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Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
ISSN : 26853477     EISSN : 26853469     DOI :
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi adalah jurnal yang menyampaikan hasil penelitian mutakhir, analisis konseptual, dan hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan studi Teologi, Pendidikan, serta Kepemimpinan Kristen. Hal ini diperuntukkan untuk pengembangan pengetahuan sivitas akademika baik secara internal STT Jaffray Jakarta maupun secara eksternal; dan juga sebagai pemenuhan tanggung jawab pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. Jurnal Teologi Integritas memuat artikel-artikel yang berkaitan erat dengan: perkembangan ilmu teologi Kristen, studi biblika, studi ilmu pendidikan Kristen, serta studi tentang kepemimpinan Kristen.
Articles 70 Documents
Model Desain Kurikulum Pewartaan Injil untuk Anak Usia Dini di Sekolah Minggu Rumah Karnawati Karnawati; Ayin Claudia
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i1.53


Preaching of the gospel through Sunday schools for early childhood in schools is hampered by the pandemic situation. Therefore, it is necessary to design evangelism curriculum for these children while studying Sunday school at home. The purpose of this study is to propose a curriculum design model for evangelism to early childhood at home Sunday school. This research uses literature study method with descriptive qualitative approach. The result of this research is a curriculum design for evangelism that includes aspects of the objectives, content, curriculum organization, curriculum implementation, and evaluation. These aspects are explained in a simple example so that implementation is easy. This is also related to the readiness of parents in economic aspects, time and skills in teaching, as well as their understanding of the Bible. The contribution of this research is a contribution in the field of the Sunday school curriculum.
Implikasi Faktor Pertumbuhan Rohani Keluarga Kristen Berdasarkan Efesus 5:22-6:4 Bagi Pembinaan Keluarga di Gereja Deni Triastanti; Krido Siswanto; Enggar Objantoro
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i1.54


The implications of the spiritual growth factors for Christian families based on Ephesians 5: 22-6: 4 for family formation in the church. This writing uses a hermeneutic literature study to analyze the text of Ephesians 5: 22-6: 4. The author also includes a qualitative descriptive analysis, in order to describe the discussion related to the Christian family to find implications for the formation of the Christian family in the church. From the results of the research, the author's interview with 5 young family members, the wives obey the authority of the husband as the head of the family as many as 4 participants, the husband in loving his wife by providing services to the welfare of the wife both physically and spiritually there are 4 participants, the children describe the role His obedience, namely depending on the attitude of the two parents, there are 3 participants and the parents (husband and wife) carry out their role in educating children by being spiritual role models through attitudes and actions, there are 3 participants. As an implication for family formation in the church, namely, the wife in her role of submission and respect to the husband, as the husband has the role of head and loves the wife, as children have an attitude of obedience and respect to both parents and as parents (husband and wife) has the role of not arousing children's anger and educating children in God's teachings.
Pastors and Treasurers: A Case Study of Financial Management in Christian Organization Dadang Irawan; Anggaripeni Mustikasiwi; Wylen Djap; Oki Hermawati; Erwin Santosa
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i1.55


Prior research has suggested that pastors have difficulty in managing church finances. On the other hand, the involvement of the congregation with knowledge that tends to be pragmatic exposes the pastor to start rubbing against the values ​​contained in this pragmatic understanding, including matters of financial management. In terms of finance, actually the provisions of the Bible are sufficient as guidance, in the form of main values, only requiring an understanding in accordance with the context and the current relevance of the challenges of the church and its congregation. This paper seeks to tell the experience of one of the important actors (informants), a pastor who acts as a ministerial servant of God in pastoral care as well as treasurer in the Indonesian Church Association (PGI). These sources are in the vortex of the tug of interest between idealism as a servant of God and pragmatism, a solution must be sought as soon as possible regarding the sustainability of the church fellowship institution. At the end loyalty, integrity and openness with good intentions to collaborate with various groups (partnering) are the key characters between the roles of pastor and treasurer. This character is preserved in an expression of faith and relying on God. The financial leadership model of a pastor as well as a treasurer with a narrative study approach is described in this article.
Implikasi Religiusitas dalam Alkitab Guna Membangun Kerukunan Umat Beragama Sebagai Tujuan Misi Kristen di Indonesia Iky Sumartina Putri Prayitno; K Katarina; Theresia Tiodora Sitorus
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i1.57


