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Padjadjaran Journal of International Law
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Padjadjaran Journal of International Law (PJIL) is a peer-reviewed international law journal published by the Department International Law, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran. PJIL publishes its articles annually every January. The articles published by PJIL are scientific articles that explain a research result and analytical review in the field of international law.
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Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 1, Number 1, January 2017
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v1i1.277


AbstractAs a Coastal State, Indonesia has full sovereignty to implement its national regulations to prevent illegal fishing in their territorial waters. One example of prevention effort can be pointed out by the arrest and detention of hundreds of ‘boat people’ while they were conducting illegal fishing in Derawan Islands territory waters, East Kalimantan. They did transshipment and their fishing methods were prohibited regarding to Indonesian regulations. The issue of illegal fishing will be analyzed in regard to international law and as a part of the enforcement of Coastal State sovereignty. ‘Boat people’ refer to a group of people who spend most of their life and do all their activities in a boat, within the territorial waters of Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines. The ‘boat people’ issues would be determined from two conceptions. The first one would be nationality issue. Most of the ‘boat people’ were proven to be stateless while few of them have been identified as citizen of Philippines. Indonesia and Malaysia authorities denied and did not recognize them as part of their nationality. It was contrary from what ‘boat people’ were claiming that they were originally from Semporna, Malaysia. Indonesia itself considered ‘boat people’ as a foreign fishers. There will be diverse approaches in dealing with those who hold a nationality and those who do not. The second conception would be concerning to the terminology of ‘traditional fishers’ and ‘traditional fishing rights’ based on international law and national regulation, and how state practices implement it. Furthermore, there would be comparison of international practices related to traditional fishing rights based on international law.Keywords: ‘boat people’, illegal fishing, nationality, stateless person, traditional fishing rights. AbstrakSebagai negara pantai, Indonesia mempunyai kedaulatan penuh untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan nasionalnya untuk mencegah penangkapan ikan ilegal di wilayah perairan teritorialnya. Salah satu contoh dari tindakan pencegahan adalah penangkapan dan penahanan ratusan ‘manusia perahu’ pada saat mereka melakukan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal di perairan kepulauan Derawan, Kalimantan Timur. Mereka melakukan transit dan penangkapan ikan dengan metode yang dilarang oleh hukum Indonesia. Isu penangkapan ikan ilegal akan dianalisa dengan hukum internasional dan sebagai bagian dari penegakan kedaualatan negara pantai. ‘Manusia perahu’ mengacu pada sejumlah orang yang menghabiskan sebagian besar aktivitas hidupnya dalam kapal, dalam peraairan teritorial Indonesia, Malaysia dan Filiphina. ‘Manusia perahu’ berkenaan dengan dua konsep. Pertama adalah isu nasionalitas. Kebanyakan ‘manusia perahu’ terbukti tidak mempunyai kewarganegaraan, sedangkan sebagian dari mereka sudah diidentifikasi sebagai warga negara Filiphina. Otoritas Indonesia dan Malaysia tidak mengakui mereka sebagai bagian dari warga negara kedua negara ini. Hal ini sangat berlawanan dengan ‘manusia perahu’ yang melakukan klaim bahwa mereka berasal dari Semporna, Malaysia. Indonesia sendiri menganggap ‘manusia perahu’ sebagai penangkap ikan asing. Ada beberapa cara dalam menangani mereka yang telah mempunyai kewarganegaraan dan mana yang belum. Konsepsi kedua adalah berkenaan dengan terminilogi ‘penangkap ikan tradisional’ dan ‘hak menangkap ikan secara tradisional’ berdasarkan hukum internasional dan peraturan nasional, dan bagaimana praktik negara diimplementasikan. Lebih lanjut lagi, akan ada perbandingan mengenai praktik internasional berkenaan dengan hak memancing tradisional berdasarkan hukum internasional. Kata Kunci: ‘manusia perahu’, illegal fishing, kebangsaan, tak berkewarganegaraan, hak nelayan tradisional.
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 1, Number 1, January 2017
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v1i1.278


