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Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan
ISSN : 20875630     EISSN : 2685158X     DOI : -
Focus AKADEMIKA: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan" focuses on Religious studies and discusses Educatioan from all sides: jurisprudences, sociology, psychology, methodology, Culture, and the developments of Religious legal cultures in the contemporary Muslim worlds. Scope AKADEMIKA: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan" receives articles studying and discussing Educatioan and Islamic laws, which includes: Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), Islamic legal methodology (Usul al-Fiqh), Islamic criminal law, Islamic civil law, Islamic marriage law, Islamic family law, Islamic economic law, Islamic law as national law, and Islamic law in the contemporary world.
Articles 263 Documents
Pendidikan Islam di Era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean Samsul Nizar
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 12, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki populasi muslim terbesar di dunia dan pernah menjadi “kiblat pendidikan” bagi negara di kawasan ASEAN. Data ini merupakan potensi yang besar bagi memiliki institusi pendidikan Islam yang berkualitas. Namun, dalam tataran realitas saat ini, belum banyak institusi pendidikan Islam di negeri ini yang mampu muncul agresif menjawab perkembangan zaman, terutama di kawasan ASEAN. Di antara akan penyebab ketidakmampuan institusi pendidikan Islam adalah pola pendidikan yang ditawarkan masih bersifat dikotomik. Pendidikan Islam perlu disinergikan dengan melakukan transformasi ilmu pengetahuan, bahasa, IT, nilai-nilai agama dan budaya pada peserta didik. Melalui upaya ini, kualitas lulusan pendidikan negeri ini akan memiliki keunggulan dan sekaligus nilai jual lebih baik. Melalui upaya merenovasi format pendidikan Islam yang berkualitas, maka kualitas lulusan akan dapat bersaing dengan lulusan lembaga pendidikan di kawasan ASEAN, sehingga mampu meningkatkan ekonomi bangsa.
Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah/Sekolah (MBM/MBS) Berdasarkan UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 - Rini Setyaningsih
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 15, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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One of the big challenges faced by education world in Indonesia is the importance of making a change and adjustment system of national education so that can realize the more democratic education process, paying attention to kind of requirement or circumstance of area and competitor educated and also push enhancement of society participation. Therefore, Indonesia used school based management to face the challenge. MBM/ MBS represent a concept that offering autonomy at school to increase quality, efficiency and generalization of education so that can accommodate the local society desire and also braid the close of compromise between school, society and government. The characteristic of MBM cover the school mission, school activity, management strategy, resource use, role difference, human relationship, quality of all administrator and effectiveness indicator. The principal of MBM cover the commitment, readiness, involvement, institute, decision, awareness, independence and resilience. The implementation of MBM/ MBS can succeed if supported by some factor there are socialization of increasing education quality, movement of increasing education quality which governmental cymbal, mutual assistance and familiarity, head master potency, informal and formal organizational, profession organization, expectation to quality of education and management input.
Peningkatan Keterampilan Membaca Intensif Melalui Penggunaan Strategi Directed Reading Thinking Actiity (DRTA) pada Siswa Kelas 4 SD Negeri 1 Bengkalis Kecamatan Bengkalis Kabupaten Bengkalis Rosdaliana Rosdaliana
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 13, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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Improving the skills of reading intensively through the use of the strategy Directid Reading Thinking ActIity (DRTA) on the Grade 4 Students of SD 1 Bengkalis District Bengkalis Regency of Bengkalisskilled in reading means able to read and able to understand the content of the reading quickly and accurately. Reading skills obtained a person through the process of continuous training and focused that started since early age without no limit finally. A skills must be trained with an adequate understanding of the theory and use tricks,how, strategy and maximum technique. The ability to read ditumbuh Primary School students need to develop as early as possible.based on the preliminary study obtained the information that the ability to read intensive students in grade 4 SD Negeri 1 Bengkalis District Bengkalis has not satisfied. One of the causes of which are considered most of its influence is the ability of the teacher has not been effective in selecting and implementing the right strategy. The implementation of DRTA strategy is one alternative in the intensive reading. This research in the form of class action research.This research done to know the capacity of students in grade 4 SD Negeri 1 Bengkalis district Bengkalis in intensive reading through the implementation of DRTA strategy. The subject of this research is the grade 4 students of SD 1 Bengkalis district Bengkalis which numbered 22 people. There are two data in this research is data the ability of students in the intensive reading is the primary data and data observation of the activity of the teachers and students during the learning process that is a secondary data. The technique of data collection is done through test, observation and note the field. The results of this research showed that the use of DRTA strategy in teaching reading can improve the ability of students in the intensive reading. This can be seen in the development of the ability of students to understand the reading material through enabling skemata students increased on stage prabaca. The success of the action is in good qualification (B). On the stage when the students to read it looks more enthusiastic and termotIasi in learning. The students have difficulties in answering questions about the contents of the new reading only passage, become more helped with the implementation of DRTA strategy. The success of the action is in good kalsifikasi (B). Finally the development of the understanding of the students in the post-stage read the results of fortifying shows that through class discussions can increase the ability of students tounderstand the reading material. The success of the action is on the good classification (B).
