reliable spldv material, to know the weakness and difficulty of student learning in solving the problem of HOTS character. This research is a research and development, adapted from Zulkardi's development model, which includes the following steps: preliminary stages and formative evaluation stages. At this stage of formative evaluation the steps taken follow the steps proposed by Tessmer which include (1) self evaluation, (2) prototyping (expert review, one-to-one, and small group), and (3) field test. The successful instrument developed 11 points of description with the correlation coefficient of 0.88 and reliability of 0.921 has an average of 0.573 (medium) difficulty level, and average distinguishing power of 0.335 (good), while the results of research students have difficulty at level analyzing 46 , 25%, evaluating at 32.67% while creating 43.5% level, so the order of students' difficulty level in solving the HOTS character problem at level analyze, create and evaluate.
Pengaruh model pembelajaran, status sosial ekonomi orang tua dan minat belajar terhadap prestasi belajar bahasa inggris siswa sekolah menengah pertama negeri di Kecamatan Gombong Kabupaten Kebumen tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 Siti Rosiana
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 3 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (40.185 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v3i2.2142


This study aims to find out: there is the influence of the learning models, socio-economic status of parents and interest in learning the English language learning achievement of junior high school students in the District Gombong Kebumen regency Regency academic year 2014/2015. This research was conducted in junior high school in the district Gombong Kebumen district academic year 2014/2015. The sampling technique used is multi-stage cluster random sampling. Engineering data collection using questionnaires and test techniques. Analysis using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Line 3. Based on the results of this study concluded : (1) there is the significant positive effect of using learning model Think Pair and Share the learning achievement, (2) there is the significant positive effect of socioeconomic status of the parents of the use of learning model think Pair and Share the learning achievement of English, (3) there is the significant positive effect of interest in studying the influence of students' English learning achievement, and (4) there is the significant interaction effect of learning model use Think Pair and Share, socio-economic status of parents and interest in learning the English language learning achievement.
Manajemen sarana prasarana dalam rangka implementasi kurikulum 2013 di SMA Negeri 5 Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat tahun ajaran 2013/ 2014 Ita Faramita Sari; Supriyoko Supriyoko
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.835 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v4i1.2268


The purpose of this study was to describe about on the management of infrastructure facilities in the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 from planning, procurement, distribution, use, and maintenance, inventory and pengahpusan, and completeness of the existing infrastructure as well as the constraints that may affect the management of infrastructures in order curriculum implementation in 2013. This study includes a qualitative descriptive study. The research location is housed in SMA 5 Mataram. Data collection was done by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done by giving meaning to the data collected, and from these data in Narrate and conclusions drawn. The results of this study illustrate the management process management infrastructure, as well as the completeness and constraints that affect the infrastructure. The results of these studies that the management of the infrastructure in SMAN 5 Mataram is in conformity with the technical management, including planning, procurement, distribution, use, and maintenance, inventory, and pengahpusan. 1) the work done to improve the management of infrastructure in 2013, namely the implementation of the curriculum, increasing teacher training diligently and frequently follow and training, students are more disciplined, supportive classroom situation. 2) infrastructure in SMA 5 Mataram influential in the learning curriculum implementation in 2013 are classrooms, administration, library room, counseling, and prayer room. 3) infrastructure constraints are often delays in the distribution of textbooks still be overcome.
Efektivitas model pembelajaran “rombel” terhadap kompetensi keterampilan vokasional siswa tunagrahita di Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri Pembina Yogyakarta Hedwigis Dian Permatasari
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1675.53 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v5i1.3299