AbstrakPenyelundupan manusia merupakan salah satu kejahatan transnasional terorganisir yang semakin meningkat di Indonesia, khususnya pulau-pulau perbatasan yang letaknya dekat dengan Australia. Lemahnya pengawasan di wilayah perbatasan dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat setempat tentang kejahatan penyelundupan manusia memudahkan pihak-pihak tertentu untuk menyelundupkan para imigran ilegal ke Ashmore Reef (Australia). Sebagai Negara pihak United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) dan Palermo Protocol, Indonesia dan Australia mempunyai kewajiban dalam rangka pencegahan dan pemberantasan tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia. Makalah ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah Indonesia dan Australia telah memenuhi kewajibannya sebagai Negara Peserta UNTOC dan Palermo Protocol, serta memberikan rekomendasi kepada kedua negara dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya terkait kejahatan penyelundupan manusia sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab Negara.Kata kunci: kejahatan transnasional terorganisir, penyelundupan manusia, tanggung jawab negara.AbstractPeople smuggling is one of transnational organized crimes that has been increasing in Indonesia, especially in the outermost Indonesian’s islands which are close to Australia. Lack of surveillance in the border region and lack of knowledge on the local people in regards to the crimes of people smuggling makes it easy to smuggle illegal immigrants to Ashmore Reef (Australia). Hence, it leads to the increasing number of people smuggling in Indonesia. As state parties to the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) as well as its Protocol, Indonesia and Australia bound by the obligation to prevent and combat people smuggling. The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether Indonesia and Australia have fulfil their obligation as State Parties of the UNTOC and the Palermo Protocol, also to propose actions that can be taken by both Governments to fulfill their obligation as state party in regards to the state responsibility.Keywords: people smuggling, state responsibility, transnational organized crime.
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 1, Number 1, January 2017
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v1i1.279


AbstrakKementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) berencana mensertipikatkan pulau-pulau terluar di seluruh Indonesia. Dari pulau-pulau terluar tersebut sebagian merupakan pulau yang berpenghuni dan sebagian lainnya tidak berpenghuni. Tujuan pengsertipikatan pulau-pulau terluar tersebut adalah dalam menjaga kedaulatan negara dan agar status hukum dimata negara tetangga dan dunia Internasional menjadi jelas. Terhadap pulau-pulau yang tidak berpenghuni sebaiknya didaftar atas nama Republik Indonesia, sedangkan untuk pulau-pulau yang sudah berpenghuni sertipikat hak atas tanah akan diberikan kepada waga masyarakat yang tinggal di pulau tersebut sesuai dengan luasan tanah yang dimiliki masyarakat. Kebijakan pengelolaan pulau-pulau terluar Indonesia yang harus dilakukan adalah dengan adanya kegiatan aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh warga negara Indonesia dipulau-pulau tersebut termasuk membangun pangkalan-pangkalan militer sebagai alat untuk menjaga kedaulatan wilayah negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Kata Kunci: pendaftaran, pulau, terluar, kedaulatan negara AbstractThe Ministry of Agricultural and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (BPN) plan to legalize outermost islands of Indonesia. These islands are partly inhabited islands and some are uninhabited. Certificating the outer-most islands is to maintain state sovereignty and legal status in the eyes of its neighbors country and the International community is clear. Against the islands are uninhabited should be registered in the name of the Republic of Indonesia, while the islands have been inhabited land rights certificates will be awarded to people living on the island in accordance with the area of land owned by the Indonesian citizen. Policy management of the outer islands of Indonesia with the activities carried out by Indonesian citizens islands including building military bases as a tool for maintaining the territorial sovereignty of the unitary Republic of Indonesia.Keywords: registration, the outermost islands, state sovereignty
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 1, Number 1, January 2017
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v1i1.280


