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Lailatuzzahro Al-Akhda Aulia
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Jurnal Psikologi : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan
ISSN : 20880634     EISSN : 27156206     DOI : -
Jurnal Psikologi ini dikelola oleh Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan dengan masa terbit satu kali dalam satu tahun. Jurnal Psikologi merupakan publikasi ilmiah yang terdiri dari kumpulan penelitian-penelitian di bidang Ilmu Psikologi yang mengacu pada tiga konsentrasi yaitu Psikologi Klinis, Psikologi Pendidikan, dan Psikologi Industri Organisasi
Articles 130 Documents
Ekspektasi Guru dan Resiliensi Remaja Sayyida Syal Sabila; Lailatuzzahro Al-Akhda Aulia

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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The result of observation in some teenagers who have entering high school while living in the dormitory, will have many demands that must be done. Students who adjust to all kinds of tasks that must be done will feel depressed and stress, so the students need a resilience to can rise from the stress conditions. The existence of resilience will turn the problem into a challenge, failure to success, and powerlessness to power. This study aims to determine the relationship of teacher expectations with adolescents resilience. The population in this research is class X MAN 2 Pasuruan, with the sampling technique is cluster random sampling. Data collection using resilience scale with validity between 0,328 until 0,555 with reliability 0,8480 and teacher expectation scale obtained validity between 0,320 until 0,552 with reliability 0,8546. The results showed that teacher expectation have relationship with adolescents resilience, with rxy 0,669 > r-table 1% 0,230. Freg 80,5929 > F-tab 1% 6,63. Thus there is a very significant relationship on teacher expectations with adolescents resilience.
Pengaruh Pola Asuh terhadap Online Resilience Isnaini Kumala Firdaus; Estalita Kelly Kelly

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Resilience in various studies is seen as a basic force that becomes the foundation of various positive characters in a person. There are several sources of resilience formation according to Gritberg, one of which is parenting. According to Diana Baumbrind there are three types of parenting namely authoritarian parenting, democratic parenting, and authoritarian parenting. This study aims to determine the effect of parenting on online resilience. The research subjects were Students of Yudharta Pasuruan 55 Women and 45 Men from 100 respondents who were met randomly. Data collection used in this study is online resilience scale and parenting scale. This study uses ANOVA 1-way data analysis. The results of the 1-path Anava analysis obtained FoA of 29.432 with F tab 1% 4.61. With this hypothesis which states that there is an effect of parenting on Online Resilience and there are differences in the influence of Authoritarian Parenting, Democratic Parenting and Permissive Parenting towards online resilience.
Identifikasi Dini Guna Mengoptimalkan Kemampuan Bahasa pada Anak Tuna Rungu Usia Pra Sekolah HarwantiNoviandari; Agus Mursidi

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Language skills are needed by children in communicating with others, so the child needs to create their language that is verbal leaguage and sign language to send their message. Limited hearing function in deaf children, making them unable to hear well.This condition make the deaf children unable to have experience in communicating and interacting with their social environment.This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach.The selection of respondents using snow ball technique, where the sample is an expert that are undertanding about what we are expect.Those who know (an expert) about the condition of child in school, is :school principal, class teacher at the Banyuwangi District PAUD Institution.Based on the results of research conducted at 17 PAUD Institutions in Banyuwangi Districtthere are children who experience delays in speaking at 10 PAUD Institutions in Banyuwangi District.The research also showed that only SPS Cerdas found children with hearing loss (deaf child).That need attention including : (1) The importance of the role of parents in optimizing language skills in children; (2) The importance of establishing a two-way communication between parents and the school to make conditions in children more better;(3) Public awareness of not understanding the tasks of children in their developmental stages, (4) The role of government is needed in completing medical facilities for children with special conditions.
Hubungan antara Iklim Organisasi Kerja dengan Kedisiplinan Karyawan Muhammad Wardianto

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Currently we still meet a lot in a work organization where employee discipline is always demanded but the working climate does not match what is expected by the employee. Or in other words the work climate of the organization is not taken seriously. This research was conducted for knowing the relation between work organization climate and employee discipline. The subjects in this study were structural employees of the University of Yudharta Pasuruan. Collection of information in this study using a discipline scale with a validity coefficient of 0.3 to 0.607 and a reliability efficiency of 0.804; and the scale of work organization climate with a validity coefficient of 0.302 to 0.648 and a reliability efficiency of 0.8608. The results showed that there is a relation between the climate of work organizations with employee discipline, where rxy 0.9385 > from r table 1% 0.413. Freg 266,4005 > F table 1% 7,31. Therefore, there is a very significant relations between the work organization climate and employee discipline.
Keterbukaan Diri dan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Aris Setiawan