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas model pembelajaran rombongan belajar pada keterampilan vokasional siswa tunagrahita di SLB N Pembina Yogyakarta. Hal-hal yang diteliti meliputi: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, hasil pembelajaran serta kendala dan hambatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Uji kepercayaan data diperoleh dengan trianggulasi data. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara deskriptif kualitatif di mana tahapannya meliputi menelaah data, menyusun data kemudian berdasarkan susunan data ditarik kesimpulan.Rombongan belajar di SLB N Pembina Yogyakarta terdiri dari 9 keterampilan vokasional yaitu  Tata Boga, Teknik dan Informatika, Keramik, Pertanian, Tata Busana, Tata Kecantikan, Otomotif, Tekstil serta Perkayuan. Satu kelas rombel keterampilan terdiri dari siswa SMPLB hingga SMALB tunagrahita. 90% materi pembelajaran merupakan materi praktik keterampilan. Kurikulum dibuat mengacu pada tematik vokasional sehingga pembelajaran dilaksanakan bukan lagi berdasarkan satuan pendidikan dalam pelajaran-pelajaran yang terpisah tetapi dilaksanakan berdasarkan tema. Proses pembelajaran dilaksanakan menggunakan pendekatan team teaching di mana proses perencanaan, pembelajaran hingga evaluasi dilaksanakan oleh team guru yaitu oleh kelompok guru keterampilan, cooperative learning dan pembelajaran individual. Meskipun model pembelajaran adalah rombongan belajar namun mempertimbangkan karakteristik  siswa  tunagrahita  maka  sangat  ditekankan  pembelajaran  secara  individual  untuk menggali potensi setiap siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran rombongan belajar dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa tunagrahita diukur dari keterampilan yang dikuasai. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran rombongan belajar efektif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi keterampilan siswa tunagrahita.
Pengembangan instrumen pengukuran disiplin untuk siswa sekolah menengah pertama Kartinah Kartinah
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.967 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v6i2.3387


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mencari guru untuk mengukur nilai disiplin, (2) mengembangkan instrumen disiplin siswa SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo, dan (3) untuk mengukur kedisiplinan siswa SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo, penelitian termasuk penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D). Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo sebanyak 154 orang. Analisis yang digunakan adalah validitas isi, validitas konkurensi, validitas konstruk dan reliabilitas instrumen. Pengukuran disiplin pada siswa SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo belum menggunakan instrumen standar, tetapi hanya terbatas pada penilaian formal saja, seperti pemantauan daftar hadir dan daftar pelanggaran yang tercatat dalam bimbingan dan konseling. Setelah menganalisis faktor instrumen terakhir pengembangan instrumen disipliner, siswa terdiri dari 30 item, 15 item faktual, dan 15 butir valensi. Instrumen ini terdiri dari 4 indikator. Uji validitas konkurensi telah dilakukan hasil korelasi data faktual dan valensi yang signifikan (rxy = 0,8169). Analisis reliabilitas menghasilkan indeks keandalan 0,879, nilai disiplin siswa SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo 67,11% termasuk tinggi. The development of measurement instrument of discipline to student of junior high school AbstractThis aims of research are (1) to find teacher to measure discipline value, (2) to develop measurement of discipline instrument of SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo student’s, and (3) to measure the discipline of SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo student’s, This type of research includes research and development (R & D). The subjects of the study were students of SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo as many as 154 people. The analysis used is content validity, concurrency validity, construct validity and instrument reliability. The measurement of discipline in students of SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo has not used standard instruments, but only limited to formal assessment only, such as monitoring of attendance list and list of violations recorded in guidance and counseling. After analyzing the final instrument factor of disciplinary instrument development, students consist of 30 items, 15 factual items, and 15 valence grains. The instrument consists of 4 indicators. The concurrency validity test has been done the result of significant factual and valence data correlation (rxy = 0,8169). Reliability analysis yields reliability index of 0.879, Student discipline value SMP Negeri 40 Purworejo 67,11% including high.
Pembentukan karakter melalui manajemen pembiasaan di sekolah dasar islam terpadu Ihsanul Fikri Kota Magelang Nurjani Nurjani; Mundilarno Mundilarno
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (489.014 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v4i1.2258


This research aims to: 1) determine the applied management education in elementary habituation IT Ihsanul Fikri Magelang in efforts to establish the character of students. 2) determine the effectiveness of the formation character students through the habituation Management. 3) identify supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the habituation management. This study is a qualitative study conducted in SDIT Ihsanul Fikri Magelang. The subjects in this study include principals and vice-principals, teachers, students, parents and school committee. Data collection techniques used in this study are the observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study include reduction data, display/presentation of the data and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data is conducted by using a triangulation technique to check the validity of the data. The results of the study concluded: 1) Management form of habituation: a.Planning the conditioning program in the character formation of students in SDIT Ihsanul Fikri has been good. b. Organizing management has been firmly habituation, which is the principal in charge, assisted by student vice minister, curriculum vice minister, builder habituation and the class teacher and supported by all components of the school. c Application of management is suited to the type of habituation.Routine habituation routinely is done every day on a regular basis, habituation programmed predetermined schedule. .d Evaluation of habituation management: Management of habituation in SDIT Ihsanul Fikri Magelang already well underway. 2) The formation of character through habituation runs effectively proved to be known and The character values are done in daily life. 3) The supports factors habituation management among others the existence of good habitual programme, infrastructure, human resources, parents supports and the school committee’s ones. The obstacles are less of proper infrastructure,  less concerned parents, any Part of teachers and employees are less concerned, the existence of communities that are less appropriate to education’s character.
Pengaruh peran orang tua, persepsi siswa pada kompetensi pedagogik guru dan disiplin belajar terhadap prestasi belajar matematika Joko Supriyantoro
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1718.817 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v5i1.3244