Does international law affect state behavior?. Why would states pay any attention to international law in the absence of coercive enforcement mechanism?. What do we mean when we say international law is “binding”, given that states can almost always to violate it?. These intriguing and philosophical questions raised by the author to make sure that we had grasped at least one answer. If not, we were failed to understand the nature of international law. These question also remains us about traditional debate between proponent and opponent of international law such as Hobbes, Spinoza and Austin. But, in the 21st Century we are not debating or neglecting the existence of international law anymore.Written by Andrew T. Guzman who is recently serving as dean of The University of Southern California Gould School of Law (USC Gould), this book develops a persuasive explanation of why and when international law works by using rational choice perspective. Although previously there are some authors focusing their study on this topic such as Professor Abraham Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes in their book “The New Sovereignty: Compliance with International Regulatory Agreement” which uses managerial approach in describing the compliance of international law and Professor Thomas Franck in his book “Fairness in International Law and Institution” which explains why states comply with international law by introducing fairness approach, this book offers better perspective in understanding international law in contemporary development by proposing “Rational Choice Theory”. The theory then is developed into “Three Rs of Compliance” (Reputation, Reciprocity and Retaliation). The book tries to explain how international law is able to affect state behavior despite a lack of coercive enforcement mechanism.
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 3, Number 1, January 2019
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v3i1.309


AbstractThe development of technology has been increasing rapidly thus almost all aspects of humans are supported by technology and electronic equipment. More electronic wastes are produced, but those could not be managed similar to the conventional wastes and do not have the same characteristics as hazardous wastes as regulated in the Basel Convention 1989 so that the Convention cannot be applied to electronic wastes management optimally. In this present time, there are still no instruments in international law regarding the management of electronic wastes, but the international community has begun to discuss this issue and argue that it is necessary to develop regulations in international and regional levels, especially in the ASEAN region. The analysis and conclusions of this research shows that the Basel Convention cannot optimally accommodate the regulation of electronic wastes management and it is necessary to establish a regulation in the form of a mechanism under the Basel Convention 1989 with regard to environmental aspects. Arrangements at the ASEAN regional level should be made by referring to the principles regulated in the mechanism and formed in a coordinative and non-coercive guideline. Keywords: e-waste, e-waste management, environmental protection AbstrakTeknologi semakin berkembang hampir semua aspek kehidupan manusia telah didukung oleh teknologi dengan peralatan elektronik. Produksi sampah elektronik semakin banyak, namun mereka tidak dapat dikelola seperti sampah konvensional dan juga tidak sepenuhnya memiliki karakteristik yang sama seperti sampah B3 yang telah diatur dalam Konvensi Basel 1989 sehingga Konvensi tidak dapat diterapkan pada pengelolaan sampah elektronik secara optimal. Saat ini, belum ada instrumen dalam hukum internasional mengenai pengelolaan sampah elektronik, namun masyarakat internasional sudah mulai membahas isu ini dan perlu adanya untuk mengembangkan peraturan di tingkat internasional dan regional, khususnya di ASEAN. Analisis dan kesimpulan penelitian ini memperlihatkan pengaturan dalam Konvensi Basel 1989 tidak dapat mengakomodasi secara optimal mengenai pemanfaatan sampah elektronik sehingga perlu dibuat suatu peraturan berupa mekanisme di bawah Konvensi Basel 1989 dengan memperhatikan aspek-aspek lingkungan. Pengaturan di tingkat regional ASEAN dapat dibuat dengan mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip yang diatur dalam mekanisme tersebut namun dibentuk berupa panduan yang lebih koordinatif dan tidak memaksa. Kata kunci: sampah elektronik, pengelolaan sampah elektronik, perlindungan lingkungan
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 3, Number 1, January 2019
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v3i1.310


