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Jurnal Ilmiah Munaqasyah
ISSN : 26566494     EISSN : 26567717     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
The Munaqasyah Journal is a journal managed by the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi with periodic publishing twice a year, namely in May and November.
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Articles 66 Documents
Relevansi Kitab Ta’lim Muta’allim dengan Pendidikan Masa Kini (Tinjauan Faktor-faktor Pendidikan) Purbajati, Hafidz Idri
Jurnal Munaqasyah Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Munaqasyah
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: Throughout the history of human education is a very important necessity is absolutely necessary, so that education is researched and developed how to find new concepts as a logical consequence of the times. The development then led to a modernization whose consequence was to begin to question the relevance of old or classical concepts. the question posed by those who are not sincere is the old method can not answer the development of science and technology. Is everything completely true? what about the classic book that is often used as a reference in the process of dedication that is ta'lim Muta'llim ?. The Book of Ta'lim Muta'alim is a yellow book in its home area, which is around the Middle East, this yellow book called Al-Kutub Al-Qadimah as a counter to Al-Kutub Al-Ashriyah. The education based on the yellow book has succeeded in forming a moral society and interacting with different levels of intelligence ranging from the talib (pupil) and mutha'alim to the alim or mu'alim (kyai). Munurut A. Chozin Nasuha, if examined yellow book will all refer to the translation of Al-Qur'an and Al-hadith or most take the legitimacy of these two sources of teaching. "So the yellow book is a treasure that can not be ignored".  
Peranan Kecerdasan Spiritual dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Irawan, Vaesol Wahyu Eka
Jurnal Munaqasyah Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Munaqasyah
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: Saturation of learning can strike students if they have lost motivation and lose consolidation of one particular skill level before the student reaches the next skill level. In addition, saturation can also occur because the learning process of students has reached the limits of physical abilities, because of boredom (boring) and fatigue (fatigue). Students' fatigue can be categorized into three types, namely: 1) student's sensory fatigue; 2) students' physical fatigue; 3) students' mental fatigue. Among the three types of fatigue, mental fatigue was seen as the main factor causing the emergence of learning saturation. Motivation as anfactor inner functions to cause, underlie, direct the act of learning. Motivation is one of the spiritual factors of students who are generally seen as more essential which can affect the quantity and quality of student learning. This means that motivation can determine the good or not in achieving the goal so that the strong weakness of one's learning motivation also influences its success. A person who learns with strong motivation, will carry out all his learning activities seriously, full of passion or enthusiasm, actively trying to read books to improve his performance to solve his problem, seeming persistent not to give up. Conversely, learning with weak motivation, attention is not focused on the lesson, does not want to do tasks related to the lesson, indifferent, easily discouraged, lazy, like to disturb the class.  
Implikasi Keluarga Terhadap Pendidikan Perspektif Qur’ani M.Pd., Mudrikah
Jurnal Munaqasyah Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Munaqasyah
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere, learning process, and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, intelligence, noble character, and skills, which are needed by themselves, the nation and state. The National Education Objective is "developing capabilities and forming dignified national character and civilization in order to educate the nation's life, aiming at developing potential students to become faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen ". The success of the objectives of the National Education System is very much determined by three things, first the condition of the family, the two educational institutions, and the three conditions of society. Family as the first education (Tarbiyah al-Ula) for students, becomes the center of the next level of development. it means that family education is very instrumental in the survival and personal condition of the child. The family is the harmony of relationships that occur intensively and the fulfillment of the functions of needs both physically and psychologically which aims to develop the welfare of all family members in this case parents are examples or models for children. Parents have a very strong influence on this child can be seen from how parents leave the way of thinking to their children, parents are also the first mentor for children who have relationships and give deep affection, both positive and negative influences on children's personality development. 
Urgensi Penerapan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Di Era Global Mohammad Adnan
MUNAQASYAH : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Vol 1 No 1 November (2018): Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat STI. Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: Globalization is an inevitable necessity for those who expect progress. The presence of globalization demands a fundamental change for every individual to see the flow of globalization as a necessity, not as a threat. In responding to the challenges of globalization, human resources with high character and high competitiveness are needed. To make it happen, this is where Islamic education must present itself as part of the challenge of globalization. Education is the key for a nation to maintain its existence where increasing skills and abilities are believed to be a factor in preparing for a future that is ready to compete with other nations. students through Islamic teachings towards the maximum point of growth and development. Thus, the essence of management of Islamic education is the management of various activities carried out by adults consciously in directing and guiding the growth and development of students towards the maximum point (Muslim personal) effectively and efficiently. That is, management of Islamic education in the era of globalization as it is today, must still be able to guide humans to remain human beings who have high human values ​​that are in line with the teachings contained in the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. So that education in the context of the globalization era such as the value of education will never lose its direction and purpose, this can be done when the management of Islamic education can really be applied properly and in accordance with the laws and provisions of the Islamic religion.
Pola Pendidikan Islam dalam Pendidikan Anak M.Pd.I., Masita
Jurnal Munaqasyah Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Munaqasyah
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: Patterns of Islamic education in children's education, it is fitting for Muslims to pay attention to children's education and individual development to achieve the title "best people" as described by Allah SWT in the Qur'an Surah Ali-Imran (3): 110. Education of children starting from their respective homes, when children begin to speak, fathers are obliged to teach to say the tauhid sentence: Laa ilaaha illa Allah. And when he is six years old he must be taught to carry out obligatory prayers. At that age, formal education began. In the science of child development psychology is a period or phase that must be passed by each individual human to get to the phase of maturity. The first years of age 0-6 years are referred to as the mother's school period because almost all educational guidance efforts plus care and maintenance take place in the family, where maternal activities have a large contribution to the smooth process of growth and development of children. Therefore as a parent, a wise mother will give positive and continuous attention and care to the developments that occur in her children, from the age of fighting until before her maturity. One tangible form of parental attention to children's development is the provision of various early education to their children. This paper attempts to discuss the pattern of Islamic education in children's education. A concept of Islamic education that must be applied to children from an early age. The concept of Islamic education in children's education is the theoretical foundation of Islamic education which starts from the time of his mother's womb.