This study aims to describe Christian attitude in maintaining the harmony of the Republic of Indonesia throught acts of love, as written in Romans 12:9-10. Love is the main commandment that every Christian should have in his life and this is the core of the teaching of Jesus Christ. Love is the calling of every Christian’s life. Through acts of love, every Christian can accept, love, and respect others, regardless of the differences that other people have, including the beliefs one has. This shows that harmony can be maintained and maintained in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, if every Christian applies acts of love in his life. The act of love in this study, the authors describe through qualitative-descriptive research with the literature study method. In addition, the author also uses the biblical hermeneutic method to find the meaning and form of acts of love that can care for and maintain the harmony of thr Republic of Indonesia based on Romans 12:9-10. Based on the analysis of the text Romans 12:9-10, the author finds that the acts of love that are focused on in this verse, to maintain the harmony of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia are sincere love or love that does not pretend, love that does good, and love that precedes respect.
Kepemimpinan Pastoral Pemuda dalam Meneguhkan Pertumbuhan Gereja Yahya Harmo Malailak; Ebrianus Liwuto
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i1.66


The spiritual formation of a pastor or pastoral leadership is a gift and a callingfrom God to a leader. A leader/pastor can strengthen/guide young people intheir spiritual growth to full maturity. Spiritual guidance for young people isnot as easy as most people think, it is not just a weekly routine of attendingworship and the responsibility as a leader in a church institution is consideredcomplete. In the current context, people who live in cities with a thousand andone complex problems faced every day have their own challenges. Thechallenge for today's youth is technological change and advancement.Therefore, every young woman should get proper and correct guidance andmentoring in order to face this complex life. This complex life needs to betaken seriously by all parties, especially the church, so that young people arenot trapped in a life that ultimately leads them away from God.
Inkarnasi Yesus: Pendekatan Analogis Penginjilan Bagi Kaum Hinduisme, Buddhisme dan Masyarakat di Era Postmodernisme Stanley Parluhutan Hutabarat; Yanto Paulus Hermanto
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i2.49


Keragaman kebudayaan manusia dengan serangkaian wawasan dunia di dalamnya memberikan gambaran bahwa model pendekatan misi Injil tidak selalu seragam dan efektif dengan satu bentuk metode tertentu. Metode analogi inkarnasi Kristus menjadi salah satu pola pendekatan yang masih sangat relevan bagi penginjilan di era postmodern saat ini. Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai pola inkarnasi kristus sebagai pendekatan penginjilan. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan studi literatur. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa model inkarnasi Kristus dapat digunakan sebagai sarana penginjilan yang efektif bagi keyakian Hinduisme dan Buddhisme, dan masyarakat di era postmodernisme.
Hipokrit Pemuka Agama (Matius 23:1-12) Erman Sepniagus Saragih
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i2.68


