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El-Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
ISSN : 26571153     EISSN : 26571862     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Social,
El Barka is a semiannual journal published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business IAIN Ponorogo and cooperate with Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Indonesia (IAEI). El Barka accepts original scientific writings that have never been published in the field of economics, islamics economics and business, including conceptual thoughts, research reports, case reports, application of theory, critical studies and literature reviews.
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Articles 87 Documents
Agency Theory Related to Trustworthy Profit Sharing in Suppressing the Adverse Selection Problem Lisna Warliana; Muhammad Wahyuddin Abdullah
El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 4, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v4i2.3629


This study aims to determine how agency theory is related to the trustworthy profit sharing in suppressing the adverse selection problem. This research is a qualitative research. The type of research that researchers use is library research. Library research is a form of research carried out by collecting various kinds of references which are the main source for conducting research, references which are the primary sources in this research are articles published in journals, and other written articles. The results of this study explain that when the company divides the ownership structure and also the management of the company, there will be problems in it, the problem that arises is that there is an agency problem. Agency problems are divided into  two forms, namely moral hazard and also adverse selection. One way to solve this problem is to apply the concept of a trustworthy profit sharing.
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Nasabah di Bank Muamalat Indonesia Kantor Cabang Yogyakarta Annas Syams Rizal Fahmi; Faridl Noor Hilal
El-Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v2i1.1646


Abstract: Based on the t test, the Service Quality variable influences Customer Satisfaction at the Bank Muamalat Indonesia Branch Office in Yogyakarta, which can be indicated by tcount greater than t table (1,981> 1,290). And in the results of this study, researchers can conclude that the above indicators have been reached by the Bank Muamalat Indonesia Branch Office in Yogyakarta, with the result that the level of quality of services provided by the Bank can be called satisfactory. One of the factors that influence satisfaction is empathy which includes ease of relationship, good communication, personal attention and understanding customer needs. Based on the t test shows that tcount is greater than t table (2,188> 1,290), meaning that the service quality variable has a significant positive effect on the variable customer loyalty. In this study, researchers found results that t count is greater than t table where this indicates that Service Quality has a positive effect on customer loyalty. The researcher in this study concluded the results that Service Quality has a very important influence on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty (Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty), especially in a case study at Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Yogyakarta Branch Office. الملخص: استنادًا إلى اختبار t ، يؤثر متغير جودة الخدمة على رضا العملاء في المكتب الفرعي لبنك معاملة إندونيسيا في يوجياكارتا ، والذي يمكن الإشارة إليه بحساب أكبر من عدد t الجدولي (1،981> 1،290). وفي نتائج هذه الدراسة ، يمكن للباحث أن يستنتج أن المؤشرات المذكورة أعلاه قد تم الوصول إليها من قبل مكتب فرع بنك معاملة إندونيسيا  مكتب فرع يوجياكارتا ، مما أدى إلى أن مستوى جودة الخدمات التي يقدمها البنك يمكن أن يُعتبر مرضيا. أحد العوامل التي تؤثر على الرضا هو التعاطف الذي يتضمن سهولة العلاقة والتواصل الجيد والاهتمام الشخصي وفهم احتياجات العملاء. بناءً على اختبار t ، يظهر أن عدد t الحسابي أكبر من عدد t الجدولي (2،188> 1،290) ، مما يعني أن متغير جودة الخدمة له تأثير إيجابي كبير على ولاء العملاء المتغير. في هذه الدراسة ، وجد الباحث نتائج تشير إلى أن عدد t الحسابي أكبر من عدد t الجدولي حيث يشير هذا إلى أن جودة الخدمة لها تأثير إيجابي على ولاء العملاء. خلص الباحث في هذه الدراسة إلى نتائج مفادها أن جودة الخدمة لها تأثير مهم على رضا العملاء وولاء العملاء (رضا العملاء وولائهم) ، وخاصة في دراسة حالة في بنك معاملة إندونيسيا ، مكتب فرع  يوجياكارتا. Abstrak: Berdasarkan uji t, variabel Kualitas Layanan mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pelanggan di Kantor Cabang Bank Muamalat Indonesia di Yogyakarta, yang dapat ditunjukkan oleh t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel (1,981> 1,290). Dan dalam hasil penelitian ini, peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa indikator di atas telah dicapai oleh Kantor Cabang Bank Muamalat Indonesia di Yogyakarta, dengan hasil bahwa tingkat kualitas layanan yang diberikan oleh Bank dapat disebut memuaskan. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan adalah empati yang meliputi kemudahan dalam hubungan, komunikasi yang baik, perhatian pribadi dan pemahaman kebutuhan pelanggan. Berdasarkan uji t menunjukkan bahwa thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (2,188> 1,290), artinya variabel kualitas layanan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap variabel loyalitas pelanggan. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan hasil bahwa t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel di mana ini menunjukkan bahwa Kualitas Layanan memiliki efek positif terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Peneliti dalam penelitian ini menyimpulkan hasil bahwa Kualitas Layanan memiliki pengaruh yang sangat penting pada Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan (Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Loyalitas), terutama dalam studi kasus di Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Kantor Cabang Yogyakarta.
El-Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v1i2.1395