Abstract Since its establishment, Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) has achieved many accomplishments in economic sectors including regional trade and connectivity. However, ASEAN’s work as a bloc has remained complacent and ineffective causing insignificant results. In fact, this was caused by the deeply rooted key norm guiding the ASEAN’s behaviour, the ASEAN Way. This ASEAN Way which mostly involved sovereignty and non-interference could be argued as the factor maintaining the stability in the region, yet at the same time it might also be considered as the barrier to the regional economic development. Throughout the years, the world is changing and so is ASEAN. This change indicates that there is inconsistency between the aims, the provisions, and the implementation and it is time to take a closer look again at the Association. Therefore, this article is focusing at the intersection between economics and legal frameworks in the regional organization, which remains relatively unexplored territory. It will analyse past actions of ASEAN and European Union as comparison. Several approaches will be considered before eventually proposing the best form of reform for ASEAN and its citizens. Keywords: ASEAN Reform, Economic Development, Regional Organization AbstrakSejak awal dibentuknya Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN telah meraih berbagai pencapaian dalam bidang ekonomi termasuk dalam bidang perdagangan dan hubungan regional. Akan tetapi, sebagai sebuah blok, ASEAN masih kurang efektif dalam menangani permasalahan regional yang menghasilkan hasil yang tidak signifikan. Faktanya, hal ini disebabkan norma yang tertanam sebagai landasan tindakan ASEAN, the ASEAN Way. ASEAN Way ini sangat melibatkan prinsip kedaulatan dan non-intervensi yang merupakan faktor dari stabilitas di ASEAN, namun secara bersamaan juga merupakan hambatan dalam perkembangan ekonomi regional. Seiring berkembangnya zaman, dunia berubah tidak terkecuali ASEAN. Perubahan dalam ASEAN ini mengindikasi bahwa tujuan, peraturan dan implementasi ASEAN tidak konsekuen dan membutuhkan peninjauan kembali. Oleh karena itu, peneltian anilitis yuridis ini menfokuskan pada percabangan antara ekonomi dan peraturan hukum dalam organisasi regional, yang kurang tereksplor. Penelitian ini juga akan menganalias tindakan ASEAN di masa lalu dan membandingkan dengan Uni Eropa. Beberapa pendekatan akan dipertimbangkan sebelum diajukannya bentuk reformasi yang terbaik untuk ASEAN dan seluruh warganya. Kata Kunci: Organisasi Regional, Perkembangan Ekonomi, Reformasi ASEAN
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 3, Number 1, January 2019
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v3i1.311


AbstractIn 1965, United Kingdom (UK) made a unilateral claim over the Chagos Archipelago as British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) based on the BIOT Order of 1965 and Statutory Instrument of 1965 No. 1020. Due to this unilateral act, the Chagos Archipelago no longer parts of Mauritius. Problem arising from Britain's unilateral claim to the territory was further aggravated by the United Kingdom’s act in enforcing population transfer towards all Chagos islanders (Chagossians) out of the territory without adequate compensations and resettlement. This research aims to analyze the legality of unilateral claims over the Chagos archipelago as a BIOT and the enforced transfer of Chagossians from their original residential place by the United Kingdom. It argues that under international law, Chagos Archipelago is recognized as an area that should remain integrated within the territory of Mauritius. It further argues that the UK has violated international law by committing enforced population transfer.Keywords: BIOT, Enforced Population Transfer, Territory, The Chagos Archipelago, Unilateral Act. AbstrakPada tahun 1965, Inggris melakukan klaim sepihak atas wilayah Kepulauan Chagos sebagai British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) berdasarkan British Indian Ocean Territory Order of 1965 dan Statutory Instrument of 1965 No. 1020. Kepulauan Chagos merupakan bagian dari Mauritius pada saat Mauritius berada dibawah penjajahan Inggris. Tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Inggris terhadap wilayah tersebut berdampak pada terpisahnya kepulauan Chagos dari Mauritius. Permasalahan yang timbul dari Klaim sepihak Inggris atas wilayah tersebut kemudian turut diperparah dengan tindakan Inggris yang melakukan pemindahan paksa seluruh penduduk kepulauan Chagos (Chagossians) dari wilayah tersebut tanpa kompensasi dan tempat tinggal pengganti yang layak serta memadai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis legalitas klaim sepihak terhadap kepulauan Chagos sebagai BIOT dan pemindahan Chagossians dari tempat tinggal asalnya secara paksa yang dilakukan oleh Inggris sebagai enforced population transfer. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah kepulauan Chagos diakui sebagai wilayah yang seharusnya tetap terintegrasi dalam wilayah Mauritius dan penetapan wilayah tersebut sebagai BIOT telah bertentangan dengan prinsip dan ketentuan hukum internasional. Kata Kunci: BIOT, Enforced Population Transfer, Kepulauan Chagos, Tindakan Sepihak, Wilayah
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 3, Number 1, January 2019
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v3i1.312