Istirātījiyāt Mahārah al-Kalām li Muta‘allimī al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyah bi Waṣfiha al-Lugah al-Ṡāniyah Sariyati Sariyati
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 14, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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يعتبر الكلام مهارة ثانية من المهارات الأساسية في اللغة العربية. وهي وسيلة للاتصال مع الآخرين، لقد اشتدت الحاجة إليها فـى بداية دراسة اللغة العربية في المدارس الابتدائية .وهذه المهارة ضرورية لإنشاء قاعدة لغوية قوية ومتينة حيث يستند عليها بناء مهارة القراءة والكتابة على دعائم الراسخة. ومن مظاهر اليوم، كثير من متعلمي اللغة العربية بوصفها اللغة الثانية لا يقدرون على الكلام بها بالطلاقة مع أن المدرسين قد علّموهم بقدر استطاعهم مهارة الكلام وطريقة ممارستها وتنميتهااعتقدت الباحثة على أن من أسباب هذا الفشل هي قلة الإستراتيجيات التي استخدمها المتعلمون في ممارسة اللغة العربية. لذلك، تهدف هذه المقالة إلى بيان إستراتيجيات مهارة الكلام بشرح واضح ودقيق لتسهيل متعلمي اللغة العربية بوصفها اللغة الثانية في فهمها ويستفيدون منها. إن الإستراتيجيات مهمة في تنمية مهارة الكلام، أنها تساعد المتعلمين في اكتساب اللغة وممارستها
Telaah Islamic Studies atas Tradisi Pelet Bettheng Masyarakat Desa Pajudan Daleman dan Rombasan Sumenep Madura Zaitur Rahem
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 13, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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Strong building a community is cultural. Humans can not be separated from the culture created. Every generation has its cultural achievements of each. The cultural movement gradually transformed mindset, character and ideology. Lumbung culture itself has been represented by rural areas. The village with all the trappings of his life, was able to survive and meruwat kebudyaannya, despite continued menggempurnya times with a number of technological progress and civilization. Derap culture in rural areas also ignited masarakat confidence in Indonesia to build a distinctive civilization nusantaranya. All local wisdom in the area of   the archipelago is an insight into life. One of the cultural appearance of the wise is in the village of pellets bettheng Pajudan Daleman and Village Rombasan. These two villages representing the portrait of a civilized life in the island of Madura.[Bangunan kuat suatu komunitas adalah kebudayaan.Manusia tak bisa lepas dari kebudayaan yang diciptakan.Setiap generasi memiliki prestasi kebudayaan masing-masing.Pergerakan kebudayaan tersebut lambat laun menjelma mindset, karakter, dan ideologi.Lumbung kebudayaan sendiri selama ini terwakili oleh kawasan pedesaan.Desa dengan segenap ornamen kehidupannya, masih mampu bertahan dan meruwat kebudyaannya, meski zaman terus menggempurnya dengan sejumlah kemajuan dan peradaban tekhnologi. Derap kebudayaan di kawasan pedesaan juga memantik rasa percaya diri masarakat di Indonesia untuk membangun peradaban khas nusantaranya. Semua kearifan budaya lokal di kawasan nusantara adalah wawasan kehidupan.Salah satu perwajahan kebudayaan arif itu adalah pelet bettheng di desa Pajudan Daleman dan Desa Rombasan.Dua desa ini mewakili potret kehidupan beradab di kawasan pulau Madura.]
لغة الاتصال لدى الإنسان إيدي سوينتو إيدي سوينتو
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 14, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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هدفت هذه الدراسة معرفة اللغات لدى الانسان في مفهوم الاتِّصال الانساني في خدمة المجتمع العام وخاصة عند تعليم مهارات اللغة العربية. لأن وظيفة اللغة ليست أنها مجرد وسيلة للتفاهم أو توصيل فحسب، بل وظيفة اللغة هي أنها الحلقة في سلسلة النشاط الانساني المنتظم، وأنها جزء من السلوك الإنساني. ونفهم من هذه العبارة أن اللغة إنما تحقق رغبة الإنساني باعتباره مخلوقا إجتماعيا. وهي الوسيلة التي تتم بواسطتها تبدل أو نقل المعلومات، والأفكار والحقائق والمشاعر من جهة إلى أخرى حتى يتحقق الفهم الموحد وكذلك توفر نفس المعلومات والأفكار والحقائق لجميع الأطراف الذين تشملهم عملية الإتصال.