Abstract: This study aims to analyze the factors that influence customer decisions in taking wadi'ah deposits, studies at BMT Hasanah Ponorogo. This research is important because there are various banking products that suit the needs and desires of customers. The customer's desire arises because psychological factors influence the customer's decision to choose a banking product. Recognition of needs, extracting information, evaluating alternatives, buying decisions and post-purchase behavior are stages in making economic decisions. This research is a quantitative research, with data collection techniques using questionnaires to 100 respondents, while the data analysis technique uses path analysis through SPSS software. The results show that product variables have a significant and positive effect directly on psychological factors, with a calculated t value of 8,040> t table is 1,984 and significant value is 0,000 <0,05. Psychological factors have a positive and significant effect directly on customer decisions based on the t test obtained by the value of t count of 2.326> t table of 1.984 and a significant value of 0.022 <0.05. And the indirect effect of the product on customer decisions through psychological factors as an intermediary variable has an effect of 0.156, as evidenced by regression analysis, while the direct effect of the product on customer decisions is 0.681. الملخص: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل العوامل التي تؤثر على قرارات العملاء في أخذ الودائع الوديعة ، والدراسات تقع في  مؤسسة مالية الحسنة. هذا البحث مهم لأن هناك اختلافات متنوعة في المنتجات المصرفية التي تسهل على العملاء اختيار المنتجات وفقا لرغباتهم. وتنشأ رغبة العميل لأن العوامل النفسية تؤثر على قرار العميل باختيار منتج مصرفي. يعد تقديم الاحتياجات والبحث عن المعلومات والتقييم البديل وقرارات الشراء وسلوك ما بعد الشراء مراحل في اتخاذ القرارات الاقتصادية. هذا البحث هو البحث الكمي. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن لمتغيرات المنتج تأثير كبير وإيجابي مباشر على العوامل النفسية. العوامل النفسية لها تأثير إيجابي وهامى مباشرة على القرارات. والتأثير غير المباشر للمنتج على قرارات العملاء من خلال العوامل النفسية. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan nasabah dalam mengambil simpanan wadi’ah, studi pada BMT Hasanah Ponorogo. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan karena terdapat beragam variasi produk perbankan yang memudahkan bagi nasabah untuk memilih produk sesuai dengan keinginannya. Keinginan nasabah muncul karena faktor psikologis yang berpengaruh dalam keputusan nasabah memilih produk perbankan. Pengenalan kebutuhan, pencarian informasi, evaluasi alternatif, keputusan membeli dan tingkah laku pasca pembelian merupakan tahapan dalam pengambilan keputusan ekonomis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner kepada 100 responden, adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan path analysis melalui software SPSS.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel produk berpengaruh secara signifikan dan positif secara langsung terhadap faktor psikologis, dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 8.040 > t tabel sebesar 1,984 dan nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,05. Faktor psikologis berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan secara langsung terhadap keputusan nasabah berdasarkan uji t didapat nilai t hitung sebesar 2.326> t tabel sebesar 1,984 dan nilai signifikan 0,022< 0,05. Serta pengaruh tidak langsung produk terhadap keputusan nasabah melalui faktor psikologis sebagai variabel perantara berpengaruh sebesar 0,156, terbukti dengan analisis regresi, sedangkan pengaruh langsung produk terhadap keputusan nasabah sebesar 0,681.
Sharia Stock Selection in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) : A fuzzy-ANP Approach Muhammad Abdul Ghoni; Rahma Mutiara
El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v5i1.3882