Tujuan dari penelitian  ini adalah (1) mengetahui  pengaruh  orang tua, persepsi siswa terhadap kompetensi  pedagogis  guru dan disiplin  belajar  siswa  MTs  N Kabupaten  Piyungan;  (2) mengetahui pengaruh  peran  orang  tua  terhadap  prestasi  belajar  siswa  siswa MTs  N Kabupaten  Piyungan;  (3) mengetahui   pengaruh   persepsi guru siswa terhadap prestasi belajar matematika   siswa  MTs  N Kecamatan Piyungan; dan (4) mengetahui  pengaruh disiplin terhadap prestasi belajar matematika  pada siswa   MTs   N  Kecamatan   Piyungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan   pendekatan  explanatory  research. Populasi penelitian ini  adalah  seluruh  siswa  MTs Negeri (MTs N) kelas VIII di Kabupaten  Bantul Piyungan berjumlah 133 siswa. Sampel penelitian  ini adalah  96 siswa. Teknik  pengambilan  sampel  yang digunakan  adalah  proportional  stratified  random sampling.bTeknik  pengumpulan  data menggunakan  kuesioner.  Data dianalisis  dengan  menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil: (1) Ada pengaruh antara orang tua, persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi pedagogis  guru, dan disiplin  belajar pada prestasi  belajar siswa kelas VIII MTs (MTs) di Kabupaten Piyungan Bantul Tahun 2015 / 2016. (2) Ada pengaruh antara peran orang tua dengan prestasi belajar siswa  kelas  VIII  MTs  (MTs)  di Kabupaten  Bantul  Piyungan  Tahun  2015/2016.  (3)  Ada  pengaruh antara  persepsi  siswa terhadap  kompetensi  pedagogis  guru MTs dengan  prestasi  belajar  siswa kelas VIII di Kabupaten  Bantul  Piyungan  Tahun  Akademik  2015/2016.  (4) Ada pengaruh  antara  disiplin belajar  dan  prestasi  belajar  siswa  kelas  VIII  MTs  (MTs)  di  Kabupaten   Bantul  Piyungan  Tahun 2015/2016. Effect of role of parents, student perception in teacher pedagogik competency and learning discipline on learning achievement students math   AbstractThe purpose  of this study were (1) to know the influence  of parents,  students  'perceptions  of teachers'  pedagogical  competence  and discipline  of learning of MTs N students of Piyungan  District; (2) to know the influence of parent role on student achievement  of MTs N student of Piyungan District; (3)  to  know   the  influence   of  student   teacher's   perception   on  student's   mathematics   learning achievement  of MTs  N Sub  Piyungan;  and  (4) to know  the influence  of discipline  on mathematics learning  achievement   in  MTs  N  students  Piyungan   sub-district.   This  research  uses  quantitative research  using  explanatory  research  approach.  The population  of this study  is all students  of MTs Negeri (MTs N) class VIII in Bantul Piyungan  District amounted  to 133 students.  The sample of this research  is 96 students.  The  sampling  technique  used  is proportional  stratified  random  sampling. Data  collection  techniques  using  questionnaires. Data  were  analyzed  by using  multiple  regression analysis. Result: (1) There is influence between parent, student perception  about teacher pedagogical competence,  and learning  discipline  on student  achievement  of class VIII MTs (MTs) in Regency  of Piyungan  Bantul  Year 2015 / 2016. (2) There is influence  between  parent  role with achievement  of students  of  class  VIII  MTs  (MTs)  in  Bantul  Regency  Piyungan  Year  2015/2016.  (3)  There  is  an influence between students' perceptions on the pedagogical competence of MTs teachers with the achievement  of class VIII students in Bantul Piyungan District Academic Year 2015/2016.  (4) There is influence   between  learning   discipline   and  student  achievement   class  VIII  MTs  (MTs)  in  Banty Piyungan District Year 2015/2016.
Pengembangan instrumen penilaian kinerja guru Berbasis tupoksi untuk guru sekolah dasar Moh Muadin; FX Sudarsono; Yuli Prihatni
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 5 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2010.754 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v5i2.3377