Menelusuri Jejak Akar Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Indonesia Jarir Jarir
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 12, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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Tulisan ini berusaha menjelaskan fenomena lahir dan berkembangnya Sekolah IslamTerpadu (full day school), mulai dari akar pijakan (Al-Quran) dan Hadis, dan sejarah munculnya model integrasi ilmu di tingkat SD, SMP, SMA. Model sekolah terpadu ini merupakan ijtihad kalangan pemikir dan praktisi pendidikan di Indonesia, karena dinilai lembaga pendidikan formal yang ada belum sesuai dengan pesan-pesan dalam Al-Quran yang menganjurkan integrasi ilmu.
Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran PBL (Problem Based Learning) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Sakdiah Saily
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 15, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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This study aims to improve the implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) towards students’ achievement. Learning is part of education, which is supported by various elements of learning. Learning elements include objectives, learning materials, facilities or learning conditions, learning media, learning methods and evaluation methods. The problem that arises is that our education still dominated by knowledge as a fact must be memorized. On the other hand, there is the fact that teachers master the material but cannot carry out learning activities properly. This is based on a particular learning model. To overcome the problem, the implementation of problem based learning needed to implement. The effectiveness of this model is the students are more effective in thinking and understanding material. PBL model is one of the learning models where authentic assessment (real or concrete reasoning) can be applied comprehensively, in which there are elements of finding problems and solving (elements contained finding problems and problem solving).
Scientific Learning: Konsep Iptek dan Keterpaduannya dalam Al-Qur’an Titin Sumarni
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 13, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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Hakikat iptek dari sudut pandang islam yaitu pengkajian terhadap sunnatullah secara obyektif, memberi pemahaman kepada umat manusia, dan yang terpenting adalah harus sejalan dengan nilai-nilai ke-islaman. Allah SWT secara bijaksana telah memberi isarat tentang ilmu, baik dalam bentuk uraian maupun dalam bentuk kejadian, seperti kasus mukjizat para Rasul. Manusia yang berusaha meningkatkan daya keilmuan maupun menangkap dan mengembangkan potensi itu, sehingga teknologi ilahiyah yang transenden di tarnformasikan menjadi teknologi manusia yang imanen. Fakta ilmiah dalam al-Qur’an adalah merupakan satu-satunya mukjizat yang tak lekang dimakan zaman, sebagai panduan untuk seluruh umat manusia. Diantara aspek-aspek terpenting dari pemikiran al- Qur’an adalah tentang fakta-fakta ilmiah yang amat sesuai dengan penemuan manusia, yang diantaranya adalah: Bahwa seluruh kehidupan berasal dari air, Bahwa Alam semesta terbentuk dari gumpalan gas, Bahwa matahari dan bulan mempunyai ukuran dan perhitungan yang sesuai, Bahwa kandungan oksigen di udara akan semakin berruang di tempat-tempat yang tinggi. Al-Qur’an memberi petunjuk kepada manusia tentang berbagai hal untuk mengetahui secara detail dan seksama, maka manusialah yang harus berusaha untuk memecahkan berbagai problematika keilmuan yang didapat dalam kehidupan ini dan berlandaskan pada ajaran al-Qur’an.
Pan-Islamisme dan Kebangkitan Islam: Refleksi Filsafat Sosial-Politik Jamaluddin al-Afghani Andi Saputra
Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pendidikan Vol 14, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

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This study deals with the al-Afghani’s socio-political thinking, a famous 19th century Muslim leader by carrying out Pan-Islamism as a paradigm of Islamic renewal. Departing from the spirit to free the world of Islam from colonialism and underdevelopment, all forms of imperealism for him are the restraint of human nature, freedom where the spirit of liberation is not only in line with human rights but also in line with the basic teachings of religion (Islam). Therefore, he wanted a form of democratic government as a rejection of an instructive government system (autocracy). Furthermore, Pan-Islamism is not intended to merge Muslim countries under one flag and government, but about how to ground the universal values of Islam in the form of liberation, justice and brotherhood across geographical and ethnic boundaries.___________________Keywords: al-Afghani, Islam, the Unity

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