Tindakan Penguasa Agama (Matius 23:1-12). Matius 23 terkenal sebagai teks kontroversial, dimana pasal ini merupakan antitesis khotbah Yesus di bukit (pasal 5-7). Yesus mengakui otoritas ahli-ahli Taurat dan orang-orang Farisi, namun mereka menentang eksistensi-Nya sebagai Mesias. Keberadaan Yesus baik dari aspek popularitas pelayanan maupun pada masa depan membuat kecemasan bagi para pemuka agama di Yudea. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah prinsip hermeneutik dengan menggunakan historis kritis, struktur teks dan analisis sosial komunitas Matius. Dengan demikian Matius 23 menggambarkan perilaku pelayanan pemuka agama di Yudea sebagai dasar untuk memahami maksud kritik Yesus terhadap penguasa agama yang duduk di kursi Musa. Tanpa meniadakan otoritas pemuka agama itu, Yesus dalam injil Matius menekankan ajaran penatalayanan transformatif kepada orang banyak dan murid-murid-Nya (komunitas Matius) untuk lebih menerapkan solidaritas persaudaraan dan empati sosial sebagai keutamaan.
Menuju Prinsip Teologi Keseimbangan Di Era Digital: Refleksi Gereja dalam Transisi Pandemi Covid-19 Fredy Simanjuntak; Fransiskus Irwan Widjaja; Irfan Feriando Simanjuntak; Sabar Manahan Hutagalung; Mangiring Tua Togatorop
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i2.70


Pandemi Covid-19 telah menantang gereja untuk bermigrasi ke ruang virtual. Hal ini tentu mempengaruhi spiritualitas gereja dalam ruang ganda. Melalui artikel ini akan dikaji 1) Bagaimana gereja dapat menghubungkan spiritualitas dengan teknologi tanpa tersesat dalam pusaran kehampaan teknologi modern itu sendiri, 2) Bagaimana gereja dapat menavigasi lanskap baru ini tanpa kehilangan fokus pada misi yang diberikan Tuhan? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membingkai paradigma baru bagi gereja menuju prinsip keseimbangan antara kehidupan material dan spiritualitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem teologi dalam agama Kristen merupakan kerangka konseptual transformasional yang selalu segar, fleksibel dan seimbang dari berbagai dimensi kehidupan dan konteks. Situasi yang berubah membutuhkan perspektif dan praktik transformatif agar gereja tidak kehilangan spiritualitas dan misi Tuhan dalam konteks bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara.
Pengaruh Kompetensi Pemimpin Kristen Terhadap Efektivitas Pelayanan Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Daerah Melawi Hilir Kalimantan Barat Zakaria Zakaria
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i2.71


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Christian leader competence on the effectiveness of the ministry of the Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Daerah Melawi Hilir Kalimanatan Barat. This research is motivated by the existence of leaders who have served in the Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Daerah Melawi Hilir Kalimantan Barat, but do not yet have the competence as Christian leaders. This study uses quantitative methods with 60 respondents as research subjects. The data collection technique was carried out using an experiment to examine the cause and effect relationship. The data for each variable were analyzed using the frequency distribution of the data scores and continued with linearity test analysis. Before analyzing multiple linear regression with SPSS, normality test analysis was performed; The normality test was conducted to test whether the data obtained came from samples that were normally distributed. The results of this study prove that it turns out that the influence of Christian Leaders' Competency in the Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Daerah Melawi Hilir Kalimantan Barat is at a high level and tends to be very high. The competence of Christian leaders strongly influences the effectiveness of services at the Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Daerah Melawi Hilir Kalimantan Barat.
Kekuatan Aliansi Sebagai Dasar Ekskalasi Pertumbuhan Gereja Berdasarkan Kisah Para Rasul 2:46-47 Janes Sinaga; Rudolf Weindra Sagala; Rolyana Ferinia; Stimson Hutagalung
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v3i2.75


Church growth is sometimes experienced very slowly in one congregation and this is due to several influencing factors including the reluctance of church members to be involved in worship services. For this reason, the author examines and explains why a Christian must serve and what services can be done in church worship. The purpose of this study is to understand the correct concept of the importance of the involvement of church members in worship services, where such involvement can be the strength of the existence of the church and the growth of the church. To get a complete explanation, the author uses qualitative research methods and uses literature studies from various bibliography lists, both books and journals and is supported by biblical verses so that they get a complete understanding. Through this research produce steps that must be taken by a Christian to be involved in worship services such as prayer services, word ministries, music services and hymns. It is hoped that this will increase the strength of the alliance as a basis for escalating church growth.