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menentukan komponen yang digunakan untuk menilai kinerja guru sekolah dasar berbasis tupoksi, (2) menentukan indikator yang dibutuhkan dalam menilai pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi guru sekolah dasar, (3) mengetahui bentuk instrumen penilaian kinerja guru sekolah dasar yang baku dan dapat mengukur penilaian kinerja yang akurat, dan (4) mengetahui hasil penilaian kinerja guru sekolah dasar berbasis tupoksi di Kecamatan Kotegede Yogyakarta. Instrumen penilaian dalam penelitian ini disusun dalam bentuk penilaian diri. Instrumen dikembangkan dengan metode research and development, berdasarkan model pengembangan Djemari Mardapi yang dimodifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis validitas dan reliabilitas, instrumen ini valid dan reliabel. Hasil pengukuran menggunakan instrumen yang valid dan reliabel diperoleh data bahwa kinerja guru untuk variabel tugas pokok guru dalam kategori “baik”, sedangkan untuk variabel fungsi guru dalam kategori “sangat baik”Development of teacher performance assessment instrument based on teachers duties and responsibilities for elementary school teachersAbstractThe study aims at: (1) determining the components to assess the elementary school teachers performance of based on teachers duties and responsibilities, (2) determining the indicators to assess the implementation of elementary school teachers duties and responsibilities, (3) knowing the standard of teacher performance assessment instrument and its accuracy, (4) finding the results of performance assessment based on teachers duties and responsibilities of elementary school teachers in Kotegede sub-district Yogyakarta. The teacher's performance assessment instrument of this study was conducted in the form of self-assessment. The instrument was developed by research and development method, based on the modified Djemari Mardapi development model. Based on the result of validity and reliability tests, the instrument was valid and reliable. The assessment using a valid and reliable instrument showed that the teacher's performance on teachers duty variable was in the category of ‘good’, while on teachers responsibilities variable in the category of ‘very good’.
Pengaruh kompetensi pedagogik, motivasi kerja dan supervisi akademis terhadap kinerja guru madrasah aliyah se Kota Yogyakarta Hartiningsih Hartiningsih; Sumadi Sumadi
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 3 No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.236 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v3i3.2249


This study aimed to determine: (1) the influence of teachers’ competence,  motivation, and academic supervisor simultaneously on the performance of MAN in Yogyarta. (2) The influence of teachers’ competence on the performance of MAN in Yogyakarta. (3) The influence of the motivation on the teachers’ performance of MAN in Yogyakarta (4) The influence of motivation on teachers’ performance of MAN in Yogyakarta. The research method used was a survey with a sample of all MAN teachers in Yogyakarta. The data was collected by using questionnaires that had been tested on 30 respondents and had fulfilled the validity qualification with Pearson correlation techniques and reliability requirements with Cronbach alpha. The data analysis technique was using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis, which had been previously tested for normality, multicollinearity, and linearity test. The results of the research show that (1) Teachers’ competence, work motivation, and academic supervisor simultaneously have a positive influence on the performance of MAN in Yogyakarta, (2) Teachers’ competence has a positive influence on the performance of MAN teachers in Yogyakarta. (3) The motivation has a positive influence on the performance of MAN teachers in Yogyakarta. (4) Motivation has a positive influence on the performance of MAN teachers in Yogyakarta. It means that the higher and the better of the teachers’ competence,  motivation, and academic supervisor will lead to the better teachers’ performance. On the contrary, the lower and the worse of the teachers’ competence, motivation, and academic supervisor will lead to the lower teachers’ performance. Meanwhile, teachers’ competence has the most significant influence among them. Therefore, the  MAN teachers in Yogyakarta are strongly expected to develop their competence to have a better performance.

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