Abstract“Good fences make good neighbors.” But how long should one build those fences with its neighbor? Boundary delimitation has always been an eye-catching issue in international law and international relations. Sometimes it can take up for many years. States tend to be very cautious in delimiting its boundary because once it is agreed, it cannot be changed anymore. Indonesia-Malaysia maritime boundary is not an exception. These two relatively young nations have negotiated their maritime boundaries since the 1960's. More than fifty years later, maritime boundary segments still remain to be settled. But where does it stand now? This article will highlight a number of important issues of the Indonesian-Malaysian maritime boundaries delimitation, the latest development, and the way forward on where these two nations will proceed. Keywords: Archipelagic Baseline, Boundary Agreement, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone, Maritime Delimitation Abstrak“Good fences make good neighbor”. Tetapi berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk menegosiasikan pagar tersebut? Delimitasi batas negara selalu menjadi isu hangat dalam hukum dan hubungan internasional. Proses ini dapat memakan waktu bertahun-tahun. Negara-negara cenderung untuk sangat berhati-hati dalam menegosiasikan batas, karena setelah perbatasan tersebut disepakati, maka batas tersebut tidak dapat diubah.Batas maritim Indonesia dan Malaysia tidak terkecuali. Kedua negara yang relatif masih muda ini telah menegosiasikan batas maritimnya sejak tahun 1960an. Lebih dari lima puluh tahun kemudian, segmen-segmen batas maritim antar kedua negara juga belum selesai dirundingkan. Setelah sekian lama berunding, bagaimana perkembangan proses penetapan batas maritim kedua negara? Artikel ini akan mengedepankan isu-isu penting terkait dengan delimitasi batas maritim Indonesia-Malaysia, perkembangan terakhir, dan langkah kedepan yang akan ditempuh oleh kedua negara. Kata kunci: Delimitasi Batas Maritim , Garis Pangkal Kepulauan, Landas Kontinen, Perjanjian Perbatasan, Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif,
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 5, Number 1, Januari 2021
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v5i1.313