The purpose of this study is to develop a fuzzy analytic network process (FANP) model to evaluate and select a portfolio of Islamic stocks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). A fuzzy analytic network process (FANP) is used to the develop indicator and portfolio selection ranking. It can make it easier for investors to make investment decisions through financial portfolio return. However, in fact and reality, investors need fast investment decision, therefore, portfolio selection is most important. The fuzzy-ANP analysis method can be used to evaluate and to make prioritize ranking of investment decision variables. The results of this study are found that profitability is the most important criterion for investors to select Islamic stock portfolios in Indonesia stock exchange. In addition, the value of Return on assets (ROA), Return on equity (ROE), Return on Investment (ROI), Net profit margin (NPM), Earning per share, return on sales Ratio and Return on Capital of a company. 
Challenges Hindering Islamic Microfinance Banks’ Sustainable Financial Inclusion: A Case of Al-Hayat Microfinance Bank in Ogun State, Nigeria Adnan Opeyemi Salaudeen; Habeebullah Zakariyah
El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v5i1.3930


Microfinance is regarded as an effective technique of poverty alleviation since it provides access to financial resources that can assist in poverty reduction by increasing financial involvement and empowerment. However, despite the fact that microfinance banks account for the vast bulk of the market in Nigeria, with over 800, their contribution to the country’s economy is less than 1%. Additionally, the primary objective of poverty eradication has not been accomplished. Thus, existing research has positioned Islamic microfinance institutions as a viable tool for poverty alleviation in Nigeria. However, Islamic microfinance banks in Nigeria continue to witness minimal development. This research investigates the challenges hindering the development of Islamic microfinance banks in Nigeria. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data for this study. In addition, data reduction, coding, integration, and visualisation steps are implemented to analyse data effectively. The finding shows that several regulatory issues, such as licence procedures requiring paid-up capital, are some challenges. Likewise, awareness, misconceptions, and acceptance remain significant hindrances faced by IMFBs in Nigeria. Additionally, IMFBs face some in-house challenges, such as a lack of Islamic fintech, convenient access to the unbanked community, and human capital. Consequently, the study recommends that stakeholders in the Nigerian financial system launch public awareness campaigns about the significance of Islamic microfinance banks in promoting financial inclusion and reducing poverty.
Cash Waqf and The Development: A Case Study of Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk in Indonesia Eko Fajar Cahyono; Sutan Emir Hidayat
El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v5i1.3713


This study offers an integrated analysis of the Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk application in Indonesia. The method employed is a review of the literature utilizing many data sources. Several significant ideas, like the sharing economy, Islamic financial innovation, and social impact bonds, have a significant link with the implementation of CWLS, according to the findings. Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) is a tool for placing waqf money (cash waqf) on Indonesia's sovereign Sukuk (SBSN), which was developed to support the social facilities development program. With the presence of CWLS, the private sector can actively contribute to the government's development of public facilities for widespread advantages. The primary advantage of CWLS is that its advantages can be enhanced through the provision of government-managed public infrastructure with solid governance and a low degree of risk. The Indonesian Waqf Board, Bank Indonesia, the Ministry of Finance, Islamic Financial Institutions, the Zakat Institutions, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Investors, and (Mauquf Alaih) Beneficiaries are involved in the management of CWLS. The study finds that CWLS may be able to aid the community in achieving more sustainable and equitable economic growth.
Al-Qu’ran dan Islamic Entrepreneur: Abdurrahman Bin Auf Atik Abidah; Erfan Muhammad; Masykuri Bakri
El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v5i1.3881