Model-Model Masyarakat dan Efektifitas Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Agama Islam Mas'ud, Moh. Ali
Jurnal Munaqasyah Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Munaqasyah
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: This paper reveals the models of society and the effectiveness of the implementation of Islamic religious education and has had a remarkable impact. Community models namely prismatic models, centralized models and dispersed models are written in this paper. The model is the paradigm by Riggs, the model is the context of the fundamental view of what is the subject matter in science. Prismatic models are community mix between traditional values and the modernization process in which there is an overlap (overlapping)between these two values. The centralized model is that all structures in a social system are so scattered that the so-called medeldiffractedand the dispersed model is that all structures in a social system are very specifically called focused which are taken from optical physics about light. The purpose of this paper is to know the models of society, namely the prismatic model, the centralized model and the dispersing model as the main problem of the social structure of the community and the effectiveness of implementing Islamic religious education, especially both public schools and schools under the auspices of the religious department. so that the quality of students gets better.  
Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Ruqoiyah, Ruqoiyah
Jurnal Munaqasyah Vol 1 No 1 Mei (2019): Jurnal Munaqasyah
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: To build and foster a modern society, education is a very important part as a medium for transformation of values, culture and knowledge. Therefore, the thinking and institutions of Islamic education must be modernized. The establishment of IAIN played a very important role in influencing the modernization of Indonesian Islam. He became the mouthpiece of progressive Islamic thinkers who managed to move the wave of Islamic thought productively. Meanwhile, the dynamics and dialectics between conservative romanticism that always look into the past, and progressivists who always want to reconstruct Islam into the future, are a latent agenda of Muslims throughout history. Finally, the modernization movement must be continuously carried out while still paying attention to the basic principles of Islam that already exist and are agreed upon so that they will have a positive impact on the progress of Islamic education.
Islamisasi Ilmu sebagai Model Integrasi dalam Membangun Relasi antara Ilmu dan Agama (Tinjauan Historis-Filosofis) Irawan, Vaesol Wahyu Eka
Jurnal Munaqasyah Vol 1 No 1 Mei (2019): Jurnal Munaqasyah
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: Islamization of knowledge emerged when the first world conference was held on Islamic education in Mecca on March 31 to April 8, 1977 with the theme, "Basic for an Islamic Education System". The Islamization of science as one of the integration models is affirmed by Arqom Kuswanjono, that the best model of the relationship between science and religion is an integration model, of course when compared with the other three models, conflict, independence and dialogue. While in the Indonesian context, Mulyadi Kartanegara identified four types of Islamization of the knowledge practiced; integration of science and religion, modernization, "ayatisasi": Islamic Justification of Modern Science, and "Islamic cultivation": Scientification of Islam.
Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Agama Islam dalam Membentuk Anak Usia Dini yang Berkarakter Di TK Atthoyyibatul Islamiyah Tegaldlimo – Banyuwangi Habibah, Nur Faiz
Jurnal Munaqasyah Vol 1 No 1 Mei (2019): Jurnal Munaqasyah
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: One of them is Tegaldlimo Banyuwangi TK At Toyyibatul Islamiyah educational institution which has succeeded in gaining public trust in the formation of children's character. Various programs of the kindergarten At Thoyyibatul Islamiyah educational institutions are very supportive towards the formation of children's character by internalizing the values ​​of Islam in depth. For example children are introduced to the holidays of Islam and at the same time celebrate with selametan events which also involve the role of parents. Besides that they are also accustomed to pray in every activity carried out. Like prayer when learning will begin accompanied by prayer and prayer when going in and out of class. The school also cooperates with parents to internalize religious values ​​early so that children are accustomed and firmly planted until someday and anytime. Good religious values ​​related to faith, morals and worship. From some of the descriptions above, this study discusses how to internalize the values ​​of Islamic religion in shaping early childhood with character in TK At Thoyyibatul Islamiyah with conclusions. From some of the descriptions above it can be concluded that the internalization of Islamic values ​​to form early childhood character Atthoyyibatul Islamiyah kindergarten can be carried out with various strategies carried out by the teacher including strategies with exemplary, habitual, wise advice, by giving attention and punishment. The five strategies are carried out so that students have a quality character in terms of worship, behavior and socialization.
Implementasi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam di Pesantren Indarsih, Fajar
Jurnal Munaqasyah Vol 1 No 1 Mei (2019): Jurnal Munaqasyah
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Islam Blambangan Banyuwangi

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Abstract: Educational management is the process of applying management principles and theories in managing activities in formal educational institutions to streamline the achievement of educational goals. The nuances of Islamic boarding schools which are arguably backward and difficult to open new breakthroughs as a renewal of the education system must be forced to make changes by incorporating Islamic Education Management. Application of management in the management of education in Islamic boarding schools, madrasah, universities must be supported by personnel resources and other resources that are used to realize the performance of high education organizations in order to achieve reliable quality graduates, mobilize these personnel there are elements of motivation, directing and leading them cooperate well and harmoniously. It must all be done in order to answer the challenges of the times like today. Islamic education management will not lose its function in humanizing humans because management of Islamic education is the most important part of managing education in introducing humans to worldly and religious values.