AbstractThe major objective of this Article is to examine the extent to which the accountability mechanism under international law is sensitive, and responsive to the challenges of accessing domestic remedies by victims of human rights violations in Nigeria’s counterinsurgency against Boko Haram. It explores the extent to which the current framework has enabled and facilitated efforts of victims in this wise especially those of poor, weak and defenceless victims. In this article, we make a case that the inability of international law under the auspices of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to bring the perpetrators of heinous abuses in the counterinsurgency operations to book, is as a result of the deficiency in the complaint procedure, which is largely state-centred and a gap in the current framework. This article therefore proposes the view that remedies for victims in this conflict can be better realised, not just by viewing them as obligations that States are encouraged to fulfil within the confines of their sovereign status, but more importantly by crafting them within a framework of supranational legitimacy in which States can indeed be held accountable and compelled to meet their obligations. Keywords: Accountability, Human Rights, Boko Haram, Counterinsurgency, Optional Protocol. AbstrakTujuan utama dari artikel ini adalah untuk mengkaji sejauh mana mekanisme pertanggungjawaban dalam hukum pidana internasional dapat mengakomodasi tantangan dalam mengakses sistem kompensasi domestik bagi korban pelanggaran HAM dalam konflik pemberontakan Boko Haram di Nigeria. Tulisan ini menyelidiki bagaimana kerangka kerja yang ada saat ini memberikan ruang dan memfasilitasi korban dalam aspek tersebut, terutama mereka yang miskin dan rentan. Tulisan ini berargumen bahwa ketidakmampuan hukum internasional untuk membawa para pelaku kejahatan HAM berat dalam pemberontakan tersebut untuk bertanggung jawab atas kejahatan mereka terhadap korban adalah hasil dari kecacatan dalam prosedur pengaduan hukum pidana internasional, yang memang terfokus pada negara dan kurang mengakomodasi jenis-jenis konflik modern. Maka dari itu, tulisan ini mengusulkan perspektif dimana kompensasi kepada korban dari konflik pemberontakan ini dapat direalisasikan dengan lebih baik, dengan cara memasukkan pertanggungjawaban ini ke dalam legitimasi supranasional sehingga negara dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban dan diwajibkan untuk memenuhi kewajiban mereka. Kata Kunci: Pertanggungjawaban, Hak Asasi Manusia, Boko Haram, Pemberontakan, Protokol Pilihan
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 3, Number 2, June 2019
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v3i2.314


AbstractIn the past few years, there has been a surge in lawsuits against the mechanism for resolving international investment disputes through the Investors State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) forum proposed by foreign investors who are host states, including Indonesia. Most of the claims are caused by the policies of the host country which are intended to protect the basic rights of the people such as the right to health, the right to a healthy environment, taxes, as well as the minimum standard of wages for workers. This policy provides a loss for foreign investors and is considered a violation of the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT). BIT is often recognized to be detrimental to Indonesia, because it can disrupt the sovereignty of the country, especially when dealing with international disputes with foreign investors. This study uses a comparative juridical approach, comparing the BIT model in Indonesia with Brazil, namely Cooperation and Investment Facilitation Agreement (CIFA). Brazil was chosen because it succeeds to reform its investment regime, specifically on its BITs. The results obtained were that Indonesia had to change several provisions in its BITs, which has been regulated CIFA provisions in Brazil, which is not member of the ICSID Convention.Keywords: BIT, CIFA, Investor State Dispute Settlement. AbstrakBeberapa tahun terakhir, ada lonjakan tuntutan hukum terhadap mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa investasi internasional melalui Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) forum yang diusulkan oleh investor asing yang menjadi host states, termasuk Indonesia. Sebagian besar klaim disebabkan oleh kebijakan negara tuan rumah yang dimaksudkan untuk melindungi hak-hak dasar masyarakatnya seperti hak atas kesehatan, hak atas lingkungan yang sehat, pajak, juga standar minimum upah pekerja. Kebijakan ini memberikan kerugian bagi investor asing dan dianggap sebagai pelanggaran Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT). BIT seringkali dianggap merugikan bagi Indonesia, karena dapat mengganggu kedaulatan negara, khususnya ketika berhadapan dengan sengketa internasional dengan investor asing. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan metode perbandingan, yaitu dengan membandingkan model BIT di Indonesia dengan Brazilia, yaitu Cooperation and Investment Facilitation Agreement (CIFA). Brazil dipilih karena merupakan negara yang berhasil melakukan reformasi terhadap rezim investasinya, khususnya pada BIT. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa Indonesia harus merubah beberapa ketentuan dalam BITs nya, seperti yang terkadung dalam CIFA di Brazil, yang bukan merupakan negara anggota dari Konvensi ICSID. Kata Kunci: BIT, CIFA, Penyelesaian Sengketa Investor-Negara

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