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Phase in teenager is a phase of development that is difficult to resolved because these developments are not only physical but also psychic who are building their personality to be more mature, and developments in social aspects requires himself to learn to establish relationships with others in their community, with expectations a teenager can solve every problems. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a relationship, between self-disclosure with the ability to solve problems in teenager. The subjects of this study were MA HM Tribakti students, that use 78 students. Data collection uses self-disclosure scale and problem solving ability scale. The results showed, that there is a relationship between self-disclosure and problem-solving abilities in teenagers, with the results of the regression analysis obtained the price F count = 5050 and p = 0.026.
Pengaruh Pola Asuh Ibu terhadap Tingkat Kesadaran Kesetaraan Gender Nanik Kholifah

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Gender equality is something that is expected of women. gender equality is not only seen in mature adult women's lives, but also in the lives of young women. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of parenting, on the level of awareness of gender equality in young women. The population of this study is high school student in Pandaan sub-district. Samples were used as many as 30 students, by using purposive non random sampling technique. Information gathering uses observation, interview, and attitude scale. as many as 44 items on an attitude scale on gender equality awareness, obtained 23 valid items with a biserial point correlation coefficient between 0.3049 to 0.4959 and a reliability coefficient of 0.7054. Out of 44 items of maternal parenting scale 22 items were valid, with a biserial point correlation coefficient between 0.3412 to 0.5407 and a reliability coefficient of 0.7305. Information analysis was calculated using a single predictor regression analysis and obtained a value of F = 0.1026 with F tab 5% of 4.18. So F count <F tab 5%. This means that there is no influence of parenting on the level of awareness of gender equality in young women.

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Each individual has a different perception on the stimulus they receive, even though the stimulus is the same but the result will be a different perception. With the existence of a cultural, social teachings, and beliefs will give meaning to the object captured individuals, and ultimately the individual components will play a role in determining the availability of an answer in the form of individual attitudes and behavior of the object exists. In Indonesia, this latter phenomenon that often occurs about sexuality among adolescents, premarital sex secant-will now become a natural part of the channel the expression of love and affection (dating). The type of high school education in Indonesia is Public Institutions or Institutions recognized by the school and Religious Education or MA. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in perceptions about premarital sexual behavior among students at the Institute of Public Education (SMA) with students at the Institute of Religious Education (MA).

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Increasing the empowerment of workers engaged in industry and services, to improve work productivity is very important to be pursued, because with the good work productivity, so the company will be able to develop and achieve goals. The effort that can be tried by the company is, provide attention and protection of work safety, so there will be a good relations between employees and the company. The purpose of this research is, to find out the relations between work safety and employees productivity in production. The results showed that there was a relations between work safety and employees productivity. And accepted at the 1% significance level, where the rxy of 64,926 is greater than r table of 0.561. so, more higher work safety, then employee work productivity will more increase. And, more lower the work safety, then work productivity will more decrease.

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Smoking has become one of the habits of Indonesian people, although most of them already know the dangers of smoking. Cigarette smoke contains 4000 dangerous chemicals, while consequence of tobacco burning will cause toxins and carcinogens that can trigger cancer. Personality type is one of the factors related to smoking behavior, A personality type has characteristics: impatient, work oriented, stubborn and like to compete, while personality type B has the following characteristics: patient, not work oriented, relaxed and don't like to compete.The purpose of this research is to find out, there is a relations between the tendency of A-B personality types with smoking behavior. The population in this study were male students, which is active in the University of Yuharta Pasuruan. Academic year 2006-2007 and using accidental sampling technique, and there are 92 students.the information using observation and interview methods and the analysis using one predictor regulation, where the proxy is 0.1469697 with a r table of 5% of 2.207 and an F count of 1.9869259 with an F table of 5% of 3.93, thus both personality type A and personality type B. Both show high smoking behavior and some show low smoking behavior, so that personality types do not affect smoking behavior.

Publisher : Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Active coping with free behavior to solve problems, pressures, or challenges, besides it is a protective response, which enhances dynamic behavior. Think positively about one's efforts in giving thought on a problem, that was raised about something normal and tried to be heartened with the necessary skills, to increase awareness, about seeing the beneficial aspects of every problem that occurs. The purpose of this study was to determine the relations between positive thinking with active treatment teenager in a junior high school in Pasuruan district. The population in this study used 35 children using one class and all participants were sampled. The method of getting information used is positive scale conversation and active coping. The validity test in this study used the product moment experimental formula. The scale of active coping behavior has a validity coefficient between 0.337 to 0.636, while the positive thinking scale is between 0.342 to 0.652. For the reliability test using Hoyt, rxx '= 0.715 (active coping behavior), rxx' = 0.819 (positive learning) with r table 1% = 0.430 and 5% = 0.334 (N = 35).Where as the data analysis uses 1 predictor regression analysis. The results of this study can be obtained F-count value of 0.474 with F-table 1% = 4.08 and 5% = 2.45. denied that there is no relationship between positive thinking with active coping behavior (not significant), then in this case a hypothesis which states that "there is a relationship of positive thinking with active coping behavior", is not accepted. So active coping behavior, which is conducted by someone will depend on several other factors.

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