The purpose of this article is to analyze the behavior of the Islamic entrepreneur Abdurrahman ibn Auf based on the teaching of the Quran. Abdurrahman ibn Auf was an entrepeneur and a businessman who lived in the time of the Prophet. The clear-cut definition of entrepreneur term has not been found until now, so research on entrepreneurship remains relevant. The backbone of this study is the Quran, as it provides a deeper understanding based on what is contained in the Quran. Therefore, this article attempts to answer how is Abdurrahman ibn Auf’s manner in Islamic entrepreneur based on the study of the Quran? This research has to be done taking into account the fact that the current development of large corporations requires business research directly from the Quran for reference and facts about Islamic figures. This study uses library research methods and examines relevant scholarly articles as data sources. The results of this study contain a few basic verses about entrepreneurship. This verse is related to the attitude of business participants when conducting business. Finally, the concept of Islamic entrepreneur will be very suitable for application as it contains two meanings, Hablumminannas and Hablumminallah, as the attitude of Abdurrahman ibn Auf, who always adheres to the values in the verses of the QuranKarya tulis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa perilaku Islamic Entrepeneur Abdurrahman bin Auf dalam kajian al-Qur’an. Abdurrahman bin Auf  merupakan seorang entrepreneur yang hidup pada zaman Rasulullah. Pemaknaan entrepeneur hingga detik ini belum menemukan istilah yang paling spesifik, sehingga kajian tentang entrepeneur masih relevan untuk dilakukan. Sandaran utama kajian ini adalah terhadap al-Qur’an, karena untuk memberikan pengertian yang jauh dan mendalam sesuai dengan apa yang terkadung di dalam al-Qur’an. Maka karya tulis ini berusaha menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana perilaku Islamic Entrepeneur Abdurrahman bin Auf dalam kajian al-Qur’an? Penelitian ini perlu dilakukan mengingat saat ini perkembangan usaha yang semakin besar akan membutuhkan kajian entrepeneur yang secara langsung diambil dari al-Qur’an sebagai rujukan serta spesifikasi terhadap seorang tokoh Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode library research dan menelaah artikel ilmiah yang relevan sebagai sumber data. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat beberapa ayat dasar dalam berwirausaha. Ayat tersebut berkorelasi dengan sikap para pelaku usaha dalam menjalankan aktivitas usahanya. Pada akhirnya konsep wirausaha berbasis Islam akan sangat tepat untuk diterapkan, karena mengandung dua implikasi yakni hambumminannas dan hablumminallah, sebagaimana sikap Abdurrahman bin Auf yang senantiasa berpegang teguh terhadap nilai dalam ayat Al-Qur’an. 
Developing The Performance Measurement System Based on Maqashid for Islamic Banks Luhur Prasetiyo
El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v5i1.3800


The performance appraisal system for Islamic banks, according to the function and role of Islamic banks, is still not well established and is still in search of ideal forms. Several Islamic economic figures see that the existing Islamic bank performance appraisal system is still profit-oriented and has not considered Islamic banks' social aspects. Apart from having a business function, Islamic banks also have social functions that must be carried out. Using the maqasid al-Najjar approach, this study developed a performance measurement system based on maqashid for Islamic Banks. Using the Sekaran model, the researcher breaks down the elements of maqasid al-Najjar into indicators of performance appraisal of Islamic banks to produce a Syaria bank performance measurement system within the framework of the maqasid al-Najjar. Based on the concept of maqasid al-Najjar, the developed model in this study is called the performance measurement system based on maqashid (PMSBM) for Islamic banks.
The Value Propositions and The Nature of The Islamic Banks Products and Services in Providing The Solution/s for The Financial Needs of Bimb Business Customer Segments Mohammad Shahid; Farhad Ahmed Bhatti; Mohammed Meeran Jasir Mohtesham; Nur Farhah Binti Mahadi
El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v5i1.3815


The present study discusses the value proposition of the presently offered by Islamic banks (IBs) products and services. It also elaborates the nature of the Islamic banks’ products and services in providing the solutions for the financial needs and investment requirements of their retail and business customer segments. The study has adopted a qualitative approach, as this research paper justifies the value propositions and the nature of the IBs's products in providing the solution for the financial needs and investment to their clients.  In collecting the data, the following sources were used, such as library research, content analysis, research articles. Journals, conference papers and websites in the literature review. With the practical implications of Islamic banking products offered by Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) such as the financing, deposit, and investment products, customers have now shifted more towards embracing IBs’s products due to the benefits derived through the value proposition attached on these products and services offering.  Overall, this study provides comprehensive and coherent material on the topic which will serve as a guiding principle for customers to fulfil their needs. The study discusses value proposition of the currently offered banking products and services of IBs and does not cover the Shariah compliance aspect of the products and services. The paper will be a reference for fellow researchers to study the value proposition of the currently offered banking products and services and its implication in providing the solutions for the financial needs and investment requirements. The study aims at creating awareness to the consumers that the products and services provided by the IBs are competitive and superior to the ones offered by the conventional banks. This study is a comprehensive review of the value proposition of the contemporary products and services offered by Islamic banks. 
Business Performance Analysis of Purwokerto Muslim MSMe in Personality and Entrepreneur Characteristic Muhammad Muamar; Fatmah Bagis
El Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/elbarka.v5i1.3989


This study is an analysis of the personality factors and characteristics of Muslim entrepreneurs on the business performance of Muslim SMEs in Purwokerto. Interestingly in this study, there are many Muslim entrepreneurs but have not run a business according to Islamic sharia. This research method uses a quantitative approach, with 55 Muslim entrepreneurs as respondents in the city of Purwokerto. The acceptance of the first and second hypotheses shows the important role of the personality and characteristics of Muslim entrepreneurs in improving the performance of Muslim SMEs.